There is no proof that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity. Ice core records from the past 650,000 years show that temperature increases have preceded—not resulted from—increases in CO2 by hundreds of years, suggesting that the warming of the oceans is an important source of the rise in atmospheric CO2. As the dominant greenhouse gas, water vapor is far, far more important than CO2. Dire predictions of future warming are based almost entirely on computer climate models, yet these models do not accurately understand the role or water vapor—and, in any case, water vapor is not within our control. Plus, computer models cannot account for the observed cooling of much of the past century (1940–75), nor for the observed patterns of warming—what we call the “fingerprints.” For example, the Antarctic is cooling while models predict warming. And where the models call for the middle atmosphere to warm faster than the surface, the observations show the exact opposite.
The best evidence supporting natural causes of temperature fluctuations are the changes in cloudiness, which correspond strongly with regular variations in solar activity. The current warming is likely part of a natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that’s been traced back almost a million years. It accounts for the Medieval Warm Period around 1100 A.D., when the Vikings settled Greenland and grew crops, and the Little Ice Age, from about 1400 to 1850 A.D., which brought severe winters and cold summers to Europe, with failed harvests, starvation, disease, and general misery.
ice core samples also prove that the increased CO2 levels in the past have been caused by catostrophic events. in greenland 1998; scientists found proof that the permian extinction was caused when the siberian flats' volcanic activity warmed the earth 5 degrees (or about) which caused the ice to melt; ice reflects heat back into space but ground and water absorb it. as the seas warmed the frozen methane melted and was released into the atmosphere. this caused an additional 4-5 degree increase which killed 95% of life on earth. for the dinosaurs it was a meteor that caused dust in the atmosphere blocking the sun. we do have natural heating and cooling but that is due to the earths eliptical orbit. at this time we are moving away from the sun and entering a cooling period.
even if you're niave enough to believe man didn't cause this with pollution and cutting down trees which filter the air; MAN CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. why do you people always want to find blame for everything. the fact is; we can do something about this. if you get a flat you don't stand there and ponder where the air went; you change the bloody tire. so if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. it's either or.
ice core samples also prove that the increased CO2 levels in the past have been caused by catostrophic events. in greenland 1998; scientists found proof that the permian extinction was caused when the siberian flats' volcanic activity warmed the earth 5 degrees (or about) which caused the ice to melt; ice reflects heat back into space but ground and water absorb it. as the seas warmed the frozen methane melted and was released into the atmosphere. this caused an additional 4-5 degree increase which killed 95% of life on earth. for the dinosaurs it was a meteor that caused dust in the atmosphere blocking the sun. we do have natural heating and cooling but that is due to the earths eliptical orbit. at this time we are moving away from the sun and entering a cooling period.
even if you're niave enough to believe man didn't cause this with pollution and cutting down trees which filter the air; MAN CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. why do you people always want to find blame for everything. the fact is; we can do something about this. if you get a flat you don't stand there and ponder where the air went; you change the bloody tire. so if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. it's either or.
that may be true; but a cow doesn't emit sulfur dioxide and all the other chemicals a suv does. in addition; cows usually live in areas with ample vegetation to convert that CO2 into O2. the cow also produces fertilizer and if that fertilizer was put to use; the companies producing chemical fertilizer could be shut down reducing the emmissions greatly.
finding a drug only means another chemical plant producing emmissions and adding yet another drug to our food.
thanks for that but all i said was that they were the biggest producers of CO2, i just found it to be a quite surprising article.
but your point is a good one, esp the drugs in food bit
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Hey everyone, I'm sorry to break up the party, but the reason everwhere in England is flooding is purely due to over population. We are letting so many immigrants in to this country that there is not enough housing for them, therefore we have to build many more houses/flats to accomodate these people. A lot of it on flood plains. The immigrants then breed at an average rate of at least 3 children per family. Again, to accomodate these people we have to build yet more houses/flats. Rainfall has increased and so has square mileage of concrete due to housing and the fact that people need more parking and are too lazy to look after their gardens, so they pave them! Where does all this extra rainfall go, if there is now less soil for it to soak away to? The the Uk accounts for 0.5% of the planets landmass, yet has 0.6% of the worlds population on it. You do the math!
Hey everyone, I'm sorry to break up the party, but the reason everwhere in England is flooding is purely due to over population. We are letting so many immigrants in to this country that there is not enough housing for them, therefore we have to build many more houses/flats to accomodate these people. A lot of it on flood plains. The immigrants then breed at an average rate of at least 3 children per family. Again, to accomodate these people we have to build yet more houses/flats. Rainfall has increased and so has square mileage of concrete due to housing and the fact that people need more parking and are too lazy to look after their gardens, so they pave them! Where does all this extra rainfall go, if there is now less soil for it to soak away to? The the Uk accounts for 0.5% of the planets landmass, yet has 0.6% of the worlds population on it. You do the math!
WRONG!!!!! it because of GLOBAL back to the party everyone.
Hey everyone, I'm sorry to break up the party, but the reason everwhere in England is flooding is purely due to over population. We are letting so many immigrants in to this country that there is not enough housing for them, therefore we have to build many more houses/flats to accomodate these people. A lot of it on flood plains. The immigrants then breed at an average rate of at least 3 children per family. Again, to accomodate these people we have to build yet more houses/flats. Rainfall has increased and so has square mileage of concrete due to housing and the fact that people need more parking and are too lazy to look after their gardens, so they pave them! Where does all this extra rainfall go, if there is now less soil for it to soak away to? The the Uk accounts for 0.5% of the planets landmass, yet has 0.6% of the worlds population on it. You do the math!
you're right about the flooding mate. and all the concrete and pavement is also a heat sink. it holds heat and when released; it causes the moisture to form rain.
what you didn't address was the rainfall. the rainfall is due to global warming. as the ice melts the wind patterns change and now they are bringing more moisture into the uk.
one of the major impacts of climate change is higher incidences of extreme weather events ... we've had heatwaves in north america and europe ... flooding in various parts of the world ... drought in the south pacific ...
some people choose to connect the dots ... some don't ...
As i said, im definitely not saying its a myth, but im not convinced it isnt either, and because we and the scientists who warn us about global warming have been here on this planet for nothing more than a dot in time in the grand scheme of things, i think its impossible for anyone to know anything for sure. Some scientists believe that the climate has risen and dropped now and again over the past whoever knows how many thousands of years, but i wouldnt entirely trust them either!
I not being ignorant or naive i dont think, and in our household we do our bit for the environment as much as possible by doing things like recycling all plastic and glass, not wasting electricity etc, but i dont think anyone is in a position to tell me that global warming is WITHOUT A DOUBT the cause of bad weather, regardless of the hundreds of year worth of records they might have at their disposal. That's a tiny amount of time. Again, dont anyone get all upset as if im dismissing global warming as a myth, im just saying no one knows for sure.
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
As i said, im definitely not saying its a myth, but im not convinced it isnt either, and because we and the scientists who warn us about global warming have been here on this planet for nothing more than a dot in time in the grand scheme of things, i think its impossible for anyone to know anything for sure. Some scientists believe that the climate has risen and dropped now and again over the past whoever knows how many thousands of years, but i wouldnt entirely trust them either!
I not being ignorant or naive i dont think, and in our household we do our bit for the environment as much as possible by doing things like recycling all plastic and glass, not wasting electricity etc, but i dont think anyone is in a position to tell me that global warming is WITHOUT A DOUBT the cause of bad weather, regardless of the hundreds of year worth of records they might have at their disposal. That's a tiny amount of time. Again, dont anyone get all upset as if im dismissing global warming as a myth, im just saying no one knows for sure.
stop bringing common sense to the discussion. GLOBAL WARMING IS GOING TO END LIFE ON EARTH AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT. NOW, STOP DRINKING BOTTLED WATER AND DO NOT BUT A CAR THAT HAS FOUR DOORS. please note the all caps. i'm fucking serious.
As i said, im definitely not saying its a myth, but im not convinced it isnt either, and because we and the scientists who warn us about global warming have been here on this planet for nothing more than a dot in time in the grand scheme of things, i think its impossible for anyone to know anything for sure. Some scientists believe that the climate has risen and dropped now and again over the past whoever knows how many thousands of years, but i wouldnt entirely trust them either!
I not being ignorant or naive i dont think, and in our household we do our bit for the environment as much as possible by doing things like recycling all plastic and glass, not wasting electricity etc, but i dont think anyone is in a position to tell me that global warming is WITHOUT A DOUBT the cause of bad weather, regardless of the hundreds of year worth of records they might have at their disposal. That's a tiny amount of time. Again, dont anyone get all upset as if im dismissing global warming as a myth, im just saying no one knows for sure.
the weather changes are due to the changes in wind that flows over the ice caps. when the ice changes; so do the winds.
you're right about the flooding mate. and all the concrete and pavement is also a heat sink. it holds heat and when released; it causes the moisture to form rain.
what you didn't address was the rainfall. the rainfall is due to global warming. as the ice melts the wind patterns change and now they are bringing more moisture into the uk.
Yeah, I see your point, but the actual flooding wouln't be anywhere near as bad if we weren' so over populated.
But what would he/she know about localised flooding, which is what I was talking about if you'd actually read my post and the title of this thread.
I did read the title of the thread but sorry for interrupting your conversation.
Im still waiting on a reply from onelongsong to tell me who said "the weather changes are due to the changes in wind that flows over the ice caps. when the ice changes; so do the winds." and where this person got their information, and also why it is definitely without a shadow of a doubt correct.
Please remember onelongsong, im noyt trying to be rude nor am i dismissing the idea of global warming, i just question the amount of factual knowledge any scientist can really have about planet earth.
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
Global warming is happening... that is a fact. However we've had global warming many times throughout Earth's history where it's been much warmer, and with higher sea levels than this - just as we've had many ice ages in the past. There are beaches in my local area which are at the top of 20ft cliffs (showing where the sea level was 1000's of years ago). Global warming has happened before and will happen again... as will ice ages.
I'm not convinced humans are entirely to blame... I think it is part of the Earth's natural cycle to get warmer and colder, and there are many natural causes of CO2 that far out weigh the human production.
I just feel that by creating lots of publicity about global warming or being 'green', is just a ploy to help politicians win elections, or raise taxes. Perhaps I am too cynical!
Having said that, it certainly does no harm to be 'green' and recycle etc. (and I feel I do my fair share), however I'm not convinced that it is all down to us.
Wow... that felt good to get all scientific! My Earth Science degree did come in handy after all
P.S. I've not read the entire content of this thread in case someone said something similar already... it's way to long! Just my personal opinion.
London #1 2000, Reading 2006, London 2007, London 2009, London 2010, Manchester #1 2012, Manchester #2 2012, Manchester 2012 (EV), Milton Keynes 2014, London #2 2017 (EV), London #1 2018, London #2 2018, London #1 2022, London #2 2022, Manchester 2024.
I did read the title of the thread but sorry for interrupting your conversation.
Im still waiting on a reply from onelongsong to tell me who said "the weather changes are due to the changes in wind that flows over the ice caps. when the ice changes; so do the winds." and where this person got their information, and also why it is definitely without a shadow of a doubt correct.
Please remember onelongsong, im noyt trying to be rude nor am i dismissing the idea of global warming, i just question the amount of factual knowledge any scientist can really have about planet earth.
I agree! Watching the news 2 weeks ago when the first lot of flooding happened, they reported on the height of the flooding in Worcester. This year it is about 6 feet lower than it was in the floods of 1949. I think the government, at least in this country have found yet another way to drag money out of people in taxes.
At the end of the day it's just our individual opinion and I don't mean to get irate,but I can't stand people dismissing me or other people out of hand, when they don't have the facts. You're always welcome to put your 2 pennies worth in It is a free world (in most parts) after all!
I think the government, at least in this country have found yet another way to drag money out of people in taxes.
Funny, I posted a similar thing at virtually the exact same time!
London #1 2000, Reading 2006, London 2007, London 2009, London 2010, Manchester #1 2012, Manchester #2 2012, Manchester 2012 (EV), Milton Keynes 2014, London #2 2017 (EV), London #1 2018, London #2 2018, London #1 2022, London #2 2022, Manchester 2024.
Global warming is happening... that is a fact. However we've had global warming many times throughout Earth's history where it's been much warmer, and with higher sea levels than this - just as we've had many ice ages in the past. There are beaches in my local area which are at the top of 20ft cliffs (showing where the sea level was 1000's of years ago). Global warming has happened before and will happen again... as will ice ages.
I'm not convinced humans are entirely to blame... I think it is part of the Earth's natural cycle to get warmer and colder, and there are many natural causes of CO2 that far out weigh the human production.
I just feel that by creating lots of publicity about global warming or being 'green', is just a ploy to help politicians win elections, or raise taxes. Perhaps I am too cynical!
Having said that, it certainly does no harm to be 'green' and recycle etc. (and I feel I do my fair share), however I'm not convinced that it is all down to us.
Wow... that felt good to get all scientific! My Earth Science degree did come in handy after all
See, here is the thing. No one has ever claimed global warming hasn't been going on throughout history...the point we're making is our actions as humans are greatly speeding up the process and are resulting in dire effects on the earth, it's weather and it's inhabitants. These man made problems alongside natural warming trends may affect the earth's ability to sustain life here so we need to be careful with what we are doing to speed this process along and work to find alternate ways to get by on this planet if we wish to continue living here in the future.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I agree! Watching the news 2 weeks ago when the first lot of flooding happened, they reported on the height of the flooding in Worcester. This year it is about 6 feet lower than it was in the floods of 1949. I think the government, at least in this country have found yet another way to drag money out of people in taxes.
At the end of the day it's just our individual opinion and I don't mean to get irate,but I can't stand people dismissing me or other people out of hand, when they don't have the facts. You're always welcome to put your 2 pennies worth in It is a free world (in most parts) after all!
Yeah i saw that on Tv about the floods in 1949. That's basically what i was thinking about when i posted my first in this thread a few pages back saying i wonder how they explained flooding before global warming was made such an issue? lol
Man made pollution of the earth is a terrible thing and i always do my best to try and keep the place clean, but i just dont know how some of these scientists can speak so confidently about our planet, which is after all, a big ball, in the middle of some universe, in some galaxy, somewhere we dont really know! lol The whole idea of it comepletely turns my head insideout and so when 'experts' who have maybe been on this earth only a tiny bit longer than me tell me that they know for sure what is happening, i tend to take what they say with a pinch of salt sometimes lol
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
See, here is the thing. No one has ever claimed global warming hasn't been going on throughout history...the point we're making is our actions as humans are greatly speeding up the process and are resulting in dire effects on the earth, it's weather and it's inhabitants. These man made problems alongside natural warming trends may affect the earth's ability to sustain life here so we need to be careful with what we are doing here to speed this process along and work to find alternate ways to get by here on earth if we wish to continue living here in the future.
To be honest, I really don't think it matters what we do to try and compensate. Global warming will either completely or mostly wipe out the human race and then it will all start again. Mother natures way of cleansing the earth!
Yeah i saw that on Tv about the floods in 1949. That's basically what i was thinking about when i posted my first in this thread a few pages back saying i wonder how they explained flooding before global warming was made such an issue? lol
Man made pollution of the earth is a terrible thing and i always do my best to try and keep the place clean, but i just dont know how some of these scientists can speak so confidently about our planet, which is after all, a big ball, in the middle of some universe, in some galaxy, somewhere we dont really know! lol The whole idea of it comepletely turns my head insideout and so when 'experts' who have maybe been on this earth only a tiny bit longer than me tell me that they know for sure what is happening, i tend to take what they say with a pinch of salt sometimes lol
I guess if there's one good thing that comes out of what I think is propaganda, is that we all treat this earth with a little more respect than we did before:)
To be honest, I really don't think it matters what we do to try and compensate. Global warming will either completely or mostly wipe out the human race and then it will all start again. Mother natures way of cleansing the earth!
I'll have to disagree. It does matter what we do and we are smart enough to come up with ideas that could most definitely change the course of global warming....but I'm an optimist. I'm not throwing in the towel...I'm going to do what I can and hope for the best. I happen to like living here and even if we can only prolong life on this planet for one extra year that's better than nothing and well worth it, imo.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
our actions as humans are greatly speeding up the process and are resulting in dire effects on the earth, it's weather and it's inhabitants. These man made problems alongside natural warming trends may affect the earth's ability to sustain life here so we need to be careful with what we are doing to speed this process along and work to find alternate ways to get by on this planet if we wish to continue living here in the future.
The world is warming up, however the proof that global warming is speeding up faster than the past, let alone due to humans is very sketchy. Also life has survived global warming in the past.
I don't mean to sound anti-environment, because I'm not. It certainly does no harm at all to look after the world we live in, and I recycle and do my bit for the environment more than the average person. I just feel that it's a bit of a political band wagon that people are jumping on.
London #1 2000, Reading 2006, London 2007, London 2009, London 2010, Manchester #1 2012, Manchester #2 2012, Manchester 2012 (EV), Milton Keynes 2014, London #2 2017 (EV), London #1 2018, London #2 2018, London #1 2022, London #2 2022, Manchester 2024.
I don't mean to sound anti-environment, because I'm not. It certainly does no harm at all to look after the world we live in, and I recycle and do my bit for the environment more than the average person. I just feel that it's a bit of a political band wagon that people are jumping on.
Even if it was just that (which I don't believe it is) I wouldn't have a problem with it because in the end, if we are treating this planet with more respect and stopping to think about our actions and effects on this's well worth it, imo.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
ice core samples also prove that the increased CO2 levels in the past have been caused by catostrophic events. in greenland 1998; scientists found proof that the permian extinction was caused when the siberian flats' volcanic activity warmed the earth 5 degrees (or about) which caused the ice to melt; ice reflects heat back into space but ground and water absorb it. as the seas warmed the frozen methane melted and was released into the atmosphere. this caused an additional 4-5 degree increase which killed 95% of life on earth. for the dinosaurs it was a meteor that caused dust in the atmosphere blocking the sun. we do have natural heating and cooling but that is due to the earths eliptical orbit. at this time we are moving away from the sun and entering a cooling period.
even if you're niave enough to believe man didn't cause this with pollution and cutting down trees which filter the air; MAN CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. why do you people always want to find blame for everything. the fact is; we can do something about this. if you get a flat you don't stand there and ponder where the air went; you change the bloody tire. so if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. it's either or.
i like it
the catostrophic event that caused our current situation is the industrial revolution. in case anyone is interested.
and again, we agree
thanks for that but all i said was that they were the biggest producers of CO2, i just found it to be a quite surprising article.
but your point is a good one, esp the drugs in food bit
WRONG!!!!! it because of GLOBAL back to the party everyone.
you're right about the flooding mate. and all the concrete and pavement is also a heat sink. it holds heat and when released; it causes the moisture to form rain.
what you didn't address was the rainfall. the rainfall is due to global warming. as the ice melts the wind patterns change and now they are bringing more moisture into the uk.
well done! ... nice to see all that typing has paid off ...
As i said, im definitely not saying its a myth, but im not convinced it isnt either, and because we and the scientists who warn us about global warming have been here on this planet for nothing more than a dot in time in the grand scheme of things, i think its impossible for anyone to know anything for sure. Some scientists believe that the climate has risen and dropped now and again over the past whoever knows how many thousands of years, but i wouldnt entirely trust them either!
I not being ignorant or naive i dont think, and in our household we do our bit for the environment as much as possible by doing things like recycling all plastic and glass, not wasting electricity etc, but i dont think anyone is in a position to tell me that global warming is WITHOUT A DOUBT the cause of bad weather, regardless of the hundreds of year worth of records they might have at their disposal. That's a tiny amount of time. Again, dont anyone get all upset as if im dismissing global warming as a myth, im just saying no one knows for sure.
the weather changes are due to the changes in wind that flows over the ice caps. when the ice changes; so do the winds.
I dont mean to be rude but who told you this then?
Last i checked it was still on the same globe that is the subject of this supposed warming though lol
skim the thread if you get a minute
I did read the title of the thread but sorry for interrupting your conversation.
Im still waiting on a reply from onelongsong to tell me who said "the weather changes are due to the changes in wind that flows over the ice caps. when the ice changes; so do the winds." and where this person got their information, and also why it is definitely without a shadow of a doubt correct.
Please remember onelongsong, im noyt trying to be rude nor am i dismissing the idea of global warming, i just question the amount of factual knowledge any scientist can really have about planet earth.
I'm not convinced humans are entirely to blame... I think it is part of the Earth's natural cycle to get warmer and colder, and there are many natural causes of CO2 that far out weigh the human production.
I just feel that by creating lots of publicity about global warming or being 'green', is just a ploy to help politicians win elections, or raise taxes. Perhaps I am too cynical!
Having said that, it certainly does no harm to be 'green' and recycle etc. (and I feel I do my fair share), however I'm not convinced that it is all down to us.
Wow... that felt good to get all scientific! My Earth Science degree did come in handy after all
P.S. I've not read the entire content of this thread in case someone said something similar already... it's way to long! Just my personal opinion.
At the end of the day it's just our individual opinion and I don't mean to get irate,but I can't stand people dismissing me or other people out of hand, when they don't have the facts. You're always welcome to put your 2 pennies worth in
Funny, I posted a similar thing at virtually the exact same time!
See, here is the thing. No one has ever claimed global warming hasn't been going on throughout history...the point we're making is our actions as humans are greatly speeding up the process and are resulting in dire effects on the earth, it's weather and it's inhabitants. These man made problems alongside natural warming trends may affect the earth's ability to sustain life here so we need to be careful with what we are doing to speed this process along and work to find alternate ways to get by on this planet if we wish to continue living here in the future.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yeah i saw that on Tv about the floods in 1949. That's basically what i was thinking about when i posted my first in this thread a few pages back saying i wonder how they explained flooding before global warming was made such an issue? lol
Man made pollution of the earth is a terrible thing and i always do my best to try and keep the place clean, but i just dont know how some of these scientists can speak so confidently about our planet, which is after all, a big ball, in the middle of some universe, in some galaxy, somewhere we dont really know! lol The whole idea of it comepletely turns my head insideout and so when 'experts' who have maybe been on this earth only a tiny bit longer than me tell me that they know for sure what is happening, i tend to take what they say with a pinch of salt sometimes lol
I'll have to disagree. It does matter what we do and we are smart enough to come up with ideas that could most definitely change the course of global warming....but I'm an optimist. I'm not throwing in the towel...I'm going to do what I can and hope for the best. I happen to like living here and even if we can only prolong life on this planet for one extra year that's better than nothing and well worth it, imo.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The world is warming up, however the proof that global warming is speeding up faster than the past, let alone due to humans is very sketchy. Also life has survived global warming in the past.
I don't mean to sound anti-environment, because I'm not. It certainly does no harm at all to look after the world we live in, and I recycle and do my bit for the environment more than the average person. I just feel that it's a bit of a political band wagon that people are jumping on.
Even if it was just that (which I don't believe it is) I wouldn't have a problem with it because in the end, if we are treating this planet with more respect and stopping to think about our actions and effects on this's well worth it, imo.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde