On a message board, we're going to hear all kinds of views/opinions/information. I'm confident that we fellow message boarders are able to handle that.
and try to let them be adult enough to do their own thing, as long as I don't see it harming anyone.
I love a good debate. But at the end of the day, we all go home to our own little houses, and leave others to do the same thing.
no i knew all this.....i just misread your posts in this thread.....which is why i commented....i think it has something to do with the pit's newest poster....i think that poster's extreme, closeminded attitude has colored my world somewhat......;)
I very much hear what you are saying. I'm glad to get things out in the open. I know especially on a board, when I'm being dry and impersonal (on purpose--because I believe the subject matter I'm addressing deserves respect and seriousness), it can read as cold. It's worsened by the fact that often such facts are misused by people with agendas and coloured by judgement.
Ultimately, there are consequences to everything--even accumulating a lot of money. So it's all relative and for us to each judge for ourselves depending on our own value system and personal perspective and experiences. I would not presume to speak for another. Period.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
with people who truly need it enough to ask you for it. I strongly encourage you to help others who ask for help. If someone feels that their beer after work or their joint over the weekend is destroying their life, and they ask you for your insight and "a lift", it's my hope that you will be there for them.
If someone who simply wants to discuss the positive side of a plant chooses to discuss that plant with others, with a sense of fun, I don't see why they'd need to be preached to by someone who sees it as very negative.
with people who truly need it enough to ask you for it. I strongly encourage you to help others who ask for help. If someone feels that their beer after work or their joint over the weekend is destroying their life, and they ask you for your insight and "a lift", it's my hope that you will be there for them.
If someone who simply wants to discuss the positive side of a plant chooses to discuss that plant with others, with a sense of fun, I don't see why they'd need to be preached to by someone who sees it as very negative.
I choose what I think, say and do, as you choose for yourself what you think, say and do. Fair is fair. I'm perfectly fine with that. If you are not comfortable with my perspective and the fact that I have shared it, I can accept that.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I choose what I think, say and do, as you choose for yourself what you think, say and do. Fair is fair. I'm perfectly fine with that. If you are not comfortable with my perspective and the fact that I have shared it, I can accept that.
I remember that....how much electricity was that guy stealing I wonder...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Put that guy to work with the government for, something.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Herb on occasion is nice, but keep in mind it isn't vitamins.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I heard a story on the news a few weeks ago about a mom stoned out while her toddlers were outside roaming the streets. I guess that could be a negative side...
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
It's always the same conclusions : excess is bad, moderation is good.
marijuana, like alcohol, arsenic and coffee are bad in excess but not life threatening when used moderately. The problem is that some people have a hard remembering that.
I heard a story on the news a few weeks ago about a mom stoned out while her toddlers were outside roaming the streets. I guess that could be a negative side...
yeah, every time I smoke I release my dogs on the highway...
some people are fucking stupid!
If you smoke enough it can really fuck up your brain.
But in moderation it's awesome, just like anything really.
Dalai Lama—To say that humility is an essential ingredient in our pursuit of spiritual transformation may seem to be at odds with what I have said about the need for confidence. But there is clearly a distinction to be made between valid confidence or self-esteem, and conceit - which we can describe as an inflated sense of importance, grounded in a false image of self.
There are none for normal people. Only controlling busy-bodies that don't have a life and feel a need to make everyone else's life miserable care. When did we lose the ability and freedom to police ourselves? I miss that.
but there are many who buy their smoke from some guy. While sucking down that last bong hit, it's easy for us to forget how ruthless the drug manufacturers are, carving out their territory on the backs of the innocent. Bogotá, Columbia is a perfect example of a ruined country. Bogotá became a narco-democracy for the better part of 10 years. The Cocaine Trade ran the entire country of Columbia during the late 1980’s/early 1990’s.
Does anyone remember Pablo Escobar? Cocaine didn’t just “find” its way to the US. Somewhere along the line, there were bribes, beatings, executions, extortions, and lives were ruined. The casual drug user may not realize that. For every dime bag that lands in the pocket of a middle school student, countless lives were compromised, if not ruined outright, to get that kid his ganja. And while the marijuana trade may not be as ruthless as the Columbian Drug Cartels, the argument still rings true.
….not a sermon, just my spin.
Dalai Lama—To say that humility is an essential ingredient in our pursuit of spiritual transformation may seem to be at odds with what I have said about the need for confidence. But there is clearly a distinction to be made between valid confidence or self-esteem, and conceit - which we can describe as an inflated sense of importance, grounded in a false image of self.
The problem comes in when medications are masking symptoms and the actual causes beneath the surface. Substance abuse by its very nature is different than legitimate problem solving including pain management.
The key is in releasing/solving the actual causes to problems, thusly problem solving. I would still be taking numerous psychiatric medications if I was interested in continuing to mask symptoms. Instead, I chose healing and recovery, and I practice prevention as well.
Maladaptation, like taking medication, suits a very distinct purpose of adaptation, which is why we continue to use such methods to cope with our problems. Maladaptation is easily recognized by the fallout it contains. Whereas actual adaptation is recognized by the clarity and resolution of fallout. Unfortunately, with the general state of our evolution at this time, it's the social norm in the western world to mask symptoms and deny, cut out and demonize them. To our own detriment as a people. We don't accept them, learn from them and resolve them on the whole.
As we gradually awaken and recognize that we are accepting, creating, and coping with issues that lead to our illnesses, disorders and imbalances, we'll begin to seek to not cope with our problems, but to resolve them. We will then experience nearly unimaginable health, vitality and energy, right up into our old age, and to death.
it reads like you're saying anyone who ever uses any substance is automatically by default abusing it. if i got mangled in a car wreck, sorry, but you can take your pain management and shove it. give me a fucking morphine drip, not some psycho-babble bullshit.
I choose what I think, say and do, as you choose for yourself what you think, say and do. Fair is fair. I'm perfectly fine with that. If you are not comfortable with my perspective and the fact that I have shared it, I can accept that.
you and dreamn should start a clinic for passive-aggressive mind fucking
I heard a story on the news a few weeks ago about a mom stoned out while her toddlers were outside roaming the streets. I guess that could be a negative side...
i hear a lot fo stories about parents not doing shit while their toddlers are roaming the streets... from sitting around watching tv to working 3 jobs to pay the bills. i dont think they're related.
i hear a lot fo stories about parents not doing shit while their toddlers are roaming the streets... from sitting around watching tv to working 3 jobs to pay the bills. i dont think they're related.
Well, the story I heard made a direct correlation. Maybe the stories you're hearing involve pot as well.
I'm sure that the same could be said for alcohol too, so I'm not necessarily making a judgment against pot. Just saying that there probably are negative effects sometimes just like anything else in the world.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
The problem comes in when medications are masking symptoms and the actual causes beneath the surface. Substance abuse by its very nature is different than legitimate problem solving including pain management.
The key is in releasing/solving the actual causes to problems, thusly problem solving. I would still be taking numerous psychiatric medications if I was interested in continuing to mask symptoms. Instead, I chose healing and recovery, and I practice prevention as well.
Maladaptation, like taking medication, suits a very distinct purpose of adaptation, which is why we continue to use such methods to cope with our problems. Maladaptation is easily recognized by the fallout it contains. Whereas actual adaptation is recognized by the clarity and resolution of fallout. Unfortunately, with the general state of our evolution at this time, it's the social norm in the western world to mask symptoms and deny, cut out and demonize them. To our own detriment as a people. We don't accept them, learn from them and resolve them on the whole.
As we gradually awaken and recognize that we are accepting, creating, and coping with issues that lead to our illnesses, disorders and imbalances, we'll begin to seek to not cope with our problems, but to resolve them. We will then experience nearly unimaginable health, vitality and energy, right up into our old age, and to death.
If you enjoyed her post, thank an English teacher.
Dalai Lama—To say that humility is an essential ingredient in our pursuit of spiritual transformation may seem to be at odds with what I have said about the need for confidence. But there is clearly a distinction to be made between valid confidence or self-esteem, and conceit - which we can describe as an inflated sense of importance, grounded in a false image of self.
and try to let them be adult enough to do their own thing, as long as I don't see it harming anyone.
I love a good debate. But at the end of the day, we all go home to our own little houses, and leave others to do the same thing.
" I can't remember why pot is bad "
Fuck me, it's worse than saying speed is OK ocs it makes people thin, and work hard, so ice is even better !
Ultimately, there are consequences to everything--even accumulating a lot of money. So it's all relative and for us to each judge for ourselves depending on our own value system and personal perspective and experiences. I would not presume to speak for another. Period.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Do you have a problem with my perspective?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
If someone who simply wants to discuss the positive side of a plant chooses to discuss that plant with others, with a sense of fun, I don't see why they'd need to be preached to by someone who sees it as very negative.
I choose what I think, say and do, as you choose for yourself what you think, say and do. Fair is fair. I'm perfectly fine with that. If you are not comfortable with my perspective and the fact that I have shared it, I can accept that.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I'll still love you in the morning.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
And, please, let's not talk about the naughty sex I indulge in....
Kisses back.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
I remember that....how much electricity was that guy stealing I wonder...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Put that guy to work with the government for, something.
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
I got it........beat ya to it in fact, lol
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
marijuana, like alcohol, arsenic and coffee are bad in excess but not life threatening when used moderately. The problem is that some people have a hard remembering that.
some people are fucking stupid!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
If not that, then suffering from a very low level of testosterone could be enough to discourage most guys from smoking pot.
We're peaceful people, speedy
naděje umírá poslední
but there are many who buy their smoke from some guy. While sucking down that last bong hit, it's easy for us to forget how ruthless the drug manufacturers are, carving out their territory on the backs of the innocent. Bogotá, Columbia is a perfect example of a ruined country. Bogotá became a narco-democracy for the better part of 10 years. The Cocaine Trade ran the entire country of Columbia during the late 1980’s/early 1990’s.
Does anyone remember Pablo Escobar? Cocaine didn’t just “find” its way to the US. Somewhere along the line, there were bribes, beatings, executions, extortions, and lives were ruined. The casual drug user may not realize that. For every dime bag that lands in the pocket of a middle school student, countless lives were compromised, if not ruined outright, to get that kid his ganja. And while the marijuana trade may not be as ruthless as the Columbian Drug Cartels, the argument still rings true.
….not a sermon, just my spin.
it reads like you're saying anyone who ever uses any substance is automatically by default abusing it. if i got mangled in a car wreck, sorry, but you can take your pain management and shove it. give me a fucking morphine drip, not some psycho-babble bullshit.
who is to say they cannot enjoy a relaxing evening without it? maybe they just enjoy the added boost it provides, but can take it or leave it.
you and dreamn should start a clinic for passive-aggressive mind fucking
i hear a lot fo stories about parents not doing shit while their toddlers are roaming the streets... from sitting around watching tv to working 3 jobs to pay the bills. i dont think they're related.
Well, the story I heard made a direct correlation. Maybe the stories you're hearing involve pot as well.
I'm sure that the same could be said for alcohol too, so I'm not necessarily making a judgment against pot. Just saying that there probably are negative effects sometimes just like anything else in the world.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
where did you get this info...?
If you enjoyed her post, thank an English teacher.