here in the states; all it takes is someone to say they're offended. there's nothing you can do about it.
take the imus incident; whites can have nappy heads if they don't wash their hair for a couple days.
Well I don't know how it works there ols. But we do seem to have endless debate here. But that's not such a bad thing. I think we are fairly tolerant as a nation, but we do have some fairly entrenched attitudes to things.
There's a lot going on with racism and footy!
You've gotta love that about Aussies. :rolleyes: We spent months arguing after the Cronulla Riots but we've spent way more time, energy and effort attempting to stop racism in football because everybody loves their footy!
Well I don't know how it works there ols. But we do seem to have endless debate here. But that's not such a bad thing. I think we are fairly tolerant as a nation, but we do have some fairly entrenched attitudes to things.
There's a lot going on with racism and footy!
You've gotta love that about Aussies. :rolleyes: We spent months arguing after the Cronulla Riots but we've spent way more time, energy and effort attempting to stop racism in football because everybody loves their footy!
What happened to "stick and stones" that I grew up with? Now we're all worried about getting our feelings hurt.
This Imus thing was ridiculous..not him being fired..that was business, but the spectacle they made over those girls. One of Rutgers' players said she was scarred for life. Are you fucking kidding me? That's her fault..not Imus's. Someone at some point was going to say something to her to "Scar her for life". Her mental weakness is her fault..not society's.
What happened to "stick and stones" that I grew up with? Now we're all worried about getting our feelings hurt.
This Imus thing was ridiculous..not him being fired..that was business, but the spectacle they made over those girls. One of Rutgers' players said she was scarred for life. Are you fucking kidding me? That's her fault..not Imus's. Someone at some point was going to say something to her to "Scar her for life". Her mental weakness is her fault..not society's.
I disagree!
Well, not really .... to be honest, my care level regarding the whole Imus affair is so low as to be off the radar altogether ... I just wanted to post to tell you that you need to post more often
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I don't think it is paranoid i think it just is. I think corporations, goverment, whoever have created this whole fantasy world for us where the mojority just don't care. As long as they have there fast car and there big house and status nothing else matters.
I totally agree. The majority of the people have gotten so shallow that they only care about their toys over real world issues. Sheesh, why worry about Peace when you sir, can have a Hummer and a 3,000 square foot house you can't afford!
I don't think it is paranoid i think it just is. I think corporations, goverment, whoever have created this whole fantasy world for us where the mojority just don't care. As long as they have there fast car and there big house and status nothing else matters.
Well I would have to agree with you spiral. But I'm wondering how to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
And I'm thinking that the only reason that the majority "doesn't care" is possibly because we need simple, effective things that we can do to stop supporting corporations and governments when they are behaving badly.
I'm thinking corporations being motivated by money will require us to reconsider our purchases and to somehow find a way to inform others about ethical purchasing. Educating people about the ramifications of finacially supporting some of these businesses.
And as to the government, well it's not enough to simply vote. It gives them too long between votes to run amok. I think if the government could see that people are becoming more aware and vocal about an issue then they'd probably do one of those little backflip things that they manage from time to time.
But there must be other things. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
if people didn't complain; nobody would care. the government only gets involved if someone complains.
Well I agree. Think maybe we need to be more organized in our complaining though. And "complain" more by letter writing, voting with our purses, and being vocal when it's required too.
It's a disease,... and they're all green
It emminates from their being
Agitation,.. with occupation
And like weeds,.. with big leaves
Stealing light from what's beneath
Where they have more,...
Still they take more
Course I know,.. then I don't
There's a stoway with my throat
It's deceiving
I don't believe him
We can scream,.. out our doors
Behind the wall a fat man snores
In his dreams he's,...
Choking on leaves
Well I guess
There's nothing wrong with what you say
Believe me
Just asking you to sway
No white
Or black
Just grey
Can you feel this,..
World with your heart and not your brain?
self censorship is definitely begining to be a problem. much more than state censorship as the self one doesn't leave any marks.
It's a big problem here at least were more and more subjects are getting taboo and journalists just stop mentioning stuff. it's dangerous and sickening. But I don't know what to do!
Well I would have to agree with you spiral. But I'm wondering how to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
And I'm thinking that the only reason that the majority "doesn't care" is possibly because we need simple, effective things that we can do to stop supporting corporations and governments when they are behaving badly.
I'm thinking corporations being motivated by money will require us to reconsider our purchases and to somehow find a way to inform others about ethical purchasing. Educating people about the ramifications of finacially supporting some of these businesses.
And as to the government, well it's not enough to simply vote. It gives them too long between votes to run amok. I think if the government could see that people are becoming more aware and vocal about an issue then they'd probably do one of those little backflip things that they manage from time to time.
But there must be other things. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'm not sure that the majority of people do care about changing things, they want to stay nice and comfortable. Take there blanky away and they would crumble.
As the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
The only way to stop the corporations or rather bring them under control would be through the goverment but the goverment is as corrupt as the corporations.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Freedom of speech no longer exists for all Americans. Only a select few have that right anymore. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can make deragatory comments about Jews and Mormons and turn around and demand that radio hosts be fired for comments said in humor. It's not enough to apologize, either. Such God-loving men certainly are unforgiving when it comes to what other people say--but where was Al's apology to Mitt Romney? Oh, that's right. There wasn't one because Al's a "leader" and leaders don't have to apologize. They just say that their words were taken out of context. He should know, since he gets in the paper quite a bit by intentionally taking other people's words out of context so he can express his "outrage" to every TV camera within his orbit.
What i want to know is when did freedom of speech change into "freedom to say whatever you want unless it offends someone else?" When is someone going to grow a set and stand up to people like Al Sharpton and tell them to shove their hypocrisy up their asses? Opie and Anthony tried to do that, but that just got them a 30-day suspension from XM. So much for uncensored talk on satellite radio. The PC police win again and everyone else loses.
Here's a wild thought: Boycott any company that runs ads during Al Sharpton's radio show. E-mail them, write to them, call them and tell them that you won't support a company that supports a radio show hosted by a man who uses hate speech in public. Maybe then he'll realize how much it sucks to have to pander to the individual feelings of every single person on this stupid planet and to have your job taken away by someone else's "emotional stress." Maybe then the rest of us will be able to say what we want again. I doubt it, though.
Here's a wild thought: Boycott any company that runs ads during Al Sharpton's radio show. E-mail them, write to them, call them and tell them that you won't support a company that supports a radio show hosted by a man who uses hate speech in public. Maybe then he'll realize how much it sucks to have to pander to the individual feelings of every single person on this stupid planet and to have your job taken away by someone else's "emotional stress." Maybe then the rest of us will be able to say what we want again. I doubt it, though.
I think it would be great for Al to have a taste of his own medicine in reality it would make us no better than him.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
It's a disease,... and they're all green
It emminates from their being
Agitation,.. with occupation
And like weeds,.. with big leaves
Stealing light from what's beneath
Where they have more,...
Still they take more
Course I know,.. then I don't
There's a stoway with my throat
It's deceiving
I don't believe him
We can scream,.. out our doors
Behind the wall a fat man snores
In his dreams he's,...
Choking on leaves
Well I guess
There's nothing wrong with what you say
Believe me
Just asking you to sway
No white
Or black
Just grey
Can you feel this,..
World with your heart and not your brain?
Thanks vedderlution. I have just gone and got my copy of Riot Act from the drawer and I'm gonna put it on. Please excuse my ignorance, I have trouble placing things sometimes.
Freedom of speech no longer exists for all Americans. Only a select few have that right anymore. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can make deragatory comments about Jews and Mormons and turn around and demand that radio hosts be fired for comments said in humor. It's not enough to apologize, either. Such God-loving men certainly are unforgiving when it comes to what other people say--but where was Al's apology to Mitt Romney? Oh, that's right. There wasn't one because Al's a "leader" and leaders don't have to apologize. They just say that their words were taken out of context. He should know, since he gets in the paper quite a bit by intentionally taking other people's words out of context so he can express his "outrage" to every TV camera within his orbit.
What i want to know is when did freedom of speech change into "freedom to say whatever you want unless it offends someone else?" When is someone going to grow a set and stand up to people like Al Sharpton and tell them to shove their hypocrisy up their asses? Opie and Anthony tried to do that, but that just got them a 30-day suspension from XM. So much for uncensored talk on satellite radio. The PC police win again and everyone else loses.
Here's a wild thought: Boycott any company that runs ads during Al Sharpton's radio show. E-mail them, write to them, call them and tell them that you won't support a company that supports a radio show hosted by a man who uses hate speech in public. Maybe then he'll realize how much it sucks to have to pander to the individual feelings of every single person on this stupid planet and to have your job taken away by someone else's "emotional stress." Maybe then the rest of us will be able to say what we want again. I doubt it, though.
self censorship is definitely begining to be a problem. much more than state censorship as the self one doesn't leave any marks.
It's a big problem here at least were more and more subjects are getting taboo and journalists just stop mentioning stuff. it's dangerous and sickening. But I don't know what to do!
Kann, I think that a lot of our media is now owned and self censored by media magnates. Rupert Murdoch springs to mind. I don't know how far reaching his influence is in Europe but I do know that he has quite the monopoly in Australia and the US. Don't think for a minute that journalists have just stopped mentioning stuff, I think many of them are not allowed to submit or have printed the stories that they do try to bring to us. ANYWAY, what you can do is seek out information from other sources. Some of it will be crap and so far out there that you'll discard it, but keeping yourself informed by reading and listening to a wide variety of sources will certainly give you a more rounded view of opinion and the issues. And stand up where you can. Support organizations whose ideology you share and don't support or fund those that you don't. Unfortunately the dollar speaks volumes for us these days. So whereever you can, know where your money is going, who it is supporting and what they do with it. And don't forget to stand up for what you believe when the opportunity arises. I know it's not so popular to protest these days, but when people gather en masse to voice their opinions, governments and big business are forced to pay attention. Volunteering is another great way you can add your voice. The most important thing is to not stay silent. Because silence only encourages the bastards.
Actually cate, I think Chadstone is starting lose its lustre for me!!
I'm actually discovering that my mall addiction was a post traumatic stress response to stuff that was happening to me AND I've finally managed to break the habit!
I'm even planning to get rid of all this "stuff" I've accumalated!! :eek:
Now there's something I never thought I'd say!
And when I'm done with that I'm seriously considering actually being brave enough to stop my addiction to the hairdresser!!!
I'm not sure that the majority of people do care about changing things, they want to stay nice and comfortable. Take there blanky away and they would crumble.
As the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
The only way to stop the corporations or rather bring them under control would be through the goverment but the goverment is as corrupt as the corporations.
Just thought I'd post these quotes spiral because I think they are pertinent to the current topic.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
Albert Einstein
We can blame the government, we can blame the corporations, we can blame the people who seemingly prefer to be like sheep and do nothing. BUT there's no point blaming anyone if we don't stand up and be counted ourselves. And maybe one tiny voice on it's own won't do so much, but if we organize ourselves, find like minded people, find ways to get our point across, then many voices saying the same thing eventually must at least be acknowledged.
What!?! You call yourself a pearl jam fan? Go and wash your mouth out with soap young lady. Then sit yourself down and listen to riot act a few times.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
What!?! You call yourself a pearl jam fan? Go and wash your mouth out with soap young lady. Then sit yourself down and listen to riot act a few times.
I'm doing it now Scott. Sooorrreeee!!
I just mostly listen to the boots and if it's any valid excuse at all Riot Act came out at a really bad time for me so I wasn't really listening to tunes much. Well I kinda got stuck on Thumbin and I am Mine. Anyway, I know it. I was just having trouble placing it.
Anyway, I consider myself duly chastised and I've got it on as I type!
Just thought I'd post these quotes spiral because I think they are pertinent to the current topic.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
Albert Einstein
We can blame the government, we can blame the corporations, we can blame the people who seemingly prefer to be like sheep and do nothing. BUT there's no point blaming anyone if we don't stand up and be counted ourselves. And maybe one tiny voice on it's own won't do so much, but if we organize ourselves, find like minded people, find ways to get our point across, then many voices saying the same thing eventually must at least be acknowledged.
I was tired last night. So a little pessamistic.
I have given thought and continue to do so on what else could be done, i do talk with friends and people i know but none of them care at all, so i kinda think there's no point keeping on about it to them. Only my brother and a good friend of mine share the same interest in the state of the world.
There must be groups out there in our different country's it's just a matter of finding them.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I have given thought and continue to do so on what else could be done, i do talk with friends and people i know but none of them care at all, so i kinda think there's no point keeping on about it to them. Only my brother and a good friend of mine share the same interest in the state of the world.
There must be groups out there in our different country's it's just a matter of finding them.
It's ok spiral. I wasn't having a go at you, I understand that people do what they can when they can. And when you're tired it's hard to keep your happy face on and view things proactively or positively. I think it's great that you have your brother and a close friend to share your world interests with.
I'm planning to do a bit more investigating here in Oz to see what groups I can support that are fighting to retain our freedom of speech. And of course I'll continue to protest wherever I can.
Well I notice here that our government made sweeping changes to the Industrial Relations laws which got people so focused on that, and rightly so, that they maybe didn't see the government then try to slip amendments to the terror laws, or changes to our freedom of speech, and a whole bunch of other things that seemingly have been rushed through unchallenged.
I think we do have an apathetic nation but I also think we are being blinded by rhetoric.
There was plenty of stink about the sedition laws. I was sickened when they passed that one. You're right though. I didn't expect it to affect me directly, so other than feeling generally pissed off and grumbling about it to others when the subject comes up, I didn't do anything about it.
Some of the stuff being said in this thread could probably be construed as sedition. We'd better be careful we don't all end up in Guantanamo Bay. . .
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
There was plenty of stink about the sedition laws. I was sickened when they passed that one. You're right though. I didn't expect it to affect me directly, so other than feeling generally pissed off and grumbling about it to others when the subject comes up, I didn't do anything about it.
Some of the stuff being said in this thread could probably be construed as sedition. We'd better be careful we don't all end up in Guantanamo Bay. . .
Don't panic scott, we're pre election!! No chance they'd risk sending us to Getmo at the moment! Couldn't risk the negative publicity!
NOW is the perfect time to speak up freely and without fear of retribution!!
My only hope is that should we actually manage a change of government, we might actually get some of these appalling laws repealed or at the very least amended. I think the good thing that we can all look forward to is that there is a political shift coming, worldwide. Tony's going, George is about to run out of time and with a bit of luck we'll send Johnny packing too! Change is what we need. And I think we're finally going to get it.
I think the good thing that we can all look forward to is that there is a political shift coming, worldwide. Tony's going, George is about to run out of time and with a bit of luck we'll send Johnny packing too! Change is what we need. And I think we're finally going to get it.
I hope so. I honestly don't have a great deal of faith in labor's ability to successfully run the country, but at this stage I don't care. I agree that what we desperately need is a change. National prosperity is great, but I don't like the direction this country seems to be heading in. Fortunately we've still got a little way to go before we turn into america, so I think there's still time to save ourselves. I just hope we do it now before its too late.
I was certain that this government wouldn't survive the election, but Johnny's latest budget was quite generous. He might have even sucked me in with his education funding if he hadn't abolished the cap on full fee-paying places at universities.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
I hope so. I honestly don't have a great deal of faith in labor's ability to successfully run the country, but at this stage I don't care. I agree that what we desperately need is a change. National prosperity is great, but I don't like the direction this country seems to be heading in. Fortunately we've still got a little way to go before we turn into america, so I think there's still time to save ourselves. I just hope we do it now before its too late.
I was certain that this government wouldn't survive the election, but Johnny's latest budget was quite generous. He might have even sucked me in with his education funding if he hadn't abolished the cap on full fee-paying places at universities.
Oh I'm not even remotely excited by the thought of Kev baby running the country. :rolleyes: Frankly I think it's just a different kind of apple.
The trouble is scott, as far as I can see, globalization and the multi national corporations, they're the ones in charge, and they seem to be planning that we'll all be Americanized before long. Individual culture is going to be a thing of the past unfortunately. Unless people stand up and claim their identity and hang on to it for grim death.
Johnny is very good at spin and he knows that public opinion is against him, so he'll be bringing out all the big guns in the lead up to the election.
A generous budget is just the beginning. I'm hoping that people won't get fooled again. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Kann, I think that a lot of our media is now owned and self censored by media magnates. Rupert Murdoch springs to mind. I don't know how far reaching his influence is in Europe but I do know that he has quite the monopoly in Australia and the US. Don't think for a minute that journalists have just stopped mentioning stuff, I think many of them are not allowed to submit or have printed the stories that they do try to bring to us. ANYWAY, what you can do is seek out information from other sources. Some of it will be crap and so far out there that you'll discard it, but keeping yourself informed by reading and listening to a wide variety of sources will certainly give you a more rounded view of opinion and the issues. And stand up where you can. Support organizations who's ideology you share and don't support or fund those that you don't. Unfortunately the dollar speaks volumes for us these days. So where ever you can know where your money is going and who it is supporting and what they do with it. And don't forget to stand up for what you believe when the opportunity arises. I know it's not so popular to protest these days, but when people gather en masse to voice their opinions, governments and big business are forced to pay attention. Volunteering is another great way you can add your voice. The most important thing is to not stay silent. Because silence only encourages the bastards.
Great post, Jeanie. I'm a believer that the media is controlled not only by corps but by the gov't. And until we, the people, have had enough of the fluff and unite against governmental and corporate practices, we're pretty much responsible for letting it happen. I'm ashamed of what journalism has become, that their jobs are threatened if they write particular pieces, but the journalists of yester-year would have given the bird and published their stories anyway, because they believed in uncovering the truth, regardless of the consequences. So, I'm wondering what's really happened to journalism. I'm sure there's much more control involved that we haven't even thought of, since control is power and the people in charge are corrupt with power.
Our gov't is practically becoming a regime, because people are allowing it.
Great post, Jeanie. I'm a believer that the media is controlled not only by corps but by the gov't. And until we, the people, have had enough of the fluff and unite against governmental and corporate practices, we're pretty much responsible for letting it happen. I'm ashamed of what journalism has become, that their jobs are threatened if they write particular pieces, but the journalists of yester-year would have given the bird and published their stories anyway, because they believed in uncovering the truth, regardless of the consequences. So, I'm wondering what's really happened to journalism. I'm sure there's much more control involved that we haven't even thought of, since control is power and the people in charge are corrupt with power.
Our gov't is practically becoming a regime, because people are allowing it.
Thanks Jeanwah. Look to be honest, I think that all things happen in cycles. We are currently in a conservative, highly controlled cycle as a direct backlash to 9/11. Eventually though, people rebel. And I do think that will happen. It's already happening if you look. People are protesting the war in Iraq and they've been more vocal about it than at any other time in recent years. I think change is coming again. People are realizing that they can't just sit back and trust the government to do the right thing. It will take time of course but I do believe that we will begin to see more truth and more justice and this cycle of conservatism will come to an end.
Well I don't know how it works there ols. But we do seem to have endless debate here. But that's not such a bad thing. I think we are fairly tolerant as a nation, but we do have some fairly entrenched attitudes to things.
There's a lot going on with racism and footy!
You've gotta love that about Aussies. :rolleyes: We spent months arguing after the Cronulla Riots but we've spent way more time, energy and effort attempting to stop racism in football because everybody loves their footy!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
people need to get over themselves.
Well I reckon they need to get over footy!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I agree!
What happened to "stick and stones" that I grew up with? Now we're all worried about getting our feelings hurt.
This Imus thing was ridiculous..not him being fired..that was business, but the spectacle they made over those girls. One of Rutgers' players said she was scarred for life. Are you fucking kidding me? That's her fault..not Imus's. Someone at some point was going to say something to her to "Scar her for life". Her mental weakness is her fault..not society's.
Well, not really .... to be honest, my care level regarding the whole Imus affair is so low as to be off the radar altogether ... I just wanted to post to tell you that you need to post more often
I totally agree. The majority of the people have gotten so shallow that they only care about their toys over real world issues. Sheesh, why worry about Peace when you sir, can have a Hummer and a 3,000 square foot house you can't afford!
Well I would have to agree with you spiral. But I'm wondering how to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
And I'm thinking that the only reason that the majority "doesn't care" is possibly because we need simple, effective things that we can do to stop supporting corporations and governments when they are behaving badly.
I'm thinking corporations being motivated by money will require us to reconsider our purchases and to somehow find a way to inform others about ethical purchasing. Educating people about the ramifications of finacially supporting some of these businesses.
And as to the government, well it's not enough to simply vote. It gives them too long between votes to run amok. I think if the government could see that people are becoming more aware and vocal about an issue then they'd probably do one of those little backflip things that they manage from time to time.
But there must be other things. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oooh!!! MECCA!!!!
**Jeanie's eyes glaze over and she enters a trance state**
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well I agree. Think maybe we need to be more organized in our complaining though. And "complain" more by letter writing, voting with our purses, and being vocal when it's required too.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
It emminates from their being
Agitation,.. with occupation
And like weeds,.. with big leaves
Stealing light from what's beneath
Where they have more,...
Still they take more
Course I know,.. then I don't
There's a stoway with my throat
It's deceiving
I don't believe him
We can scream,.. out our doors
Behind the wall a fat man snores
In his dreams he's,...
Choking on leaves
Well I guess
There's nothing wrong with what you say
Believe me
Just asking you to sway
No white
Or black
Just grey
Can you feel this,..
World with your heart and not your brain?
It's a big problem here at least were more and more subjects are getting taboo and journalists just stop mentioning stuff. it's dangerous and sickening. But I don't know what to do!
you've been brainwashed.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I'm not sure that the majority of people do care about changing things, they want to stay nice and comfortable. Take there blanky away and they would crumble.
As the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
The only way to stop the corporations or rather bring them under control would be through the goverment but the goverment is as corrupt as the corporations.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
What i want to know is when did freedom of speech change into "freedom to say whatever you want unless it offends someone else?" When is someone going to grow a set and stand up to people like Al Sharpton and tell them to shove their hypocrisy up their asses? Opie and Anthony tried to do that, but that just got them a 30-day suspension from XM. So much for uncensored talk on satellite radio. The PC police win again and everyone else loses.
Here's a wild thought: Boycott any company that runs ads during Al Sharpton's radio show. E-mail them, write to them, call them and tell them that you won't support a company that supports a radio show hosted by a man who uses hate speech in public. Maybe then he'll realize how much it sucks to have to pander to the individual feelings of every single person on this stupid planet and to have your job taken away by someone else's "emotional stress." Maybe then the rest of us will be able to say what we want again. I doubt it, though.
I think it would be great for Al to have a taste of his own medicine in reality it would make us no better than him.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You are my hero.
Kann, I think that a lot of our media is now owned and self censored by media magnates. Rupert Murdoch springs to mind. I don't know how far reaching his influence is in Europe but I do know that he has quite the monopoly in Australia and the US. Don't think for a minute that journalists have just stopped mentioning stuff, I think many of them are not allowed to submit or have printed the stories that they do try to bring to us. ANYWAY, what you can do is seek out information from other sources. Some of it will be crap and so far out there that you'll discard it, but keeping yourself informed by reading and listening to a wide variety of sources will certainly give you a more rounded view of opinion and the issues. And stand up where you can. Support organizations whose ideology you share and don't support or fund those that you don't. Unfortunately the dollar speaks volumes for us these days. So whereever you can, know where your money is going, who it is supporting and what they do with it. And don't forget to stand up for what you believe when the opportunity arises. I know it's not so popular to protest these days, but when people gather en masse to voice their opinions, governments and big business are forced to pay attention. Volunteering is another great way you can add your voice. The most important thing is to not stay silent. Because silence only encourages the bastards.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Actually cate, I think Chadstone is starting lose its lustre for me!!
I'm actually discovering that my mall addiction was a post traumatic stress response to stuff that was happening to me AND I've finally managed to break the habit!
I'm even planning to get rid of all this "stuff" I've accumalated!! :eek:
Now there's something I never thought I'd say!
And when I'm done with that I'm seriously considering actually being brave enough to stop my addiction to the hairdresser!!!
OMG!! I must be possessed!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Just thought I'd post these quotes spiral because I think they are pertinent to the current topic.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
Albert Einstein
We can blame the government, we can blame the corporations, we can blame the people who seemingly prefer to be like sheep and do nothing. BUT there's no point blaming anyone if we don't stand up and be counted ourselves. And maybe one tiny voice on it's own won't do so much, but if we organize ourselves, find like minded people, find ways to get our point across, then many voices saying the same thing eventually must at least be acknowledged.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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What!?! You call yourself a pearl jam fan? Go and wash your mouth out with soap young lady. Then sit yourself down and listen to riot act a few times.
-C Addison
I just mostly listen to the boots and if it's any valid excuse at all Riot Act came out at a really bad time for me so I wasn't really listening to tunes much. Well I kinda got stuck on Thumbin and I am Mine. Anyway, I know it. I was just having trouble placing it.
Anyway, I consider myself duly chastised and I've got it on as I type!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I was tired last night. So a little pessamistic.
I have given thought and continue to do so on what else could be done, i do talk with friends and people i know but none of them care at all, so i kinda think there's no point keeping on about it to them. Only my brother and a good friend of mine share the same interest in the state of the world.
There must be groups out there in our different country's it's just a matter of finding them.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
It's ok spiral. I wasn't having a go at you, I understand that people do what they can when they can. And when you're tired it's hard to keep your happy face on and view things proactively or positively. I think it's great that you have your brother and a close friend to share your world interests with.
I'm planning to do a bit more investigating here in Oz to see what groups I can support that are fighting to retain our freedom of speech. And of course I'll continue to protest wherever I can.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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There was plenty of stink about the sedition laws. I was sickened when they passed that one. You're right though. I didn't expect it to affect me directly, so other than feeling generally pissed off and grumbling about it to others when the subject comes up, I didn't do anything about it.
Some of the stuff being said in this thread could probably be construed as sedition. We'd better be careful we don't all end up in Guantanamo Bay. . .
-C Addison
Don't panic scott, we're pre election!! No chance they'd risk sending us to Getmo at the moment!
NOW is the perfect time to speak up freely and without fear of retribution!!
My only hope is that should we actually manage a change of government, we might actually get some of these appalling laws repealed or at the very least amended. I think the good thing that we can all look forward to is that there is a political shift coming, worldwide. Tony's going, George is about to run out of time and with a bit of luck we'll send Johnny packing too! Change is what we need. And I think we're finally going to get it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I hope so. I honestly don't have a great deal of faith in labor's ability to successfully run the country, but at this stage I don't care. I agree that what we desperately need is a change. National prosperity is great, but I don't like the direction this country seems to be heading in. Fortunately we've still got a little way to go before we turn into america, so I think there's still time to save ourselves. I just hope we do it now before its too late.
I was certain that this government wouldn't survive the election, but Johnny's latest budget was quite generous. He might have even sucked me in with his education funding if he hadn't abolished the cap on full fee-paying places at universities.
-C Addison
Oh I'm not even remotely excited by the thought of Kev baby running the country. :rolleyes: Frankly I think it's just a different kind of apple.
The trouble is scott, as far as I can see, globalization and the multi national corporations, they're the ones in charge, and they seem to be planning that we'll all be Americanized before long. Individual culture is going to be a thing of the past unfortunately. Unless people stand up and claim their identity and hang on to it for grim death.
Johnny is very good at spin and he knows that public opinion is against him, so he'll be bringing out all the big guns in the lead up to the election.
A generous budget is just the beginning. I'm hoping that people won't get fooled again. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Great post, Jeanie. I'm a believer that the media is controlled not only by corps but by the gov't. And until we, the people, have had enough of the fluff and unite against governmental and corporate practices, we're pretty much responsible for letting it happen. I'm ashamed of what journalism has become, that their jobs are threatened if they write particular pieces, but the journalists of yester-year would have given the bird and published their stories anyway, because they believed in uncovering the truth, regardless of the consequences. So, I'm wondering what's really happened to journalism. I'm sure there's much more control involved that we haven't even thought of, since control is power and the people in charge are corrupt with power.
Our gov't is practically becoming a regime, because people are allowing it.
Thanks Jeanwah.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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