I've checked msn.com and cnn.com and can't find any reporting of this protest. It just seemed way to vague to me concerning the reason driving the protest. Reading the material it seemed just as much against the Dems as it was Bush. It seemed to be advocating for huge change without saying what change it wanted. Seems like an awkward way to go about it if you ask me.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I've checked msn.com and cnn.com and can't find any reporting of this protest. It just seemed way to vague to me concerning the reason driving the protest. Reading the material it seemed just as much against the Dems as it was Bush. It seemed to be advocating for huge change without saying what change it wanted. Seems like an awkward way to go about it if you ask me.
3 people were arrested here in Seattle during some protests. It started at the UW in Red Square (imagine that!), and it looks like they're scheduled for an all night sit-in at the Federal Building.
Gather your people, your signs, your convictions and take it to the streets!
We DO own the government. They ARE vulnerable and we will bring about reform only if we want to.
Why protest?
# To reach large numbers of people with your message.
# To create solidarity among organizers and marchers.
# To show political prisoners that they are not alone.
# To see how your government responds to dissent.
# To build coalitions with other protest groups.
# To make the system realize it is vulnerable.
# To show the strength of your organization.
# To throw the system on the defensive.
# To expose the crimes of the powerful.
# To make the police think about what they are protecting.
# To motivate the undecided to join you.
# To remove feelings of helplessness.
# To make the system react to you.
# To show who owns the streets.
# To exploit the news media.
# To create your own media.
# To rattle the complacent.
# To speak truth to power.
# To mobilize people.
# To have fun.
# Because every major movement for freedom, justice and equality in the United States got its start with people taking to the streets in protest!
Slap one of these bad boys on your page! Or better yet put them in your bulletins, blogs, comments, groups..... Just click reply copy and paste where ever your heart desires! http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f100/KEFENEX/WCW/?action=view%C2%A4t=worldonfire.jpg
If any of these goals were accomplished it was worth it. Change takes time and effort and won't come overnight after a day of protesting. And I can't believe people are acting suprised they didn't hear about this in the corporate media!!!??? What a big shocker there! Do they ever cover the stuff they should in any depth?
'change don't come from one
it's a wave building before it breaks'
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
If any of these goals were accomplished it was worth it. Change takes time and effort and won't come overnight after a day of protesting. And I can't believe people are acting suprised they didn't hear about this in the corporate media!!!??? What a big shocker there! Do they ever cover the stuff they should in any depth?
'change don't come from one
it's a wave building before it breaks'
I understand that, I just wanted to see some pictures or a video of it
Any idea what the turn-out was?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Here's some pics I googled up. There will probably be more tomorrow.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
how many of those pictures are from 2006? a handful were from '05, and one of those pics you linked twice.
oops, I was trying not to mix the two. I think there will be more to show tommorrow (not that I posted every one I found anyways) seeing as how many of these events are still going on and whatnot. and sorry about posting one twice, I didn't realize.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
oops, I was trying not to mix the two. I think there will be more to show tommorrow (not that I posted every one I found anyways) seeing as how many of these events are still going on and whatnot. and sorry about posting one twice, I didn't realize.
i didn't mean to sound dickish about it, i was just wondering.
"PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
~Michael Bolton
I've checked msn.com and cnn.com and can't find any reporting of this protest. It just seemed way to vague to me concerning the reason driving the protest. Reading the material it seemed just as much against the Dems as it was Bush. It seemed to be advocating for huge change without saying what change it wanted. Seems like an awkward way to go about it if you ask me.
You've just summed up the liberal personality disorder to a tee.
You've just summed up the liberal personality disorder to a tee.
That's not where I was going with my assessment of the protest. It just seem very poorly thought out about what they were protesting and changes they want made. In some ways poorly thought out protests do more harm to the cause than good. It become easy to marginalize a group that doesn't quite have it together, even if their intentions are good.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Well the 5:00 news here in L.A. just showed the protesters--it was actually the 2nd or 3rd story so not bad. It is major gridlock down there.
Sweet, grid-lock is a good sign, and this time for a decent cause.
Any estimates of how many people showed up?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Not sure but I think the reporter said something like 200 but I could be completely wrong. That many people on a major street in L.A. would be a pain. Not as big as the Illegal Immigrant rally but they outnumber us!!
So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
That's not where I was going with my assessment of the protest. It just seem very poorly thought out about what they were protesting and changes they want made. In some ways poorly thought out protests do more harm to the cause than good. It become easy to marginalize a group that doesn't quite have it together, even if their intentions are good.
Are you seriously going to make me say it again? Because you did it again!
better to support peace than to support murder, you ignorant f**ktool!!
have fun in hell.
**Bombs Dropping Down
Hi all,
First of all...welcome back from this brief timeout. Now for a little heart-to-heart...please keep reading.
There are so many difficult situations going on in the world; the wars being fought are also being fought verbally online. We feel that Pearl Jam fans coming together to examine the topics is a good thing for all of us, and for the most part, that's what goes on here. There are mostly thoughtful posts with an eye toward actually discussing an issue to learn more here. Unfortunately, there have been too many posts recently by a few people with the sole intent of "bombing" the other person and their point of view into oblivion. It doesn't work and will never work and it isn't ok here. There are many no-holds-barred political forums on the net but this isn't one of them so we invite the people who prefer that, to find one of those forums...you will be happier there.
For everyone else...It's important to know/realize/learn that showing and expressing respect for the persons you're speaking with actually increases their willingness to listen to what you're saying. This is not opinion; this is fact. So if someone is speaking antagonistically and/or aggressively to a fellow Pearl Jam fan here, heaping abuse upon them, it's not following the Posting Guidelines one agreed to when registering. Anyone doing that will not remain here...it's solely *their choice.* Second chances will not be given for anyone dropping bombs on another member. If someone sees a problem post, please use the triangle-shaped icon on the post and report it to us so we can take care of it. Your help is always appreciated.
Finally, A Moving Train is just a small portion of the Message Pit and we encourage everyone to visit the other areas to discuss other topics too. We all have one common bond - Pearl Jam's music and this is primarily a music site. We love seeing you and hope you will continue to enjoy your time here. Please feel free to write to us or contact us with that Report icon if there's a problem we can head off.
First of all...welcome back from this brief timeout. Now for a little heart-to-heart...please keep reading.
There are so many difficult situations going on in the world; the wars being fought are also being fought verbally online. We feel that Pearl Jam fans coming together to examine the topics is a good thing for all of us, and for the most part, that's what goes on here. There are mostly thoughtful posts with an eye toward actually discussing an issue to learn more here. Unfortunately, there have been too many posts recently by a few people with the sole intent of "bombing" the other person and their point of view into oblivion. It doesn't work and will never work and it isn't ok here. There are many no-holds-barred political forums on the net but this isn't one of them so we invite the people who prefer that, to find one of those forums...you will be happier there.
For everyone else...It's important to know/realize/learn that showing and expressing respect for the persons you're speaking with actually increases their willingness to listen to what you're saying. This is not opinion; this is fact. So if someone is speaking antagonistically and/or aggressively to a fellow Pearl Jam fan here, heaping abuse upon them, it's not following the Posting Guidelines one agreed to when registering. Anyone doing that will not remain here...it's solely *their choice.* Second chances will not be given for anyone dropping bombs on another member. If someone sees a problem post, please use the triangle-shaped icon on the post and report it to us so we can take care of it. Your help is always appreciated.
Finally, A Moving Train is just a small portion of the Message Pit and we encourage everyone to visit the other areas to discuss other topics too. We all have one common bond - Pearl Jam's music and this is primarily a music site. We love seeing you and hope you will continue to enjoy your time here. Please feel free to write to us or contact us with that Report icon if there's a problem we can head off.
Peace and Love,
Kat and Sea
At least he/she was upfront about it and wasn't dancing around it and trying to throw out bait. For the record, I don't agree with either approach but can certainly understand the emotion.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
That's not where I was going with my assessment of the protest. It just seem very poorly thought out about what they were protesting and changes they want made. In some ways poorly thought out protests do more harm to the cause than good. It become easy to marginalize a group that doesn't quite have it together, even if their intentions are good.
You make some good points here Sdude. This event was internet created and has origins linked to the extreme left. I believe it may have done more harm than good to the movement as all the coverage I have seen has been focused on the low turnout and not the message. Its kind of a hate event in that most are just saying I hate Bush so make him go away. The lack of a clear alternative and just the negative nature of the title prevented many people from participating who would otherwise see themselves aligned with the greater cause.
You make some good points here Sdude. This event was internet created and has origins linked to the extreme left. I believe it may have done more harm than good to the movement as all the coverage I have seen has been focused on the low turnout and not the message. Its kind of a hate event in that most are just saying I hate Bush so make him go away. The lack of a clear alternative and just the negative nature of the title prevented many people from participating who would otherwise see themselves aligned with the greater cause.
Anytime you are going for large numbers, you sacrifice detail. There have been numerous events more fine tuned and focused on certan issues. I think the goal here was to unify these groups and proclaim they are not happy with the current direction. Of cousrse, there are always gonna be some apsect of the 'I hate so and so' at these events but thats to be expected and happens all the time and they know it's not that simple. It's kinda hard to fit your whole political view on a sign. The purpose was to get people behind this cause with a theme that they all could relate to and directing the complaints towards the current adminstration would be an effort at attacking the cause of so many problems we are facing today. And again, the fact that the media downplays and discredits these events is not shocking and quite expected.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
so i guess the good ole U.S.A. survived bongfest huh????
i guess the 12 people who actually participated can go back out tomorrow and look for a job....maybe actually contribute to society...
jeb bush 2008...........
I can tell you one thing, if everyone smoked weed, people would be a lot more humble.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
If any of these goals were accomplished it was worth it. Change takes time and effort and won't come overnight after a day of protesting. And I can't believe people are acting suprised they didn't hear about this in the corporate media!!!??? What a big shocker there! Do they ever cover the stuff they should in any depth?
'change don't come from one
it's a wave building before it breaks'
yup. sounds pretty straight forward to me. ^
first and foremost, on a personal level.....this is about children and women being raped. I dont think i have to answer that. it speaks for itself.
things dont add up in the administration. gradually, our rights are being taken away from us all.
Change is persistence. great quote Abook. I am proud to consider you "my friend." Just another reason that I am thankful to Pearl Jam for putting some goodness in my life.
Even if 5 people showed up or show up to these "awareness" events, it would be wealth worth it. To give a voice to the baby that doesnt.....or didnt.
Thanks for caring about humanity.
Thanks to all of the people here have inspired me to do what is right, this also being looking into issues that I (WE) cant let slide by.
first and foremost, on a personal level.....this is about children and babies being raped. I dont think i have to answer that. it speaks for itself.
things dont add up in the administration. gradually, our rights are being taken away from us all.
Change is persistence. great quote Abook. I am proud to consider you "my friend." Just another reason that I am thankful to Pearl Jam for putting some goodness in my life.
Even if 5 people showed up or show up to these "awareness" events, it would be wealth worth it. To give a voice to the baby that doesnt.....or didnt.
Thanks for caring about humanity.
Thanks to all of the people here have inspired me to do what is right, this also being looking into issues that I (WE) cant let slide by.
Love to ya.
Aww, thank you sweetie!!! Damn, you've made some tears swell up!
I'm very proud to have wonderful person like you as a good friend and flattered that you hold me in such high regards. The feeling is quite mutual!
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
LOTS of horn honking in support (even the cops--we were right across the street from the station).
What I noticed: The pro-Bushies were so [size=+1]ANGRY and MEAN[/size] when they drove by. Damn.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I had similar thoughts, but hey.
If any of these goals were accomplished it was worth it. Change takes time and effort and won't come overnight after a day of protesting. And I can't believe people are acting suprised they didn't hear about this in the corporate media!!!??? What a big shocker there! Do they ever cover the stuff they should in any depth?
'change don't come from one
it's a wave building before it breaks'
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I understand that, I just wanted to see some pictures or a video of it
Any idea what the turn-out was?
Here's some pics I googled up. There will probably be more tomorrow.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
how many of those pictures are from 2006? a handful were from '05, and one of those pics you linked twice.
~Michael Bolton
oops, I was trying not to mix the two. I think there will be more to show tommorrow (not that I posted every one I found anyways) seeing as how many of these events are still going on and whatnot. and sorry about posting one twice, I didn't realize.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i didn't mean to sound dickish about it, i was just wondering.
~Michael Bolton
You've just summed up the liberal personality disorder to a tee.
No problem.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
better to support peace than to support murder, you ignorant f**ktool!!
have fun in hell.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Sweet, grid-lock is a good sign, and this time for a decent cause.
Any estimates of how many people showed up?
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Are you seriously going to make me say it again? Because you did it again!
**Bombs Dropping Down
Hi all,
First of all...welcome back from this brief timeout. Now for a little heart-to-heart...please keep reading.
There are so many difficult situations going on in the world; the wars being fought are also being fought verbally online. We feel that Pearl Jam fans coming together to examine the topics is a good thing for all of us, and for the most part, that's what goes on here. There are mostly thoughtful posts with an eye toward actually discussing an issue to learn more here. Unfortunately, there have been too many posts recently by a few people with the sole intent of "bombing" the other person and their point of view into oblivion. It doesn't work and will never work and it isn't ok here. There are many no-holds-barred political forums on the net but this isn't one of them so we invite the people who prefer that, to find one of those forums...you will be happier there.
For everyone else...It's important to know/realize/learn that showing and expressing respect for the persons you're speaking with actually increases their willingness to listen to what you're saying. This is not opinion; this is fact. So if someone is speaking antagonistically and/or aggressively to a fellow Pearl Jam fan here, heaping abuse upon them, it's not following the Posting Guidelines one agreed to when registering. Anyone doing that will not remain here...it's solely *their choice.* Second chances will not be given for anyone dropping bombs on another member. If someone sees a problem post, please use the triangle-shaped icon on the post and report it to us so we can take care of it. Your help is always appreciated.
Finally, A Moving Train is just a small portion of the Message Pit and we encourage everyone to visit the other areas to discuss other topics too. We all have one common bond - Pearl Jam's music and this is primarily a music site. We love seeing you and hope you will continue to enjoy your time here. Please feel free to write to us or contact us with that Report icon if there's a problem we can head off.
Peace and Love,
Kat and Sea
At least he/she was upfront about it and wasn't dancing around it and trying to throw out bait. For the record, I don't agree with either approach but can certainly understand the emotion.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You make some good points here Sdude. This event was internet created and has origins linked to the extreme left. I believe it may have done more harm than good to the movement as all the coverage I have seen has been focused on the low turnout and not the message. Its kind of a hate event in that most are just saying I hate Bush so make him go away. The lack of a clear alternative and just the negative nature of the title prevented many people from participating who would otherwise see themselves aligned with the greater cause.
1998 Seattle 7-21
2000 Seattle 11-06
2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
2005 Gorge 9-1
2006 Gorge 7-23
Anytime you are going for large numbers, you sacrifice detail. There have been numerous events more fine tuned and focused on certan issues. I think the goal here was to unify these groups and proclaim they are not happy with the current direction. Of cousrse, there are always gonna be some apsect of the 'I hate so and so' at these events but thats to be expected and happens all the time and they know it's not that simple. It's kinda hard to fit your whole political view on a sign. The purpose was to get people behind this cause with a theme that they all could relate to and directing the complaints towards the current adminstration would be an effort at attacking the cause of so many problems we are facing today. And again, the fact that the media downplays and discredits these events is not shocking and quite expected.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i guess the 12 people who actually participated can go back out tomorrow and look for a job....maybe actually contribute to society...
jeb bush 2008...........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I can tell you one thing, if everyone smoked weed, people would be a lot more humble.
completely naive.....
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
yup. sounds pretty straight forward to me. ^
first and foremost, on a personal level.....this is about children and women being raped. I dont think i have to answer that. it speaks for itself.
things dont add up in the administration. gradually, our rights are being taken away from us all.
Change is persistence. great quote Abook. I am proud to consider you "my friend." Just another reason that I am thankful to Pearl Jam for putting some goodness in my life.
Even if 5 people showed up or show up to these "awareness" events, it would be wealth worth it. To give a voice to the baby that doesnt.....or didnt.
Thanks for caring about humanity.
Thanks to all of the people here have inspired me to do what is right, this also being looking into issues that I (WE) cant let slide by.
Aww, thank you sweetie!!! Damn, you've made some tears swell up!
I'm very proud to have wonderful person like you as a good friend and flattered that you hold me in such high regards. The feeling is quite mutual!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde