yes, wanting relief from pain is selfish b/c you are putting your needs or desires above anyone elses. Selfishness is not always bad.
Really? How many times have you said someone with a tooth ache is selfish for seeing a dentist?
Selfishness has a negative connotation and people tend to use that word when they disapprove or disagree with someone's actions...
i think suicide is the ultimate selfish act is b/c it leaves no room for change or for changing that one action.
... but it seems you label almost every action selfish, so I can't really disagree with you.
But if all actions are indeed selfish, why even consider it when discussing anything?
But I agree, suicide is a permanent choice and the fact that it cannot be reversed should be the focus in your argument, not the selfishness of the act.
suicide is a mental illness... people who suffer with depression have chemicals in their brains all messed up...
whether it be legal or illegal... it's not illegal in all states... i personally don't think it should be illegal... but i do think these people need help... and should be reasoned out of ending their own lives... if it's a selfish act, that's not important... what's important is that these people get treatment because it's a disease... an illness... it's not normal. it's nothing spiritual, it's the brain not functioning right. why is this even a debate?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
There are rational, sane people who want end their lives for many different reason. Treating all of them like they are mentally ill is insane (no pun intended).
Of course, mentally ill people should get the proper attention.
suicide is a mental illness... people who suffer with depression have chemicals in their brains all messed up...
whether it be legal or illegal... it's not illegal in all states... i personally don't think it should be illegal... but i do think these people need help... and should be reasoned out of ending their own lives... if it's a selfish act, that's not important... what's important is that these people get treatment because it's a disease... an illness... it's not normal. it's nothing spiritual, it's the brain not functioning right. why is this even a debate?
What if your "mental illness" and need to commit suicide were brought on by medical intervention in the first place? What if it was the doctor and his prescriptions that caused the problem? What good the doctor then?
well, the way you came across implied that it was almost noble (the whole, I don't want you to see me suffer, so I will take that burden from you). I agree that society is selfish and people dont' want others to kill themselves for selfish reasons, but here is where we have our fundamental difference in re: to personal liberty. So we can agree it is selfish on both parts, but wont agree that people shouldn't do it, or at least is a quasi-legitimate option.
not noble, but potentially more considerate of the other person than someone denying a suffering person a way out is.
i watched my grandmother die from bone / breast cancer (she battled it for 7 or 8 years). I watched my aunt die from gallbladder cancer. My friends mother killed herself. I can understand why each of those people probably would have welcomed suicide or relief. So I am not just making htings up out of thin air and trying to piss people off, there's no need for that, which is why every post that I've talked about it being selfish i've also made it very clear that i can see why, without a doubt, someone would want to do that. I made it a point to say that b/c i realize what I'm saying, so i'm sorry that I offended you and esp with this topic it is a very touchy topic and it's bound to spark serious debate and bring in personal stories etc... Please read my entire post and take both points away from the posts. I'm not some guy who thinks that the end of life is an easy decision; i don't assume that you take it lightly and flippantly, i don't want you to think that i do either. We just happen to have different views.
so how come the suicidal person is not allowed to be selfish and the other people are?
What if your "mental illness" and need to commit suicide were brought on by medical intervention in the first place? What if it was the doctor and his prescriptions that caused the problem? What good the doctor then?
that's why i agree with scientologists when they say that medications are not entirely good for you...
still... it's an illness... there's no way out of it
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
that's why i agree with scientologists when they say that medications are not entirely good for you...
still... it's an illness... there's no way out of it
suicide by no means comes anywhere near the medical definition of illness. it's a choice. i could just as easily say being a priest is a mental illness just becos it's a huge life-altering choice that i do not agree with or understand. your contention is utterly absurd.
also... the whole idea about suicide being selfish or unselfish is irrelevant.... afterall, someone who is suicidal, cuts their wrists as a means for gratification, idealizes about someone's head being blown off into billions of pieces are all obscured perceptions caused by neurological disorders.
whether moral, or immoral... that's also irrelevant. it's a sickness.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
suicide by no means comes anywhere near the medical definition of illness. it's a choice. i could just as easily say being a priest is a mental illness just becos it's a huge life-altering choice that i do not agree with or understand. your contention is utterly absurd.
ahem... tell that to the doctor's that i work with... people who've studied the brain. there are chemical imbalances....
whether the priest has chemical imbalances or not... at least he's not causing harm to others or himself.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
also... the whole idea about suicide being selfish or unselfish is irrelevant.... afterall, someone who is suicidal, cuts their wrists as a means for gratification, idealizes about someone's head being blown off into billions of pieces are all obscured perceptions caused by neurological disorders.
whether moral, or immoral... that's also irrelevant. it's a sickness.
Ok, so what about people who are about to be killed by someone else and who rationally decide that they would rather die by their own hand?
if you're talking about euthanize... it has nothing to do with suicide.
otherwise, you're completely wrong.
show me where suicide is classified as a separate medical illness in the dsm? it's often a decision made as a result of illness, but it is not the illness itself. you dont get sick and catch suicide. and you don't say someone had the serial killing sickness. you might say they had diseases xyz that caused them to murder people, but you do not say their illness was serial killing. likewise, you can say diseases xyz caused them to commit suicide, but the suicide is not the illness itself.
show me where suicide is classified as a separate medical illness in the dsm? it's often a decision made as a result of illness, but it is not the illness itself. you dont get sick and catch suicide. and you don't say someone had the serial killing sickness. you might say they had diseases xyz that caused them to murder people, but you do not say their illness was serial killing. likewise, you can say diseases xyz caused them to commit suicide, but the suicide is not the illness itself.
there's big debate on that... i guess... i'm not a doctor... i don't even have a degree... but mainly i would argue that there are thought processes in the brain not functioning right. especially if they can't cope with certain aspects in life... i mean... to a certain degree are we to say is psychology strictly a form of science based on medical studies? or is it all just theories brought together over long periods of time?
my perspective is, instead of allowing them to end their life... we should help them... i never said suicide is an actual illness... what i meant was that it was caused by mental illness... but i'm not entirely sure tho... what i do know is that if anybody wants to end their life, they're fuckin stupid anyways. and i also know that it's all a mental thing.... chemical imbalance or not... it's still something mental.
there's a lot debate on it though... being since i work in a mental health facility. we shouldn't condone it though... we should instead offer solutions. and i guess that's why there are doctor's who serve to study this aspect about humans.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
there's big debate on that... i guess... i'm not a doctor... i don't even have a degree... but mainly i would argue that there are thought processes in the brain not functioning right. especially if they can't cope with certain aspects in life... i mean... to a certain degree are we to say is psychology strictly a form of science based on medical studies? or is it all just theories brought together over long periods of time?
my perspective is, instead of allowing them to end their life... we should help them... i never said suicide is an actual illness... what i meant was that it was caused by mental illness... but i'm not entirely sure tho... what i do know is that if anybody wants to end their life, they're fuckin stupid anyways. and i also know that it's all a mental thing.... chemical imbalance or not... it's still something mental.
there's a lot debate on it though... being since i work in a mental health facility. we shouldn't condone it though... we should instead offer solutions. and i guess that's why there are doctor's who serve to study this aspect about humans.
Great, so now not only am I ill because my doctor fucked up my medications but I'm also stupid! :rolleyes:
Seriously hon, don't play, it's really just not worth it.
i know.....but every once and a while i dip a toe in the lake of ignorance......i just find it funny that some people think they know better what i should do with my life than me......arrogance run amok.....:)
Great, so now not only am I ill because my doctor fucked up my medications but I'm also stupid! :rolleyes:
well, in that case, if your doctor "fucked" up your medication than it is based on chemical imbalances... no, you're not stupid.
but based on the other idea, that suicide is not an illness, that is when a doctor can't really find if it is indeed a chemical imbalance... then i would say, yeah, they're idiots. in that case, go right ahead buddy, jump off the building... one less dumbass in this world... j/k
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
i know.....but every once and a while i dip a toe in the lake of ignorance......i just find it funny that some people think they know better what i should do with my life than me......arrogance run amok.....:)
In all seriousness, I would hope that the ignorant/arrogant never have to "become enlightened" the hard way.
And I completely agree with you, ultimately my life, my body, my choice. That's not to say that it's not difficult for those left behind but I could never judge someone harshly for choosing for themselves.
Really? How many times have you said someone with a tooth ache is selfish for seeing a dentist?
Selfishness has a negative connotation and people tend to use that word when they disapprove or disagree with someone's actions...
... but it seems you label almost every action selfish, so I can't really disagree with you.
But if all actions are indeed selfish, why even consider it when discussing anything?
But I agree, suicide is a permanent choice and the fact that it cannot be reversed should be the focus in your argument, not the selfishness of the act.
naděje umírá poslední
whether it be legal or illegal... it's not illegal in all states... i personally don't think it should be illegal... but i do think these people need help... and should be reasoned out of ending their own lives... if it's a selfish act, that's not important... what's important is that these people get treatment because it's a disease... an illness... it's not normal. it's nothing spiritual, it's the brain not functioning right. why is this even a debate?
There are rational, sane people who want end their lives for many different reason. Treating all of them like they are mentally ill is insane (no pun intended).
Of course, mentally ill people should get the proper attention.
naděje umírá poslední
I will. Thanks.
naděje umírá poslední
What if your "mental illness" and need to commit suicide were brought on by medical intervention in the first place? What if it was the doctor and his prescriptions that caused the problem? What good the doctor then?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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not noble, but potentially more considerate of the other person than someone denying a suffering person a way out is.
so how come the suicidal person is not allowed to be selfish and the other people are?
still... it's an illness... there's no way out of it
I don't know that in that circumstance I would agree that it's an "illness". A side effect of medication perhaps, but an illness no.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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suicide by no means comes anywhere near the medical definition of illness. it's a choice. i could just as easily say being a priest is a mental illness just becos it's a huge life-altering choice that i do not agree with or understand. your contention is utterly absurd.
whether moral, or immoral... that's also irrelevant. it's a sickness.
whether the priest has chemical imbalances or not... at least he's not causing harm to others or himself.
you are talking about depression, not suicide my friend. suicide is not solely a result of depression.
Ok, so what about people who are about to be killed by someone else and who rationally decide that they would rather die by their own hand?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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otherwise, you're completely wrong.
show me where suicide is classified as a separate medical illness in the dsm? it's often a decision made as a result of illness, but it is not the illness itself. you dont get sick and catch suicide. and you don't say someone had the serial killing sickness. you might say they had diseases xyz that caused them to murder people, but you do not say their illness was serial killing. likewise, you can say diseases xyz caused them to commit suicide, but the suicide is not the illness itself.
So when you say suicide is an illness you're really only including your narrow definition?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Why do you feel the need to control other's lives by supporting policies that coerce annual payments out of their checkbooks? Don't give me that crap.
-Enoch Powell
my perspective is, instead of allowing them to end their life... we should help them... i never said suicide is an actual illness... what i meant was that it was caused by mental illness... but i'm not entirely sure tho... what i do know is that if anybody wants to end their life, they're fuckin stupid anyways. and i also know that it's all a mental thing.... chemical imbalance or not... it's still something mental.
there's a lot debate on it though... being since i work in a mental health facility. we shouldn't condone it though... we should instead offer solutions. and i guess that's why there are doctor's who serve to study this aspect about humans.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Great, so now not only am I ill because my doctor fucked up my medications but I'm also stupid! :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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i know.....but every once and a while i dip a toe in the lake of ignorance......i just find it funny that some people think they know better what i should do with my life than me......arrogance run amok.....:)
but based on the other idea, that suicide is not an illness, that is when a doctor can't really find if it is indeed a chemical imbalance... then i would say, yeah, they're idiots. in that case, go right ahead buddy, jump off the building... one less dumbass in this world... j/k
What a charmer you are. :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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The currents will shift
In all seriousness, I would hope that the ignorant/arrogant never have to "become enlightened" the hard way.
And I completely agree with you, ultimately my life, my body, my choice. That's not to say that it's not difficult for those left behind but I could never judge someone harshly for choosing for themselves.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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