why won't god heal amputees?

would be interesting to hear what some in the christian community think about this video.
would be interesting to hear what some in the christian community think about this video.
Post edited by Unknown User on
The assumption that god works off of the premise of "logic" and "rationality" is unsubstantiated.
And this coming from an "If-Ist".
As in, i'm "iffy" about the whole concept of organized religion.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Who can say that? How do we know an amputee did not get an answer to a prayer yesterday? A miraculous answer?? Or any other form of miracle?? In the midst of my mental illness days, I had OCD and bi-polar disorder that were active. And yet, my gum disease reversed itself totally! As noted by my dentist. Because I had one condition did not prevent me from receiving what I saw as miracles in other areas of my life.
The statement that amputees get "no miracles from God" is a vast, sweeping assumption which indicates a biased intent of this video at the start.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Before laying the problem before God, the question should be placed on the shoulders of mankind. Why won't mankind stop making bombs and land mines? Why does mankind continue to turn a blind eye to the carnage of its own making.
You don't have to be a christian to answer this question, only human.
edit: "how do you deal with this discrepency? As an intelligent person, you have to deal with it because it makes no sense"
conclusion: Let he/she who deals with their own logical fallacies cast the first stone...
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
symantics aside, i'd say that the majority of amputees would be praying for the their limbs to grow back and this is the miracle that is ignored.
that assumes that all amputees lose limbs because of bombs or land mines. people lose limbs for other reasons, not just human carnage as you say.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
ok. so if the question is "why won't god heal amputees who pray for their limbs back?" then would that be a better way of putting it?
i get your point, but it doesn't explain or answer the question.
I understand people logically search for answers regarding the alogical. It's a personal subjective search. The subjective experience is beyond logic. Using logic to disprove the alogical, or to prove a negative is an impossbility.
Sure, you can emotionally spark many to say "yeah...see, God ISN'T real".... That's the nature of people...they are easily led by a good presentation.
Still...it proves nothing!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
If you lose your leg in an accident.. when you go to Heaven... is your leg back on or is your leg waiting for you there?
What if you were born without legs... do you get a pair of legs in Heaven?
What about people in wheelchairs? In Heaven, are they walking around?
If so, does this also apply to the blind who can see and deaf people who can hear, too?
What about retarded people? In Heaven... are they still retarded?
And what about our pets? Are there pets in Heaven? If so... how did they get there? Do cats accept Jesus as their personal saviour? If not... why not? Wasn't our love for our pets real?
Hail, Hail!!!
I didn't address accidents, because frankly the title of the post (website) uses the word amputees because of the current world conflicts. The question could have alluded to a number of situations, cancer, hunger, blindness, or AIDS. Instead, it used amputees because it is current event problem for our returning soldiers and has been in and out of the media. Plus, the question limited the response to Christians. If there is but one God, what difference would it make who responded to the question.
If it was question of why won't God heal something, it should have been something like cancer. An affliction that knows no race, no religion, no borders, no age. It is not man made, although it can be caused by man made products and activities. When you think of an amputee, your think accident, war, land mines, a birth defect or a psychopath who collects body parts.
i've heard plenty people who've claimed that their cancer went away through the power of prayer. i've yet to hear the same from an amputee.
why didn't jesus know the planet was round??
screw the amputees ... riddle me this batman
How do ya know he didn't?
Discipline: "Do you think we should tell them?"
Jesus: "No, their ignorance entertains me ..."
Disciple: "Wh ... What?!"
Jesus: "Oh, come off it ... I can't be an asshole just once while I'm down here?"
he was trying to save the native americans.
"and i almost would've gotten away with it if it weren't for that meddling christopher columbus..."
Seriously, though, the web page states that "why won't God heal amputees?" is the "most important question we can ask about God". :rolleyes:
i may be at risk of oversharing, but, about 7 years ago i lost a nut Lance Armstrong, Tom Green style. As a Christian myself, i never once prayed for it to miraculously grow back. Nor did i mock God when it didn't. This video and web site seriously make no sense. With that i remove myself from this "religious" discussion. Have fun.
Usually, your posts about race issues make me want to shake some sense into you, but in this case, I cannot help but admire how you handled that situation. Kudos to you ...
Key word "claim". People associate cancer with death, a slow death that eats away at your body with treatments that make you feel even worse for a time being. Drawing upon one's faith is not uncommon because thought of what is happening in their body is too great to deal with, so they have the "need" to believe that one day when they were actually feeling better God had answer they're prayer and heal their cancer. They stop their treatments, they stop their medication, they stop going in for checkup. In reality it is them coming to terms with the fact that they have cancer and have chosen a way to accept it. Some cancers go into remission, is it a miracle, and act of God's intervention, because a person prayed or was it because of their treatment or their body's natural defenses? It's whatever that person needs to believe to carry on with life.
I'm of that belief that faith is what one believes to carry them over to the next level of existence. If an amputee believes that they need a missing body part to be accepted, then I believe that the teaching of faith has slipped because faith is about your soul, your essence, not your body. The amputee who prays for new body part, prays in vain. The amputee who prays for the same thing we all pray for, the strength to carry on, will blend in as just another member of society. The only difference between an amputee and another person is that handicapped parking privilege. These are productive members of society, head of household, why make them seem less of a person because of lost limb.
We all have to make adjustments in our lives, and when we call upon God, its because we need the strength to look beyond whatever has us weighed down. We need that moment to make peace with ourselves before choosing a path to move forward on.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
You said it better than I did.
i was once mountain climbing alone and had to chew my nut off to save myself
it worked
thank you jesus
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Fantastic! Truly, I love reading this kind of stuff, as somebody who works in the mental illness field and advocates for non-pharmacological approaches ... Acceptance paves the way for meaningful change, in a paradoxical kinda way.
so none of the answers have ever included the limb?
If people only knew what acceptance brings. That's the grace of God - being at-one with everything. It's accepting "what is". It's transcendence. It's trans-form-ation or moving beyond our form into a deeper sense of awareness. We can do it in the depths of illness, or as an amputee.
If you are in the mental health field and can see individuals beyond their illnesses, and speak to who they are, that is so awesome!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
evidently not.
edit: God isn't obligated to do something b/c "x" amount of people have been cured or haven't been cured.