Why the hell would Harper want to rock this boat? Politics obviously, however the ripple effects of this decision are unknown to everyone.
Harper is showing himself to be a very one dimentional figure, tax and spending cuts. Over the last few months he has shown to be a lightweight in just about every other department. Thank goodness he just has a minorty, but having him represent the country internationally makes me worry.
How is getting the support of all the political parties in the house, minus the Bloc, including his dire enemy jack Layton, "rocking the boat"? I agree that the ripple effects of this move are as of yet unknown, but I don't think this move merits a huge criticism just yet. Cree made some good points, I think, but its not clear yet if this was a totally bad idea.
canada stopped being a player internationally when we gutted our military and were unable to walk the talk. I agree with Harper's policy regarding China but he just went about it all wrong. Sometimes he has good ideas but just horrible plans to execute them.
Agreed ... In fact, where are all the "liberals" on this China issue? I thought human rights were important. I agree that Harper's approach was heavy-handed, but the silence from people who should agree with him on this issue is rather stunning.
Harper is an idiot, he is a cardboard cut out of Howdy Doody proportions. He has done nothing thus far for the country except make it look wishy washy. He continues to blame everything on the previous Liberal government when faced with the hard questions of what HIS government is going to do. Rona Amborse's speech in front of the UN last week was one of the most pathetic things I have ever watched.
Thankfully its a minority government and hopefully will not last but who knows...similar things were said after Dubyas first
edit: yes we need to atleast quadruple our military spending.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Harper is an idiot, he is a cardboard cut out of Howdy Doody proportions. He has done nothing thus far for the country except make it look wishy washy. He continues to blame everything on the previous Liberal government when faced with the hard questions of what HIS government is going to do. Rona Amborse's speech in front of the UN last week was one of the most pathetic things I have ever watched.
Thankfully its a minority government and hopefully will not last but who knows...similar things were said after Dubyas first run.
Ambrose's speech was completely factual. The Liberals did nothing to address Kyoto. Nothing. What the Conservatives should have done is take some personal responsibility, granted. But what she said was true, like it or not.
And please stop the Dubya comparisons. They are totally without merit. I'd say the same about Paul Martin, too, if he was your target instead of Harper.
Ambrose's speech was completely factual. The Liberals did nothing to address Kyoto. Nothing. What the Conservatives should have done is take some personal responsibility, granted. But what she said was true, like it or not.
And please stop the Dubya comparisons. They are totally without merit. I'd say the same about Paul Martin, too, if he was your target instead of Harper.
I believe he is a Canadian Dubya and sorry if you dont agree with it and say whatever the hell you want about Paul Martin ...he was an idiot too. If you dont like my opinion about that moron Bush loving idiot Harper then please dont read my posts, you are not required to respond you know?
Having the Environmental Minister address the UN on what it is that Canada is going to do to improve their ever growing horrible environmental record and then basically addressing nothing as to what they are going to do and then blame it on the other guys is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. We are supposed to be a beacon of change and hope for other countries and when we are addressed on such an important issue and react by saying "its the other guys fault, not ours" ...is stupid. Other than saying 'we have a plan' Ambrose did not say one iota of information as to what the Conservatives are going to do to address our horrible environmental record
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
I cant believe this thread has gotten 5 pages worth of posts. I mean come on man, its Canada.
" wah wah Quebec", who cares about Quebec. Canadas goal should be to leave the America Junior label.
I mean come on, dont respond. If you have no interests in our country, simply dont respond, your comments are not constructive at all and are representative of an ignorant self-centered person.
I agree that Canadians need to get rid of the American jr. label and having Harper as our PM does not help this.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
I believe he is a Canadian Dubya and sorry if you dont agree with it and say whatever the hell you want about Paul Martin ...he was an idiot too. If you dont like my opinion about that moron Bush loving idiot Harper then please dont read my posts, you are not required to respond you know?
Having the Environmental Minister address the UN on what it is that Canada is going to do to improve their ever growing horrible environmental record and then basically addressing nothing as to what they are going to do and then blame it on the other guys is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. We are supposed to be a beacon of change and hope for other countries and when we are addressed on such an important issue and react by saying "its the other guys fault, not ours" ...is stupid. Other than saying 'we have a plan' Ambrose did not say one iota of information as to what the Conservatives are going to do to address our horrible environmental record
Well, if people don't respond, we don't really have a discussion now, do we?
I do agree with your second point. It would have been better to focus on a new plan, rather than take a shot at the Liberal's ineffectiveness.
I mean come on, dont respond. If you have no interests in our country, simply dont respond, your comments are not constructive at all and are representative of an ignorant self-centered person.
I agree that Canadians need to get rid of the American jr. label and having Harper as our PM does not help this.
canada stopped being a player internationally when we gutted our military and were unable to walk the talk. I agree with Harper's policy regarding China but he just went about it all wrong. Sometimes he has good ideas but just horrible plans to execute them.
Which is why he worries me on the international scene.
And I have never understood how a small military equals not being a player internationally. Canada is a small country, and will never have a big military. There are more ways to be an international player than the military option. Pearson's "middle power" theory comes to mind.
This sidewalk is for regular walking, not for fancy walking!
Canada is a small country, and will never have a big military. There are more ways to be an international player than the military option. Pearson's "middle power" theory comes to mind.
Oooooohhhhh I likey...I likey a lot. welcome
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Which is why he worries me on the international scene.
And I have never understood how a small military equals not being a player internationally. Canada is a small country, and will never have a big military. There are more ways to be an international player than the military option. Pearson's "middle power" theory comes to mind.
Our diminished millitary became an issue because we were no longer able to be effective peacekeepers, it hampered what we were and are able to commit to at the UN and NATO tables. It made us all talk and no action. Issues surrounding Quebec affected Canada at the international level, as in why would any country begin to listen to Canada when we have so much political unrest and divisiveness at home. The atrocities we basically approved through our inaction in the UN basically lost Canada all of it's moral authority.
It wasn't just the military being downsized but that was a glaring signpost for the world to see. The world also sees when a Canadian leader tries to make a stand that human rights in China are more important than trade between Canada and China, and that leader takes a beating in his own country for placing human rights first, that's tough. It shows the world that most Canadians believe that human rights are for sale, that trade issues are more important than human rights.
Given the above why would any country begin to listen to anything Canada has to say. We lost our moral compass a long time ago on the international scene. If Canada didn't have an abundance of natural resources the average large country wouldn't give a shit about us.
Canada used to stand for something but it hasn't for a long time. I still hold out hope for Canada but when I see how the average Canadian is all over a leader for putting human rights before trade I do get a bit down.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Our diminished millitary became an issue because we were no longer able to be effective peacekeepers, it hampered what we were and are able to commit to at the UN and NATO tables. It made us all talk and no action. Issues surrounding Quebec affected Canada at the international level, as in why would any country begin to listen to Canada when we have so much political unrest and divisiveness at home. The atrocities we basically approved through our inaction in the UN basically lost Canada all of it's moral authority.
I disagree with your start. It continues to baffle me what people think about Canada's military, sure we are small, need more money, etc, etc. People both Canadians and Americans tend to forget that we have a commitment in Afghanistan and have our people dying over there and for what I ask? (thats a different thread though). We have troops in Iraq also but no other country other than the states has as many troops as we do in Afghanistan. I also partially agree with the comment about putting human rights before trade, however, Canada has tried to say its a leader in human rights but thats a complete farce, the day canada deals with its own internal atrocities and back turning towards Native people, then it can say its a leader in this field AND the UN has said as much in recent weeks. We can talk the talk about human rights but we certainly dont walk the walk...ateast the Harper Gov't hasnt walked to walk at all.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
I also partially agree with the comment about putting human rights before trade, however, Canada has tried to say its a leader in human rights but thats a complete farce, the day canada deals with its own internal atrocities and back turning towards Native people, then it can say its a leader in this field AND the UN has said as much in recent weeks. We can talk the talk about human rights but we certainly dont walk the walk...ateast the Harper Gov't hasnt walked to walk at all.
What are your ideas regarding what Canada should do with regards to Native people? I've yet to hear a any leader (native or non-native) havie a good idea.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
What are your ideas regarding what Canada should do with regards to Native people? I've yet to hear a any leader (native or non-native) havie a good idea.
Hows about you start with letting us govern ourselves and give us a represenative number of seats in the house of commons, the governments very good at telling us what to do and how do it and when things dont go there way, they will turn it around on the native communities and say it was their fault. No leader has had a good idea about this because they are too chicken shit to say or to ignorant to know any better. 90% of Canadians dont even know the First Nations that make up Canada, the languages or our current Grand Chief.
Edit: I bet a lot of people throughout the world would be surprised to know that in Canadian politics, there is not one party that represents a native group or a group, other than the NDP, that puts First Nations issues at the forefront.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Hows about you start with letting us govern ourselves and give us a represenative number of seats in the house of commons, the governments very good at telling us what to do and how do it and when things dont go there way, they will turn it around on the native communities and say it was their fault. No leader has had a good idea about this because they are too chicken shit to say or to ignorant to know any better. 90% of Canadians dont even know the First Nations that make up Canada, the languages or our current Grand Chief.
Edit: I bet a lot of people throughout the world we be surprised to know that in Canadian politics, there is not one party that represents a native group or a group, other than the NDP, that puts First Nations issues at the forefront.
I'm just curious. The Indian Act of Canada grants native communities sovereignty, as long as they have a governing body. That would mean that Native communities are self-governing and in my experience they are. So what responsibility do you think should be on Canada's government as opposed to First Nations government? Also why are certain tribes not included in the First Nations?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'm just curious. The Indian Act of Canada grants native communities sovereignty, as long as they have a governing body. That would mean that Native communities are self-governing and in my experience they are. So what responsibility do you think should be on Canada's government as opposed to First Nations government? Also why are certain tribes not included in the First Nations?
the sovreignty they grant is symbolic and the Federal Government ultimately has the say if they dont like how things are going. As long as a First Nations groups signed their individual treaties (Im a member of Treaty Number 8 and my great grandfater was at the signing of it) they are considered a First Nation. Now if you are not a member of a First Nation that signed a Treaty, then you were screwed out of having rights, basically you may be as brown as the next guy but the govt doesnt reckognize you.
So what responsibility do you think should be on Canada's government as opposed to First Nations government? i already answered this.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
I want to put a stop to the discussion on Native Rights right now. I want to talk about Quebec and I understand we arrived where we are largely because I brought us there but will not talk about this anymore. This is an issue that is close to my heart and discussing it on a message board is not my idea of progress. If any of you want to know a little about how Native people feel I would recommend the following books:
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Custard Died For Your Sins by Vine Deloria
Caught in the Middle by Sidney Larson
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
the sovreignty they grant is symbolic and the Federal Government ultimately has the say if they dont like how things are going. As long as a First Nations groups signed their individual treaties (Im a member of Treaty Number 8 and my great grandfater was at the signing of it) they are considered a First Nation. Now if you are not a member of a First Nation that signed a Treaty, then you were screwed out of having rights, basically you may be as brown as the next guy but the govt doesnt reckognize you.
So what responsibility do you think should be on Canada's government as opposed to First Nations government? i already answered this.
I don't think it should be about brown skin. It should be about honouring actual agreements. I am actually pro-First Nations self-government ... Within the context of the Canadian federation, that is. There are some parallels with the Quebec situation, actually.
I don't think it should be about brown skin. It should be about honouring actual agreements. I am actually pro-First Nations self-government ... Within the context of the Canadian federation, that is. There are some parallels with the Quebec situation, actually.
indeed there are thats why the Quebec situation pisses me off so much.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
I want to put a stop to the discussion on Native Rights right now. I want to talk about Quebec and I understand we arrived where we are largely because I brought us there but will not talk about this anymore. This is an issue that is close to my heart and discussing it on a message board is not my idea of progress. If any of you want to know a little about how Native people feel I would recommend the following books:
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Custard Died For Your Sins by Vine Deloria
Caught in the Middle by Sidney Larson
Sounds good to me. I did have a laugh at "Custard", though ... The bland but genocidal British dessert.
I don't get it. What makes modern Natives or Quebecois special?
I like to think in terms of everyone is equal, clearly these arguements suggest that we are not. I could use some more explanation.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I don't get it. What makes modern Natives or Quebecois special?
I like to think in terms of everyone is equal, clearly these arguements suggest that we are not. I could use some more explanation.
Not special in a better than everyone else sense ... Different because of a unique social context. I don't believe in special group rights per se. I DO believe in displaying some pragmatism around how these groups fit into Canada, though. Certain things have to be done, for both pragmatic and social justice reasons. More needs to be spent on improving the health of Native people, for example.
Not special in a better than everyone else sense ... Different because of a unique social context. I don't believe in special group rights per se. I DO believe in displaying some pragmatism around how these groups fit into Canada, though. Certain things have to be done, for both pragmatic and social justice reasons. More needs to be spent on improving the health of Native people, for example.
I didn't mean special in a "better than everyone else" sense, but it was the best word for the question.
How do you feel the sociocultural context should affect public policy?
Is that the only difference between Native, Quebecois and the rest?
Sociocultural environments can lead us to better understand people that are victims of their environments, to what extent should we allow it to dictate policy?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
A nation is defined as any people who have ethnic, religious, cultural, or language ties. There might be more criteria, but those are some. I think the nation of Quebec fills those criteria. Whether they want to become a Nation-State is another matter. My guess is no.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
I must say, you are all very good at explaining things, so that people can understand. :cool:
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I decide not to post here in the beginning but now that everyone have thrown a rock, i'll throw mine. First it's hilarious to see that a thread with the name "quebec is not a nation" is started by a man named "Cree nations"!?!?!
For the rest it's all about your personal opinion, Quebecers form a nation, from the french colonialist in the beginning, to everything that is mixed up in today's Quebec, and on monday or tuesday (for the first time in history) the canadian parliament will officially recognize the Quebec nation, and it's just GREAT! Too bad Canadians don't share that happiness and continue to deny that historical and actually legal fact. Next step is to write it in the constitution and allow the rights that goes to nations (not much more than what Quebec govt. currently have). John A. Macdonald was the first to acknowledge that reality, but it suddenly disappeared inTrudeau's era, now it's time to bring back reality into Canadians home.
I like SURFERDUDE opinions on the subject, he pretty much think the way i'd like Canadians to think about separation or the nation question. More people thinking like him would make a damn great unified country, but just read the anglos editorial all over the country, and you'll see how it is viceral for Canadians to sit their power on Quebecers, too bad but on this time, Quebecers win (rare occurance). It's not about giving "special treatment", it's about giving a chance to a nation to govern itself (same should/will happen to first nations in years to come).
Anyway, i think it should be an happy day for everyone. If something change for Canada, it will be that when the Quebec environmental minister goes into a conference in Nairobi, he'll be able to speak up and not being shut up by the federal govt., and on that occasion, it would have been fucking great for Canadians... every canadians, of every nations... hehe. Enjoy the vote, i'll celebrate the recognition of my nation, finally, so i'll have a beer in your honor, ROC .
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
How is getting the support of all the political parties in the house, minus the Bloc, including his dire enemy jack Layton, "rocking the boat"? I agree that the ripple effects of this move are as of yet unknown, but I don't think this move merits a huge criticism just yet. Cree made some good points, I think, but its not clear yet if this was a totally bad idea.
Agreed ... In fact, where are all the "liberals" on this China issue? I thought human rights were important. I agree that Harper's approach was heavy-handed, but the silence from people who should agree with him on this issue is rather stunning.
Thankfully its a minority government and hopefully will not last but who knows...similar things were said after Dubyas first
edit: yes we need to atleast quadruple our military spending.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Ambrose's speech was completely factual. The Liberals did nothing to address Kyoto. Nothing. What the Conservatives should have done is take some personal responsibility, granted. But what she said was true, like it or not.
And please stop the Dubya comparisons. They are totally without merit. I'd say the same about Paul Martin, too, if he was your target instead of Harper.
Having the Environmental Minister address the UN on what it is that Canada is going to do to improve their ever growing horrible environmental record and then basically addressing nothing as to what they are going to do and then blame it on the other guys is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. We are supposed to be a beacon of change and hope for other countries and when we are addressed on such an important issue and react by saying "its the other guys fault, not ours" ...is stupid. Other than saying 'we have a plan' Ambrose did not say one iota of information as to what the Conservatives are going to do to address our horrible environmental record
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
" wah wah Quebec", who cares about Quebec. Canadas goal should be to leave the America Junior label.
I mean come on, dont respond. If you have no interests in our country, simply dont respond, your comments are not constructive at all and are representative of an ignorant self-centered person.
I agree that Canadians need to get rid of the American jr. label and having Harper as our PM does not help this.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Well, if people don't respond, we don't really have a discussion now, do we?
I do agree with your second point. It would have been better to focus on a new plan, rather than take a shot at the Liberal's ineffectiveness.
My post was sarcastic.
you of all people should know that sarcasm does not come across well in this medium now if you added one of these
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Which is why he worries me on the international scene.
And I have never understood how a small military equals not being a player internationally. Canada is a small country, and will never have a big military. There are more ways to be an international player than the military option. Pearson's "middle power" theory comes to mind.
Oooooohhhhh I likey...I likey a lot. welcome
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
It wasn't just the military being downsized but that was a glaring signpost for the world to see. The world also sees when a Canadian leader tries to make a stand that human rights in China are more important than trade between Canada and China, and that leader takes a beating in his own country for placing human rights first, that's tough. It shows the world that most Canadians believe that human rights are for sale, that trade issues are more important than human rights.
Given the above why would any country begin to listen to anything Canada has to say. We lost our moral compass a long time ago on the international scene. If Canada didn't have an abundance of natural resources the average large country wouldn't give a shit about us.
Canada used to stand for something but it hasn't for a long time. I still hold out hope for Canada but when I see how the average Canadian is all over a leader for putting human rights before trade I do get a bit down.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I disagree with your start. It continues to baffle me what people think about Canada's military, sure we are small, need more money, etc, etc. People both Canadians and Americans tend to forget that we have a commitment in Afghanistan and have our people dying over there and for what I ask? (thats a different thread though). We have troops in Iraq also but no other country other than the states has as many troops as we do in Afghanistan. I also partially agree with the comment about putting human rights before trade, however, Canada has tried to say its a leader in human rights but thats a complete farce, the day canada deals with its own internal atrocities and back turning towards Native people, then it can say its a leader in this field AND the UN has said as much in recent weeks. We can talk the talk about human rights but we certainly dont walk the walk...ateast the Harper Gov't hasnt walked to walk at all.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Hows about you start with letting us govern ourselves and give us a represenative number of seats in the house of commons, the governments very good at telling us what to do and how do it and when things dont go there way, they will turn it around on the native communities and say it was their fault. No leader has had a good idea about this because they are too chicken shit to say or to ignorant to know any better. 90% of Canadians dont even know the First Nations that make up Canada, the languages or our current Grand Chief.
Edit: I bet a lot of people throughout the world would be surprised to know that in Canadian politics, there is not one party that represents a native group or a group, other than the NDP, that puts First Nations issues at the forefront.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
I'm just curious. The Indian Act of Canada grants native communities sovereignty, as long as they have a governing body. That would mean that Native communities are self-governing and in my experience they are. So what responsibility do you think should be on Canada's government as opposed to First Nations government? Also why are certain tribes not included in the First Nations?
the sovreignty they grant is symbolic and the Federal Government ultimately has the say if they dont like how things are going. As long as a First Nations groups signed their individual treaties (Im a member of Treaty Number 8 and my great grandfater was at the signing of it) they are considered a First Nation. Now if you are not a member of a First Nation that signed a Treaty, then you were screwed out of having rights, basically you may be as brown as the next guy but the govt doesnt reckognize you.
So what responsibility do you think should be on Canada's government as opposed to First Nations government? i already answered this.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Custard Died For Your Sins by Vine Deloria
Caught in the Middle by Sidney Larson
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
I don't think it should be about brown skin. It should be about honouring actual agreements. I am actually pro-First Nations self-government ... Within the context of the Canadian federation, that is. There are some parallels with the Quebec situation, actually.
indeed there are thats why the Quebec situation pisses me off so much.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Sounds good to me. I did have a laugh at "Custard", though ... The bland but genocidal British dessert.
I like to think in terms of everyone is equal, clearly these arguements suggest that we are not. I could use some more explanation.
Not special in a better than everyone else sense ... Different because of a unique social context. I don't believe in special group rights per se. I DO believe in displaying some pragmatism around how these groups fit into Canada, though. Certain things have to be done, for both pragmatic and social justice reasons. More needs to be spent on improving the health of Native people, for example.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
I didn't mean special in a "better than everyone else" sense, but it was the best word for the question.
How do you feel the sociocultural context should affect public policy?
Is that the only difference between Native, Quebecois and the rest?
Sociocultural environments can lead us to better understand people that are victims of their environments, to what extent should we allow it to dictate policy?
-Enoch Powell
For the rest it's all about your personal opinion, Quebecers form a nation, from the french colonialist in the beginning, to everything that is mixed up in today's Quebec, and on monday or tuesday (for the first time in history) the canadian parliament will officially recognize the Quebec nation, and it's just GREAT! Too bad Canadians don't share that happiness and continue to deny that historical and actually legal fact. Next step is to write it in the constitution and allow the rights that goes to nations (not much more than what Quebec govt. currently have). John A. Macdonald was the first to acknowledge that reality, but it suddenly disappeared inTrudeau's era, now it's time to bring back reality into Canadians home.
I like SURFERDUDE opinions on the subject, he pretty much think the way i'd like Canadians to think about separation or the nation question. More people thinking like him would make a damn great unified country, but just read the anglos editorial all over the country, and you'll see how it is viceral for Canadians to sit their power on Quebecers, too bad but on this time, Quebecers win (rare occurance). It's not about giving "special treatment", it's about giving a chance to a nation to govern itself (same should/will happen to first nations in years to come).
Anyway, i think it should be an happy day for everyone. If something change for Canada, it will be that when the Quebec environmental minister goes into a conference in Nairobi, he'll be able to speak up and not being shut up by the federal govt., and on that occasion, it would have been fucking great for Canadians... every canadians, of every nations... hehe. Enjoy the vote, i'll celebrate the recognition of my nation, finally, so i'll have a beer in your honor, ROC
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau