Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Any thoughts folks???
Seems to be a lot of it going around lately.
Seems to be a lot of it going around lately.
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This is worse than I thought. :(
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Way too much censorship going around. Soon everyone will have to get a show on Syrius, just to be able to say what they want. It's embarrassing that the US, which used to pride itself on freedom of speech, has come down to what it has, with "free speech zones" and all that.
Oh I don't think it's just the US Jean. Hi btw.
We are having quite the censorship erosion here in Oz too. I suspect it's happening all over the world. Do you think it's because of the conservative political landscape?
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I did know it was an issue anywhere else! :(
I def. think it's the conservative political landscape here, that creates a controlled and censored atmosphere, and I'm really hoping that when we get a new democratic president in '08, things can be turned around....but at the same time, I'll be surprised if it does.
Where I have a problem is when government, on any level, steps in and tells people what can and can not be said.
I mostly put the blame for this current wave of censorship on the public themselves. We have allowed our society to become so overtly sensetive and overly PC that nothing even remotely offensive can be said. At any given time we can say something that may offend someone somewhere. Does this mean we should restrict what we say because it may offend one person out of the hundred we come in contact with.
The censorship that is happening has nothing to do with the PC brigade. Thats a whole other topic.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Yes, I think it's a world wide phenomenon. Well the Western world anyway.
We are certainly suffering from a conservative prime ministership. Not to mention that Rupert has control of pretty much all of the media. Johnny has run a campaign here to shut down all disent. So we simply aren't hearing from so many of our academics, community groups and a whole variety of other people. At this point it seems to be Johnny and his cronies vs the people. And he's just George's puppet anyway.
I'm hoping that the reason things are the way they are is because of a backlash against muslims and the fall out from 9/11. And that eventually folk will become so sick and tired of it that they will rise up and vote in large numbers for change. And that we may see things swing around a bit. Make things a bit more balanced.
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It does have to do with the PC brigade. Look at the two examples I provided. Imus was fired because someone somewhere, it wasn't even the women he made the comment about, thought that what he said was offensive. Something with JV and Elvis. they made a prank phone call to a Chinese food resteraunt and where suspended indefinetly because someone somewhere heard the prank call, again it's wasn't even the victim of the prank call, and decided that it was offensive. These few individuals did not approve of what was said and decided to make a personal cruisade to bring these offenses to light.
it's because people got so sensative and words seem to be much stronger now. you can call people certain names and they act like you shot at them. censorship is caused by crybabies. ie: someone has to complain for something to be censored. the more people complain the more we will be censored.
lol..censorship...its roots can be linked to money
its all about the green... freedoms for green... lives for green.... anything for green..
But isn't our own apathy to blame here too?
I mean so many ordinary people don't stand up any more and say what they think, effectively silencing themselves?
Although it would seem to me that conservative lobby groups and the politically correct are more vocal.
I guess the example that springs to mind for me here is Pauline Hanson.
Her maiden speech to parliament caused such controversy and she was labelled a xenophobe and all kinds of evil and then the government went and adopted so many of the policies that she spoke of. :rolleyes:
Not that I agreed with much she had to say but she did have the support of a lot of ordinary Australians, a group that seemingly isn't that important to the government.
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oh!! our money here is all pretty colors!!
yup got it now! thanks mac.
I agree, seems a lot of worshipping of the almight dollar going on.
Consumer society is not such a good beast me thinks, even though I do love to shop!
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I was under the impression that the orignal poster was talking about censorship by the state as in people being at demostration on say the iraq war and being arrested. Or these are also good examples.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Well governement censorship should never be tolerated. I also particially blame the citizens because they have the power to over ride the government and we just are either to lazy or just don't care enough to do so.
I'm with you there, and on the pc brigade too.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
shopping is great...that money is in circulation.
Wow! Great links. Just amazing! Thanks spiral.
I did mean censorship by the state and that people's right to protest has
seemingly been outlawed. But I was also thinking about some of the other things that people have mentioned here too.
It just seems to me that while we are all busily arguing about whether what Paris did was appropriate, or what Britney is wearing, big business and governments and the media are all conspiring against the citizens. And I know that sounds paranoid but it just seems to me to be more and more that it is likely.
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mammasan do you think it's only that people don't care or are lazy or do you think that governments have got particularly good at hiding their actions, and mozzing people with trivialities so that they aren't informed enough?
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No I believe it is laziness or just this if it doesn't affect me personally I don't care attitude. Let's face it the majority of Americans are not directly affected by censorship. Our favorite radio talk show host may loose his job over it but it doesn't impact our daily lives. So for the most part people just let it slide. Unfortunetly what they don't realize is that somewhere down the road it may affect them and by that point it may be too late to do anything about it.
here in the states; all it takes is someone to say they're offended. there's nothing you can do about it.
take the imus incident; whites can have nappy heads if they don't wash their hair for a couple days.
It is way over due in this country. Thomas Jefferson said it himself, that when the government no longer abide to the will of the people it is time for the people to rise up and replace that government.
I don't think it is paranoid i think it just is. I think corporations, goverment, whoever have created this whole fantasy world for us where the mojority just don't care. As long as they have there fast car and there big house and status nothing else matters.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Don't encourage me mac!!
I always feel bad when I succumb to rampant consumerism.
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Well I notice here that our government made sweeping changes to the Industrial Relations laws which got people so focused on that, and rightly so, that they maybe didn't see the government then try to slip amendments to the terror laws, or changes to our freedom of speech, and a whole bunch of other things that seemingly have been rushed through unchallenged.
I think we do have an apathetic nation but I also think we are being blinded by rhetoric.
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you may have a problem
do your eyes get big when i say this word:
if people didn't complain; nobody would care. the government only gets involved if someone complains.
Yeah!! Power to the people!!
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