
What are your views on suicide?
"If someone chooses to end their life, should we allow them to?"
This question was asked in another thread.
"If someone chooses to end their life, should we allow them to?"
This question was asked in another thread.
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Post edited by Unknown User on
The legality of it won't stop the mentally ill from committing suicide. They do it because they have a problem and making suicide legal does not help them with their problem, it only hurts them.
-Enoch Powell
—Dorothy Parker
Only a mentally ill person would want to be euthanized.
-Enoch Powell
That's a ridiculous statement.
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The reasons are many, ranging from terminal, untreatable pain and suffering, to loss of quality of life, to not wanting to continue to be a burden on loved ones. But none of the reasons should matter legally. The issue isn't why somone would opt for that, the issue is why the government has any involvement.
painless? For who? The people they leave behind? I don't think so. I've gotten into this debate with others on here before but in my opinion suicide is a very selfish act and only hurts the people left behind.
It would be absurd to put people who attempt suicide in jail though. I can't think of any valid reasoning behind that one.
That is exactly what I was going to say (but you beat me to it because the internet was sucking).
I won't argue the legality or morality of it, but I think suicide is almost always a very selfish act.
But demanding someone to live even though that means they have to endure unspeakable pain and suffering just so you wouldn't be hurt isn't selfish?
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Collin I don't really understand what you mean by "allow them to"?
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I just copy/pasted the question from another thread. I guess the person was asking if it should be legal or illegal and whether it is morally acceptable or not.
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bingo. we have a winner.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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how selfish is it for you to force someone to keep living in unbearable pain just so that you don't have to be hurt by their death?
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It kind of goes both ways. I don't think anyone who would be hurt by the person's death, wants them to live with pain. However, by committing suicide, they are causing pain and suffering in other people.
So then doesn't it get down to degrees of pain?
What if the pain of the person who commits suicide is greater than that of the people left behind?
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or perhaps they are saving them the extended pain and frustration of watching them suffer and being unable to help alleviate that suffering. instead, they opt for suicide, which is like tearing a bandaid off quick as opposed to a slow and agonizing pull.
hey looky here I agree with bookster. 'Well, it is illegal, so I guess I better not.' I know right? how dumb.
why do feel the need to control other people's lives?
Exactly, I saw cancer eat away both my grandparents (who practically raised me), they were in much pain, not just physically but also mentally, knowing that they were dying, that they wouldn't get to see their grandchildren's children, weddings etc.
I'm not saying they should have commited suicide, that should be their choice. But this whole experience was extremely painful for everyone in my family and knowing they suffered for so long did not ease the pain when they died at all. So perhaps a swift death would have been better...
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there are more reasons for suicide than "just" terminal disease. But to my original point. How is deciding to take ones own life NOT considered selfish? What reason would you give to commit suicide. It usually like, so I won't be in pain, so I won't have to take responsibility (debt, crime etc...) (edit: so I won't subject you to watching me suffer). Keeping emotion out of it, it IS a selfish act by that person and the ultimate selfish act b/c it cannot be undone. But I also know why someone would feel that is their only way out.
God's soldier.
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but isn't it just as selfish to force that person to live when they don't want to because you would be sad?
this does not answer the question. i never said suicide wasn't selfish, im saying condemning it is just as if not more selfish. im well aware there are myriad reasons for it, but the fact remains those left behind care only for their own pain at the loss.
to some degree yes, I'm actually for withdrawing care on someone who is suffering AND (the and cant be big enough) is in the very end stage of disease. There is no need to prolong death and death isn't something to be feared, but in my opinion it is not something to be hastened either. But people commit suicide every day and their death won't affect me one bit and it is still selfish for that person.