Israel, US, and Abbas want peace...Hamas doesn't

It's really sad to see. they are soo close. Hamas is clearly part of the problem and far from being part of the solution.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas' top leaders in Gaza and Syria warned the moderate Palestinian president Friday not to "fall into the trap" of an upcoming U.S.-sponsored peace conference with Israel.
Ismail Haniyeh, who was deposed as Palestinian prime minister after Hamas violently seized Gaza in June, urged President Mahmoud Abbas to mend his rift with the Islamic militant group and criticized him for planning to attend the peace conference next month.
"Don't fall into the trap of the coming conference. Don't make new compromises on Jerusalem, on our sovereignty," Haniyeh said, speaking to thousands of cheering supporters for the Muslim Eid al-Fitr holiday.
Hamas' Syria-based supreme leader, Khaled Mashaal, echoed the warning in his own holiday message, accusing Israel and the U.S. of taking advantage of the Palestinian rift to try to wrest concessions in peace negotiations.
Abbas retaliated for Hamas' takeover of the Gaza Strip by expelling the group from his government and setting up his own administration in the West Bank. Mashaal urged Abbas to accept the Islamists' invitations for dialogue.
Abbas and his allies "will find out that they are pursuing nothing but a mirage," Mashaal said on Hamas radio.
Israel and the Palestinians hope to present the contours of a final peace accord at the conference, tentatively set for Annapolis, Md., at the end of November.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas' top leaders in Gaza and Syria warned the moderate Palestinian president Friday not to "fall into the trap" of an upcoming U.S.-sponsored peace conference with Israel.
Ismail Haniyeh, who was deposed as Palestinian prime minister after Hamas violently seized Gaza in June, urged President Mahmoud Abbas to mend his rift with the Islamic militant group and criticized him for planning to attend the peace conference next month.
"Don't fall into the trap of the coming conference. Don't make new compromises on Jerusalem, on our sovereignty," Haniyeh said, speaking to thousands of cheering supporters for the Muslim Eid al-Fitr holiday.
Hamas' Syria-based supreme leader, Khaled Mashaal, echoed the warning in his own holiday message, accusing Israel and the U.S. of taking advantage of the Palestinian rift to try to wrest concessions in peace negotiations.
Abbas retaliated for Hamas' takeover of the Gaza Strip by expelling the group from his government and setting up his own administration in the West Bank. Mashaal urged Abbas to accept the Islamists' invitations for dialogue.
Abbas and his allies "will find out that they are pursuing nothing but a mirage," Mashaal said on Hamas radio.
Israel and the Palestinians hope to present the contours of a final peace accord at the conference, tentatively set for Annapolis, Md., at the end of November.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Other side: small boom, no army, already living there, and tired of strangers coming over to dinner all the time, rearranging the furniture, making new rules, and staying indefinitely.
It's like a bad all in the family episode.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
one side: willing to talk and make concessions and wants peace
*other side: does not see the right for the other to exist.
* only Hamas. Abbas's government is ready for talks and peace.
its a damn shame.
If some groups of strangers forcefully came to live in my house against my wishes, I would probably question the right for them to exist in my house after a while, and not trust them.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
ok well those analogies are cute and all, but we arent talking about your house. we are talking about countries.
you dont see how hamas is preventing peace?
So what the answer is to keep killing each other. I would think that sitting down at the table with all parties and trying to hash out an acceptable arraigment for all would be the logical approach.
I consider myself a liberal, but after reading and seeing some of the shit that is spewed by the left on this board I'm starting to become a bit ashamed of being a liberal.
Why not, people in those countries live in houses as well. The concept is exact.
I wouldn't place the blame entirely on Hamas (which it kinda seems like you're doing). That wouldn't be accurate.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
ok Israel is at fault too. feel better now?
but Israel is willing to sit down and talk it out and come to an agreement that everyone is happy with.
HAMAS IS NOT. so let the killing continue. great plan.
That everyone is happy with. Hmm not so sure about that one.
I'm sure they have discussed preliminaries (and Hamas is aware of the "deal") and are probably telling them to go shove it.
They (Hamas) will get the short end of the stick every time. The little guy always does.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
so now you are making assumptions to avoid peace. what are these preliminaries you speak of?? you are just making shit up. dont you see how you (your mindset) is part of the problem. peace will never happen unless they sit down and talk about it. Abbas is ready to. Israel is ready to.
so I'll ask you, what is your solution?
militants continue to shoot rockets into Israel, Israel will smack the shit out of them back and you'll cry about it. GREAT PLAN!!
If you don't think that information is passed through the grapevine then you are naive.
One party is occupying someone else's territory. That really all that needs to be said.
How delicately Israel chooses to handle that situation is their problem.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
you still dont get it. people like you make it obvious why peace is so difficult.
Good point. It is unfortunate that Palestinians lost there land and at this point Israel is willing to negotiate in order to install peace. As long as groups like Hamas continue to resort to violence they will never achieve anything. It's time to put down the weapons and sit down at the bargaining table regardless of who started it or who carries more blame, diplomacy is the only way this conflict will ever be solved.
What don't I get? that you for some reason buy into endless propaganda like no other?
Cake and eat it too perhaps?
Israel should be paying rent.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
that your propaganda will never bring about peace. that is the ultimate goal right? its clear that its not on your agenda.
No. I see how the U.S has been preventing peace by vetoing every single attempt at a two-state solution for the past 36 years.
These so called 'peace talks' are nothing of the kind. They never have been about peace and they never will be. They have been, and only will ever be, about trying to persuade the Palestinians to make more concessions, whilst offering nothing in return.
You talk about Abbas and Fatah as though they're a legitimate government. They're as legitimate as Pinochet was in Chile.
If these so called 'peace talks' are between nobody but Israel, the U.S, and Fatah, then you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll be no agreement hashed out other than an agreement to concede more land to Israel and to crush the legitimate Hamas government. As far as Israel abiding by international law and withdrawing to the 1967 borders, forget it. And until that happens they'll be no peace.
So the Palestinians are being ridiculous and selfish for asking for the illegal occupation to end? Now I've heard it all.
So Israel is willing to 'negotiate in order to install peace'? Really? Do you know what's on offer here? Please inform me, because I have no idea. Have you seen what Israel is now offering? If so, kindly share this information with us. As for Hamas '...continuing to resorting to violence', seems like you have a pretty one-eyed view of things as they actually are over there.
They are so close to what exactly? Please provide details of what's on offer.
This sounds about right.
Hamas ready for talks with rival
Oh no! Another cut and paste frenzy from Byrnzie!
Sorry Jlew! I know how hard it is for you to read articles that contradict your own views.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The ultimate goal is to eliminate Palestinians from their land, and they know it.
Israeli occupation maps over time would seem to definitely support this reality.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Selfish because the leaders ask more sacrifice of their people without any hope of benefit. The southern US could have dragged out the civil war for another 8 years, but who would that have benefited? Would the south be better off? No, of course not, and Robert E Lee saw that that was the case. And now all the states are stronger for it. We could still be hurling bombs at Mexico if they didn't surrender and instead fought a pointless, self-destructive guerilla war, but its wasn't in anyone's best interest. The events that led to Israel's founding occured what, 60 years ago? How long are you going to ask your children to fight a pointless war? Would Northern Ireland be better off today if the bombing were still going on? Yeah they would still be fighting for the cause but is it in the people of northern Ireland's best interest?
At some point it becomes about foolish pride. Thats why i call it a crusade.
Do you really expect Israelis to pick up and move? Thats about as likely as non native Americans going back to Europe. Think about it.
Man it is pretty funny seeing you accusing me of having a one-eyed view. For someone who I concider to be decently intelligent you spout out some stupid shit. Unlike you and your ilk who solely blame Israel for the problems over there, I at least know that both sides share blame.
I personally don't know what Israel is willing to offer, as I am sure you don't have the foggiest either, but diplomacy is always a better path than violence. Fatah and Israel want to sit down to discuss a peace treaty, but Hamas doesn't what does that tell you about them. To me that states that they would prefer to continue the killing in order to attain their goals.
Maybe it's time you take a wider more open minded view of the world my friend because that tunnel vision of yours si making you look the part of the fool.
how much have you donated in the past years to your buddies? I really stronger encourage you to join their cause. I beg you.
thats excellent news. and how is this hard for me to read articles that contradict my view? post something I disagree with and we'll talk about. but this article is 100% what I have been hoping to see.
see the difference between me and you is you want the people you disagree with destroyed. I dont like hamas but if they want to recognize Israel and negotiate, so be it. whatever it takes to bring peace, without anyone else on either side dying, I'm all for.
you wont even sit down to talk. so whats the only option? rocket attacks and suicide bombs.