Well, I really wasn't focusing on the entire church. I was merely questioning and criticizing what I consider to be absurd "religion-based rules" and implying that maybe, just maybe.......these so-called rules of god, are really nothing more than rules of men. Rules designed and created by certain human beings with intentions other than concern fot your spiritual soul.
But since you bring up "The Church"......
"The Church " has spent decade after decade protecting, sheltering, denying, lying and circling the wagons regarding all the pedophilia and sexual abuse perpetrated by their Priests/Clergy.
They only finally admited it and so-called addressed the problem after it became such widespread knowledge. For decades they kept it all under lock and key. The world was a bigger place with very little forms of quick communication and alternative news sources. But the world shrunk on them and with satelite TV, digital cable and the internet; it became more and more difficult for them to shuffle their twisted phedophiles around from place to place.
The Church was complicit not only in permitting these crimes to occur, as well in covering it up and protecting criminals.
So why should "The Church " be spared of severe criticism and condemnation?
Afterall, is Religion not (any religion ) just a tool used by human beings, to manipulate the masses and condemn those who don't conform and follow?
It's very interesting that these religions create a Catch 22 and basically attempt to push people into a corner of fear; by intellectually, emotionally and spiritually handcuffing them to their religion of choice.
Hey, if you don't "Believe" you're going to hell.
Am I the only one who finds that extremely manipulative, self-serving, sadistic and outright oppressive?
What kind of all-loving God creates us in his own image, with all our genetic/character flaws, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Yet he punishes us for being what he created?
That doesn't sound like an all-loving god. That sounds like the works and traits of human beings.
And if is in fact a God who came up with this rubbish, then, I do not praise, worship or obey anyone or any god who treats his most beloved creations like little pieces of dirt for his sadistic and vicious amusement.
I guess if it's beyond your understanding, then it must not be true...especially when trying to explain something as simple as the CREATOR of the universe.
Do you know how arrogant you sound to imply that your understanding and knowledge must be as great or greater than God's for God to exist?
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
he did all his crimes whilst STILL being a member of the clergy... he was a vicar and abused his position and standing to fuck about with little kids.
i dont care one iota if he was banned by the church... the 'can he still go to heaven' bit is based on the fact that the guy clearly believes in god and in jesus... so he has total belief in them... so after abusing tiny kids can he still go to heaven? and the answer according to the rules is yes...
and i'm asking if forgiveness is what religion is all about then why cant the main man forgive people who dont worship him... thats where the egomania came in... god is quite happy to allow rapists and murderers enter his hallowed back yard as long as they repent and truly believe... they fuckers had the 'chance' to believe.... what if a 27 year old guy who devoted his life to the helping of the homeless got attacked by a serial killer one day? the guy just hadnt gotten around to the whole jesus/god thing... so the serial killer kills him... he dies and goes to hell (even though his life was one of goodness) and the serial killer gets to sit in a jail... think about what he's done... and quite possibly discover that he believes in god... he goes to heaven.
i'm willing to bet nobody touches this. they never do. nobody wants to admit their belief system makes eternity about as just as the OJ case.
Do you know how arrogant you sound to imply that your understanding and knowledge must be as great or greater than God's for God to exist?
Do you know how arrogant you ( and all overly-religious people) sound when you attempt to convince, impose, bully and preach that your religion...your god is the only true god and law?
Including the infusion of "God" into common law and everything on the political landscape.
Furthermore, my understanding, knowledge, perception of God's existence is based on the so-called words of "God". Which undoubedtly were written by human beings, not a "God".
And as always I question the works of men and find huge holes and hypocrisies in the words of these alleged Gods.
If that makes me arrogant in your eyes, so be it.
I'd rather be considered arrogant than to praise and bow to such vicious and hypocritical religious "laws".
It's a simple answer. Those things you mention - murder, rape, etc - are only forgiven (as I understand it), if the person truly repents of those sins and asks for forgiveness. If they don't, then they are not forgiven.
That is EXACTLY the same for the skepticism. If you truly repent and request forgiveness, then you're forgiven. Of course, you can't truly ask God for forgiveness if you do not stop the skepticism.
incredible the liberal interpretation of God that you spew. How is it you know about how God works? He does not say those things at all.
I am willing to bet God is taken aback annoyed with the mean vein vindictive being you Christian's make him out to be.
i'm willing to bet nobody touches this. they never do. nobody wants to admit their belief system makes eternity about as just as the OJ case.
Nobody wants to touch it because it blows the doors off an utterly manipulative and self-serving concept; that was designed to be exactly that. Controling and manipulative.
Instead, I get responses saying I'm arrogant, lol.
Of course anyone who questions the absurdity of such hypocritical and obvioulsy vicious nonsense; will be dealt the ...." you don't question his sanctity" card.
What else can they say? They know it's ridiculous and it pretty much blows their religion...their "God" .....out of the water. Because it's not their "God " who said or wrote any of it. It was human beings. Men. And to have to actually face and acknowledge that, would ruin their self-perception of self-righteousness and Hollier Than Thou. Which in turn, would completely destroy everything the Republican Party props themselves up on.
incredible the liberal interpretation of God that you spew. How is it you know about how God works? He does not say those things at all.
I am willing to bet God is taken aback annoyed with the mean vein vindictive being you Christian's make him out to be.
What's even more entertaining is the fact, that if you go by the "true words of Jesus"; just about every christian in this country is completely oblivious and going against what Jesus allegedly preached and the guidelines he suggested for living one's life and how to treat others.
The Republican Party being one of the grossest offenders.
Do you know how arrogant you ( and all overly-religious people) sound when you attempt to convince, impose, bully and preach that your religion...your god is the only true god and law?
Including the infusion of "God" into common law and everything on the political landscape.
Furthermore, my understanding, knowledge, perception of God's existence is based on the so-called words of "God". Which undoubedtly were written by human beings, not a "God".
And as always I question the works of men and find huge holes and hypocrisies in the words of these alleged Gods.
If that makes me arrogant in your eyes, so be it.
I'd rather be considered arrogant than to praise and bow to such vicious and hypocritical religious "laws".
Yeah - because what you're doing here and in all your other posts is so much less bullying, imposing and preaching (sarcasm!). Take a look in the mirror.
I don't do anything even remotely resembling bullying or preaching - on here or in my real life.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
What's even more entertaining is the fact, that if you go by the "true words of Jesus"; just about every christian in this country is completely oblivious and going against what Jesus allegedly preached and the guidelines he suggested for living one's life and how to treat others.
The Republican Party being one of the grossest offenders.
Your broad stereotypes show your ignorance.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Yeah - because what you're doing here and in all your other posts is so much less bullying, imposing and preaching (sarcasm!). Take a look in the mirror.
So you do get it.
I love how you people hate getting the same approach thrown right back in your face.
And stop kidding yourself, you most certainly do come off that way in a lot of your posts. As do many others, here.
he's a vicar with over 55,000 pics of children. now obviously he is a sexual deviant of the worst kind... but he also believes in god... am i right in saying that he goes to heaven under the whole belief in god loophole that most death-row prisoners try?
Of course he'll go to heaven. It's what the churches preach. Everybody goes to heaven! Only smokers go to hell.
I should add though...I mean, this is in the Bible, that if a person sins knowingly, that there isn't any forgiveness. 'Course, that's in the Bible. Believe whatever you want to.
When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
Do you know how arrogant you ( and all overly-religious people) sound when you attempt to convince, impose, bully and preach that your religion...your god is the only true god and law?
Including the infusion of "God" into common law and everything on the political landscape.
Furthermore, my understanding, knowledge, perception of God's existence is based on the so-called words of "God". Which undoubedtly were written by human beings, not a "God".
And as always I question the works of men and find huge holes and hypocrisies in the words of these alleged Gods.
If that makes me arrogant in your eyes, so be it.
I'd rather be considered arrogant than to praise and bow to such vicious and hypocritical religious "laws".
wow, please don't lump us all together. everyone is worth being sifted through for the good. I am a believer and a Christian but do not think I am better than anyone else at all; again, if that is what I lived like then I am not a Christian; a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a judgemental arrogant person who does not even remotely resemble the Lord as He lived or try to follow what He taught.
I think even the worse case scenario people in the world, those who truly have made mistakes in their lives have a spirit in them that is gentle or at least may have been at one time or another.
Child molesters, rapists, serial killers, they are beyond my understanding. maybe they are mentally ill and do not have the control to help them stop. I don't know. But even then they should not be exposed to people they can hurt.
And like someone said here, the definition of sin as per the bible is to knowingly sin. So someone who doesn't know they are sinning, I don't know that is accountable to God. But someone who is doing wrong and knowing they are, like in this case, and worse yet, hiding behind the ministry, well I can only think that would get God really pissed off........
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
I love how you people hate getting the same approach thrown right back in your face.
And stop kidding yourself, you most certainly do come off that way in a lot of your posts. As do many others, here.
You're certainly not kidding me.
Do you really think I am this way?
C'mon. You think if I thought you were less than me for your stance on God, I would not tell you that? What would I gain for not coming forward? I am not "fooling" anyone. I am the real thing. I have no benefit to lie about how I feel to you. I gain nothing by sugar coating anything to you or anyone. My life and actions are what I am accountable for. That is all I am entitled to. I have no business in your business.
peace to you truly........
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Well, I really wasn't focusing on the entire church. I was merely questioning and criticizing what I consider to be absurd "religion-based rules" and implying that maybe, just maybe.......these so-called rules of god, are really nothing more than rules of men. Rules designed and created by certain human beings with intentions other than concern fot your spiritual soul.
But since you bring up "The Church"......
"The Church " has spent decade after decade protecting, sheltering, denying, lying and circling the wagons regarding all the pedophilia and sexual abuse perpetrated by their Priests/Clergy.
They only finally admited it and so-called addressed the problem after it became such widespread knowledge. For decades they kept it all under lock and key. The world was a bigger place with very little forms of quick communication and alternative news sources. But the world shrunk on them and with satelite TV, digital cable and the internet; it became more and more difficult for them to shuffle their twisted phedophiles around from place to place.
The Church was complicit not only in permitting these crimes to occur, as well in covering it up and protecting criminals.
So why should "The Church " be spared of severe criticism and condemnation?
Afterall, is Religion not (any religion ) just a tool used by human beings, to manipulate the masses and condemn those who don't conform and follow?
It's very interesting that these religions create a Catch 22 and basically attempt to push people into a corner of fear; by intellectually, emotionally and spiritually handcuffing them to their religion of choice.
Hey, if you don't "Believe" you're going to hell.
Am I the only one who finds that extremely manipulative, self-serving, sadistic and outright oppressive?
What kind of all-loving God creates us in his own image, with all our genetic/character flaws, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Yet he punishes us for being what he created?
That doesn't sound like an all-loving god. That sounds like the works and traits of human beings.
And if is in fact a God who came up with this rubbish, then, I do not praise, worship or obey anyone or any god who treats his most beloved creations like little pieces of dirt for his sadistic and vicious amusement.
"the church" is meant to refer to Jesus' body of believers. Not any particular denomination. You refer to the Catholic molestation charges. Those are horrific and without excuse both literally and in the sense of pardon. They are wrong. And just as I believe police officers should get it harder because they know the law, are to enforce the law and if they break it, well, c'mon, then also is true to the clergy. If they abuse their position in these sick ways, I say let them have it. I don't give people what I would not like to get back, so they are no more privileged in their lives. If they are so horrible , then I truly think they have given up their rights to a peaceful respectful existance. They didn't care about the kids they messed with. They are no better to me.......they should be sent to jail and made someone's bitch.
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
he did all his crimes whilst STILL being a member of the clergy... he was a vicar and abused his position and standing to fuck about with little kids.
i dont care one iota if he was banned by the church... the 'can he still go to heaven' bit is based on the fact that the guy clearly believes in god and in jesus... so he has total belief in them... so after abusing tiny kids can he still go to heaven? and the answer according to the rules is yes...
and i'm asking if forgiveness is what religion is all about then why cant the main man forgive people who dont worship him... thats where the egomania came in... god is quite happy to allow rapists and murderers enter his hallowed back yard as long as they repent and truly believe... they fuckers had the 'chance' to believe.... what if a 27 year old guy who devoted his life to the helping of the homeless got attacked by a serial killer one day? the guy just hadnt gotten around to the whole jesus/god thing... so the serial killer kills him... he dies and goes to hell (even though his life was one of goodness) and the serial killer gets to sit in a jail... think about what he's done... and quite possibly discover that he believes in god... he goes to heaven.
the rules apply to everyone big and small. god, at least the one described in the bible, isn't someone who's going to pick, point and choose who's right and wrong, like santa claus. the bible says it this way, "god who in times past spoke to our fathers, through miracles, signs and wonders but now in these last days has he spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things." it took the parting of the red sea, the bread from the sky, abolishing humans and scourging them, then forgiving them and giving them full access to what God had intended for humans. he destroyed them, then repented of it... and reconstructed his relationship with humanity... none of it worked because of our own total disbelief. so instead he changed it to finally leave it up to us and our own discretion. just like joshua said, "chose you this day who you will serve whether the gods of our forefathers, or the gods of the amorites... but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." in the same way the god of today that i believe in leaves it up to your faith.
it's not the goodness in this world that takes you to heaven... and neither is belief alone going to take you to heaven. it takes both of those things... it takes faith and the act of it.
obviously if someone says, "i believe in jesus" but his actions speak otherwise. like the scripture says, "blessed is the man that walks not in the counsil of the ungodly nor stands in the way of the sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law does he meditate day and night." if someone goes about watching child porn... he's not meditating on the things of God... so instead they become "like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."
if we're speaking of my god... then you have to have faith that he knows how to make the right judgement. so far, so good. can there be a way to repair this man's views? or should we let him rot in hell?
in brief, it's the act of believing that leads you to do good things which in consequence leads you to heaven.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
the rules apply to everyone big and small. god, at least the one described in the bible, isn't someone who's going to pick, point and choose who's right and wrong, like santa claus. the bible says it this way, "god who in times past spoke to our fathers, through miracles, signs and wonders but now in these last days has he spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things." it took the parting of the red sea, the bread from the sky, abolishing humans and scourging them, then forgiving them and giving them full access to what God had intended for humans. he destroyed them, then repented of it... and reconstructed his relationship with humanity... none of it worked because of our own total disbelief. so instead he changed it to finally leave it up to us and our own discretion. just like joshua said, "chose you this day who you will serve whether the gods of our forefathers, or the gods of the amorites... but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." in the same way the god of today that i believe in leaves it up to your faith.
it's not the goodness in this world that takes you to heaven... and neither is belief alone going to take you to heaven. it takes both of those things... it takes faith and the act of it.
obviously if someone says, "i believe in jesus" but his actions speak otherwise. like the scripture says, "blessed is the man that walks not in the counsil of the ungodly nor stands in the way of the sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law does he meditate day and night." if someone goes about watching child porn... he's not meditating on the things of God... so instead they become "like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."
if we're speaking of my god... then you have to have faith that he knows how to make the right judgement. so far, so good. can there be a way to repair this man's views? or should we let him rot in hell?
in brief, it's the act of believing that leads you to do good things which in consequence leads you to heaven.
1 dont quote stuff at me, i doth hate it.
2 so Ghandi does good things yet believes in a different god. He wont go to heaven as the missionaries didnt do to good there... same with Kualanga Mwombe who spent is life in the Congo saving kids from a genocide... he doesnt know of any god... see, weird thing is he'll go to hell as Christianity has yet to reach his tiny corner of the rainforest... he lives in religious ignorance... his god is the sun as it means another day on this planet instead of being murdered in his sleep by militia
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Well, I really wasn't focusing on the entire church. I was merely questioning and criticizing what I consider to be absurd "religion-based rules" and implying that maybe, just maybe.......these so-called rules of god, are really nothing more than rules of men. Rules designed and created by certain human beings with intentions other than concern fot your spiritual soul.
this is what you believe. and it's okay. but it's for you alone. i'm not gonna try and argue this with you.
But since you bring up "The Church"......
i'm not referring to the catholic church.
"The Church " has spent decade after decade protecting, sheltering, denying, lying and circling the wagons regarding all the pedophilia and sexual abuse perpetrated by their Priests/Clergy.
They only finally admited it and so-called addressed the problem after it became such widespread knowledge. For decades they kept it all under lock and key. The world was a bigger place with very little forms of quick communication and alternative news sources. But the world shrunk on them and with satelite TV, digital cable and the internet; it became more and more difficult for them to shuffle their twisted phedophiles around from place to place.
The Church was complicit not only in permitting these crimes to occur, as well in covering it up and protecting criminals.
So why should "The Church " be spared of severe criticism and condemnation?
Afterall, is Religion not (any religion ) just a tool used by human beings, to manipulate the masses and condemn those who don't conform and follow?
It's very interesting that these religions create a Catch 22 and basically attempt to push people into a corner of fear; by intellectually, emotionally and spiritually handcuffing them to their religion of choice.
Hey, if you don't "Believe" you're going to hell.
Am I the only one who finds that extremely manipulative, self-serving, sadistic and outright oppressive?
you're right. and i agree.
but.... what you said here... has led you to believe what you say below.
What kind of all-loving God creates us in his own image, with all our genetic/character flaws, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Yet he punishes us for being what he created?
That doesn't sound like an all-loving god. That sounds like the works and traits of human beings.
And if is in fact a God who came up with this rubbish, then, I do not praise, worship or obey anyone or any god who treats his most beloved creations like little pieces of dirt for his sadistic and vicious amusement.
the problems of the catholic church have nothing to do with the God described in the Bible. or the problems of any church denomination in general have anything to do with the biblical God.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
2 so Ghandi does good things yet believes in a different god. He wont go to heaven as the missionaries didnt do to good there... same with Kualanga Mwombe who spent is life in the Congo saving kids from a genocide... he doesnt know of any god... see, weird thing is he'll go to hell as Christianity has yet to reach his tiny corner of the rainforest... he lives in religious ignorance... his god is the sun as it means another day on this planet instead of being murdered in his sleep by militia
1 alright dude... try to be a little smarter. if we're talking of bible gibberish here then it's only logical for us to use the bible. what's the point of judging it if we don't even try to read it? you don't have to believe it... just hear what it says. it's like criticizing any book, or movie in particular and giving it thumbs down. makes no sense at all.
2 i bet you mwombe has heard of jesus. and i'm fully aware ghandi did too. and i've already explained to you that goodness alone doesn't lead you to heaven. but i'm not gonna try to get into it anymore. you're a little rude. well, not rude but see... you said that you "doth hate having scriptures quoted" so it's impossible for me to carry on this conversation. so, too bad for the both of us... there will never be any closure
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
What's even more entertaining is the fact, that if you go by the "true words of Jesus"; just about every christian in this country is completely oblivious and going against what Jesus allegedly preached and the guidelines he suggested for living one's life and how to treat others.
The Republican Party being one of the grossest offenders.
Wow. You know "just about every Christian in this country? You really get around. Talk about social butterflies.
Besides, even if every single Christian, not only in this country but in the entire world, misinterpreted the words or blatantly ignored them, where does the fault lie? With the words or with those that ignored them or didn't fully understand them? Your argument doesn't really work. Even the republican party does not render the words or the speaker of those words irrelevant or wrong.
This thread truly is classic AMT. What you and others call a "loophole" is not really a loophole at all. i mean no disrespect, but it is a classic example of trashing a belief system you don't fully understand. As others have tried to point out, it isn't a matter of "i can do whatever the heck i want, no matter how heinous and unspeakable, and then play the Jesus card and everything's irie". That simply isn't how it works. According to Christian belief, no one is "good enough" to achieve heavenly standards. This goes for the child molestor as well as the guy who cheats on his wife or yells hateful words to someone who cuts them off in traffic even one time. To offer an anectdotal illustration, a sixth grade student of mine came extremely close to suspension yesterday for fighting. He argued to me that we've had fourteen days of school so far and he's kept his cool for thirteen of them. i explained to him that thirteen out of fourteen simply isn't good enough. Seen? What's required for heaven, based on one's own efforts, according to Christian belief, is absolute perfection. That is something no human is capable of. Furthermore, there is no real hierarchy, in God's eyes, of sin. You can't justify wrongful behavior by pointing to something worse and say well "i'm better than THAT guy". Christians believe God's grace is all encompassing to those who TRULY seek it. i'm in no way telling you what YOU should believe or, even worse apparently, knocking on your door with a pamphlet. i understand your skepticism regarding the Christian concept of grace. i'm simply pointing out that you have less than an airtight understanding of that concept.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
"the church" is meant to refer to Jesus' body of believers. Not any particular denomination. You refer to the Catholic molestation charges. Those are horrific and without excuse both literally and in the sense of pardon. They are wrong. And just as I believe police officers should get it harder because they know the law, are to enforce the law and if they break it, well, c'mon, then also is true to the clergy. If they abuse their position in these sick ways, I say let them have it. I don't give people what I would not like to get back, so they are no more privileged in their lives. If they are so horrible , then I truly think they have given up their rights to a peaceful respectful existance. They didn't care about the kids they messed with. They are no better to me.......they should be sent to jail and made someone's bitch.
police officers enfore MANS law... and we are fallible supposedly..
priests, popes, vicars, etc enforce gods law... who is infallible.
big difference.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
police officers enfore MANS law... and we are fallible supposedly..
priests, popes, vicars, etc enforce gods law... who is infallible.
big difference.
yeah, but the common thing among all of these people is that they are all in positions that allow them to take a definite stand against what they are working against. This allows them the knowledge to know (like we all do but moreso) bad and good.
they are all human though and God is not managing every detail in these world of free will. our own fuck ups belong to us most of the time.
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
i never said a human was.. i said gods law.. and he is infallible.. unless you're telling me god is a human.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I guess if it's beyond your understanding, then it must not be true...especially when trying to explain something as simple as the CREATOR of the universe.
Do you know how arrogant you sound to imply that your understanding and knowledge must be as great or greater than God's for God to exist?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
i'm willing to bet nobody touches this. they never do. nobody wants to admit their belief system makes eternity about as just as the OJ case.
Do you know how arrogant you ( and all overly-religious people) sound when you attempt to convince, impose, bully and preach that your religion...your god is the only true god and law?
Including the infusion of "God" into common law and everything on the political landscape.
Furthermore, my understanding, knowledge, perception of God's existence is based on the so-called words of "God". Which undoubedtly were written by human beings, not a "God".
And as always I question the works of men and find huge holes and hypocrisies in the words of these alleged Gods.
If that makes me arrogant in your eyes, so be it.
I'd rather be considered arrogant than to praise and bow to such vicious and hypocritical religious "laws".
incredible the liberal interpretation of God that you spew. How is it you know about how God works? He does not say those things at all.
I am willing to bet God is taken aback annoyed with the mean vein vindictive being you Christian's make him out to be.
Nobody wants to touch it because it blows the doors off an utterly manipulative and self-serving concept; that was designed to be exactly that. Controling and manipulative.
Instead, I get responses saying I'm arrogant, lol.
Of course anyone who questions the absurdity of such hypocritical and obvioulsy vicious nonsense; will be dealt the ...." you don't question his sanctity" card.
What else can they say? They know it's ridiculous and it pretty much blows their religion...their "God" .....out of the water. Because it's not their "God " who said or wrote any of it. It was human beings. Men. And to have to actually face and acknowledge that, would ruin their self-perception of self-righteousness and Hollier Than Thou. Which in turn, would completely destroy everything the Republican Party props themselves up on.
What's even more entertaining is the fact, that if you go by the "true words of Jesus"; just about every christian in this country is completely oblivious and going against what Jesus allegedly preached and the guidelines he suggested for living one's life and how to treat others.
The Republican Party being one of the grossest offenders.
Yeah - because what you're doing here and in all your other posts is so much less bullying, imposing and preaching (sarcasm!). Take a look in the mirror.
I don't do anything even remotely resembling bullying or preaching - on here or in my real life.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
To each his own interpretation. I see the ability to be forgiven if you only ask for it to be very loving.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Your broad stereotypes show your ignorance.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
But I do. I don't know what the truth is. But I have faith that you don't spend an eternity of anguish for not believing the right thing.
...and arrogance. Don't forget that.
So you do get it.
I love how you people hate getting the same approach thrown right back in your face.
And stop kidding yourself, you most certainly do come off that way in a lot of your posts. As do many others, here.
You're certainly not kidding me.
Again - you have to ask for forgiveness. That means acknowledging God's existence.
I don't see why that is so difficult for those of you claiming to be smarter than God to understand.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Of course he'll go to heaven. It's what the churches preach. Everybody goes to heaven! Only smokers go to hell.
I should add though...I mean, this is in the Bible, that if a person sins knowingly, that there isn't any forgiveness. 'Course, that's in the Bible. Believe whatever you want to.
Reading it did too
wow, please don't lump us all together. everyone is worth being sifted through for the good. I am a believer and a Christian but do not think I am better than anyone else at all; again, if that is what I lived like then I am not a Christian; a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a judgemental arrogant person who does not even remotely resemble the Lord as He lived or try to follow what He taught.
I think even the worse case scenario people in the world, those who truly have made mistakes in their lives have a spirit in them that is gentle or at least may have been at one time or another.
Child molesters, rapists, serial killers, they are beyond my understanding. maybe they are mentally ill and do not have the control to help them stop. I don't know. But even then they should not be exposed to people they can hurt.
And like someone said here, the definition of sin as per the bible is to knowingly sin. So someone who doesn't know they are sinning, I don't know that is accountable to God. But someone who is doing wrong and knowing they are, like in this case, and worse yet, hiding behind the ministry, well I can only think that would get God really pissed off........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Do you really think I am this way?
C'mon. You think if I thought you were less than me for your stance on God, I would not tell you that? What would I gain for not coming forward? I am not "fooling" anyone. I am the real thing. I have no benefit to lie about how I feel to you. I gain nothing by sugar coating anything to you or anyone. My life and actions are what I am accountable for. That is all I am entitled to. I have no business in your business.
peace to you truly........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
"the church" is meant to refer to Jesus' body of believers. Not any particular denomination. You refer to the Catholic molestation charges. Those are horrific and without excuse both literally and in the sense of pardon. They are wrong. And just as I believe police officers should get it harder because they know the law, are to enforce the law and if they break it, well, c'mon, then also is true to the clergy. If they abuse their position in these sick ways, I say let them have it. I don't give people what I would not like to get back, so they are no more privileged in their lives. If they are so horrible , then I truly think they have given up their rights to a peaceful respectful existance. They didn't care about the kids they messed with. They are no better to me.......they should be sent to jail and made someone's bitch.
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
it's not the goodness in this world that takes you to heaven... and neither is belief alone going to take you to heaven. it takes both of those things... it takes faith and the act of it.
obviously if someone says, "i believe in jesus" but his actions speak otherwise. like the scripture says, "blessed is the man that walks not in the counsil of the ungodly nor stands in the way of the sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law does he meditate day and night." if someone goes about watching child porn... he's not meditating on the things of God... so instead they become "like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."
if we're speaking of my god... then you have to have faith that he knows how to make the right judgement. so far, so good. can there be a way to repair this man's views? or should we let him rot in hell?
in brief, it's the act of believing that leads you to do good things which in consequence leads you to heaven.
1 dont quote stuff at me, i doth hate it.
2 so Ghandi does good things yet believes in a different god. He wont go to heaven as the missionaries didnt do to good there... same with Kualanga Mwombe who spent is life in the Congo saving kids from a genocide... he doesnt know of any god... see, weird thing is he'll go to hell as Christianity has yet to reach his tiny corner of the rainforest... he lives in religious ignorance... his god is the sun as it means another day on this planet instead of being murdered in his sleep by militia
i'm not referring to the catholic church.
you're right. and i agree.
but.... what you said here... has led you to believe what you say below.
the problems of the catholic church have nothing to do with the God described in the Bible. or the problems of any church denomination in general have anything to do with the biblical God.
1 alright dude... try to be a little smarter. if we're talking of bible gibberish here then it's only logical for us to use the bible. what's the point of judging it if we don't even try to read it? you don't have to believe it... just hear what it says. it's like criticizing any book, or movie in particular and giving it thumbs down. makes no sense at all.
2 i bet you mwombe has heard of jesus. and i'm fully aware ghandi did too. and i've already explained to you that goodness alone doesn't lead you to heaven. but i'm not gonna try to get into it anymore. you're a little rude. well, not rude but see... you said that you "doth hate having scriptures quoted" so it's impossible for me to carry on this conversation. so, too bad for the both of us... there will never be any closure
Wow. You know "just about every Christian in this country? You really get around. Talk about social butterflies.
Besides, even if every single Christian, not only in this country but in the entire world, misinterpreted the words or blatantly ignored them, where does the fault lie? With the words or with those that ignored them or didn't fully understand them? Your argument doesn't really work. Even the republican party does not render the words or the speaker of those words irrelevant or wrong.
This thread truly is classic AMT. What you and others call a "loophole" is not really a loophole at all. i mean no disrespect, but it is a classic example of trashing a belief system you don't fully understand. As others have tried to point out, it isn't a matter of "i can do whatever the heck i want, no matter how heinous and unspeakable, and then play the Jesus card and everything's irie". That simply isn't how it works. According to Christian belief, no one is "good enough" to achieve heavenly standards. This goes for the child molestor as well as the guy who cheats on his wife or yells hateful words to someone who cuts them off in traffic even one time. To offer an anectdotal illustration, a sixth grade student of mine came extremely close to suspension yesterday for fighting. He argued to me that we've had fourteen days of school so far and he's kept his cool for thirteen of them. i explained to him that thirteen out of fourteen simply isn't good enough. Seen? What's required for heaven, based on one's own efforts, according to Christian belief, is absolute perfection. That is something no human is capable of. Furthermore, there is no real hierarchy, in God's eyes, of sin. You can't justify wrongful behavior by pointing to something worse and say well "i'm better than THAT guy". Christians believe God's grace is all encompassing to those who TRULY seek it. i'm in no way telling you what YOU should believe or, even worse apparently, knocking on your door with a pamphlet. i understand your skepticism regarding the Christian concept of grace. i'm simply pointing out that you have less than an airtight understanding of that concept.
police officers enfore MANS law... and we are fallible supposedly..
priests, popes, vicars, etc enforce gods law... who is infallible.
big difference.
no human is infallible.
Very Very well said! Bravo!
but those priests, vicars, popes etc who are "enforcing Gods law" are men, just like you and me. and we are not infalliable, so why are they?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
yeah, but the common thing among all of these people is that they are all in positions that allow them to take a definite stand against what they are working against. This allows them the knowledge to know (like we all do but moreso) bad and good.
they are all human though and God is not managing every detail in these world of free will. our own fuck ups belong to us most of the time.
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
i never said a human was.. i said gods law.. and he is infallible.. unless you're telling me god is a human.
aah i get you now dunk. the subtleties of syntax are everything arent they?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say