Venezuela's Chavez may take over schools

I don't understand how people like Sean Penn go over there and play kissy face with this asshole. is it purely to spite the US ? Chavez is the worst.
CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to close or take over any private school that refuses to submit to the oversight of his socialist government as it develops a new curriculum and textbooks.
"Society cannot allow the private sector to do whatever it wants," said Chavez, speaking on the first day of classes.
All schools, public and private, must admit state inspectors and submit to the government's new educational system, or be closed and nationalized, with the state taking responsibility for the education of their children, Chavez said.
A new curriculum will be ready by the end of this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," said Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez, who joined him a televised ceremony at the opening of a public school in the eastern town of El Tigre.
The president's opponents accuse him of aiming to indoctrinate young Venezuelans with socialist ideology. But the education minister said the aim is to develop "critical thinking," not to impose a single way of thought.
you're right chavez, schools should only teach what you want them to learn. I fucking hate this guy.
CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to close or take over any private school that refuses to submit to the oversight of his socialist government as it develops a new curriculum and textbooks.
"Society cannot allow the private sector to do whatever it wants," said Chavez, speaking on the first day of classes.
All schools, public and private, must admit state inspectors and submit to the government's new educational system, or be closed and nationalized, with the state taking responsibility for the education of their children, Chavez said.
A new curriculum will be ready by the end of this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," said Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez, who joined him a televised ceremony at the opening of a public school in the eastern town of El Tigre.
The president's opponents accuse him of aiming to indoctrinate young Venezuelans with socialist ideology. But the education minister said the aim is to develop "critical thinking," not to impose a single way of thought.
you're right chavez, schools should only teach what you want them to learn. I fucking hate this guy.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Don't judge the country based upon what you've seen of its ruler. If you do that, you'll find out that you won't ever leave wherever it is that you live in.
Venezuela is a beautiful country.
And, yes, Chávez is a fucking moron.
a. i doubt anyone on this board knows enough about the education situation in venez. to judge their leader based on this decision.
b. i have a REAL problem with you highlighting this line particularly: "Society cannot allow the private sector to do whatever it wants,"
... WHAT is your beef with that statement?
You think America doesn't pick and choose where it wants to operate in "pure" competition and then play socialist when it feels so inclined, or decide to "regulate" ???
Furthermore i wholeheartedly agree with that statement, call me communist.
The private sector is by and large WRECKING the WORLD!
You think they should just be free to go at it?
When personal gain steps in front of the good of the public at large (the citizens of the planet) then it is time for someone, anyone, government included, to step in and say "stop this shit".
who knows what the educational system is like in Venezuela.
Maybe they have a bunch of fundamentalist private schools that aren't teaching math, but are teaching how to become a guerrilla warrior? Would it change your mind if THAT is what he was trying to stop?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
no. and my beef with the statement is chavez basically wants to run thing his way and no one elses. you know what they call that? a dictator
you would
how are they ruining the world? please no youtube links. and yes they should be FREE to do whatever they want. the consumer decides the rest.
for someone who claims to love freedom, I'm shocked you feel that way.
ok, valid point. you're right, I dont know the system there. but I find it hard to believe having one person dictate how and what should be taught is a very bad thing.
I'd like to add to that the following video:
John F Kennedy Talking A Whole Lot Of Sense About America, and what Real "Values" And Understanding of the Human Condition Can Do For Humanity & Our Country. Listen to the bit on Steel Manufacturers.
This is the what it sounds like when you have a REAL president. A president that the PEOPLE want and that the PEOPLE need -- not a president in the pocket of CORPORATE interests!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I have a lot of mixed up views buddy.
In part in stems from a simple truth:
Power in the hands of good people can do a lot of good.
Power in the hands of the wrong people can cause everything to go wrong.
You know what else?
If i truly thought someone had the intellect, idealism, and compassion to lead the world in the best directon possible for humanity, i would back them as an absolute dicator.
Yes. I said it. I'm a hypocrite.
I love freedom, and i love my country.
But the real truth is that power is not good or evil, MEN are good or evil. Maybe it's in shades of gray sometimes, but its true.
I have abosulte distrust in EVERYONE to do the right thing all the time.
Some people will do the right thing some of the time.
Some people will do the right thing all of the time.
But everyone will never do the right thing all of the time.
Therefore, someone or someoneS need to dictate what is and is not acceptable.
ALL corporations will NEVER do what is right for the world (though SOME will), and therefore SOMEONE needs to have the power to say "enough is enough".
I have no idea who Chavez truly is, and i won't pretend.
I have never heard the guy speak in english, and I have never followed Venezuela with much interest.
I don't have much else to say on the subject.
Just what i said before.
And so what if i give you a youtube link.
People around here need to accept that just because something is on youtube does not make it invalid.
Just because a media doesn't pass through a filter doesn't mean it is necessarily shit.
The mainstream media is like a bug zapper.
It is meant t kill all the shit before it gets publicized, but in doing so it kills a lot more than just the bad things. It kills good things too.
Youtube is generally uncensored and therefore you can find yes, shit, and also some really great stuff.
Quit pretending like the only valid source of information is the source that is "sponsored" by the political mainstream.
That is the most disingenious thing i see floating around here lately.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I think this speaks for itself. and how truly skewed it is.
let "them" run it however "they" want. ?
you mean let chavez run it however he wants.
well they did elect him as their leader.
there is no opposition to chavez. for fear of imprisonment and death. thats why he was elected.
a) Socialism sucks
b) All he says is wrong
I don't know how they came to this but if this is law voted by chosen representative of the people then there is nothing wrong here. It's democracy, if people want to control what is tought in their school it's their choice.
(Though I know that Chavez is a fringe dictator and that this probably isn't a law chosen by the people and that all this is wrong.)
They are ruining the world because they assume they can produce with unlimited ressources to feed unlimited demand. The problem is that this a limited world. And I don't think (and I know I'm not the only one) that they should be free to do all that they want. Because freedom does not justify some actions. And we all know that "the consumer decides the rest" is bs. Major bs, if it was a free and willing decision corporations would not spend billions of $ in marketing and communication.
Have you seen the old textbooks? Do you know what's in them? Do you think that schools in the U.S don't teach you only what they want to teach you?
How do you know that just 'one' person has decided what should be taught in schools. I find that to be an impossibility. Do you not think that instead it's much more likely that a large group of Venezuan educators and politicians has initiated this demand?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This is a lie. Pure and simple.
'A 25% voter turnout doesn't sound that bad considering the opposition parties all bailed at the last minute and boycotted the election. Long "lines of voters in poorer neighborhoods" sounds like a good thing to me.
Since Chevez has survived at the ballot box , the withering attacks and meddling from the US administration and a unanimously hostile, privately held media in his own country, he must be doing something right. Democracy must be alive and well in Venezuela. What are our complaints? Chavez has "Complete control of every branch of government" and "Spent billions in Venezuela's oil revenue on projects for the poor." The former describes the current state of affairs for the Republican party in the US and latter the sounds like a good model for us to emulate.'
Monday, 4 December 2006, 07:54 GMT
Chavez wins Venezuela re-election
Hugo Chavez says he wants another term to complete his revolution
President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has won a third term in office, securing a clear lead over rival Manuel Rosales.
With most of the ballots counted, Mr Chavez had taken more than 60% of the vote, officials said.
The president, who has secured the support of the poor by using oil to fund welfare, told crowds his left-wing "Bolivarian revolution" had triumphed.
Admitting defeat, his social democrat rival said he would go on "fighting for democracy" in the streets if necessary.
"It's another defeat for the devil, who tries to dominate the world," Mr Chavez told cheering supporters, mocking US President George W Bush, and sending out a "brotherly" salute to Cuba's President Fidel Castro.
Relations between Caracas and Washington have come under increasing strain in the past few years, with the US accusing Mr Chavez of trying to destabilise Latin America.
Minutes after the preliminary results were announced, Mr Chavez appeared at the balcony of the presidential palace in Caracas.
"Today a new era has started, with the expansion of the revolution," he told tens of thousands of jubilant people.
Venezuela was firmly on the track to socialism, said the president, who has vowed to boost the social programmes that won him support among millions of impoverished Venezuelans.
He now has a clear mandate to rule for the next six years, and is likely to set about reforming the Venezuelan constitution to remove any limits on how many times he can be re-elected, the BBC's Greg Morsbach in Caracas says.
Late on Sunday Chavez supporters took to the streets to celebrate, letting off fireworks and playing pro-Chavez songs over loudspeakers.
"That should be the national anthem," one taxi driver from a shanty town told Reuters news agency as he drove around an affluent area of Caracas.
"People round here do not know what it is like in the slums. It is a bigger party than New Year's Eve."
Sunday's election saw a high turnout and the poll was monitored by hundreds of international observers.
The president, who won elections in both 1998 and 2000, is the fourth leftist to win an election in the region in recent weeks.
He won after a campaign in which he characterised his rival as a lackey of the US.
Mr Rosales, governor of the oil-rich western state of Zulia, for his part said the leftist leader was turning Venezuela into a communist state, calling him "a puppet seated on Castro's lap".
He argued that the country's long-term interests lay in free-market policies and attracting foreign investment, and accused Chavez of concentrating power in his own hands while squandering Venezuela's resources.
This is what i was going to say. Exactly you think the American system doesn't teach to it's own agenda.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
no absolutely not.
no chavez did
first of all, you are byzine do not know shit about whats taught in american schools. I do. I wasnt taught anything to fit a certain agenda. unless america had the agenda of showing the bad parts of its history...and the good.
Talking with a friend of mine who has children in Kindergarden, He informed me that at this level they were being taught about army, marines, war etc... This to me is very concerning....these kids are 4 and 5 years old, they should be learning their abc's.
Also, does anybody think that the pledge of allegiance is an ealry form of brain washing? Really, what 4 year old really knows what he is swearing to at that age.
I guess it depends where you are. I have 2 cousins in kindergarden and they are not taught that. which means it is not some across the board curriculum provided by the US government.
and as for the pledge, I dont seem to mind it. I remember saying it and its really not a big deal. if parents want to tell their kids not to say, thats fine too.
"and to the republic for which it stands" is the best part.
Kids should be forced to disect the pledge and understand it, if the concern is that they don't. Because they should. You should love the principals this country is founded on, they are beautiful and pure.
I have been listening to The Federalist Papers on mp3 and they are extremely moving.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
And you don't know shit about what's taught in Venezualan schools.
I suppose schools in America are now telling the truth about, for instance, General Armstrong Custer?
And why did Howard Zinn feel the need to write 'A peoples history of the United States?' I suppose it was just a lefty whim he had.
yes, for the most part they are. might there be some rogue teachers out there? sure. but not a national policy
because he can.
get your facts straight, so you dont sound like a hypocrite.
maybe Chavez will make it better, but can you admit he might be trying to brainwash people? just maybe he's the next Kim Jong Il (though you are probably a huge fan of his.)? I mean, do you even recognize that could be a possibility?
Or are you just being devil's advocate to try to train us stupid americans on how to think objectively?
Is that all?
And you think that your experience of education is the same across America? I don't think so.