This is too funny. The Republicans are accusing Obama of being tied to a terrorist. I have two names for you Republicans and McCain backers, Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Palin and McCain are pathetic. They are an embarassment to humanity as well as a complete parody of 21st Century Politics. McCain's 08 Campaign is an absolute disgrace. His run for Presidency is a vile running joke. Day in and Day out Sarah Palin and John McCain manage to verbally deficated all over the campaing trail. They've vastly lowered the bar and sunk The GOP to an all time low.
I'm fairly certain that after November 4th, John McCain and Sarah Palin's respective political careers will rightfully vanish like 2 soft farts in the wind.
See You on The Food Lines
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Real mature response, if you don't like it you can just get out.....gotta love South Park
I am glad you believe they are scary because they are true and they should be scary.
I agree with you, he will be the next president because he has convinced you and a lot of people with smoke and mirrors.
Sounds like you have an axe to grind but carry on. I've been told this many times myself but I could careless.
Scary in how nasty this will get in the next month from both sides. One side appears to have no other direction to go but nasty and the other trying to defend itself.
Look lady get it right for the upteenth time. So far Obama hasn't convinced me of anything I don't intend on voting for neither but I'll sort it through and I may make a choice between the two or then again I could write in Ralph Nader.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
She gets away with saying crap like this from the media because she's purty and winks alot and drives her kids to hockey practice. This woman gets under my skin more than Cheney does, and that's saying something. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing...
I think we should put out all the facts about the Keating Five (of which McCain was the only Republican) out there, including that the panel decided to put and keep a Republican in the list of those accused. Including that McCain was exonerated.
Wow, McCain was right, he IS able to reach across the aisle ... even for for ethics issues.
"exhonerated" isn't really the right word here ... all of them were reprimanded or called out for poor judgement ...
"You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
She gets away with saying crap like this from the media because she's purty and winks alot and drives her kids to hockey practice. This woman gets under my skin more than Cheney does, and that's saying something. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing...
Agree with you here..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Acquitted would probably be a better word but what do you really ignored the rest of the original post
I think if you've read through the thread, you'd see where I was not too pleased with some of Obama's past connections ... (note: Ayers is not one where I am uncomfortable) ... I'm not blind to it.
But I will say ... even with whatever ties there are to Rezko and Wright, I still believe Obama would be a better president than John McCain, I mean, that's what we're trying to get at here, right? I agree with Obama's views, his vision for the country, I think he is smarter than McCain, able to handle all the coplexities of the issues better, is more level headed, is for more diplomacy than McCain ... etc etc etc ...
Every candidate has their warts, there's no denying it. Again, as I stated, they ALL have questionable ties, they hang out with politicians all day ... of course they have questionable ties.
"You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
You what is scary? John McCain's DIRECT association with Extreme Pastors that speak of the Catholic religion as the "Great Whore" and having ties with Hitler. That was Pastor Hagee of San Antonio. Then there's Pastor Rod Paisley in Ohio who thinks that America was establish to "destroy" Islam. As someone that believes in God, I truely think that associating with these guys is far worse that there is video proof that McCain "pals" around with than no video or pictures or anyhting that connects Obmama with any terrorists, except for living in the same neighborhood or serving on a charity board. I live near a convicted child molester. Does that make me one? No, I don't think so. I would really hate Sarah Palin if I ddn't really feel sorry for her.
"Love ain't love until you give it up." - Amongst The Waves
*It's obvious that Barack Obama is frantically attacking because he knows that most voters find these kinds of friendships, and the failed judgment they expose, to be unacceptable for our next president."*
C'mon man, you quoted a McCain campaign spokesman with that quote ... of course they are going to say that.
"You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Any politician who did not stand up to this administration's decision, and the Bush Sr administration's decision, in regards to Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carilles is a terrorist sympathizer. The fact that Republicans supported harboring two well known terrorists with the blood of countless innocent lives to walk free is a disgrace. John McCain followed along willingly as both Bush administration allowed these two men to escape justice. He has no moral high ground when it comes to any other politician's association with unsavory characters.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
What makes me angry about this whole Palin/Ayers thing is not that they brought it up at all. I mean, the McCain campaign is falling behind in the polls, people's opinions on the issues are not on their side, and that camp has shown that they are not above hitting below the belt during the campaign season. Obama I am sure knew that such an attack was coming. So I don't know if it was right, but it certainly was not unexpected.
What is so irritating about it is that it is a continuation of McCain/Palin's assumption that people are not going to be intelligent or free-thinking at all and try to discover it on their own. Palin, in her first speech about the issue, mentioned the New York Times article the same day about the relationship between Obama and Ayers as evidence that Obama "pals around with terrorists." Problem is, as you can read here,
...the article says the exact opposite thing! So not only did McCain and Palin make a claim that is dubious at best (what else is new in politics), the article Palin offers voters as evidence says the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she said it did. She's assuming that people who are reading this online or in the newspaper will not look into the issue at all on their own, that they would not say, "hm, well let me take a look at that article." It's like going outside, taking a picture of a cloudy day, and saying the picture proves that it's sunny outside today. It's bizarre.
What makes me angry about this whole Palin/Ayers thing is not that they brought it up at all. I mean, the McCain campaign is falling behind in the polls, people's opinions on the issues are not on their side, and that camp has shown that they are not above hitting below the belt during the campaign season. Obama I am sure knew that such an attack was coming. So I don't know if it was right, but it certainly was not unexpected.
What is so irritating about it is that it is a continuation of McCain/Palin's assumption that people are not going to be intelligent or free-thinking at all and try to discover it on their own. Palin, in her first speech about the issue, mentioned the New York Times article the same day about the relationship between Obama and Ayers as evidence that Obama "pals around with terrorists." Problem is, as you can read here,
...the article says the exact opposite thing! So not only did McCain and Palin make a claim that is dubious at best (what else is new in politics), the article Palin offers voters as evidence says the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she said it did. She's assuming that people who are reading this online or in the newspaper will not look into the issue at all on their own, that they would not say, "hm, well let me take a look at that article." It's like going outside, taking a picture of a cloudy day, and saying the picture proves that it's sunny outside today. It's bizarre.
the fact that this election is/still/will be close is all you need to know about the american electorate ...
the fact that this election is/still/will be close is all you need to know about the american electorate ...
I don't know, it's an extremely blatant house of cards to build your house upon. I mean, at least with the Swift Boat stuff, there was a little bit of confusion regarding what the truth really was. With this stuff, what's going to happen with, every time McCain makes this claim, the papers and media continue with the fact that there is no sign Ayers and Obama "pal around" at all? There's absolutely no ground for the assertion; how long will that last?
That being said, character assasination like this stuff is probably the only chance McCain has. I wish Obama had not followed him into the gutter with Keating Five (simply because I don't think this is going to work for McCain), but we'll see. Our economy is nosediving; I think if the majority of the country trusts Obama more on the economy, they're going to view the "Obama is a terrorist" crap with suspicion. busted? Do you think I care who gave the quote?
I mean, you probably should. If you're trying to make a legitimate, reasonable argument for McCain and against Obama you should probably find evidence beyond the words of somebody who is paid to have his lips firmly planted on McCain's ass in word and deed.
I mean, you probably should. If you're trying to make a legitimate, reasonable argument for McCain and against Obama you should probably find evidence beyond the words of somebody who is paid to have his lips firmly planted on McCain's ass in word and deed.
...a legitimate argument? Do you really think he was trying to make a legitimate, reasonable argument?
I don't know, it's an extremely blatant house of cards to build your house upon. I mean, at least with the Swift Boat stuff, there was a little bit of confusion regarding what the truth really was. With this stuff, what's going to happen with, every time McCain makes this claim, the papers and media continue with the fact that there is no sign Ayers and Obama "pal around" at all? There's absolutely no ground for the assertion; how long will that last?
That being said, character assasination like this stuff is probably the only chance McCain has. I wish Obama had followed him into the gutter with Keating Five (simply because I don't think this is going to work for McCain), but we'll see. Our economy is nosediving; I think if the majority of the country trusts Obama more on the economy, they're going to view the "Obama is a terrorist" crap with suspicion.
it's being done because it works! ... that's your electorate for you ...
The funniest thing about this whole thing is every time Ayers is brought up to Obama, or his campaign, they continually emphasize the fact that obama was 8 years old when this sick fuck carried out his terrorist activities againts our country. Like somehow that makes everything ok lol. Not only is this guy a terrorist, he is an unrepentant terrorist. No apology's, no remorse, in fact he has stated that he wishes he carried out more bombings. But hey, barrack was only 8 years old.
A murderer, a rapist, a terrorist, a serial killer is still a fucking murderer, rapist, terrorist and serial killer no matter how old you were when they were committing there hideous acts.
I wonder how many of you Obama lovers would be willing to be so forgiving and understanding if Mcain had the exact same relationship with a guy who bombed several abortion clinics and his only regret is that he didn't bomb more abortion clinics?
No, I think I would rather to be personally attacked for my beliefs on this board because that is what it is intended for have one sided thoughts and anyone who doesn’t agree with the norm gets called names that the best way to think of it?
Evidence...go back 3 pages to my second post in this thread...that is all of the evidence you should need that I have found...but I assume you, like many others tend to look over the wordy post and pick out the comments that are made that can give you a dig
Please quit playing the victim..."everyone's calling you names?" Well, fine, I didn't call you any names, but instead of responding to what I said you changed the argument. Leads me to believe that you don't have any good response.
And as for your massive post of words a few pages back, you'll be happy to know I did read it. And someone astutely pointed out that you didn't offer any facts but gave us a Wall Street Journal editorial as your evidence. You've thus far failed to give us any information or evidence that Obama and Ayers are friends. Where is that evidence? Where is the evidence that they are friends?
Why don't you read the Ayers/Obama from the Times above? After all, it's the article that Palin used to support her point about Obama having ties to terrorists? Maybe instead of calling other people names (I've been called a sheep a few times before by you, after giving good arguments in response to your posts that consistently lack any argument). We may disagree, but we're still waiting to hear your arguments (also, I should mention us sheep are still waiting to hear why you're voting for McCain, after we all gave you our informed reasons for voting for Obama in the Palin debate thread).
Yeah that's right, just ignore it, that'll make it all go away. That'll make Obama a viable candidate.
At this point, I feel like I just want Obama to get elected. Let him fuck up the country economically and politically so we can stop having to listen to all the garbage about how he's the savior, CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE. Then we can have someone come in and fix it all like Ronald Reagan fixed the mess that Jimmy Carter created. I'm telling you right now, we'd be in a nuclear war with Russia right now if Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan. And we'd be losing.
I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
The funniest thing about this whole thing is every time Ayers is brought up to Obama, or his campaign, they continually emphasize the fact that obama was 8 years old when this sick fuck carried out his terrorist activities againts our country. Like somehow that makes everything ok lol. Not only is this guy a terrorist, he is an unrepentant terrorist. No apology's, no remorse, in fact he has stated that he wishes he carried out more bombings. But hey, barrack was only 8 years old.
A murderer, a rapist, a terrorist, a serial killer is still a fucking murderer, rapist, terrorist and serial killer no matter how old you were when they were committing there hideous acts.
I wonder how many of you Obama lovers would be willing to be so forgiving and understanding if Mcain had the exact same relationship with a guy who bombed several abortion clinics and his only regret is that he didn't bomb more abortion clinics?
Hypocrisy, yes I think so.
Ok, McCain has been all buddy buddy with Pastor Hagee ... a guy who stated Katrina was God's retribution for homosexuality, and that the Catholic church was complicit with regards to the Nazis and the halocaust ...
Now, do I think McCain feels this way? No. McCain does have ties to him, but, I'm not stupid enough ot think McCain feels that way.
I'll say it again ... even with whatever ties there are to Rezko and Wright, I still believe Obama would be a better president than John McCain, I mean, that's what we're trying to get at here, right?
I stated SEVERAL times I wasn't really thrilled about the Rezko discounted loan issue ... (I still think the Ayers stuff is being way overblown, no pun intended).
But overall, I agree with Obama's views, his vision for the country, I think he is smarter than McCain, able to handle all the coplexities of the issues better, is more level headed, is for more diplomacy than McCain ... etc etc etc ...
Every candidate has their warts, there's no denying it. Again, as I stated, they ALL have questionable ties, they hang out with politicians all day ... of course they have questionable ties.
"You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Yeah that's right, just ignore it, that'll make it all go away. That'll make Obama a viable candidate.
At this point, I feel like I just want Obama to get elected. Let him fuck up the country economically and politically so we can stop having to listen to all the garbage about how he's the savior, CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE. Then we can have someone come in and fix it all like Ronald Reagan fixed the mess that Jimmy Carter created. I'm telling you right now, we'd be in a nuclear war with Russia right now if Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan. And we'd be losing.
Now you know how most of us felt after the 2004 election ... and guess what, we were fucking right!
"You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
The funniest thing about this whole thing is every time Ayers is brought up to Obama, or his campaign, they continually emphasize the fact that obama was 8 years old when this sick fuck carried out his terrorist activities againts our country. Like somehow that makes everything ok lol. Not only is this guy a terrorist, he is an unrepentant terrorist. No apology's, no remorse, in fact he has stated that he wishes he carried out more bombings. But hey, barrack was only 8 years old.
A murderer, a rapist, a terrorist, a serial killer is still a fucking murderer, rapist, terrorist and serial killer no matter how old you were when they were committing there hideous acts.
I wonder how many of you Obama lovers would be willing to be so forgiving and understanding if Mcain had the exact same relationship with a guy who bombed several abortion clinics and his only regret is that he didn't bomb more abortion clinics?
Hypocrisy, yes I think so.
According to you and Pepper's logic then McCain associates with terrorist and terrorist sympathizers as well.
Every time McCain has stopped in South Florida, through out his run, he has appeared with Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. All three of them have aided and supported the freedom of Orlando Boasch and Luis Posada Carilles. All three of them signed a Congressional letter offering support for MEK (People's Mujahedin of Iran) which is a terrorist organization on our State Department's List of terrorist organizations.
So I guess I would be correct, by your standards, if I where to start saying that McCain pals around with terrorist and their supporters.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Now you know how most of us felt after the 2004 election ... and guess what, we were fucking right!
Okay, but I don't see the part where you're gonna fix it. Obama certainly won't. Think the economy is bad now? Whoa boy, the times are changing indeed. I can't wait till Obama levies even higher taxes on corporations. I don't see how that could possibly fix the economy, without converting over to a fully socialist system. Oh, wait...
I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
Okay, but I don't see the part where you're gonna fix it. Obama certainly won't. Think the economy is bad now? Whoa boy, the times are changing indeed. I can't wait till Obama levies even higher taxes on corporations. I don't see how that could possibly fix the economy, without converting over to a fully socialist system. Oh, wait...
We're not talking about going from zero to 40% tax rates, we're talking about a few point increase, back to the Clinton years rates ... you know, when the economy was soaring and we actually had a budget surplus?
The thing is ... for McCain to continue trumpeting the Bush tax cuts, to want to INCREASE tax cuts to the wealtiest people, in the midst of two wars and a record 10 trillion dollar deficit, well, that's irresponsible to me.
We've had 8 years of the trickle down theory, and we've done nothing but dig a huge hole ...
It's NOT brain washing, it's the truth, this trickle down, give the rich and corporation tax cuts theory has FAILED and John McCain wants to dig the hole deeper ... that's just being blind.
I'm fairly certain that after November 4th, John McCain and Sarah Palin's respective political careers will rightfully vanish like 2 soft farts in the wind.
See You on The Food Lines
Sounds like you have an axe to grind but carry on. I've been told this many times myself but I could careless.
Scary in how nasty this will get in the next month from both sides. One side appears to have no other direction to go but nasty and the other trying to defend itself.
Look lady get it right for the upteenth time. So far Obama hasn't convinced me of anything I don't intend on voting for neither but I'll sort it through and I may make a choice between the two or then again I could write in Ralph Nader.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Wow, McCain was right, he IS able to reach across the aisle ... even for for ethics issues.
"exhonerated" isn't really the right word here ... all of them were reprimanded or called out for poor judgement ...
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Agree with you here..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I think if you've read through the thread, you'd see where I was not too pleased with some of Obama's past connections ... (note: Ayers is not one where I am uncomfortable) ... I'm not blind to it.
But I will say ... even with whatever ties there are to Rezko and Wright, I still believe Obama would be a better president than John McCain, I mean, that's what we're trying to get at here, right? I agree with Obama's views, his vision for the country, I think he is smarter than McCain, able to handle all the coplexities of the issues better, is more level headed, is for more diplomacy than McCain ... etc etc etc ...
Every candidate has their warts, there's no denying it. Again, as I stated, they ALL have questionable ties, they hang out with politicians all day ... of course they have questionable ties.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
C'mon man, you quoted a McCain campaign spokesman with that quote ... of course they are going to say that.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Well, if you use that logic than Ayers is a meaningless criticism, as he was acquitted as well.
Ha! good stuff..
What is so irritating about it is that it is a continuation of McCain/Palin's assumption that people are not going to be intelligent or free-thinking at all and try to discover it on their own. Palin, in her first speech about the issue, mentioned the New York Times article the same day about the relationship between Obama and Ayers as evidence that Obama "pals around with terrorists." Problem is, as you can read here,
...the article says the exact opposite thing! So not only did McCain and Palin make a claim that is dubious at best (what else is new in politics), the article Palin offers voters as evidence says the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she said it did. She's assuming that people who are reading this online or in the newspaper will not look into the issue at all on their own, that they would not say, "hm, well let me take a look at that article." It's like going outside, taking a picture of a cloudy day, and saying the picture proves that it's sunny outside today. It's bizarre.
the fact that this election is/still/will be close is all you need to know about the american electorate ...
I don't know, it's an extremely blatant house of cards to build your house upon. I mean, at least with the Swift Boat stuff, there was a little bit of confusion regarding what the truth really was. With this stuff, what's going to happen with, every time McCain makes this claim, the papers and media continue with the fact that there is no sign Ayers and Obama "pal around" at all? There's absolutely no ground for the assertion; how long will that last?
That being said, character assasination like this stuff is probably the only chance McCain has. I wish Obama had not followed him into the gutter with Keating Five (simply because I don't think this is going to work for McCain), but we'll see. Our economy is nosediving; I think if the majority of the country trusts Obama more on the economy, they're going to view the "Obama is a terrorist" crap with suspicion.
I mean, you probably should. If you're trying to make a legitimate, reasonable argument for McCain and against Obama you should probably find evidence beyond the words of somebody who is paid to have his lips firmly planted on McCain's ass in word and deed.
...a legitimate argument? Do you really think he was trying to make a legitimate, reasonable argument?
Of course the source is irrelevant.
that explains a lot ... why bother if you aren't going to pay attention?
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
it's being done because it works! ... that's your electorate for you ...
A murderer, a rapist, a terrorist, a serial killer is still a fucking murderer, rapist, terrorist and serial killer no matter how old you were when they were committing there hideous acts.
I wonder how many of you Obama lovers would be willing to be so forgiving and understanding if Mcain had the exact same relationship with a guy who bombed several abortion clinics and his only regret is that he didn't bomb more abortion clinics?
Hypocrisy, yes I think so.
Please quit playing the victim..."everyone's calling you names?" Well, fine, I didn't call you any names, but instead of responding to what I said you changed the argument. Leads me to believe that you don't have any good response.
And as for your massive post of words a few pages back, you'll be happy to know I did read it. And someone astutely pointed out that you didn't offer any facts but gave us a Wall Street Journal editorial as your evidence. You've thus far failed to give us any information or evidence that Obama and Ayers are friends. Where is that evidence? Where is the evidence that they are friends?
Why don't you read the Ayers/Obama from the Times above? After all, it's the article that Palin used to support her point about Obama having ties to terrorists? Maybe instead of calling other people names (I've been called a sheep a few times before by you, after giving good arguments in response to your posts that consistently lack any argument). We may disagree, but we're still waiting to hear your arguments (also, I should mention us sheep are still waiting to hear why you're voting for McCain, after we all gave you our informed reasons for voting for Obama in the Palin debate thread).
Yeah that's right, just ignore it, that'll make it all go away. That'll make Obama a viable candidate.
At this point, I feel like I just want Obama to get elected. Let him fuck up the country economically and politically so we can stop having to listen to all the garbage about how he's the savior, CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE. Then we can have someone come in and fix it all like Ronald Reagan fixed the mess that Jimmy Carter created. I'm telling you right now, we'd be in a nuclear war with Russia right now if Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan. And we'd be losing.
Ok, McCain has been all buddy buddy with Pastor Hagee ... a guy who stated Katrina was God's retribution for homosexuality, and that the Catholic church was complicit with regards to the Nazis and the halocaust ...
Now, do I think McCain feels this way? No. McCain does have ties to him, but, I'm not stupid enough ot think McCain feels that way.
I'll say it again ... even with whatever ties there are to Rezko and Wright, I still believe Obama would be a better president than John McCain, I mean, that's what we're trying to get at here, right?
I stated SEVERAL times I wasn't really thrilled about the Rezko discounted loan issue ... (I still think the Ayers stuff is being way overblown, no pun intended).
But overall, I agree with Obama's views, his vision for the country, I think he is smarter than McCain, able to handle all the coplexities of the issues better, is more level headed, is for more diplomacy than McCain ... etc etc etc ...
Every candidate has their warts, there's no denying it. Again, as I stated, they ALL have questionable ties, they hang out with politicians all day ... of course they have questionable ties.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Now you know how most of us felt after the 2004 election ... and guess what, we were fucking right!
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
I don't understand why this guy is an issue for obama....
According to you and Pepper's logic then McCain associates with terrorist and terrorist sympathizers as well.
Every time McCain has stopped in South Florida, through out his run, he has appeared with Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. All three of them have aided and supported the freedom of Orlando Boasch and Luis Posada Carilles. All three of them signed a Congressional letter offering support for MEK (People's Mujahedin of Iran) which is a terrorist organization on our State Department's List of terrorist organizations.
So I guess I would be correct, by your standards, if I where to start saying that McCain pals around with terrorist and their supporters.
Okay, but I don't see the part where you're gonna fix it. Obama certainly won't. Think the economy is bad now? Whoa boy, the times are changing indeed. I can't wait till Obama levies even higher taxes on corporations. I don't see how that could possibly fix the economy, without converting over to a fully socialist system. Oh, wait...
We're not talking about going from zero to 40% tax rates, we're talking about a few point increase, back to the Clinton years rates ... you know, when the economy was soaring and we actually had a budget surplus?
The thing is ... for McCain to continue trumpeting the Bush tax cuts, to want to INCREASE tax cuts to the wealtiest people, in the midst of two wars and a record 10 trillion dollar deficit, well, that's irresponsible to me.
We've had 8 years of the trickle down theory, and we've done nothing but dig a huge hole ...
It's NOT brain washing, it's the truth, this trickle down, give the rich and corporation tax cuts theory has FAILED and John McCain wants to dig the hole deeper ... that's just being blind.
edit - take a gander, if 07 and 08 were on this chart, it would be even worse ...
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez