but please, by all means, live in fear that the earth will slowly melt down to its core and we will all die a terrible over heated death.
I don't live in fear and the things I do, I don't do them because of Al Gore or some article in Time saying we should be alarmed. I think man is fucking up nature and I think anyone who denies it is a fool. I'm not even saying global warming is completely man made but when I look at the earth, the water, our forests ... I wouldn't be surprised if man actually managed to fuck up our climate as well.
All I was saying is that is was rather weird that you say no one knows a thing and then you fervently deny global warming. You say it's a joke and that there's no such thing.
No scientist can claim with certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow, yet they do fairly accurate predictions about it. You seem to pick and choose what you like in science, dismissing theories and/or facts that disturb you (like global warming or the lancet study about Iraq) while believing blindly other theories and/or facts (such as the age of the earth, age of the universe, causation from cigarettes to cancer etc.).
hi im jeff, nice to meet you. who the fuck are you? since when have I dismissed lancet studies of Iraq? and I have also clearly stated that I believe the age of the earth is a best guess.
and another thing, for gabes. why is it, if someone questions global warming, they are automatically considered a neocon. along with the fear mongering that is global warming, this is another thing that greatly pisses me off. I guess it is just this forum though with 99% tree huggin hippies around.
and for the record, I think the right does plenty of fear mongering about terrorism.
see, this is where your not holding water... there is no debate, 99% of all the science/expert community agree on this
9 out of 10 dentists agree dude
There is no proof that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity. Ice core records from the past 650,000 years show that temperature increases have preceded—not resulted from—increases in CO2 by hundreds of years, suggesting that the warming of the oceans is an important source of the rise in atmospheric CO2. As the dominant greenhouse gas, water vapor is far, far more important than CO2. Dire predictions of future warming are based almost entirely on computer climate models, yet these models do not accurately understand the role or water vapor—and, in any case, water vapor is not within our control. Plus, computer models cannot account for the observed cooling of much of the past century (1940–75), nor for the observed patterns of warming—what we call the “fingerprints.” For example, the Antarctic is cooling while models predict warming. And where the models call for the middle atmosphere to warm faster than the surface, the observations show the exact opposite.
The best evidence supporting natural causes of temperature fluctuations are the changes in cloudiness, which correspond strongly with regular variations in solar activity. The current warming is likely part of a natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that’s been traced back almost a million years. It accounts for the Medieval Warm Period around 1100 A.D., when the Vikings settled Greenland and grew crops, and the Little Ice Age, from about 1400 to 1850 A.D., which brought severe winters and cold summers to Europe, with failed harvests, starvation, disease, and general misery.
I don't understand why we have to be causing it to want to be doing anything about it.
If a house just caught on fire and there are two hoses you can use...one is gasoline..one is water.
Which hose should be used to help reduce the effects of the fire?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I don't know much about science but I've come to my own conclusions about global warming and the damage we as a species have done to this planet and I think, on a basic level it sucks ass. We take everything for granted and now we think it might be getting too late to reverse anything we're panicking! Saving this planet (if it isn't too late) only takes a little effort off all of us each day, take the bus to work or car pool, recycle where you can, make sure your washing machine is FULL when you put it on, use more natural based products... I could go on forever but I won't. The point i'm trying to make is, the planets eco system IS changing through fault of our own so the next time you wanna take the car 500 yards to the local shop, take a look around and think what'll be left for your children. We can't rely on single people fighting for our world, it takes everyone, a group of people throwing one punch each is better than a one man battle.
Maybe the debate isn't about whether scientists are wrong or not, maybe it's about making an effort closer to home, what harm can it do? besides they have qualifications that say they know more than me so i'm inclined to believe em!
Now, if y'all don't mind making that little bit of effort maybe England can have a summer, I can break out my BBQ and we can all be happy on this little island of ours!
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
There is no proof that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from human activity. Ice core records from the past 650,000 years show that temperature increases have preceded—not resulted from—increases in CO2 by hundreds of years, suggesting that the warming of the oceans is an important source of the rise in atmospheric CO2. As the dominant greenhouse gas, water vapor is far, far more important than CO2. Dire predictions of future warming are based almost entirely on computer climate models, yet these models do not accurately understand the role or water vapor—and, in any case, water vapor is not within our control. Plus, computer models cannot account for the observed cooling of much of the past century (1940–75), nor for the observed patterns of warming—what we call the “fingerprints.” For example, the Antarctic is cooling while models predict warming. And where the models call for the middle atmosphere to warm faster than the surface, the observations show the exact opposite.
The best evidence supporting natural causes of temperature fluctuations are the changes in cloudiness, which correspond strongly with regular variations in solar activity. The current warming is likely part of a natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that’s been traced back almost a million years. It accounts for the Medieval Warm Period around 1100 A.D., when the Vikings settled Greenland and grew crops, and the Little Ice Age, from about 1400 to 1850 A.D., which brought severe winters and cold summers to Europe, with failed harvests, starvation, disease, and general misery.
please forward the link you copy and pasted that from and we will likely show it comes from a funded-bias source and the base material was not peer reviewed by anyone in the scientific community ...
please forward the link you copy and pasted that from and we will likely show it comes from a funded-bias source and the base material was not peer reviewed by anyone in the scientific community ...
there is no such thing as a NON funded-bais source. every story is funded. every scientist has something to gain. enough with the bullshit that your sources speak the truth.
The heavy breathing over global warming is enough to terrify anyone.
Last week the Washington Post interviewed a 9-year-old who said the Earth is "just starting to fade away." In 20 years there will be "no oxygen" he said, and he'll be dead. The Post went on to say that "for many children and young adults, global warming is…defining their generation." How sad.
Related Stories
Thirty-six years of consumer reporting have taught me to be skeptical of environmental scares. Much of what the media scares us about turns out to be myths.
Watch "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity" on a special edition of "20/20" Friday, May 4th at 10 p.m. EDT
But is the global warming crisis a myth? Read on.
Excerpts from "Myth, Lies, and Downright Stupidity," coming out in paperback May 1. (Click here to buy "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity").
MYTH: Global warming will cause huge disruptions in climate, more storms, and the coasts will flood! America must sign the Kyoto Treaty!
This has to be broken into four pieces.
MYTH No. 1: The Earth is warming!
TRUTH: The Earth is warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said the global average surface temperature increased about 0.6 degrees Celsius over the 20th century.
MYTH No. 2: The Earth is warming because of us!
TRUTH: Maybe. The frantic media suggest it's all about us. But the IPCC only said it is likely that we have increased the warming.
Our climate has always undergone changes. Greenland was named Greenland because its coasts used to be very green. It's presumptuous to think humans' impact matters so much in comparison to the frightening geologic history of the earth. And who is to say that last year's temperature is the perfect optimum? Warmer may be better! More people die in cold waves than heat waves.
MYTH No. 3: There will be storms, flooded coasts and huge disruptions in climate!
TRUTH: There are always storms and floods. Will there be much bigger disruptions in climate? Probably not.
Schoolchildren I've interviewed were convinced that America is "dying" in a sea of pollution and that "cities will soon be under water!"
Lawyers from the Natural Resources Defense Council (another environmental group with more lawyers than scientists) warn that "sea levels will rise, flooding coastal areas. Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense. Droughts and wildfires will occur more often."
But many scientists laugh at the panic.
Dr. John Christy, professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama at Huntsville said: "I remember as a college student at the first Earth Day being told it was a certainty that by the year 2000, the world would be starving and out of energy. Such doomsday prophecies grabbed headlines, but have proven to be completely false." "Similar pronouncements today about catastrophes due to human-induced climate change," he continued, "sound all too familiar and all too exaggerated to me as someone who actually produces and analyzes climate information."
The media, of course, like the exaggerated claims. Most are based on computer models that purport to predict future climates. But computer models are lousy at predicting climate because water vapor and cloud effects cause changes that computers fail to predict. In the mid-1970s, computer models told us we should prepare for global cooling.
Scientists tell reporters that computer models should "be viewed with great skepticism." Well, why aren't they?
The fundamentalist doom mongers also ignore scientists who say the effects of global warming may be benign. Harvard astrophysicist Sallie Baliunas said added CO2 in the atmosphere may actually benefit the world because more CO2 helps plants grow. Warmer winters would give farmers a longer harvest season, and might end the droughts in the Sahara Desert.
Why don't we hear about this part of the global warming argument? "It's the money!" said Dr. Baliunas. "Twenty-five billion dollars in government funding has been spent since 1990 to research global warming. If scientists and researchers were coming out releasing reports that global warming has little to do with man, and most to do with just how the planet works, there wouldn't be as much money to study it."
MYTH No. 4: Signing the Kyoto Treaty would stop the warming.
TRUTH: Hardly.
In 1997, the United Nations met in Kyoto, Japan, and asked the developed nations of the world to cut CO2 emission to below 1990 levels.
Hey! Don't normally come over to the moving train, but what with the media coverage on these floods....everyone is acting like it's the end of the world!
there is no such thing as a NON funded-bais source. every story is funded. every scientist has something to gain. enough with the bullshit that your sources speak the truth.
The heavy breathing over global warming is enough to terrify anyone.
Last week the Washington Post interviewed a 9-year-old who said the Earth is "just starting to fade away." In 20 years there will be "no oxygen" he said, and he'll be dead. The Post went on to say that "for many children and young adults, global warming is…defining their generation." How sad.
Related Stories
Thirty-six years of consumer reporting have taught me to be skeptical of environmental scares. Much of what the media scares us about turns out to be myths.
Watch "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity" on a special edition of "20/20" Friday, May 4th at 10 p.m. EDT
But is the global warming crisis a myth? Read on.
Excerpts from "Myth, Lies, and Downright Stupidity," coming out in paperback May 1. (Click here to buy "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity").
MYTH: Global warming will cause huge disruptions in climate, more storms, and the coasts will flood! America must sign the Kyoto Treaty!
This has to be broken into four pieces.
MYTH No. 1: The Earth is warming!
TRUTH: The Earth is warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said the global average surface temperature increased about 0.6 degrees Celsius over the 20th century.
MYTH No. 2: The Earth is warming because of us!
TRUTH: Maybe. The frantic media suggest it's all about us. But the IPCC only said it is likely that we have increased the warming.
Our climate has always undergone changes. Greenland was named Greenland because its coasts used to be very green. It's presumptuous to think humans' impact matters so much in comparison to the frightening geologic history of the earth. And who is to say that last year's temperature is the perfect optimum? Warmer may be better! More people die in cold waves than heat waves.
MYTH No. 3: There will be storms, flooded coasts and huge disruptions in climate!
TRUTH: There are always storms and floods. Will there be much bigger disruptions in climate? Probably not.
Schoolchildren I've interviewed were convinced that America is "dying" in a sea of pollution and that "cities will soon be under water!"
Lawyers from the Natural Resources Defense Council (another environmental group with more lawyers than scientists) warn that "sea levels will rise, flooding coastal areas. Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense. Droughts and wildfires will occur more often."
But many scientists laugh at the panic.
Dr. John Christy, professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama at Huntsville said: "I remember as a college student at the first Earth Day being told it was a certainty that by the year 2000, the world would be starving and out of energy. Such doomsday prophecies grabbed headlines, but have proven to be completely false." "Similar pronouncements today about catastrophes due to human-induced climate change," he continued, "sound all too familiar and all too exaggerated to me as someone who actually produces and analyzes climate information."
The media, of course, like the exaggerated claims. Most are based on computer models that purport to predict future climates. But computer models are lousy at predicting climate because water vapor and cloud effects cause changes that computers fail to predict. In the mid-1970s, computer models told us we should prepare for global cooling.
Scientists tell reporters that computer models should "be viewed with great skepticism." Well, why aren't they?
The fundamentalist doom mongers also ignore scientists who say the effects of global warming may be benign. Harvard astrophysicist Sallie Baliunas said added CO2 in the atmosphere may actually benefit the world because more CO2 helps plants grow. Warmer winters would give farmers a longer harvest season, and might end the droughts in the Sahara Desert.
Why don't we hear about this part of the global warming argument? "It's the money!" said Dr. Baliunas. "Twenty-five billion dollars in government funding has been spent since 1990 to research global warming. If scientists and researchers were coming out releasing reports that global warming has little to do with man, and most to do with just how the planet works, there wouldn't be as much money to study it."
MYTH No. 4: Signing the Kyoto Treaty would stop the warming.
TRUTH: Hardly.
In 1997, the United Nations met in Kyoto, Japan, and asked the developed nations of the world to cut CO2 emission to below 1990 levels.
where to start?? ... ok - first - i see you don't want to post the link for your previous post ... is it because we will find that it is false?
but as far as this post ... there are 4 myths this consumer advocate outlines ...
1. the first one basically says yes its warming
2. the IPCC reports VERY LIKELY ... if that isn't good enuf for ya - that isn't anyone's fault and plus if he's gonna source the IPCC - well, we all know what their stance is ...
3. probably not? ... what kind of retort to science is that? ... again - if he's gonna cite IPCC reports - he should stick with it ...
4. of course signing kyoto won't stop warming - that's just a idiotic use of semantics ... signing of nothing is going to stop the warming ... it will be in the reducing our greenhouse gas emissions that will address warming ...
as for john christy - here's a guy who used to get his funding from industry and NOW has finally ceded that humans are the cause of the warming ... he has no choice - the facts are too relevant ...
there is a reason why it's 50 to 1 on this board against you ... if you claim skepticism - so be it ... but please don't tell people they are stupid for believing in a science that has been studied for decades upon decades now ...
It is something we believe in, untill it is proven wrong.
thats not true....
actually most science is fact... adding oxygen to hydrogen produces water.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Can't people be open minded to even think that scientists don't have the full picture as to whether mankind is to blame or not for global warming?
thats akin to you or I walking into a room full of cancer specialists and declaring that smoking might not be a cause of cancer..
these guys are top scientists who study the earth like we study Mike's fingers during Even Flow... they know what they are talking about.. we dont.. we like to think we do, but no-one on here is a specialist.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
there is a reason why it's 50 to 1 on this board against you ... if you claim skepticism - so be it ... but please don't tell people they are stupid for believing in a science that has been studied for decades upon decades now ...
fair enough. call me skeptical, and I wont call you stupid.
personally, I only thing I believe that might stop global warming is to get rid of coal burning power plants. from what I understand, these are by far the largest cause of the green house effect. but this wont happen because people do not want nuclear plants in their backyard. ok great. bitch bitch bitch, and when a solution is given, the answer is no.
secondly, even if we got rid of coal plants and did everything al gore said, the earth's temperature can still rise. this is what people arent understanding or accepting. the earth will do whatever the fuck it wants. slight movements in the orbit, a sudden (unexplained) movement of the sun, a long sustained sun flare, the moon pulling away from earth altering rotation, all things that can happen. they can be prevented, predicted, or explained.
for some godly reason, the earth is spinning and orbiting in a perfect pace to keep the temperatures bearable for human life to exist. if this changes in the tiniest bit, we are all dead. and that was nothing to be with driving an SUV
I only thing I believe that might stop global warming is to get rid of coal burning power plants. from what I understand, these are by far the largest cause of the green house effect.
i'm being serious here but i read a newspaper article a week or so ago that said cows were the biggest producers of CO2 or CO on the planet!?!?!?!
i'll need to see if i can find it... but basically they're trying to find a drug that will eliminate this from happening.
something like a cow produces more CO2 per day than an SUV doing the average of 36 miles per day...
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
fair enough. call me skeptical, and I wont call you stupid.
personally, I only thing I believe that might stop global warming is to get rid of coal burning power plants. from what I understand, these are by far the largest cause of the green house effect. but this wont happen because people do not want nuclear plants in their backyard. ok great. bitch bitch bitch, and when a solution is given, the answer is no.
secondly, even if we got rid of coal plants and did everything al gore said, the earth's temperature can still rise. this is what people arent understanding or accepting. the earth will do whatever the fuck it wants. slight movements in the orbit, a sudden (unexplained) movement of the sun, a long sustained sun flare, the moon pulling away from earth altering rotation, all things that can happen. they can be prevented, predicted, or explained.
for some godly reason, the earth is spinning and orbiting in a perfect pace to keep the temperatures bearable for human life to exist. if this changes in the tiniest bit, we are all dead. and that was nothing to be with driving an SUV
well ... that's another topic altogether ... yes, people (especially out here) are apathetic and selfish ...
the thing is tho - that if everyone was given the facts - it would not be hard to make the changes necessary - but with industry funded PR campaigns and lobbyists putting out false information - people are confused and they tend to default along partisan lines ...
yes ... the earth can warm through other functions but it would take significant event to simulate the artificial warming we are creating right now ... all those things you listed would take much longer to do what we've done in the last 30 years ...
thats akin to you or I walking into a room full of cancer specialists and declaring that smoking might not be a cause of cancer..
It might not be... How can you explain that some people smoke all their lives and don't get cancer and others do?? Smoking may trigger the growth of cancer in certain people but it may not necessarily be the root cause of cancer in all smokers.
This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
It might not be... How can you explain that some people smoke all their lives and don't get cancer and others do?? Smoking may trigger the growth of cancer in certain people but it may not necessarily be the root cause of cancer in all smokers.
i dont have to explain it... thats what the scientists do.
but you try and do it... you walk into a leading cancer charity headquarters or a cancer treatment ward and declare the above statement... the big brains will tear you to shreds
its foolish to think that smoking isnt a cause of cancer.. and read back.. i never said it was THE cause of cancer... i said it was a cause.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
the sad thing about the energy industry fueled doubt surrounding global warming, is that it takes away from the task at hand for all of us, which is the desired effect of their injected doubt...
8 pages of discussion were wasted trying to convince 1 person to consider the overwhelming science in support of global warming being a reality...
when we could have spent the last 8 pages discussing idea's and what we can all do personally to help the planet
the sad thing about the energy industry fueled doubt surrounding global warming, is that it takes away from the task at hand for all of us, which is the desired effect of their injected doubt...
8 pages of discussion were wasted trying to convince 1 person to consider the overwhelming science in support of global warming being a reality...
when we could have spent the last 8 pages discussing idea's and what we can all do personally to help the planet
yeah ... i supposedly swore off those discussions ... :rolleyes: ... but they keep dragging me back in ...
although i do think that many of the skeptics are getting bad information from bad sources and i think there is something to be said for trying to open one's eyes to the fraud that does exist ...
it's really simple - we need to stop living lives of excess and consider things beyond our scope and beyond the next 2 days ...
What if they built a huge catapult and flung all the anti global warmers at the sun?
It could help cool it down a bit?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
the sad thing about the energy industry fueled doubt surrounding global warming, is that it takes away from the task at hand for all of us, which is the desired effect of their injected doubt...
8 pages of discussion were wasted trying to convince 1 person to consider the overwhelming science in support of global warming being a reality...
when we could have spent the last 8 pages discussing idea's and what we can all do personally to help the planet
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i'm being serious here but i read a newspaper article a week or so ago that said cows were the biggest producers of CO2 or CO on the planet!?!?!?!
i'll need to see if i can find it... but basically they're trying to find a drug that will eliminate this from happening.
something like a cow produces more CO2 per day than an SUV doing the average of 36 miles per day...
that may be true; but a cow doesn't emit sulfur dioxide and all the other chemicals a suv does. in addition; cows usually live in areas with ample vegetation to convert that CO2 into O2. the cow also produces fertilizer and if that fertilizer was put to use; the companies producing chemical fertilizer could be shut down reducing the emmissions greatly.
finding a drug only means another chemical plant producing emmissions and adding yet another drug to our food.
I don't live in fear and the things I do, I don't do them because of Al Gore or some article in Time saying we should be alarmed. I think man is fucking up nature and I think anyone who denies it is a fool. I'm not even saying global warming is completely man made but when I look at the earth, the water, our forests ... I wouldn't be surprised if man actually managed to fuck up our climate as well.
All I was saying is that is was rather weird that you say no one knows a thing and then you fervently deny global warming. You say it's a joke and that there's no such thing.
naděje umírá poslední
and another thing, for gabes. why is it, if someone questions global warming, they are automatically considered a neocon. along with the fear mongering that is global warming, this is another thing that greatly pisses me off. I guess it is just this forum though with 99% tree huggin hippies around.
and for the record, I think the right does plenty of fear mongering about terrorism.
The best evidence supporting natural causes of temperature fluctuations are the changes in cloudiness, which correspond strongly with regular variations in solar activity. The current warming is likely part of a natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that’s been traced back almost a million years. It accounts for the Medieval Warm Period around 1100 A.D., when the Vikings settled Greenland and grew crops, and the Little Ice Age, from about 1400 to 1850 A.D., which brought severe winters and cold summers to Europe, with failed harvests, starvation, disease, and general misery.
If a house just caught on fire and there are two hoses you can use...one is gasoline..one is water.
Which hose should be used to help reduce the effects of the fire?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Maybe the debate isn't about whether scientists are wrong or not, maybe it's about making an effort closer to home, what harm can it do? besides they have qualifications that say they know more than me so i'm inclined to believe em!
Now, if y'all don't mind making that little bit of effort maybe England can have a summer, I can break out my BBQ and we can all be happy on this little island of ours!
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
please forward the link you copy and pasted that from and we will likely show it comes from a funded-bias source and the base material was not peer reviewed by anyone in the scientific community ...
there is no such thing as a NON funded-bais source. every story is funded. every scientist has something to gain. enough with the bullshit that your sources speak the truth.
how bout this one from John Tossell at abc news.
The heavy breathing over global warming is enough to terrify anyone.
Last week the Washington Post interviewed a 9-year-old who said the Earth is "just starting to fade away." In 20 years there will be "no oxygen" he said, and he'll be dead. The Post went on to say that "for many children and young adults, global warming is…defining their generation." How sad.
Related Stories
Thirty-six years of consumer reporting have taught me to be skeptical of environmental scares. Much of what the media scares us about turns out to be myths.
Watch "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity" on a special edition of "20/20" Friday, May 4th at 10 p.m. EDT
But is the global warming crisis a myth? Read on.
Excerpts from "Myth, Lies, and Downright Stupidity," coming out in paperback May 1. (Click here to buy "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity").
MYTH: Global warming will cause huge disruptions in climate, more storms, and the coasts will flood! America must sign the Kyoto Treaty!
This has to be broken into four pieces.
MYTH No. 1: The Earth is warming!
TRUTH: The Earth is warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said the global average surface temperature increased about 0.6 degrees Celsius over the 20th century.
MYTH No. 2: The Earth is warming because of us!
TRUTH: Maybe. The frantic media suggest it's all about us. But the IPCC only said it is likely that we have increased the warming.
Our climate has always undergone changes. Greenland was named Greenland because its coasts used to be very green. It's presumptuous to think humans' impact matters so much in comparison to the frightening geologic history of the earth. And who is to say that last year's temperature is the perfect optimum? Warmer may be better! More people die in cold waves than heat waves.
MYTH No. 3: There will be storms, flooded coasts and huge disruptions in climate!
TRUTH: There are always storms and floods. Will there be much bigger disruptions in climate? Probably not.
Schoolchildren I've interviewed were convinced that America is "dying" in a sea of pollution and that "cities will soon be under water!"
Lawyers from the Natural Resources Defense Council (another environmental group with more lawyers than scientists) warn that "sea levels will rise, flooding coastal areas. Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense. Droughts and wildfires will occur more often."
But many scientists laugh at the panic.
Dr. John Christy, professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama at Huntsville said: "I remember as a college student at the first Earth Day being told it was a certainty that by the year 2000, the world would be starving and out of energy. Such doomsday prophecies grabbed headlines, but have proven to be completely false." "Similar pronouncements today about catastrophes due to human-induced climate change," he continued, "sound all too familiar and all too exaggerated to me as someone who actually produces and analyzes climate information."
The media, of course, like the exaggerated claims. Most are based on computer models that purport to predict future climates. But computer models are lousy at predicting climate because water vapor and cloud effects cause changes that computers fail to predict. In the mid-1970s, computer models told us we should prepare for global cooling.
Scientists tell reporters that computer models should "be viewed with great skepticism." Well, why aren't they?
The fundamentalist doom mongers also ignore scientists who say the effects of global warming may be benign. Harvard astrophysicist Sallie Baliunas said added CO2 in the atmosphere may actually benefit the world because more CO2 helps plants grow. Warmer winters would give farmers a longer harvest season, and might end the droughts in the Sahara Desert.
Why don't we hear about this part of the global warming argument? "It's the money!" said Dr. Baliunas. "Twenty-five billion dollars in government funding has been spent since 1990 to research global warming. If scientists and researchers were coming out releasing reports that global warming has little to do with man, and most to do with just how the planet works, there wouldn't be as much money to study it."
MYTH No. 4: Signing the Kyoto Treaty would stop the warming.
TRUTH: Hardly.
In 1997, the United Nations met in Kyoto, Japan, and asked the developed nations of the world to cut CO2 emission to below 1990 levels.
hey cool. glad its not 50 vs 1 today.
Hey! Don't normally come over to the moving train, but what with the media coverage on these floods....everyone is acting like it's the end of the world!
2007 ░▒▓ London, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
2009 ░▒▓ Manchester, London
2010 ░▒▓ Hyde Park
*§* Music is all the juice i'll need *§*
where to start?? ... ok - first - i see you don't want to post the link for your previous post ... is it because we will find that it is false?
but as far as this post ... there are 4 myths this consumer advocate outlines ...
1. the first one basically says yes its warming
2. the IPCC reports VERY LIKELY ... if that isn't good enuf for ya - that isn't anyone's fault and plus if he's gonna source the IPCC - well, we all know what their stance is ...
3. probably not? ... what kind of retort to science is that? ... again - if he's gonna cite IPCC reports - he should stick with it ...
4. of course signing kyoto won't stop warming - that's just a idiotic use of semantics ... signing of nothing is going to stop the warming ... it will be in the reducing our greenhouse gas emissions that will address warming ...
as for john christy - here's a guy who used to get his funding from industry and NOW has finally ceded that humans are the cause of the warming ... he has no choice - the facts are too relevant ...
there is a reason why it's 50 to 1 on this board against you ... if you claim skepticism - so be it ... but please don't tell people they are stupid for believing in a science that has been studied for decades upon decades now ...
It is something we believe in, untill it is proven wrong.
Can't people be open minded to even think that scientists don't have the full picture as to whether mankind is to blame or not for global warming?
2007 ░▒▓ London, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
2009 ░▒▓ Manchester, London
2010 ░▒▓ Hyde Park
*§* Music is all the juice i'll need *§*
thats not true....
actually most science is fact... adding oxygen to hydrogen produces water.
thats akin to you or I walking into a room full of cancer specialists and declaring that smoking might not be a cause of cancer..
these guys are top scientists who study the earth like we study Mike's fingers during Even Flow... they know what they are talking about.. we dont.. we like to think we do, but no-one on here is a specialist.
fair enough. call me skeptical, and I wont call you stupid.
personally, I only thing I believe that might stop global warming is to get rid of coal burning power plants. from what I understand, these are by far the largest cause of the green house effect. but this wont happen because people do not want nuclear plants in their backyard. ok great. bitch bitch bitch, and when a solution is given, the answer is no.
secondly, even if we got rid of coal plants and did everything al gore said, the earth's temperature can still rise. this is what people arent understanding or accepting. the earth will do whatever the fuck it wants. slight movements in the orbit, a sudden (unexplained) movement of the sun, a long sustained sun flare, the moon pulling away from earth altering rotation, all things that can happen. they can be prevented, predicted, or explained.
for some godly reason, the earth is spinning and orbiting in a perfect pace to keep the temperatures bearable for human life to exist. if this changes in the tiniest bit, we are all dead. and that was nothing to be with driving an SUV
2007 ░▒▓ London, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
2009 ░▒▓ Manchester, London
2010 ░▒▓ Hyde Park
*§* Music is all the juice i'll need *§*
i'm being serious here but i read a newspaper article a week or so ago that said cows were the biggest producers of CO2 or CO on the planet!?!?!?!
i'll need to see if i can find it... but basically they're trying to find a drug that will eliminate this from happening.
something like a cow produces more CO2 per day than an SUV doing the average of 36 miles per day...
well ... that's another topic altogether ... yes, people (especially out here) are apathetic and selfish ...
the thing is tho - that if everyone was given the facts - it would not be hard to make the changes necessary - but with industry funded PR campaigns and lobbyists putting out false information - people are confused and they tend to default along partisan lines ...
yes ... the earth can warm through other functions but it would take significant event to simulate the artificial warming we are creating right now ... all those things you listed would take much longer to do what we've done in the last 30 years ...
It might not be... How can you explain that some people smoke all their lives and don't get cancer and others do?? Smoking may trigger the growth of cancer in certain people but it may not necessarily be the root cause of cancer in all smokers.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
haha, that could be true who knows. I think I'll do my part to stop global warming today and have a burger for lunch.
i dont have to explain it... thats what the scientists do.
but you try and do it... you walk into a leading cancer charity headquarters or a cancer treatment ward and declare the above statement... the big brains will tear you to shreds
its foolish to think that smoking isnt a cause of cancer.. and read back.. i never said it was THE cause of cancer... i said it was a cause.
8 pages of discussion were wasted trying to convince 1 person to consider the overwhelming science in support of global warming being a reality...
when we could have spent the last 8 pages discussing idea's and what we can all do personally to help the planet
Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
In a shower of rain,
He stepped in a puddle,
Right up to his middle,
And never went there again.
yeah ... i supposedly swore off those discussions ... :rolleyes: ... but they keep dragging me back in ...
although i do think that many of the skeptics are getting bad information from bad sources and i think there is something to be said for trying to open one's eyes to the fraud that does exist ...
it's really simple - we need to stop living lives of excess and consider things beyond our scope and beyond the next 2 days ...
It could help cool it down a bit?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
sorry to break up your circle jerk
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
thats the witty jlew i know!
that may be true; but a cow doesn't emit sulfur dioxide and all the other chemicals a suv does. in addition; cows usually live in areas with ample vegetation to convert that CO2 into O2. the cow also produces fertilizer and if that fertilizer was put to use; the companies producing chemical fertilizer could be shut down reducing the emmissions greatly.
finding a drug only means another chemical plant producing emmissions and adding yet another drug to our food.