Boycott The Nfl



  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    OneLove wrote:
    Fair enough. I certainly understand the sentiment of your post. You all as a community need to find your own path, get back to "normalcy" in your own way.
    I'd also like to note that, judging by the amount of trash being picked up downtown this morning, there was a lot of money flying around down here yesterday. It also bears mentioning that season tickets are sold out. To say that the Superdome isn't going to make any money for the city just doesn't make sense.

    But, yes, I was speaking mostly from sentiment. Like I said, I'm not a huge football fan (though I did watch the game from home - I mean, I had to; it's the Saints' homecomming). However, it showed me that there are things happening down here. And, for the mind, that's good to know.
  • Raindog - great Sig - glad to see there are some other fans of that disc on here...
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    NakedClown wrote:
    Raindog - great Sig - glad to see there are some other fans of that disc on here...
    That is a damn good disc. I saw him at the Troubador in West Hollywood over the summer - mostly because I'm a Bad Religion fan, and I was elated to see that he was doing a show while I was on vacation. Didn't know a single song on the way in - bought the disc on the way out.

    I tweaked the lyrics a touch for my sig, though; after all, I don't live in a village. ;)
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    my2hands wrote:
    After learning that the Superdome repairs cost approx. $175 million, and that FEMA (aka me and your tax $) paid $160 million towards that, and the NFL contributed ONLY $15 million, i have decided to never watch another NFL event. I think it is flat out fucking disgusting that the NFL only kicked in less that 10% of the $ needed, and FEMA gave $160 million when houses are still not being built? I persoanlly think they should have paid the entire bill, because they are such a succesful business. I mean $175 million is chump change for that league and its EXTREMELY wealthy owners. Not to mention all the tax $ they have used to build their state of the art stadiums. Not to mention the extreme salaries these guys are making ($10 million a year for throwing a football when teachers in this country can barely make it day to day)

    I know it is tough for some to do, i have grown up watching and playing football all of my life. Sunday's in my home were reserved for football, I watch monday night footabll like most everyone else, and I of course party it up for the super bowl like the rest of the country. But, i can only take so much greed, and i have had enough, no more of my money for these greedy fucks. I am through.

    The Washington Redskins franchise is currently valued at OVER $1 BILLION DOLLARS? you cant tell me that federal tax $ had to go to the stadium when houses are still not being built?

    Can we wait til after the Super Bowl?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    Cosmo wrote:
    Can we wait til after the Super Bowl?

    That's a good idea. I'm with you on that. I will boycott from mid-Feb. through mid July. I will exclude draft days from the boycott though.
  • PickrPickr Posts: 161
    I'm kicking ass in my Fantasy Pool, no way will I boycott. Next season. I promise.
    Stix and Stones may break my bones, but More than Words will never hurt me.
  • my2hands wrote:
    After learning that the Superdome repairs cost approx. $175 million, and that FEMA (aka me and your tax $) paid $160 million towards that, and the NFL contributed ONLY $15 million, i have decided to never watch another NFL event. I think it is flat out fucking disgusting that the NFL only kicked in less that 10% of the $ needed, and FEMA gave $160 million when houses are still not being built? I persoanlly think they should have paid the entire bill, because they are such a succesful business. I mean $175 million is chump change for that league and its EXTREMELY wealthy owners. Not to mention all the tax $ they have used to build their state of the art stadiums. Not to mention the extreme salaries these guys are making ($10 million a year for throwing a football when teachers in this country can barely make it day to day)

    I know it is tough for some to do, i have grown up watching and playing football all of my life. Sunday's in my home were reserved for football, I watch monday night footabll like most everyone else, and I of course party it up for the super bowl like the rest of the country. But, i can only take so much greed, and i have had enough, no more of my money for these greedy fucks. I am through.

    The Washington Redskins franchise is currently valued at OVER $1 BILLION DOLLARS? you cant tell me that federal tax $ had to go to the stadium when houses are still not being built?


    This may be one of the worst boycott ideas ever. Nevermind the revenue these guys produce for a city> Nevermind the boost in morale for a city in bad need of some good morale. Is the communist mind able to see through the anger they harbour towards those who make a lot of money and actually use common sense and judgement before charging in to cry foul?? Clearly not.

    Rich= evil.
    Rich=not you.

    We get it.
    Why go home
  • my2hands wrote:
    After learning that the Superdome repairs cost approx. $175 million, and that FEMA (aka me and your tax $) paid $160 million towards that, and the NFL contributed ONLY $15 million, i have decided to never watch another NFL event. I think it is flat out fucking disgusting that the NFL only kicked in less that 10% of the $ needed, and FEMA gave $160 million when houses are still not being built? I persoanlly think they should have paid the entire bill, because they are such a succesful business. I mean $175 million is chump change for that league and its EXTREMELY wealthy owners. Not to mention all the tax $ they have used to build their state of the art stadiums. Not to mention the extreme salaries these guys are making ($10 million a year for throwing a football when teachers in this country can barely make it day to day)

    I know it is tough for some to do, i have grown up watching and playing football all of my life. Sunday's in my home were reserved for football, I watch monday night footabll like most everyone else, and I of course party it up for the super bowl like the rest of the country. But, i can only take so much greed, and i have had enough, no more of my money for these greedy fucks. I am through.

    The Washington Redskins franchise is currently valued at OVER $1 BILLION DOLLARS? you cant tell me that federal tax $ had to go to the stadium when houses are still not being built?


    Wow. For once on my life on this board, I agree 100% w/ you my2hands. Thanks for posting this.

    now back to the regularly posted Zinn articles. :D

    edit/addon: I dont watch that shit anyways. Never been one to watch sports.
  • JSBEJSBE Posts: 1,078
    1970RR wrote:
    Show me a single NFL owner who was financially ruined by poor attendance/interest.
    Show me a single city that has suffered ill effects because a team left for greener pastures.
    Face it, these stadiums are nothing more than playgrounds for the rich built with taxpayer money on the myth that Joe Blow will get a job tossing hot dogs, thereby salvaging a city from second-class status and economic ruin.

    this is definately a different time in the nfl, but i would guess that there were plenty of owners getting screwed over in the 70s and 80s.

    and cleveland was pretty screwed when the browns up and left for baltimore...right?

    and the patriots stadium is *ahem* privately financed with no taxpayer money.

    to have an nfl team in your city, your state is a VERY big deal.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    if you like college better then nfl (or pros) because of the youthful compeitive spirt so be it, but becuase of the money?? has anyone here ever taken an economics course?

    i was on a college football team for 2 years. i ran down the hill at clemson. though, i never played. it was the funnest time of my life. i realize that college teams are all about the dollar too. clemson makes a shit ton off of football, yet tuition is still rising. priorities aren't where they should be on many levels.

    my point was basically a mix of the two jlew. in college, the youthful competitive spirit IS awesome. they don't get paid, and they play hard. i don't really have a good excuse not to like the nfl. i just don't like it. it isn't as fun and people are more easily corrupted because of the money. it affects the game too much, in my perception. but hey, who am i?
    you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
    ~Ron Burgundy
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 563
    i was on a college football team for 2 years. i ran down the hill at clemson. though, i never played. it was the funnest time of my life. i realize that college teams are all about the dollar too. clemson makes a shit ton off of football, yet tuition is still rising. priorities aren't where they should be on many levels.

    my point was basically a mix of the two jlew. in college, the youthful competitive spirit IS awesome. they don't get paid, and they play hard. i don't really have a good excuse not to like the nfl. i just don't like it. it isn't as fun and people are more easily corrupted because of the money. it affects the game too much, in my perception. but hey, who am i?

    Thats really cool that you played college football :) Must have made college all the more interesting for you.

    The first thing that comes to mind when I think of college football bringing in revenues is Virginia Tech. I know alot of people who went there, some who were trying to transfer from local community colleges to Tech the year that they won states or a bowl or something ( you can tell how much I pay attention). Anyway, in the following years the competition to get into that school was even more strict... and expensive.

    Meanwhile, my brother and his friends graduated that year, and they took a star football player with a 2.0 high school GPA without question. All of this over friends of mine who were deans list and presidential scholars at their local colleges.

    There is curruption on some level everywhere you look, I just don't think that the NFL's role in the superdome warrents a boycot :)
  • my2hands wrote:
    the bottom line is that the federal government favored the wealthy's intertests over the poor and average joe, by funneling money into a stadium while people are still living in trailers becasue their homes have been destroyed?

    i guess i just think that is fucked up, the NFL should have said no thank you, we can do this ourselves, please use the federal $ to help the people of the region

    175 is a drop in the bucket to the NFL, shit teams have payrolls higher than that

    not to mention the fact that the NFL uses tax $ to build these stadiums

    So what is more outrageous to you?

    A) The fact that the Louisiana Superdome was re-opened before your homes and schools


    B) The fact that one of the announcers (Tony Kornhieser) last night revealed he was talking to a fan who said he doesn't have a home, but still purchased THREE Saints season tickets for the year?
    4.28.03 --- 7.9.03 --- 7.12.03 --- 10.1.04 --- 9.28.05 --- 10.3.05 --- 5.27.06 --- 5.28.06 --- 6.3.06 --- 6.19.08 --- 6.20.08 --- 6.24.08 --- 6.25.08

    Wishlist of Unheard Live Songs
    1. All Those Yesterdays
    2. God's Dice
    3. I Got ID

  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,616
    my2hands wrote:
    After learning that the Superdome repairs cost approx. $175 million, and that FEMA (aka me and your tax $) paid $160 million towards that, and the NFL contributed ONLY $15 million, i have decided to never watch another NFL event. I think it is flat out fucking disgusting that the NFL only kicked in less that 10% of the $ needed, and FEMA gave $160 million when houses are still not being built? I persoanlly think they should have paid the entire bill, because they are such a succesful business. I mean $175 million is chump change for that league and its EXTREMELY wealthy owners. Not to mention all the tax $ they have used to build their state of the art stadiums. Not to mention the extreme salaries these guys are making ($10 million a year for throwing a football when teachers in this country can barely make it day to day)

    I know it is tough for some to do, i have grown up watching and playing football all of my life. Sunday's in my home were reserved for football, I watch monday night footabll like most everyone else, and I of course party it up for the super bowl like the rest of the country. But, i can only take so much greed, and i have had enough, no more of my money for these greedy fucks. I am through.

    The Washington Redskins franchise is currently valued at OVER $1 BILLION DOLLARS? you cant tell me that federal tax $ had to go to the stadium when houses are still not being built?


    the NFL only hosts 8-10 events per year at the Superdome, compared to all the other conventions, NCAA games, college/high school tournaments, Monster truck/tractor pulls, and home/garden/fishing expos.

    Honestly, its amazing that the NFL even kicked in to fix a bad stadium for a team that may have left the city even BEFORE the hurricane.

    Fixing the stadium, at least PARTS of it SHOULD be up to ALL of the sports, businesses, and entities that use the Superdome

    Did the NCAA kick in?
    Did WWE Wrestling kick in?
    How about the bands that have profited off of the huge seating capacity? Did they kick in?
    Did the political parties that hosted events there kick in?
    How about the various businesses that use the facility for convention shows, boat shows.
    How about circuses or art expos that use the stadium....did they kick in?

    And how much does the city make on Parking? Taxes and revenue made for people visiting the city, in particular, the Superdome? The NFL is not responsible for building stadiums. But cities profit off of the NFL. Especially domed stadiums that can host Super Bowls and collect taxes off of tickets, parking, concessions, hotel taxes, airport taxes, etc....

    15mil may not seem like a lot, but compared with how often the NFL uses the stadium?

    If the Saints went UNDEFEATED and HOSTED the maximum amount of playoff games, and perchance the SuperBowl was in NO that year, they would play 13 games there AT THE MAXIMUM.......

    13 games.....

    Considering the Saints have been bad the last few years, they play 8 home games and 2 preseason games...

    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • Vedd Hedd wrote:
    the NFL only hosts 8-10 events per year at the Superdome, compared to all the other conventions, NCAA games, college/high school tournaments, Monster truck/tractor pulls, and home/garden/fishing expos.

    Honestly, its amazing that the NFL even kicked in to fix a bad stadium for a team that may have left the city even BEFORE the hurricane.

    Fixing the stadium, at least PARTS of it SHOULD be up to ALL of the sports, businesses, and entities that use the Superdome

    Did the NCAA kick in?
    Did WWE Wrestling kick in?
    How about the bands that have profited off of the huge seating capacity? Did they kick in?
    Did the political parties that hosted events there kick in?
    How about the various businesses that use the facility for convention shows, boat shows.
    How about circuses or art expos that use the stadium....did they kick in?

    And how much does the city make on Parking? Taxes and revenue made for people visiting the city, in particular, the Superdome? The NFL is not responsible for building stadiums. But cities profit off of the NFL. Especially domed stadiums that can host Super Bowls and collect taxes off of tickets, parking, concessions, hotel taxes, airport taxes, etc....

    15mil may not seem like a lot, but compared with how often the NFL uses the stadium?

    If the Saints went UNDEFEATED and HOSTED the maximum amount of playoff games, and perchance the SuperBowl was in NO that year, they would play 13 games there AT THE MAXIMUM.......

    13 games.....

    Considering the Saints have been bad the last few years, they play 8 home games and 2 preseason games...


    ......but...but.....they're rich!!! They must be evil! George Bush owned a sports team! Thats proof they can only be the spawn of Satan!! ;)
    Why go home
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,616
    my2hands wrote:
    i would rather rebuild their home so they have somewhere to go after making $6 an hour hustling $7 beers

    I know a guy who is a beer vendor at a Baseball Stadium in Chicago and he put his kids through college selling $7 beers. Isnt that like $6.50 profit? Miller/Bud/Coors whoever just like the fact that they guys are yelling their brand name out loud to 40,000 people a night.

    Anyway, I thought this site was interesting......there's a lot of opportunities and jobs available because of thie place, and they are not all just beer vendors.
    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • LBC1076LBC1076 Posts: 224
    my2hands wrote:
    After learning that the Superdome repairs cost approx. $175 million, and that FEMA (aka me and your tax $) paid $160 million towards that, and the NFL contributed ONLY $15 million, i have decided to never watch another NFL event. I think it is flat out fucking disgusting that the NFL only kicked in less that 10% of the $ needed, and FEMA gave $160 million when houses are still not being built? I persoanlly think they should have paid the entire bill, because they are such a succesful business. I mean $175 million is chump change for that league and its EXTREMELY wealthy owners. Not to mention all the tax $ they have used to build their state of the art stadiums. Not to mention the extreme salaries these guys are making ($10 million a year for throwing a football when teachers in this country can barely make it day to day)

    After reading through it all, I noticed that one of your points wasn't really covered, most of the focus stayed on the fact that the NFL put up $175 million when they weren't obligated to spend a penny. However, the feds payed for most of it because that is what the feds do in Federal Disaster Areas, they approriate funds to try and restore the area to what it was before. That's really the end of your argument. What comes first is reestablishing the revenue base that the city, parrishes and state drew from to pay for the homes and schools, fret not, the feds will kick in a large chunk of our money to do so, not to mention the privately donated funds for reconstruction. You can't just put the buildings up and expect them to somehow sustain themselves without some sort revenue, and that is where the Superdome comes in to play, fix it and the games return, the conventions return and with that the people to watch the games, attend the conventions and tourism regains that huge momentum that it has there every February and March. Just get off your soapbox before it rains and you slip and break your neck.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    RainDog wrote:
    More than one thing can be done at the same time. Eighty percent of the homes in this city took on water; and they are being repaired (where allowed, some areas haven't been cleared for construction yet - and I don't mean "cleared" as in of debris, but regarding building regulations and what-not). These are individual homes, though, and individual homeowners are dealing with them. The Superdome sits downtown and is one of the largest structures in the city. Leaving it in a state of disrepair would have hurt the city more than the 185 million would have helped elsewhere.

    And I'm not even much of a football fan.

    i am not saying you leave it in disrepair, i am saying that the Federal Government should not have to pay for almost the entire reconstruction project when there are more pressing human issues to address
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    i compare it to an Exxon building being damaged in a natural disaster and FEMA paying to rebuild it, when they are the most profitable company on the face of the earth

    now do you get my point since it is not your beloved NFL?
  • floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    my2hands wrote:
    i compare it to an Exxon building being damaged in a natural disaster and FEMA paying to rebuild it, when they are the most profitable company on the face of the earth

    now do you get my point since it is not your beloved NFL?

    Does Exxon not own those headquarters? Are those headquarters used more often by other for-profit and non-profit organizations than for Exxon's use?

    If you answer these questions, you will see the fallacy of your argument. Maybe you won't, but there is nothing anybody can do about that.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    1970RR wrote:
    Show me a single NFL owner who was financially ruined by poor attendance/interest.
    Show me a single city that has suffered ill effects because a team left for greener pastures.
    Face it, these stadiums are nothing more than playgrounds for the rich built with taxpayer money on the myth that Joe Blow will get a job tossing hot dogs, thereby salvaging a city from second-class status and economic ruin.

    ever go to downtown hartford, connecticut, recently? it's a fucking wasteland because peter karmanos took the whalers to north carolina. the loss of that team provided one more reason for suburbanites to stay in their cushy little towns and not come downtown.

    used to be that the whalers gave the downtown area 40 nights a year of increased revenue and respectibility. no longer.

    so there's one example. would you like me to point out more? because i could.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    i compare it to an Exxon building being damaged in a natural disaster and FEMA paying to rebuild it, when they are the most profitable company on the face of the earth

    now do you get my point since it is not your beloved NFL?

    nothing to do with your orignial arugment. you are not accepting the fact that the money spent on the Superdome is well worth it, no matter who foot the bill.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    ever go to downtown hartford, connecticut, recently? it's a fucking wasteland because peter karmanos took the whalers to north carolina. the loss of that team provided one more reason for suburbanites to stay in their cushy little towns and not come downtown.

    used to be that the whalers gave the downtown area 40 nights a year of increased revenue and respectibility. no longer.

    so there's one example. would you like me to point out more? because i could.

    you are saying a hockey team leaving ruined hartford economically? you have to be kidding
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    my2hands wrote:
    you are saying a hockey team leaving ruined hartford economically? you have to be kidding

    Well it probably didn't help.
    - Busted down the pretext
    - 8/28/98
    - 9/2/00
    - 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
    - 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
    - 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
    - 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
    - 8/2/07, 8/5/07
    - 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
    - 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
    - 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
    - 9/11/11, 9/12/11
    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    i call bullshit!

    i live 30 minutes from the Philly sports complex and i have been to a fair share of events... everyone hops off of the I-95 ramp, gets drunk in the parking lot, goes to the game and buys $4 hotdogs...then when the game is over they get back in their cars and hop back on the I-95 ramp and leave the city, without spening a dime in the actual city

    same with the NY/Nj complex... it is an off-ramp, and that is it...when the event is over everyone leaves

    i have seen a few where they actually draw people downtown like Fenway, baltimore, and Wrigley... but all in all i dont see how it really is that big of a deal


    nobody travels to see the Saints? they have always sucked and will always suck, i say they drain more money out of the community than anything else by charging outrageous amounts for tickets and food?

    ever been to a football game? people bring food and beer from home, tailgate in the parking lot, then go home after the game is over, how is that "generating revenue"
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Solat13 wrote:

    it is a pretty sad state of affairs in this country when a hockey team is your economic base for a city?

    it is funny how pathetic it is becoming that the only ideas people have for "generating revenue" is a sports complex or a casino?

    ask atlactic city how "generating revenue" is going for is a shit hole with billion doallar palaces... the people still live in squaler, and always will

    has the philly sports complex helped the ghetto's on your city good friend? how about your neighborhood? you live in philly, has the new stadiums helped your area of town? i know Kensington is really on the way up because of the 4 pro teams in philly?
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    my2hands wrote:

    nobody travels to see the Saints? they have always sucked and will always suck, i say they drain more money out of the community than anything else by charging outrageous amounts for tickets and food?

    ever been to a football game? people bring food and beer from home, tailgate in the parking lot, then go home after the game is over, how is that "generating revenue"
    Routing for the Saints is kind of like routing for the Democrats - you never really expect them to be any good. Hell, people here used to show up at games with bags on their heads. But they still showed up.

    Have you ever been to a football game in New Orleans? Sure, lots of people go home afterward; but lots more funnel into the French Quarter with open wallets.
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    my2hands wrote:
    it is a pretty sad state of affairs in this country when a hockey team is your economic base for a city?

    it is funny how pathetic it is becoming that the only ideas people have for "generating revenue" is a sports complex or a casino?

    ask atlactic city how "generating revenue" is going for is a shit hole with billion doallar palaces... the people still live in squaler, and always will

    has the philly sports complex helped the ghetto's on your city good friend? how about your neighborhood? you live in philly, has the new stadiums helped your area of town? i know Kensington is really on the way up because of the 4 pro teams in philly?

    Actually yes it has. I live in South Philly - right by the Italian Market and Pat's and Geno's and every Phillies Home game and Eagles Home Game there are a ton of people down in South Philly. 3 new restaurants have opened up by me, and a new bar/restaurant across from Pat's and Geno's, a new sports bar a few blocks away, and several other pizza/hoagie places. Plus the stores that were floundering up Passyunk Avenue have seen a resurgence with all the new foot traffic by the added people visiting the area.

    Plus the property value of my house has gone up about 75% in the last 5 years since the Linc and CB Park have opened.

    When the NBA Allstar game was in town a few years ago it was nuts down in South Philly - probably the 2nd busiest I'ever seen it in terms of traffic other than when the RNC was in town.

    So sports does have a huge effect on the local economy.

    I mean Baltimore built it's Inner Harbor after the Orioles moved into Camden Yards.
    - Busted down the pretext
    - 8/28/98
    - 9/2/00
    - 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
    - 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
    - 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
    - 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
    - 8/2/07, 8/5/07
    - 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
    - 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
    - 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
    - 9/11/11, 9/12/11
    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • my2hands wrote:
    i call bullshit!

    i live 30 minutes from the Philly sports complex and i have been to a fair share of events... everyone hops off of the I-95 ramp, gets drunk in the parking lot, goes to the game and buys $4 hotdogs...then when the game is over they get back in their cars and hop back on the I-95 ramp and leave the city, without spening a dime in the actual city

    same with the NY/Nj complex... it is an off-ramp, and that is it...when the event is over everyone leaves

    i have seen a few where they actually draw people downtown like Fenway, baltimore, and Wrigley... but all in all i dont see how it really is that big of a deal


    nobody travels to see the Saints? they have always sucked and will always suck, i say they drain more money out of the community than anything else by charging outrageous amounts for tickets and food?

    ever been to a football game? people bring food and beer from home, tailgate in the parking lot, then go home after the game is over, how is that "generating revenue"

    Parking = tax revenue for the city (I don't know about New Orleans, but for one example, the tax rate for parking in Pittsburgh is 50% - half of all of the money spent on parking goes to the city).

    Amusement Tax - Again, not sure about the taxes in NO, but most cities/counties add a tax to every ticket sold. With the number of seats in the superdome, that is adds up quickly.

    Again, all of the part time and full time jobs provided.

    Hotels and resturants - With games, concerts, conventions, etc, there are alot of people who stay and eat in any city. Try to get a table or a room near the venue when a big show or game is going on.

    And as said many many times... the NFL is a tenent in the building, if they were as greedy as you say, they would have just moved the team and got it over with.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • jsandjsand Posts: 646
    And as said many many times... the NFL is a tenent in the building, if they were as greedy as you say, they would have just moved the team and got it over with.

    Yeah, and also, football is awesome - by far my favorites sport to watch. I'd only be hurting myself if I were to boycott it.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    i call bullshit!

    i live 30 minutes from the Philly sports complex and i have been to a fair share of events... everyone hops off of the I-95 ramp, gets drunk in the parking lot, goes to the game and buys $4 hotdogs...then when the game is over they get back in their cars and hop back on the I-95 ramp and leave the city, without spening a dime in the actual city

    same with the NY/Nj complex... it is an off-ramp, and that is it...when the event is over everyone leaves

    i have seen a few where they actually draw people downtown like Fenway, baltimore, and Wrigley... but all in all i dont see how it really is that big of a deal


    nobody travels to see the Saints? they have always sucked and will always suck, i say they drain more money out of the community than anything else by charging outrageous amounts for tickets and food?

    ever been to a football game? people bring food and beer from home, tailgate in the parking lot, then go home after the game is over, how is that "generating revenue"

    I cant believe how wrong you are. people dont drive in and drive out like you say. maybe you do. there are always people who fly in, maybe to see a friend and catch a game, stay in a hotel, people who eat at places other then at their car. you are claiming EVERYONE comes in and leaves without spending a dime in the surrounding area. that is so damn false is laughable.
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