Why not, son? The Nazis dehumanised a race (slavs) in order to sell the idea to their public that invading and taking their lands (read; resources) was a natural, honest, moral thing to do.
The US/Uk are dehumanising the Muslim world and painting them as extremists, fanatics, etc etc, in order to justify the invasion of Afghanistan / Iraq, and soon to be Iran and Syria, through using the dehumanising tool of linking Hezbollah to Syria, so the peoples of our countries will believe it right and proper to invade and oppress, all over again.
Nazis invaded countries and oppressed their peoples. US/Uk invade countries and oppress their peoples.
Ok, granted things are not yet as obviously totalitarian as they were in 1941 Reich, but we're getting there. We're probably at about 1935 right now.
dude the X-files isnt real, you know that?
the US and UK aren't dehumanising the Muslim world at all... ... dehumanising???
and we aren't painting them as extremist or fanatics... the fanatics and extremists are doing a very good self portrait... we dont need to add any more paint to the palette
as for the Nazi comparisons... c'mon man... have we had any bans or Perspexnachts yet? are we out on the streets burning the koran and other such 'books'... in 1935 Hitler was already ordering his thug henchmen to attack Jewish properties.... do you think that Blair is siting there ordering the BNP skinheads to attack cornershops?
we need to keep a realisic viewpoint on this... comparing my country to Nazi germany isnt going to hold much water.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
So, German troops, and US troops, and Uk troops, are occupying an Islamic country, and Islamic people are not allowed to strike back?
If you were occupied, shot at, herded, exploited, driven into poverty by a nation based thousands of miles away, what would you do?
I'd fight back. I'd send as bloody a message as possible to those oppressing me.
i didn´t say so but german troops are mostley in the countries to help etc. and if they strike it´s bec. their lives is in danger that´s the diffrent between the us and uk troups ...
and iraq and afghansistan are diffrent in what has happen now ok...
The United States government committed the two single largest acts of terrorism in the history of the world. They killed 150,000 civilians with two atomic bombs. This was in response to a military attack on Pearl Harbour (ie. not civilians). 3000 dead in the WTC towers is only a small fraction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
So, when you are talking about terrorists and acts of terrorism, you must include the United States. Their hands are not clean.
the US and UK aren't dehumanising the Muslim world at all... ... dehumanising???
and we aren't painting them as extremist or fanatics... the fanatics and extremists are doing a very good self portrait... we dont need to add any more paint to the palette
as for the Nazi comparisons... c'mon man... have we had any bans or Perspexnachts yet? are we out on the streets burning the koran and other such 'books'... in 1935 Hitler was already ordering his thug henchmen to attack Jewish properties.... do you think that Blair is siting there ordering the BNP skinheads to attack cornershops?
we need to keep a realisic viewpoint on this... comparing my country to Nazi germany isnt going to hold much water.
and by the way this terrorist have nothing to do with the koran if they read this they wouldn´t do what they do
and we don´t have a nazi germany ..it´s germany thanx
i didn´t say so but german troops are mostley in the countries to help etc. and if they strike it´s bec. their lives is in danger that´s the diffrent between the us and uk troups ...
and iraq and afghansistan are diffrent in what has happen now ok...
To help a country, you send food, not guns, you send doctors, not soldiers, you send total debt relief, not Anglo-American multinational construction companies, you send teachers and teaching aids, not pipeline experts and engineers.
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
To help a country, you send food, not guns, you send doctors, not soldiers, you send total debt relief, not Anglo-American multinational construction companies, you send teachers and teaching aids, not pipeline experts and engineers.
we send food doctors the german red cross etc. and soldiers bec. many of them are there for protecting and also allocate food etc.
and by the way maybe you should bref very well and think before you right bec. i know that german soldiers are just allowed to shoot when they are in danger
and in this situations where they are it´s arcent that there are soldies and anyways they are teaching and some of them are nurses and doctors...
never said it was or wasnt gonna hurt us working class folks... i just said that the "false" alerts you propose are happening are causing the profits and monetary stability of companies and our tourism income to be hurt... my point is:- in what way would our government raising a false alarm such as this be profitable financially...?? which is what you were implying earlier
tourism profits in 2002 for England only were £75billion... thats quite a sum
I can see how you are adding it up... it just doesnt fit with my viewpoint.. i dont do conspiracy theories... certainly ones in which a govt blows up its own citizens....
Hey man i didnt say governments were blowing their own people up, im not in the old 911 was by the Govt party yet! I am merely saying they are blowing up the IMPLIED THREAT of a terrorist attack in order to either 1) distract from the destrction on Lebanon, the mess in Iraq, and 2) to further convince the electorate that war in the middle east, and further war with Iran / Syria, is a morally justified adventure.
Its not a conspiracy theory. Look at the relationship of this war on terror bollocks to the companies who have profited from Iraq and Afghanistan. Then look at the undoubtable, physically proven links between those at the heads of those companies and the heads of our governments. Its a revolving fucking door!!!
And the profits from tourism are very much hidden and non quantifiable as a single figure, and dissipated through the country, to small businesses, to small hotels. They do not directly benfit the multi nationals who now control Government through task forces, advisory boards, and lobbying. But, you take that money gained through taxation, chanel it through the military, spend it on bombs, guns, planes, and the rebuilding of infrastructure destroyed by those bombs, you give the money to the multinationals eventually.
And at the same time you ratchet up the price of oil through 1) fear of dwindling supplies or 2) controlling the suplly to the world at the source. You keep the price up by keeping the Oil in the ground.
These alerts are the governments response to the hiding they took for going to war with Iraq on a lie. They need more, substantial reasoning to start the next wave of war. Iran and Syria.
I could go on chief, and it's a nig greay area and all that, but there is so much more than meets the eye. Like transformers!!
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
The United States government committed the two single largest acts of terrorism in the history of the world. They killed 150,000 civilians with two atomic bombs. This was in response to a military attack on Pearl Harbour (ie. not civilians). 3000 dead in the WTC towers is only a small fraction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
So, when you are talking about terrorists and acts of terrorism, you must include the United States. Their hands are not clean.
yes and the world should never forget .the same is with my countrys bad history. but we are now new generations and we have nothing to do with that what has happened ! we should remember and never forget but we shouldn´t be punished for that .
see i don´t want anybody to be killed or punished bec. of his religion,colour or anything like that .i am peacefull ....but this terrorist they aren´t
and this is now since 2001 a new kind of war/terror
and by the way this terrorist have nothing to do with the koran if they read this they wouldn´t do what they do
and we don´t have a nazi germany ..it´s germany thanx
i think you've picked me up wrong... i'll save my fingers the labourious depressing of keys and wont try and explain it to you any simpler... thanks
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Hey man i didnt say governments were blowing their own people up, im not in the old 911 was by the Govt party yet! I am merely saying they are blowing up the IMPLIED THREAT of a terrorist attack in order to either 1) distract from the destrction on Lebanon, the mess in Iraq, and 2) to further convince the electorate that war in the middle east, and further war with Iran / Syria, is a morally justified adventure.
Its not a conspiracy theory. Look at the relationship of this war on terror bollocks to the companies who have profited from Iraq and Afghanistan. Then look at the undoubtable, physically proven links between those at the heads of those companies and the heads of our governments. Its a revolving fucking door!!!
And the profits from tourism are very much hidden and non quantifiable as a single figure, and dissipated through the country, to small businesses, to small hotels. They do not directly benfit the multi nationals who now control Government through task forces, advisory boards, and lobbying. But, you take that money gained through taxation, chanel it through the military, spend it on bombs, guns, planes, and the rebuilding of infrastructure destroyed by those bombs, you give the money to the multinationals eventually.
And at the same time you ratchet up the price of oil through 1) fear of dwindling supplies or 2) controlling the suplly to the world at the source. You keep the price up by keeping the Oil in the ground.
These alerts are the governments response to the hiding they took for going to war with Iraq on a lie. They need more, substantial reasoning to start the next wave of war. Iran and Syria.
I could go on chief, and it's a nig greay area and all that, but there is so much more than meets the eye. Like transformers!!
thats a very good post... especially the Transformers bit which i enjoyed most
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
for the life of me I do not understand people like you.
1. how many terror attacks will it take?
2. how many times to the whacko clerics and people like Bin Laden have to warn of these attacks, will it take?
3. how much of the global intelligence on terrorism are you in on?
how much is it going to take before you wake up and realize that the whacko extreme islamist nutjobs want you dead? do you not listen to them? do you not listen to what they say? start with google and then work your way on...
now...spare me the "stop being blind" bullshit too....I saw 9/11..I saw what happened in London...I saw what happened in Spain...I saw what happened in '93 at the WTC...I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....
but hey...it's all just made up. let's ignore it like before so more planes, tranes, cafes, buses, and grocery stores can blowup and everyday people can die some more. apparently....that's what you'd like.
for the life of me I do not understand people like you.
1. how many terror attacks will it take?
2. how many times to the whacko clerics and people like Bin Laden have to warn of these attacks, will it take?
3. how much of the global intelligence on terrorism are you in on?
how much is it going to take before you wake up and realize that the whacko extreme islamist nutjobs want you dead? do you not listen to them? do you not listen to what they say? start with google and then work your way on...
now...spare me the "stop being blind" bullshit too....I saw 9/11..I saw what happened in London...I saw what happened in Spain...I saw what happened in '93 at the WTC...I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....
but hey...it's all just made up. let's ignore it like before so more planes, tranes, cafes, buses, and grocery stores can blowup and everyday people can die some more. apparently....that's what you'd like.
job well done by the British I say! well done.
You live where? Ah yes, no wonder you dind't or couldn't counter the terrorism spin with the guise of spreading democracy. May hurt the ego or ease the fear!
for the life of me I do not understand people like you.
1. how many terror attacks will it take?
2. how many times to the whacko clerics and people like Bin Laden have to warn of these attacks, will it take?
3. how much of the global intelligence on terrorism are you in on?
how much is it going to take before you wake up and realize that the whacko extreme islamist nutjobs want you dead? do you not listen to them? do you not listen to what they say? start with google and then work your way on...
now...spare me the "stop being blind" bullshit too....I saw 9/11..I saw what happened in London...I saw what happened in Spain...I saw what happened in '93 at the WTC...I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....
but hey...it's all just made up. let's ignore it like before so more planes, tranes, cafes, buses, and grocery stores can blowup and everyday people can die some more. apparently....that's what you'd like.
job well done by the British I say! well done.
1) How many terror attacks have there been? 911? Mmmm. How many Saudis were arrested or investigated over that...and they were US funded non-practising Muslims...mmmm, got me there, bud.
2) Hey, wckos warn of attacks all the time. You never threaten to punch some guy because of how he was acting? The only ones who have acted are Bush and BLair. NOw they really mean business. When they attack, they fucking atack man!
3) Obviously not as much as you, oh shepherd of the wise.
And hey, you were at all those places? Wow, id keep that quiet if I were you.
The FBI may get on a roll and put 2 and 2 together and for once, not come up with five...
Oh and the bus thing...they were British citizens. And todays 'alleged' arrested, innocent until proven guilty and all that, I mean that is what democracy is for, isn't it? Or do we just summarily convict them?
Me, ill put my faith in a British jury to decide these mens fates.
Not CNN.
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
Me, ill put my faith in a British jury to decide these mens fates.
Not CNN.
which will be guilty
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
1) How many terror attacks have there been? 911? Mmmm. How many Saudis were arrested or investigated over that...and they were US funded non-practising Muslims...mmmm, got me there, bud.
2) Hey, wckos warn of attacks all the time. You never threaten to punch some guy because of how he was acting? The only ones who have acted are Bush and BLair. NOw they really mean business. When they attack, they fucking atack man!
3) Obviously not as much as you, oh shepherd of the wise.
And hey, you were at all those places? Wow, id keep that quiet if I were you.
The FBI may get on a roll and put 2 and 2 together and for once, not come up with five...
Oh and the bus thing...they were British citizens. And todays 'alleged' arrested, innocent until proven guilty and all that, I mean that is what democracy is for, isn't it? Or do we just summarily convict them?
Me, ill put my faith in a British jury to decide these mens fates.
Not CNN.
lol....the response I expected...they're all innocent..they're all innocent.
funny thing.....my Indian Hindu coworkers tell tales of muslim extremist hatred all the time..but hey, what do they know?? Right? They're only FROM THAT PART OF THE WORLD. Silly me....it's America's fault that they hate and kill Hindus also....
lol at CNN. didn't they do a puff article on Hezbollah's leader??? Figured that'd be right up your alley. What's it like being on the side of terrorists? On the side that hates everyone unlike them? What's it like?
Now...tell me again how it's the media that tells me that extremist muslims hate everyone unlike them and not the actual extremist muslims that say it and my coworkers that left that part of the world. I can't wait for the laugh....
they still have no idear who or wish terror group it was.They arrested ca 21 people asian as i heard.
and now is very high safty on the euopeans airport .
they want to fear and seems they have it now...
and this one has nothing to do with profit...
lol....the response I expected...they're all innocent..they're all innocent.
funny thing.....my Indian Hindu coworkers tell tales of muslim extremist hatred all the time..but hey, what do they know?? Right? They're only FROM THAT PART OF THE WORLD. Silly me....it's America's fault that they hate and kill Hindus also....
lol at CNN. didn't they do a puff article on Hezbollah's leader??? Figured that'd be right up your alley. What's it like being on the side of terrorists? On the side that hates everyone unlike them? What's it like?
Now...tell me again how it's the media that tells me that extremist muslims hate everyone unlike them and not the actual extremist muslims that say it and my coworkers that left that part of the world. I can't wait for the laugh....
ahha whats next? A statement from an Israeli crying over the suicide bombers of Gaza? Thats a laugh, bringing Muslims and Hindus into it...
SO lets run with that, hey.
Now, in this game, i know the answer, half a billion people know the answer, do you?
Which race, Hindu or Muslim, aims to eliminate all other independent religions (Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism) and castes from Indian life?
Also, which is outnumbered nearly 6 to 1?
A clue. Hindu is not just a religion, its almost a nationality. Hence, it is an extension of fervent Indian Nationalism.
Please, next time you want to cross words with me, consult history and intellectual study. Not the guy sitting next to you.
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
they still have no idear who or wish terror group it was.They arrested ca 21 people asian as i heard.
and now is very high safty on the euopeans airport .
they want to fear and seems they have it now...
and this one has nothing to do with profit...
Its all about profit, because it is al about perpetuating a war that is about profit. See above.
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
I probably haven't agreed with you on political issues in the past..but let me just say this...
I sincerely hope you don't miss the gig and that your travels are safe.
your right about that first point.... and many thanks for your wishes
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
ahha whats next? A statement from an Israeli crying over the suicide bombers of Gaza? Thats a laugh, bringing Muslims and Hindus into it...
SO lets run with that, hey.
Now, in this game, i know the answer, half a billion people know the answer, do you?
Which race, Hindu or Muslim, aims to eliminate all other independent religions (Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism) and castes from Indian life?
Also, which is outnumbered nearly 6 to 1?
A clue. Hindu is not just a religion, its almost a nationality. Hence, it is an extension of fervent Indian Nationalism.
Please, next time you want to cross words with me, consult history and intellectual study. Not the guy sitting next to you.
blah blah blah...you get info from a book...I get it from 4 people from the middle east. One who is a Christian......the point is, the islamic extremists hate anyone that is not islamic....
Note...A passage from the Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian school book...yes..school book
"I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."
Now..tell me again that this is all Bush and Blair...
"I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, quote]
Sounds reasonable to me. If you go to war against Islam, we will defend ourselves until the death.
Sounds very fair and principled to me. Thanks for highlighting these words.
Sounds a little like this, though obviously not as eloquent, or aggressive.
"Anybody who wants to harm American troops will be found and brought to justice. There are some that feel like if they attack us that we may decide to leave prematurely. They don't understand what they are talking about if that is the case. Let me finish. There are some who feel like the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring 'em on."
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
blah blah blah...you get info from a book...I get it from 4 people from the middle east. One who is a Christian......the point is, the islamic extremists hate anyone that is not islamic....
Note...A passage from the Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian school book...yes..school book
"I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."
Now..tell me again that this is all Bush and Blair...
thanx ah some of this not exactly the same i wanted to say ....
What was Washington fighting to establish, and what is Osama fighting to establish?
According to you???? They both want the rest of the world to be like them. Unfortunately them and you are both blind as I don't want any part of you and probably a hell lot more people like me are in the same boat. Funny thing is that not only are you both blind you both don't listen. Funny that one created the other and wonder why nobody wants any part of them. Hard to grasp for some people. Ahem.
.... a lot of hyerbole that I just can't be arsed with wasting precious keystrokes on..............
You sir are no better than the American goverment you are desperatley trying to slander, You are using this situation to drive home your own agenda of conspiracy theories created by an overactive imagination and watching too many episodes of 24 and the X-Files. You have successfully turned this thread around from a issue on terroism and national security to your own overblown gripes on your present goverment.
I have no doubt that some of you cynicism is well aimed and that the War in Iraq is not just to benefit the Iraqi people and peace and love in this world, but also to also maintain oil supplies thus money etc etc. But it doesn't directly apply to the issue of whether or not these threats are real.
Do you honestly believe that a Goverment, whose people feel the current terroist threat that hangs over them is directly attributed to the war in iraq, would make up such an event to further compound this notion?? Not to mention the amount of compensation the UK government may have to pay to all those holidaymakers whose summer holidays will be cancelled and the economic effects of future airtravel, tourism etc. which will affect everyone!!
You really are a poor misguided fool, go back to you lead-lined bunker, stock up on Baked Beans and do not remove your tin-foil hat until you have had a good hard think about what your life has become.
dude the X-files isnt real, you know that?
the US and UK aren't dehumanising the Muslim world at all...
and we aren't painting them as extremist or fanatics... the fanatics and extremists are doing a very good self portrait... we dont need to add any more paint to the palette
as for the Nazi comparisons... c'mon man... have we had any bans or Perspexnachts yet? are we out on the streets burning the koran and other such 'books'... in 1935 Hitler was already ordering his thug henchmen to attack Jewish properties.... do you think that Blair is siting there ordering the BNP skinheads to attack cornershops?
we need to keep a realisic viewpoint on this... comparing my country to Nazi germany isnt going to hold much water.
what you can´t say this .this is really not true ...
i didn´t say so but german troops are mostley in the countries to help etc. and if they strike it´s bec. their lives is in danger that´s the diffrent between the us and uk troups ...
and iraq and afghansistan are diffrent in what has happen now ok...
The United States government committed the two single largest acts of terrorism in the history of the world. They killed 150,000 civilians with two atomic bombs. This was in response to a military attack on Pearl Harbour (ie. not civilians). 3000 dead in the WTC towers is only a small fraction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
So, when you are talking about terrorists and acts of terrorism, you must include the United States. Their hands are not clean.
and by the way this terrorist have nothing to do with the koran if they read this they wouldn´t do what they do
and we don´t have a nazi germany ..it´s germany thanx
To help a country, you send food, not guns, you send doctors, not soldiers, you send total debt relief, not Anglo-American multinational construction companies, you send teachers and teaching aids, not pipeline experts and engineers.
we send food doctors the german red cross etc. and soldiers bec. many of them are there for protecting and also allocate food etc.
and by the way maybe you should bref very well and think before you right bec. i know that german soldiers are just allowed to shoot when they are in danger
and in this situations where they are it´s arcent that there are soldies and anyways they are teaching and some of them are nurses and doctors...
Hey man i didnt say governments were blowing their own people up, im not in the old 911 was by the Govt party yet! I am merely saying they are blowing up the IMPLIED THREAT of a terrorist attack in order to either 1) distract from the destrction on Lebanon, the mess in Iraq, and 2) to further convince the electorate that war in the middle east, and further war with Iran / Syria, is a morally justified adventure.
Its not a conspiracy theory. Look at the relationship of this war on terror bollocks to the companies who have profited from Iraq and Afghanistan. Then look at the undoubtable, physically proven links between those at the heads of those companies and the heads of our governments. Its a revolving fucking door!!!
And the profits from tourism are very much hidden and non quantifiable as a single figure, and dissipated through the country, to small businesses, to small hotels. They do not directly benfit the multi nationals who now control Government through task forces, advisory boards, and lobbying. But, you take that money gained through taxation, chanel it through the military, spend it on bombs, guns, planes, and the rebuilding of infrastructure destroyed by those bombs, you give the money to the multinationals eventually.
And at the same time you ratchet up the price of oil through 1) fear of dwindling supplies or 2) controlling the suplly to the world at the source. You keep the price up by keeping the Oil in the ground.
These alerts are the governments response to the hiding they took for going to war with Iraq on a lie. They need more, substantial reasoning to start the next wave of war. Iran and Syria.
I could go on chief, and it's a nig greay area and all that, but there is so much more than meets the eye. Like transformers!!
yes and the world should never forget .the same is with my countrys bad history. but we are now new generations and we have nothing to do with that what has happened ! we should remember and never forget but we shouldn´t be punished for that .
see i don´t want anybody to be killed or punished bec. of his religion,colour or anything like that .i am peacefull ....but this terrorist they aren´t
and this is now since 2001 a new kind of war/terror
i think you've picked me up wrong... i'll save my fingers the labourious depressing of keys and wont try and explain it to you any simpler... thanks
thats a very good post... especially the Transformers bit which i enjoyed most
okey ....:)
holy fuck..
for the life of me I do not understand people like you.
1. how many terror attacks will it take?
2. how many times to the whacko clerics and people like Bin Laden have to warn of these attacks, will it take?
3. how much of the global intelligence on terrorism are you in on?
how much is it going to take before you wake up and realize that the whacko extreme islamist nutjobs want you dead? do you not listen to them? do you not listen to what they say? start with google and then work your way on...
now...spare me the "stop being blind" bullshit too....I saw 9/11..I saw what happened in London...I saw what happened in Spain...I saw what happened in '93 at the WTC...I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....
but hey...it's all just made up. let's ignore it like before so more planes, tranes, cafes, buses, and grocery stores can blowup and everyday people can die some more. apparently....that's what you'd like.
job well done by the British I say! well done.
You live where? Ah yes, no wonder you dind't or couldn't counter the terrorism spin with the guise of spreading democracy. May hurt the ego or ease the fear!
1) How many terror attacks have there been? 911? Mmmm. How many Saudis were arrested or investigated over that...and they were US funded non-practising Muslims...mmmm, got me there, bud.
2) Hey, wckos warn of attacks all the time. You never threaten to punch some guy because of how he was acting? The only ones who have acted are Bush and BLair. NOw they really mean business. When they attack, they fucking atack man!
3) Obviously not as much as you, oh shepherd of the wise.
And hey, you were at all those places? Wow, id keep that quiet if I were you.
The FBI may get on a roll and put 2 and 2 together and for once, not come up with five...
Oh and the bus thing...they were British citizens. And todays 'alleged' arrested, innocent until proven guilty and all that, I mean that is what democracy is for, isn't it? Or do we just summarily convict them?
Me, ill put my faith in a British jury to decide these mens fates.
Not CNN.
which will be guilty
lol....the response I expected...they're all innocent..they're all innocent.
funny thing.....my Indian Hindu coworkers tell tales of muslim extremist hatred all the time..but hey, what do they know?? Right? They're only FROM THAT PART OF THE WORLD. Silly me....it's America's fault that they hate and kill Hindus also....
lol at CNN. didn't they do a puff article on Hezbollah's leader??? Figured that'd be right up your alley. What's it like being on the side of terrorists? On the side that hates everyone unlike them? What's it like?
Now...tell me again how it's the media that tells me that extremist muslims hate everyone unlike them and not the actual extremist muslims that say it and my coworkers that left that part of the world. I can't wait for the laugh....
I probably haven't agreed with you on political issues in the past..but let me just say this...
I sincerely hope you don't miss the gig and that your travels are safe.
and now is very high safty on the euopeans airport .
they want to fear and seems they have it now...
and this one has nothing to do with profit...
ahha whats next? A statement from an Israeli crying over the suicide bombers of Gaza? Thats a laugh, bringing Muslims and Hindus into it...
SO lets run with that, hey.
Now, in this game, i know the answer, half a billion people know the answer, do you?
Which race, Hindu or Muslim, aims to eliminate all other independent religions (Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism) and castes from Indian life?
Also, which is outnumbered nearly 6 to 1?
A clue. Hindu is not just a religion, its almost a nationality. Hence, it is an extension of fervent Indian Nationalism.
Please, next time you want to cross words with me, consult history and intellectual study. Not the guy sitting next to you.
Those arrested were British citizens.
And please, try this for spellings.
Its all about profit, because it is al about perpetuating a war that is about profit. See above.
sadly, i agree with you
i know but with asians feedback as i heard ...but might wrong...
in some ways wars are profit of course everyone but this here is diffrent ...bec. thoose terrorist doesn´t want profit ...they want death that´s it...
blah blah blah...you get info from a book...I get it from 4 people from the middle east. One who is a Christian......the point is, the islamic extremists hate anyone that is not islamic....
Note...A passage from the Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian school book...yes..school book
"I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."
Now..tell me again that this is all Bush and Blair...
thanx ah some of this not exactly the same i wanted to say ....
What was Washington fighting to establish, and what is Osama fighting to establish?
According to you???? They both want the rest of the world to be like them. Unfortunately them and you are both blind as I don't want any part of you and probably a hell lot more people like me are in the same boat. Funny thing is that not only are you both blind you both don't listen. Funny that one created the other and wonder why nobody wants any part of them. Hard to grasp for some people. Ahem.
You sir are no better than the American goverment you are desperatley trying to slander, You are using this situation to drive home your own agenda of conspiracy theories created by an overactive imagination and watching too many episodes of 24 and the X-Files. You have successfully turned this thread around from a issue on terroism and national security to your own overblown gripes on your present goverment.
I have no doubt that some of you cynicism is well aimed and that the War in Iraq is not just to benefit the Iraqi people and peace and love in this world, but also to also maintain oil supplies thus money etc etc. But it doesn't directly apply to the issue of whether or not these threats are real.
Do you honestly believe that a Goverment, whose people feel the current terroist threat that hangs over them is directly attributed to the war in iraq, would make up such an event to further compound this notion?? Not to mention the amount of compensation the UK government may have to pay to all those holidaymakers whose summer holidays will be cancelled and the economic effects of future airtravel, tourism etc. which will affect everyone!!
You really are a poor misguided fool, go back to you lead-lined bunker, stock up on Baked Beans and do not remove your tin-foil hat until you have had a good hard think about what your life has become.
Astoria 2006
*Astoria Crew*
Dublin 23/08/06 - best gig ever!