If Obama gets the Dem nomination, I don't see any Rep candidate that can slug it out with him except McCain. The reason I pose this question is because of the 'experience' factor McCain can throw in there.
Obama can combat that with the "Washington Insider" card ... especially with those independents whose chief concern is the war in Iraq (and who were against it from the start).
Obama can say, "This guy was in lockstep with Bush on Iraq, and I wasn't even here to vote against it. But I would have." There's really no way to prove him wrong.
My best guess, the experience vs. Washington Insider battle will be a draw. Some people will be turned off by Obama's lack of experience, others will be turned off by McCain's, um, wealth of it.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Obama can combat that with the "Washington Insider" card ... especially with those independents whose chief concern is the war in Iraq (and who were against it from the start).
Obama can say, "This guy was in lockstep with Bush on Iraq, and I wasn't even here to vote against it. But I would have." There's really no way to prove him wrong.
My best guess, the experience vs. Washington Insider battle will be a draw. Some people will be turned off by Obama's lack of experience, others will be turned off by McCain's, um, wealth of it.
Exactly. I think the independents would split on these two candidates. If that is the case, Obama would have to rely heavily on (gulp)...young people turning out. That's a card that hasn't played out so well as of late for the Dems.
Exactly. I think the independents would split on these two candidates. If that is the case, Obama would have to rely heavily on (gulp)...young people turning out. That's a card that hasn't played out so well as of late for the Dems.
Another wild card: National security. For some reason, it's not high on most people's list of issues right now.
If, God forbid, something were to happen between now and November to thrust that issue to the forefront again ... McCain wipes the floor with Obama. That's where the "experience" factor would work in McCain's favor.
(Cue GOP conspiracy theory whack jobs .... now.)
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Another wild card: National security. For some reason, it's not high on most people's list of issues right now.
If, God forbid, something were to happen between now and November to thrust that issue to the forefront again ... McCain wipes the floor with Obama. That's where the "experience" factor would work in McCain's favor.
(Cue GOP conspiracy theory whack jobs .... now.)
"It's the economy, stupid."
most people are worried about a recession, about keeping their homes and jobs and health insurance. the war/terrorism is on the radar screen, but more and more it's that little picture in the corner of the tv telling you what's on the other station while you're watching something else.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I'm assuming that you're anti Obama now that the anti christ Ted Kennedy has endorsed him. am I wrong?
Ha...I was very unhappy to hear that endorsement.
I don't agree with Obama on a lot fo things. But I believe in him as someone that wants th ebest for people and I am somewhat excited by his message for change. I'm thinking about giving him a shot.
most people are worried about a recession, about keeping their homes and jobs and health insurance. the war/terrorism is on the radar screen, but more and more it's that little picture in the corner of the tv telling you what's on the other station while you're watching something else.
well, yeah, now. But, again, God forbid let something blow up on American soil between now and election day and see what the top issue is ... Nobody will give a crap about the Nasdaq
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
most people are worried about a recession, about keeping their homes and jobs and health insurance. the war/terrorism is on the radar screen, but more and more it's that little picture in the corner of the tv telling you what's on the other station while you're watching something else.
i agree that it is the economy but i wonder who will win between Obama and McCain with that. I Think it will be McCain. he has teh spending cuts and also the tax cuts.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
McCain vs. Obama = Repubs at least has a chance.
Any other Repub vs. Obama = Repubs have no chance
Any Repub vs. Clinton = Dems have no chance
this looks about right to me.
that said, i TRULY hope obama can defeat mccain....or anyone left running. imo clinton has NO chance of winning, period. it doesn't matter if she were the best candidate in history, which hell no....we all know she is not....she just is un-electable as president! so i really, really hope obama gets the dem nod....and i really, really hope he wins the presidency. beyond that, i really, really hope he sets in motion positive change for this country.
i agree that it is the economy but i wonder who will win between Obama and McCain with that. I Think it will be McCain. he has teh spending cuts and also the tax cuts.
well, McCain actually voted against the first Bush tax cuts. So it would be difficult for him to run on that.
Obama can at least say, "Hey, I would have voted for them, but I was still in high school in 2000."
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
If Obama gets the Dem nomination, I don't see any Rep candidate that can slug it out with him except McCain. The reason I pose this question is because of the 'experience' factor McCain can throw in there. Discuss if you wish...
good call dude (1/08/08). we'll see if it stays this way. it could still go romney/clinton though. but if its obama/mccain...obama with ease
good call dude (1/08/08). we'll see if it stays this way. it could still go romney/clinton though. but if its obama/mccain...obama with ease
we'll see. i still don't trust any of these bastards. not one. and i don't care how many kennedys or pearl jam band members support obama, i don't think he's the second coming of christ. not that hillary is. just saying none of them are.
I really think that it depends on what the hot issues are this october-november.
If the war resurfaces in the media and it's going "well", McCain looks ok... If it's doing bad, then Obama wins.
Focus on national security will hurt Obama.
If immigration gets hot again, McCain is screwed...
The bad economy may help Obama as well... during bad times, people may be a little more receptive to gov't programs to help.
I dunno... I just don't see McCain getting the hard-core conservatives & evangelicals out to vote like Rove & crew have been so good at in the past. And maybe, just maybe the young vote will actually materialize this time around, but I'm not holding my breath for that.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
It looks like it could be my doom day scenario. McCain vs Obama. Old vs young. Pro-war vs anti-war. Insider vs newcomer. All should mean an easy Obama victory but I fear the one I left off will be the determining factor. White vs black. If McCain wins in a close controversial way like Bush beat Gore I can see riots. If Obama wins I can see an assasination attempt leading to the same. I know it sounds ignorant to suggest such things but the black people I work with say the same thing so I know I'm not alone in thinking it.
if hillary wins...those conservative and religious idiots will come out and vote for mccain...rest assured.
that said, i think the war and economy/oil will dominate this election. it has to. capitalizing on the mistakes of the last president's admin and pointing to the faults of mccain will have to be the strategy of the dem nom. no more of this 'change' bullshit. identify the faults, detail ways to undo the faults, and expose the faults for what they are. the #1 reason for the war lasting in iraq after bush 'declared victory' was to ensure he was re-elected. game over.
I would think the fact that McCain can't comb his hair by himself and he is one stumble away from breaking his hip should factor in considerably.
I think the combing his own hair comment is out of line, but I agree about his age being a factor.
I'm surprised that the republicans would do this to themselves. They put Bush in office with a VP that had no interest in running for president, thus putting themselves in this un-republican like fight for the nomination, and now they are basically nominating a one-term candidate.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Nothing is out of line when it comes to politics. There was an hour discussion about his inability to raise his hands over his head on public radio last night. Sure it was the result of him breaking both his arms after ejecting from his fighter plane over Vietnam and he was refused medical attention and tortured for 6 years but hey what difference does that make on election day. He still is old and crippled. It's a big factor. Almost as big a factor as Barack Husein Obama's name and skin color.
It's looking like Hillary v McCain, thank you Superdelegates.
Hillary will bring out a HUGE voter turnout...against her. We're going to remember just how hated she is. Over/under on # of states she wins is 5.
Obama would have a shot.
Keating 5.
Obama is going to do very well in Feb. He is polling better then Clinton in the next three states...I think what it will come down to is Texas and Ohio. Clinton just dropped $5 mil of her own money to combat Obama's record fundraising effort. He's going to have the $ to flood the airways. Superdelagates are important, but he's still drawing MUCH, MUCH more money then she is and has the time to spend it.
Nothing is out of line when it comes to politics. There was an hour discussion about his inability to raise his hands over his head on public radio last night. Sure it was the result of him breaking both his arms after ejecting from his fighter plane over Vietnam and he was refused medical attention and tortured for 6 years but hey what difference does that make on election day. He still is old and crippled. It's a big factor. Almost as big a factor as Barack Husein Obama's name and skin color.
sadly, i agree with you. ofcourse the public radio that talked about his inability for McCain to raise his arm is a disgrace. you might not liek McCain but he is a guy who actually went into war unlike BUSH 2 and Clinton. all i know is that if i had to pick a commander in chief of teh army i would want someone who has fought in a war
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
well here we are 4 months later...and the question proved prophetic in a way...we still don't know who the veeps will be, but it looks like obama and mccain.
that said, i think obama can win, whereas back in january i wasn't so sure. i believe mccain is just a scapegoat candidate that the repubs are putting up there because there really is no way to defend the idiocy of the repub party and what's it's done to this country's morale and yet mccain is steadfast in his belief that the war (in iraq) was justified. i remember thinking when congress voted to ok military force in iraq that whatever democrat didn't vote along with it was going to be a frontrunner in this election. obama was one of them. clinton's vote, no matter how much she tries to backtrack it, has cursed her election run. my opinion.
Yes, because the Republican party can not control McCain. McCain is not running for President of the United States, he his running for Commander-In-Chief. McCain's foreign policy positions are unstable and when he speaks on current war related issues, you get a sense there's some confusion between the past and present enemies.
Of late, we have been seeing are lobbyist distancing themselves from the potential scrunity that McCain brings because he's too unpredictable. McCain speaks without thinking, then goes all senile, leaving up to others to clean up his mess. Lobbyists don't want to be on the front page, they don't even want to be known. McCain is becoming a liability for bigtime contributors. So unless the Republican party can find a way to direct McCain's path he'll lose because McCain has not demonstrated any willingness to be guided by the RNC.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Today I saw my first McCain sticker here in Washington DC.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Obama can combat that with the "Washington Insider" card ... especially with those independents whose chief concern is the war in Iraq (and who were against it from the start).
Obama can say, "This guy was in lockstep with Bush on Iraq, and I wasn't even here to vote against it. But I would have." There's really no way to prove him wrong.
My best guess, the experience vs. Washington Insider battle will be a draw. Some people will be turned off by Obama's lack of experience, others will be turned off by McCain's, um, wealth of it.
for the least they could possibly do
Exactly. I think the independents would split on these two candidates. If that is the case, Obama would have to rely heavily on (gulp)...young people turning out. That's a card that hasn't played out so well as of late for the Dems.
Another wild card: National security. For some reason, it's not high on most people's list of issues right now.
If, God forbid, something were to happen between now and November to thrust that issue to the forefront again ... McCain wipes the floor with Obama. That's where the "experience" factor would work in McCain's favor.
(Cue GOP conspiracy theory whack jobs .... now.)
for the least they could possibly do
Depending on the matchup and a few other things, my vote could go to..
Obama, Romney, or McCain.
Cincy! where the hell have you been?
I'm assuming that you're anti Obama now that the anti christ Ted Kennedy has endorsed him. am I wrong?
"It's the economy, stupid."
most people are worried about a recession, about keeping their homes and jobs and health insurance. the war/terrorism is on the radar screen, but more and more it's that little picture in the corner of the tv telling you what's on the other station while you're watching something else.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Ha...I was very unhappy to hear that endorsement.
I don't agree with Obama on a lot fo things. But I believe in him as someone that wants th ebest for people and I am somewhat excited by his message for change. I'm thinking about giving him a shot.
well, yeah, now. But, again, God forbid let something blow up on American soil between now and election day and see what the top issue is ... Nobody will give a crap about the Nasdaq
for the least they could possibly do
i agree that it is the economy but i wonder who will win between Obama and McCain with that. I Think it will be McCain. he has teh spending cuts and also the tax cuts.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Respectfully, you're cracked.
this looks about right to me.
that said, i TRULY hope obama can defeat mccain....or anyone left running. imo clinton has NO chance of winning, period. it doesn't matter if she were the best candidate in history, which hell no....we all know she is not....she just is un-electable as president! so i really, really hope obama gets the dem nod....and i really, really hope he wins the presidency. beyond that, i really, really hope he sets in motion positive change for this country.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
well, McCain actually voted against the first Bush tax cuts. So it would be difficult for him to run on that.
Obama can at least say, "Hey, I would have voted for them, but I was still in high school in 2000."
for the least they could possibly do
good stuff
good call dude (1/08/08). we'll see if it stays this way. it could still go romney/clinton though. but if its obama/mccain...obama with ease
we'll see.
and thats big trouble for the dems
either way
black man
against a moderate conservative war hero
mccain will win, unfortunately
If the war resurfaces in the media and it's going "well", McCain looks ok... If it's doing bad, then Obama wins.
Focus on national security will hurt Obama.
If immigration gets hot again, McCain is screwed...
The bad economy may help Obama as well... during bad times, people may be a little more receptive to gov't programs to help.
I dunno... I just don't see McCain getting the hard-core conservatives & evangelicals out to vote like Rove & crew have been so good at in the past. And maybe, just maybe the young vote will actually materialize this time around, but I'm not holding my breath for that.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
that said, i think the war and economy/oil will dominate this election. it has to. capitalizing on the mistakes of the last president's admin and pointing to the faults of mccain will have to be the strategy of the dem nom. no more of this 'change' bullshit. identify the faults, detail ways to undo the faults, and expose the faults for what they are. the #1 reason for the war lasting in iraq after bush 'declared victory' was to ensure he was re-elected. game over.
I think the combing his own hair comment is out of line, but I agree about his age being a factor.
I'm surprised that the republicans would do this to themselves. They put Bush in office with a VP that had no interest in running for president, thus putting themselves in this un-republican like fight for the nomination, and now they are basically nominating a one-term candidate.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Hillary will bring out a HUGE voter turnout...against her. We're going to remember just how hated she is. Over/under on # of states she wins is 5.
Obama would have a shot.
Keating 5.
Obama is going to do very well in Feb. He is polling better then Clinton in the next three states...I think what it will come down to is Texas and Ohio. Clinton just dropped $5 mil of her own money to combat Obama's record fundraising effort. He's going to have the $ to flood the airways. Superdelagates are important, but he's still drawing MUCH, MUCH more money then she is and has the time to spend it.
Obama vs. McCain
Obama wins.
sadly, i agree with you. ofcourse the public radio that talked about his inability for McCain to raise his arm is a disgrace. you might not liek McCain but he is a guy who actually went into war unlike BUSH 2 and Clinton. all i know is that if i had to pick a commander in chief of teh army i would want someone who has fought in a war
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
that said, i think obama can win, whereas back in january i wasn't so sure. i believe mccain is just a scapegoat candidate that the repubs are putting up there because there really is no way to defend the idiocy of the repub party and what's it's done to this country's morale and yet mccain is steadfast in his belief that the war (in iraq) was justified. i remember thinking when congress voted to ok military force in iraq that whatever democrat didn't vote along with it was going to be a frontrunner in this election. obama was one of them. clinton's vote, no matter how much she tries to backtrack it, has cursed her election run. my opinion.
Of late, we have been seeing are lobbyist distancing themselves from the potential scrunity that McCain brings because he's too unpredictable. McCain speaks without thinking, then goes all senile, leaving up to others to clean up his mess. Lobbyists don't want to be on the front page, they don't even want to be known. McCain is becoming a liability for bigtime contributors. So unless the Republican party can find a way to direct McCain's path he'll lose because McCain has not demonstrated any willingness to be guided by the RNC.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I believe the guy was a better candidate in 2000 than he is now. And that's w/out GWB in the picture.