we are not in Iraq because of 9/11. we are there because someone thought they had WMDs. sure a possible link was mentioned but that is not the main reason why we went there. it was WMDs and violation of UN resolutions.
We are not in Iraq because of wmd's and violation of UN resolutions. We are in Iraq to steal it's oil and dominate the region. Otherwise we could just as easily have invaded Israel using the same pretexts.
we are not in Iraq because of 9/11. we are there because someone thought they had WMDs. sure a possible link was mentioned but that is not the main reason why we went there. it was WMDs and violation of UN resolutions.
regardless, the US sees what a mistake it was to march into a country and take over. you think we can just march right into a country that is 10 times the size of Iraq just to get one guy?
nothing? you really believe that? just because we havent invaded pakistan you think we are doing nothing?
why is a full out invasion (any US soldier stepping foot in pakistan would be considered so) the only option for you?
oh, chirst...
sorry I did not spoon feed you...a reason we are in Iraq is 9/11...which of course, I know, had nothing to do with 9/11...however, if 9/11 had never occurred, we would have never gone it Iraq...however, that's another story...
anyway, keep sticking up for your boy, bin laden...
I find it funny that we have a "war on terror", yet we won't go after the man who started it all...
anyway, I see darth cheney dropped in for a visit this weekend...so maybe something is getting done.....
Please explain to everyone on this messageboard what Iraq had to do with 9/11.
nothing...as I've stated in another response, I contend the only way the US could even make a case to invade Iraq was 9/11....
people were and are scared of "terror", thus without the fear machine pushing the WMD case, bush and the war machine would have never obtained the supported needed to invade without the 9/11 attacks...
for the record, I was and am one of those on the right side of this one, meaning I never supported the invasion of Iraq...
is that the spanish terrorist organisation.... they bomb things using cheese
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
nothing...as I've stated in another response, I contend the only way the US could even make a case to invade Iraq was 9/11....
people were and are scared of "terror", thus without the fear machine pushing the WMD case, bush and the war machine would have never obtained the supported needed to invade without the 9/11 attacks...
for the record, I was and am one of those on the right side of this one, meaning I never supported the invasion of Iraq...
But the U.S didn't make a case to invade Iraq because of 9/11. And the U.S and British Governments also didn't obtain any support from the war, either from the public or the U.N. They therefore invaded anyway, unilaterally and illegally.
sorry I did not spoon feed you...a reason we are in Iraq is 9/11...which of course, I know, had nothing to do with 9/11...however, if 9/11 had never occurred, we would have never gone it Iraq...however, that's another story...
anyway, keep sticking up for your boy, bin laden...
why would you say such a stupid thing? I more then anybody want bin laden dead. I do have enough common sense however to realize we cant invade Pakistan to get him.
But the U.S didn't make a case to invade Iraq because of 9/11. And the U.S and British Governments also didn't obtain any support from the war, either from the public or the U.N. They therefore invaded anyway, unilaterally and illegally.
what do you want me to say...
I agree with you, I was pointing at another factor, it's called fear...to gain public support, they used fear....
why would you say such a stupid thing? I more then anybody want bin laden dead. I do have enough common sense however to realize we cant invade Pakistan to get him.
we are going after him, just not with boots on the ground. we are also going after the entire organization world wide.
yikes, are you saying diplomacy is better that boots on the ground....
by the way, who's advocating a full scale invasion, I'm not...
not to make this discussion partisan, BUT, could you imagine how bad the republicans would be on a democrat administration if they hadnt captured bin laden yet? it would be FUGLY!
yikes, are you saying diplomacy is better that boots on the ground....
yikes, why the hell would you think that? no I think unmanned drones firing rockets at el queda and letting pakistan do what they can is all we can do right now.
by the way, who's advocating a full scale invasion, I'm not...
we've got special forces, don't we...?[/quote]
like I said, any US solider on the ground would be considered any invasion. not to mention pakistan says we cant. I think we have the best special forces in the world but I dont think much would get accomplished sending them into one of the most remote, rugged, lawless places on earth.
I think Osama not being captured is also a great example of how unnecesarry and innefective the military is. The USA almost spends more on "defense" that the rest of the world combined, continues to pour its wealth into a massive militray industrial complex and war machine, and it cant even capture a 6'5 arab that operates out of caves with box cutters.
one day the majority will realize what a waste the military is and its bloated budget. unfortunately it will probably be too late and we will have passed on a massive 30 year war to our children. we really should be proud of ourselves.
I agree with you, I was pointing at another factor, it's called fear...to gain public support, they used fear....
I'm not sure how to be more clear for you...
They didn't gain the public's support anywhere other than in America. Hence the massive demonstrations all overthe world prior to the invasion. The reasons that a large percentage of Americans supported the war is not becuase of 9/11, it's because of the succesful Conservative owned propaganda system they have there.
yikes, why the hell would you think that? no I think unmanned drones firing rockets at el queda and letting pakistan do what they can is all we can do right now.
I know you just dont get it.
by the way, who's advocating a full scale invasion, I'm not...
we've got special forces, don't we...?
like I said, any US solider on the ground would be considered any invasion. not to mention pakistan says we cant. I think we have the best special forces in the world but I dont think much would get accomplished sending them into one of the most remote, rugged, lawless places on earth.
like I said, any US solider on the ground would be considered any invasion. not to mention pakistan says we cant. I think we have the best special forces in the world but I dont think much would get accomplished sending them into one of the most remote, rugged, lawless places on earth.
tell me another one? the funny thing is that you really believe that is why he is not captured. because pakistan wont let us? puuulease.
the entire world and the UN told us not to invade iraq.
the selective memory of some people is down right hilarious.
They didn't gain the public's support anywhere other than in America. Hence the massive demonstrations all overthe world prior to the invasion. The reasons that a large percentage of Americans supported the war is not becuase of 9/11, it's because of the succesful Conservative owned propaganda system they have there.
no shit, sherlock...I'm sorry I did not clearly state I was talking about America...
I do have to disagree, if 9/11 never happened, we would not be talking about Iraq...plain and simple...you can say it's the propaganda system we have in place, I would agree, however, that propaganda machine need fuel, and that fuel was the fear created on 9/11....
no shit, sherlock...I'm sorry I did not clearly state I was talking about America...
I do have to disagree, if 9/11 never happened, we would not be talking about Iraq...plain and simple...you can say it's the propaganda system we have in place, I would agree, however, that propaganda machine need fuel, and that fuel was the fear created on 9/11....
dont fool yourself, they had their eye on iran as sson as little georgie stole the free world in 2000.
9/11 made it VERY easy to do, but they would have done it otherwise. why do you think the cheney secret energy meetings are secret? bc not only was it a plot to suck america dry, they also planned to take out iraq and secure the oil fields.
"we cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile" GW 8-21-00 (really bad english, but you got the point )
tell me another one? the funny thing is that you really believe that is why he is not captured. because pakistan wont let us? puuulease.
I never said that. what the fuck is wrong with you people. pakistan wont let us in their country. they even claim osama's not there. do we have proof he is?
I certainly think he's there but why is it all of a sudden you liberals are crying foul because he dont go into pakistan to get him
no shit, sherlock...I'm sorry I did not clearly state I was talking about America...
I do have to disagree, if 9/11 never happened, we would not be talking about Iraq...plain and simple...you can say it's the propaganda system we have in place, I would agree, however, that propaganda machine need fuel, and that fuel was the fear created on 9/11....
Check out The Project for a New American Century website. These fish-heads were drawing up plans to invade Iraq is early as the year 2000.
well you forgot to mention the US congress approved it as well as many other nations who supported us like Britain and Australia.
The fact that they approved it in the British House Of Commons and in the U.S Congress doesn't mean the decision didn't defy International Law. Don't be fooled by the Orwelian propaganda - Britain and the U.S don't consitute the 'International Community'.
dont fool yourself, they had their eye on iran as sson as little georgie stole the free world in 2000.
9/11 made it VERY easy to do, but they would have done it otherwise. why do you think the cheney secret energy meetings are secret? bc not only was it a plot to suck america dry, they also planned to take out iraq and secure the oil fields.
"we cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile" GW 8-21-00 (really bad english, but you got the point )
yes, I know...and I contend there is no way the invasion of Iraq would have taken place with the fear of 9/11...no way, no how....
sure, they had plans, but they need that one "last thing", the "reason" and 9/11 provided them with that...
you know, it must be me today, I must be unable to make my points clear...
My point is that they were planning to invade before 9/11. I believe they would have invaded without 9/11, although 9/11 gave them the excuse - or 'new Pearl Harbour' - they were looking for.
My point is that they were planning to invade before 9/11. I believe they would have invaded without 9/11, although 9/11 gave them the excuse - or 'new Pearl Harbour' - they were looking for.
well...I have faith that the American people would not have allowed it...heck, even with the war machine is full swing, many were against the invasion from the start...with 9/11, it gave the war machine that extra push it needed...
you say, and others say, they would have invaded no matter what, and yes bush was beating the drums of war since 2000 and PNAC has been planning for years, why did they not invade prior to 9/11...?
for all of you who believe the bush administration is keeping bin laden alive on purpose, was cheney in pakistan just for the cameras? to make us all "believe" they want OBL and el queda dead?
for all of you who believe the bush administration is keeping bin laden alive on purpose, was cheney in pakistan just for the cameras? to make us all "believe" they want OBL and el queda dead?
area 51. thats a place we dont talk about ever over here. what a strange taboo place.
Have you ever seen area 51?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Please explain to everyone on this messageboard what Iraq had to do with 9/11.
no one needs an explaination. these was no link.
We are not in Iraq because of wmd's and violation of UN resolutions. We are in Iraq to steal it's oil and dominate the region. Otherwise we could just as easily have invaded Israel using the same pretexts.
oh, chirst...
sorry I did not spoon feed you...a reason we are in Iraq is 9/11...which of course, I know, had nothing to do with 9/11...however, if 9/11 had never occurred, we would have never gone it Iraq...however, that's another story...
anyway, keep sticking up for your boy, bin laden...
I find it funny that we have a "war on terror", yet we won't go after the man who started it all...
anyway, I see darth cheney dropped in for a visit this weekend...so maybe something is getting done.....
nothing...as I've stated in another response, I contend the only way the US could even make a case to invade Iraq was 9/11....
people were and are scared of "terror", thus without the fear machine pushing the WMD case, bush and the war machine would have never obtained the supported needed to invade without the 9/11 attacks...
for the record, I was and am one of those on the right side of this one, meaning I never supported the invasion of Iraq...
is that the spanish terrorist organisation.... they bomb things using cheese
But the U.S didn't make a case to invade Iraq because of 9/11. And the U.S and British Governments also didn't obtain any support from the war, either from the public or the U.N. They therefore invaded anyway, unilaterally and illegally.
why would you say such a stupid thing? I more then anybody want bin laden dead. I do have enough common sense however to realize we cant invade Pakistan to get him.
we are going after him, just not with boots on the ground. we are also going after the entire organization world wide.
what do you want me to say...
I agree with you, I was pointing at another factor, it's called fear...to gain public support, they used fear....
I'm not sure how to be more clear for you...
yikes, are you saying diplomacy is better that boots on the ground....
by the way, who's advocating a full scale invasion, I'm not...
we've got special forces, don't we...?
I know you just dont get it.
by the way, who's advocating a full scale invasion, I'm not...
we've got special forces, don't we...?[/quote]
like I said, any US solider on the ground would be considered any invasion. not to mention pakistan says we cant. I think we have the best special forces in the world but I dont think much would get accomplished sending them into one of the most remote, rugged, lawless places on earth.
one day the majority will realize what a waste the military is and its bloated budget. unfortunately it will probably be too late and we will have passed on a massive 30 year war to our children. we really should be proud of ourselves.
They didn't gain the public's support anywhere other than in America. Hence the massive demonstrations all overthe world prior to the invasion. The reasons that a large percentage of Americans supported the war is not becuase of 9/11, it's because of the succesful Conservative owned propaganda system they have there.
dude, you sound like a liberal...;)
tell me another one? the funny thing is that you really believe that is why he is not captured. because pakistan wont let us? puuulease.
the entire world and the UN told us not to invade iraq.
the selective memory of some people is down right hilarious.
no shit, sherlock...I'm sorry I did not clearly state I was talking about America...
I do have to disagree, if 9/11 never happened, we would not be talking about Iraq...plain and simple...you can say it's the propaganda system we have in place, I would agree, however, that propaganda machine need fuel, and that fuel was the fear created on 9/11....
dont fool yourself, they had their eye on iran as sson as little georgie stole the free world in 2000.
9/11 made it VERY easy to do, but they would have done it otherwise. why do you think the cheney secret energy meetings are secret? bc not only was it a plot to suck america dry, they also planned to take out iraq and secure the oil fields.
"we cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile" GW 8-21-00 (really bad english, but you got the point
I certainly think he's there but why is it all of a sudden you liberals are crying foul because he dont go into pakistan to get him
well you forgot to mention the US congress approved it as well as many other nations who supported us like Britain and Australia.
your selective memory is downright stupid.
Check out The Project for a New American Century website. These fish-heads were drawing up plans to invade Iraq is early as the year 2000.
The fact that they approved it in the British House Of Commons and in the U.S Congress doesn't mean the decision didn't defy International Law. Don't be fooled by the Orwelian propaganda - Britain and the U.S don't consitute the 'International Community'.
yes, I know...and I contend there is no way the invasion of Iraq would have taken place with the fear of 9/11...no way, no how....
sure, they had plans, but they need that one "last thing", the "reason" and 9/11 provided them with that...
you know, it must be me today, I must be unable to make my points clear...
My point is that they were planning to invade before 9/11. I believe they would have invaded without 9/11, although 9/11 gave them the excuse - or 'new Pearl Harbour' - they were looking for.
well...I have faith that the American people would not have allowed it...heck, even with the war machine is full swing, many were against the invasion from the start...with 9/11, it gave the war machine that extra push it needed...
you say, and others say, they would have invaded no matter what, and yes bush was beating the drums of war since 2000 and PNAC has been planning for years, why did they not invade prior to 9/11...?
Does this logic help explain why Hillary never filed for divorce?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Bin Laden is hidden in an underground bunker bleow Area 51 with all of the other aliens.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
area 51. thats a place we dont talk about ever over here. what a strange taboo place.
Have you ever seen area 51?