The Final Debate Thread



  • 69charger69charger Posts: 1,045
    Pj_Gurl wrote:
    Been to any rallies lately.

    WTF is this supposed to mean?
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    it should come down to a simple..

    "hands up who wants to be president?... Ok Barack it is."
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • MattyJoeMattyJoe Posts: 1,424
    scb wrote:
    And I think that's fair. People act like CEOs earned their millions fair and square, due entirely to working harder than their workers who make less. But that's total BS. CEOs become obscenely rich through the EXPLOITATION of workers. Just because they are in positions of power which enable them to take more than their fair share of the money doesn't make it right. Not only is Obama right to want to spread the wealth a little more fairly, but it just makes good economic sense for our whole country to invest in healthcare, education, etc.

    You'll notice I said money that is RIGHTFULLY theirs. Money they earned illegally or unjustly is not rightfully theirs. That's for the courts to handle.

    And when there is injustice we need to fight the injustice, not tax them after the fact.
    I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
  • KannKann Posts: 1,146
    jeffbr wrote:
    Buffet is completely full of shit on this issue. If he wants to pay more taxes, he is certainly welcome to. In fact, he is allowed to write that check for any amount equal to or greater than the amount he owes. So what stops him? Why doesn't he write out a check to the feds for whatever amount he feels would be his fair share?

    If he wants to spread HIS wealth, that is certainly her perogative. But to suggest that the government should take more of peoples' money just because Buffet can afford it is complete horshit. And taking peoples' money by force to give it to others isn't charity, it is extortion. So you may be fooled by Buffet and Obama, but many of us see it for what it is.
    Has there ever been a time in american history (after the independance) when there was no taxes at all?
    (This is a serious question btw)

    dunkman wrote:
    it should come down to a simple..

    "hands up who wants to be president?... Ok Barack it is."
    haha, good stuff :D
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,787
    I was flipping around a number of things during the debate.

    I think I heard that McCain wants to bring troops home and give tem jobs as teachers without training.
    Is thsi true?
  • prytojprytoj Posts: 536
    The fact that people think Obama won that debate, shows me that the idiots have truly taken over.

    Pulling out hair...
  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    jeffbr wrote:
    Buffet is completely full of shit on this issue. If he wants to pay more taxes, he is certainly welcome to. In fact, he is allowed to write that check for any amount equal to or greater than the amount he owes. So what stops him? Why doesn't he write out a check to the feds for whatever amount he feels would be his fair share?

    If he wants to spread HIS wealth, that is certainly her perogative. But to suggest that the government should take more of peoples' money just because Buffet can afford it is complete horshit. And taking peoples' money by force to give it to others isn't charity, it is extortion. So you may be fooled by Buffet and Obama, but many of us see it for what it is.

    Funny that you use Warren Buffet as the example for being full of shit on this issue, since he is one of the few multi-millioniares that is completely NOT full of shit on this point. Case in point:
  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    prytoj wrote:
    The fact that people think Obama won that debate, shows me that the idiots have truly taken over.

    Pulling out hair...

    Welcome to my last eight years. Have a good time with it, hopefully.
  • prytojprytoj Posts: 536
    digster wrote:
    Welcome to my last eight years. Have a good time with it, hopefully.

    yeah, we're paying for that for sure, I didn't vote for for that guy either.

    Clinton'96, Bush'00, Kerry'04, McCain'08

    An Obama presidency is unacceptable, vote with you head, not your heart.
  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    prytoj wrote:
    An Obama presidency is unacceptable, vote with you head, not your heart.

    Or better yet, vote with both, which is what I'm doing.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    prytoj wrote:
    The fact that people think Obama won that debate, shows me that the idiots have truly taken over.

    Pulling out hair...

    perhaps you should see someone about this...trichotillomania is a pretty serious issue...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    I think McCain easily won this debate...he's too far behind now to matter though. He should have used the "I'm not Bush. If you wanted to run against George W Bush, you should have run 4 years ago" line LONG AGO, it may have been a stimulus in the past, now, it's a great line, true, but can't make the difference needed.

    All in all, I'm left wanting for more. I'm tired of McCain always referring to me as "My Friends" and I'm really tired of the condescending way Barrack always says "look" before making a comment. But, as for last nights debate, I found myself wanting to reach through the screen and punch McCain less times than I think McCain won the debate. If McCain could have be more clear and not stumbled when talking abotu Judges and a few other topics, it would have been a huge victory for him.

    Obama will be the next president. He will quickly find it very difficult to pay for everything he says and "not raise taxes on 95% of Americans" should be interesting. One thing I think is kinda interesting, the obama camp use to say no person making over $250,000 a year will have their taxes raised...recently they are saying no "family" with an income over $250,000....big difference.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    prytoj wrote:
    yeah, we're paying for that for sure, I didn't vote for for that guy either.

    Clinton'96, Bush'00, Kerry'04, McCain'08

    An Obama presidency is unacceptable, vote with you head, not your heart.

    what makes your opinion so much better....? I'm guessing you relate to McCain's anger issues....
  • prytojprytoj Posts: 536
    I think McCain easily won this debate...he's too far behind now to matter though. He should have used the "I'm not Bush. If you wanted to run against George W Bush, you should have run 4 years ago" line LONG AGO, it may have been a stimulus in the past, now, it's a great line, true, but can't make the difference needed.

    All in all, I'm left wanting for more. I'm tired of McCain always referring to me as "My Friends" and I'm really tired of the condescending way Barrack always says "look" before making a comment. But, as for last nights debate, I found myself wanting to reach through the screen and punch McCain less times than I think McCain won the debate. If McCain could have be more clear and not stumbled when talking abotu Judges and a few other topics, it would have been a huge victory for him.

    Obama will be the next president. He will quickly find it very difficult to pay for everything he says and "not raise taxes on 95% of Americans" should be interesting. One thing I think is kinda interesting, the obama camp use to say no person making over $250,000 a year will have their taxes raised...recently they are saying no "family" with an income over $250,000....big difference.

    I hope you're wrong, but the silver lining there is Paul '12 when this next four years of bumbling incompetence we'll call the Obama years wakes people up for once.
  • memememe Posts: 4,695
    MattyJoe wrote:

    The guy's a fricken socialist, Obama that is. "Spread the wealth around." Direct quote. If that's not Socialism, I don't know what the fuck is!!

    I find it hilarious that you started this post by accusing everyone of being superficial.
    ... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Socialism is the new Liberal....
  • prytojprytoj Posts: 536
    inmytree wrote:
    what makes your opinion so much better....? I'm guessing you relate to McCain's anger issues....

    I just vote for the better man.

    your posts haven't escaped my attention,
    you calling me angry is a hoot.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    prytoj wrote:
    I just vote for the better man.

    and so will I...
    prytoj wrote:
    your posts haven't escaped my attention,
    you calling me angry is a hoot.


  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    The thing about McCain is that his message is muddled at best; he stresses less government involvement, but then commits to a program of the government buying up bad mortgages (as "socialist" as anything Obama has done). He wants a spending freeze but then says that things need to be cut. He stresses lower taxes and lower spending, and then talks about all the different things that need more funding. He, like Obama, says things like needing to "develop energy independence", "properly fund our troops", "better health care", the list goes on. McCain, for all his criticism of "big-spender" Obama seems to give it out like candy himself. Problem with that is that he's not showing us how he's going to pay for it. You can't cut taxes and raise spending; it just won't work. And on top of that, he's going to balance the budget? How exactly is he going to do that? His message in this regard is a mess.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    a couple other thoughts, the Joe the Plumber stuff was annoying....I'm sorry, but I don't feel bad about Mr. Plumber and his horrible plight...:rolleyes:

    and when did it become a bad thing to be eloquent...?
  • jked3jked3 Posts: 171
    MayDay10 wrote:
    I was flipping around a number of things during the debate.

    I think I heard that McCain wants to bring troops home and give tem jobs as teachers without training.
    Is thsi true?
    He said we should put our military people to work as teachers without having to take all the (scoffing) exams and getting the (scoffing) certifications.

    It made me and my wife (a teacher) almost throw up. I completely support our military (though not the war) but just putting them to work as teachers without having passed the tests and gotten their certifications is just foolish.
    Columbia 96/98;Randall's Island 96;Tibetan Freedom 97;Late Show 98;Camden 98/00/03/06/08;E Rutherford 98/06;MSG 98/03/08;VF Choice (DC) 98;Uniondale 03;State College 03;Holmdel 03;VF Change (Reading) 04;AC 05;Philly 05; Lolla 07.....[EV Newark 08]
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    inmytree wrote:

    and when did it become a bad thing to be eloquent...?

    It's not. McCain was trying to show that Obama talks around issues and tells 1/2 truths and hides it with elequence....a decent point really.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • jdr3777jdr3777 Posts: 23
    prytoj wrote:
    I hope you're wrong, but the silver lining there is Paul '12 when this next four years of bumbling incompetence we'll call the Obama years wakes people up for once.
    Are You kidding me?Ron paul will be close to 80 in 2012.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    It's not. McCain was trying to show that Obama talks around issues and tells 1/2 truths and hides it with elequence....a decent point really.

    oh, I didn't see it that way...I saw it as McCain implying it was a bad thing, implying that Obama is a smartypants elitist....if he want to call him out on the 1/2 thing, which McCain is a big fan of....the should have done so, imo...
  • jked3jked3 Posts: 171
    lastexit78 wrote:
    ...Problem is that he's down by 20 with 3 minutes to go. Meanwhile Obama just keeps hitting jumpers in his face....
    Columbia 96/98;Randall's Island 96;Tibetan Freedom 97;Late Show 98;Camden 98/00/03/06/08;E Rutherford 98/06;MSG 98/03/08;VF Choice (DC) 98;Uniondale 03;State College 03;Holmdel 03;VF Change (Reading) 04;AC 05;Philly 05; Lolla 07.....[EV Newark 08]
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    inmytree wrote:
    oh, I didn't see it that way...I saw it as McCain implying it was a bad thing, implying that Obama is a smartypants elitist....if he want to call him out on the 1/2 thing, which McCain is a big fan of....the should have done so, imo...

    I thought he did. Goes to show how much of what you hear is what you expect to hear and what you want to hear, not what's actually said...

    I wonder which one of us is more right on this issue.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    imho, Obama seemed to address the issues and McCain seemed like a whiner.

    I saw it as McCain finally taking a strong stance and Obama skirting the truths if McCain had some good solid plans to back up his positions, i'd vote for that McCain.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    jked3 wrote:
    He said we should put our military people to work as teachers without having to take all the (scoffing) exams and getting the (scoffing) certifications.

    It made me and my wife (a teacher) almost throw up. I completely support our military (though not the war) but just putting them to work as teachers without having passed the tests and gotten their certifications is just foolish.

    I didn't pick up on that during the debate. That idea makes absolutely no sense to me. How would army officers with no training, no testing and no certification be able to adequately teach students? Also, how would they handle career advancement? Better-paying schools might not consider teachers with no certification or training. Senseless idea.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    I thought he did. Goes to show how much of what you hear is what you expect to hear and what you want to hear, not what's actually said...

    I wonder which one of us is more right on this issue.

    Of course you know I'm right...;)

    seriously, I do agree with your point that we hear what we want to hear...perhaps I was picking up on McCain's non-verbals more that his words....he appeared flustered and angry....

    I watched the debate on Cspan, I didn't want to get caught up with those stupid squiggly lines on CNN, and Cspan showed the split screen of the entire debate. Based on what I saw, it's safe to say the McCain pulled an Gore, huffin' and a puffin' and a growlin'....
  • jked3jked3 Posts: 171
    If McCain could have be more clear and not stumbled when talking abotu Judges and a few other topics, it would have been a huge victory for him.
    I thought he was absolutley clear when discussing potential Supreme Court Justice appointments at least in regards to Roe vs. Wade. McCain said he will have no "litmus test" for Judges and will base his appointments on experience, judgement, and qualifications. When pressed by the moderator to answer the question "Could you appoint Judges who support Roe vs. Wade," McCain said that Judges who support Roe vs. Wade are NOT qualified.

    WTF is that? That statement somehow got lost and not brought up again as they immediately cut back to Obama. That's fucking alarming.
    Columbia 96/98;Randall's Island 96;Tibetan Freedom 97;Late Show 98;Camden 98/00/03/06/08;E Rutherford 98/06;MSG 98/03/08;VF Choice (DC) 98;Uniondale 03;State College 03;Holmdel 03;VF Change (Reading) 04;AC 05;Philly 05; Lolla 07.....[EV Newark 08]
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