Woman With Crohns Says She'll Die in US Prison without Medical Marijuana

New Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey Documentary Movie.
"Prince of Pot"
Targeted for Being Political Activists by DEA for Selling Seeds.
DEA wants a Death Sentence.
"Prince of Pot"
Targeted for Being Political Activists by DEA for Selling Seeds.
DEA wants a Death Sentence.
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
Post edited by Unknown User on
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The thing I never understood about medical marijuana is that people know that THC is the active ingredient in it, so why not make it in pill form for all the people who need it? I mean it would be much easier to have quality control that way, plus smoking anything can not be good for your lungs.
Well, yeah I agree. But nowadays 2 or 3 hits can last quite a few hours.
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
they do...it's called Marinol. the main problems with marinol is that it takes up to an hour to work and if someone is already vomiting it's not going to even stay down. smoking marijuana works faster and is better effective than this pill
angels share laughter
Thanks for posting the list, Boston, MA. I'll check this out later tonight.
She won't die, it's just a tactic.
Well nothing personal lucy, but you can stick your immunosuppresants. Those things are no fun for me AT ALL. And I can't say that the morphine or other drugs helped much in terms of pain management last time either, so I'll be looking at MJ next time. It might be just as useless, but I'll give it a go and see. Not saying she's not using it as a tactic, but it's not like all these pharmaceuticals work for everyone.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot, marijuana is fun !!
Interferon is particularly nasty, the things they use for Crohn's are nowhere near as bad, and quite effective.
MJ is maintained as an illegal substance for good reason. You should try workign here and see how many fucked up poeple there are from it, not to mentio it makes your teeth fall out becasue of the dry mouth.
I haven't any idea either if this woman is using it a tactic or not.
but just like Jeanie implied taking immunosuppressants is NOT like eating candy...the side effects suck huge donkey balls
angels share laughter
The idea is the individual is forced into a pharma bill of lading, while the preferred choice comes freely from mother nature herself.
Fuck the DEA and fuck the Nazi fucking pharmacueticals.
If you see it any different you've been fascismischised.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I just got through part 2...
This dude kicks ass. Good documentary.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Well perhaps I'm different to the average bear, because I don't consider MJ fun by any stretch. For ME. Mostly it makes me really sick but I can't be sure if that is to do with the way it's grown these days. I just know that interferon was more harmful than beneficial, for me, and that none of the pain medications I was given allieviated the pain or were particularly good for me either. So it's my intention to try MJ next time, as organic as I can get, and see what that does for me. I might still be "allergic" to it and it won't work but I see no reason not to try it. Particularly given my body's response to the other medications.
As to the Crohn's meds, well I can't say that from what I've observed with a family member that they are doing her much good and I sometimes wonder if MJ would be more suitable. But then again her life is pretty much fucked anyway, so I have my doubts that anything would help. I'm all for advocating that people utilize the best option for THEM. Whatever they've tried and found to be effective.
I'm well aware of the kinds of things that MJ can do to a person, having experienced first hand being around MANY smokers, and I can quite imagine the things you have to deal with. But just because it's illegal and other drugs are not doesn't make it less or more effective for some people. It's more to do with politics as far as I can see. Some individuals benefit from it and should be able to do that without fear or retribution.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Thanks. I've been loosely following Marc and Michelle's plight.
The death sentence now?
Sigh, some of those conservative yanks are so tight assed I'll bet their shit comes out like spaghetti.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Are you speaking from personal experience? No offense but who are you to say what is right for this womans life? I think you may be equally as full.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Marc speaking sept 15, 2007 in Calgary (nice tshirt)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
You mean like alcohol? Prescribed pain killers?
Hell, even fast food/junk food has had a detrimental effect on people. You see anyone outlawing Burger King's Whooper and Twinkies?
Hydronated vegetable oils pose a far more immediate and deadly threat to the health of human beings, than marijuana ever could, and even after a public campaigne to do away with it; it's largely used in the crap these huge corporations make and sell as....."food".
Shall we discuss the Pharmaceutical companies and the deadly crap they conjure up and sell to us, disguised as " medicine " to "heal or cure" us?
The crap these corporations/factories pump into our air, water and soil also pose a much more immediate and deadly threat to our health; than marijuana ever could. Yet the Bush administration in all their wisdom and concern.........raised the tolerance levels for the amount of poisons and toxins these corporations could pump into our environment.
Our meat, vegetables, dairy products and poultry contain pesticides, hormones/steroids, antibiotics and other crap which pose a much more immediate and deadly threat to our health; than marijuana ever could.
Hmmmm....wonder why none of this crap has been outlawed?
I say when they give Mr. Purdue, The KFC Colonel and the CEOs of the big pharmaceutical companies...... a Life Sentence or Death Sentence for poisoning our families......for decades; than they can come talk to me about marijuana.
This is nothing but a load of crap. The Federal government couldn't care less about how marijuana may effect our health. It's about greed, money, control and power.
Wow….this is a new one to me. You’re makin shit up now, right? Guess those fucked up potheads can’t remember to drink water when they get drymouth, eh? :rolleyes:
Where do you work? Please explain to me how all these people are “fucked up”, and how it was mj that caused them to be that way.
One time at band camp I smoked a joint and all my teeth fell out.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
What gives you the right to tell her how to live her life?
Michelle is sane and a hero. You're a troll to me.
DEA? lol...
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
From wikipedia on the drug you hyped!
According to the product labeling of Infliximab, Etanercept, and Adalimumab, these drugs are in the class of immunosuppressants. After a number of studies and reports of adverse reactions in patients receiving anti-TNFα therapy (including serious and sometimes fatal blood disorders, infections, rare reports of lymphoma and solid tissue cancers, rare reports of serious liver injury, rare reports of drug induced lupus and rare reports of demyelinating central nervous system disorders), the FDA issued a warning to doctors appearing in the respective product labeling of these drugs instructing them to screen and monitor potential patients more carefully ([1]). Maintenance therapy with the drug (versus intermittent or sporadic therapy) lessens the likelihood of developing antibodies to infliximab which could reduce the efficacy of the drug. Combination treatment with methotrexate (an anti-folate drug which suppresses the immune system) has been shown to reduce the formation of these antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [12] and combination therapy with other immunosuppressants has been shown to reduce the liklihood of these antibodies being formed in Crohn's disease.[9] The use of immunosuppressants may not be necessary in all diseases for which infliximab is indicated, and indiscriminant use of these other immunosuppressants carry their own risks. Infliximab was studied in monotherapy (without concommitant immunosuppressants such as methotrexate or azothiaprine) in psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis, and only its use in rheumatoid arthritis requires the concomitant use of methotrexate by FDA product labeling.
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
Thank you! That post is ridiculous. My teeth are fine. The "fucked up potheads" I know are doing well in med school, law school, etc.. Where the shit does this person work. I'm sure everyone in there has only ever done MJ and that is the sole reason for their plight...
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
Who in the hell do you think you are, espousing all that individual freedom of choice crap.
And more importantly - where in the hell do you think you are - America??????
That being said, the need to self medicate should not be daily, all day long, or perpetual.
Although this point can be argued according to strain i.e. the indica/sativa ratio...indica being narcotic and sedative as more a night time high....sativa being an up and energetic social daytime high.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
You got to spend it all
Im fucked up now... wowowowowwowwwoooo, careful I might try and murder your baby or rub feces all over my body....droolll...omG where my teef at?!?
You got to spend it all
Shit, I've smoked pounds in my life and I don't even have a good brushing habit, plus I smoke cigarettes, my teeth are fine. Odd.
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!