. And of course, some people make for shitty parents but those children often only have school to look to outside of their home lives. Teachers have the opportunity to make all the difference in these childrens lives.
Man, you are on fire, today!
Now...that's profound:D:D:D;)
Seriously, that was very well put. It's like you picked that opinion/thought right out of my brain.
Yes, and we could change the way we approach education by admitting where the problems lie and work towards building and educational system that provides a good chance for all children to be able to thrive not just one certain kind of child.
One of the main problems facing a lot of the schools, is over-crowding.
There simply are too many kids and not enough schools. Not to mention the budget.
So....oh I don't know. Maybe if the idiots who run this country would stop spending money foolishly on.....oh I don't know.....say......Billions and trillions on phoney wars? Billions and trillions on other needless and useless bullshit....like.....over-paying for simple office furniture and office equipment?
Or ....billions upon trillions on a phoney " Drug War" ?
Just a few examples.
maybe if they stopped wasting tax payer's money on such bullshit, then, we could afford to have more schools and teachers.
Well all other second hand experience aside, I am (was) a high school sophomore and the teachers in my school, and in my middle school, didn't usually supress any creativity. Teachers need to maintain order in a classroom of 30+ kids, and that's hard if you let every kid be a free spirit.
If you let most kids and teenagers express themselves creatively, it would involve buttfuck and drugs every day.
One of the main problems facing a lot of the schools, is over-crowding.
There simply are too many kids and not enough schools. Not to mention the budget.
So....oh I don't know. Maybe if the idiots who run this country would stop spending money foolishly on.....oh I don't know.....say......Billions and trillions on phoney wars? Billions and trillions on other needless and useless bullshit....like.....over-paying for simple office furniture and office equipment?
Or ....billions upon trillions on a phoney " Drug War" ?
Just a few examples.
maybe if they stopped wasting tax payer's money on such bullshit, then, we could afford to have more schools and teachers.
I know, that's crazy talk.
Yes, I know.....crazy talk. We'll have none of that!
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Well all other second hand experience aside, I am (was) a high school sophomore and the teachers in my school, and in my middle school, didn't usually supress any creativity. Teachers need to maintain order in a classroom of 30+ kids, and that's hard if you let every kid be a free spirit.
If you let most kids and teenagers express themselves creatively, it would involve buttfuck and drugs every day.
I don't share you bleak look at children. And of course, these changes we are speaking of would ideally happen at an earlier age and hopeful really start showing through by the time they reach the teenage years. There are also other ways of building upon a teenage child's talents and interests without giving him/her complete freedom to just do whatever.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't share you bleak look at children. And of course, these changes we are speaking of would ideally happen at an earlier age and hopeful really start showing through by the time they reach the teenage years. There are also other ways of building upon a teenage child's talents and interests without giving him/her complete freedom to just do whatever.
See, I think elementary through high school and beyond is already doing that. What specifically would you change to let kids develop their talents/creativity without taking away time for the cores? (Cores being math, sci, history, english and usually foreign language.)
Well all other second hand experience aside, I am (was) a high school sophomore and the teachers in my school, and in my middle school, didn't usually supress any creativity. Teachers need to maintain order in a classroom of 30+ kids, and that's hard if you let every kid be a free spirit.
If you let most kids and teenagers express themselves creatively, it would involve buttfuck and drugs every day.
Um, just because you encourage and nurture creativity and creative expression; does not mean you allow inappropriate or violent behavior.
Buttfucking in the classroom or on school property should not be permitted.
That should be left to the privacey of one's home or some hotel room in a drunken stuper:D:D
See, I think elementary through high school and beyond is already doing that. What specifically would you change to let kids develop their talents/creativity without taking away time for the cores? (Cores being math, sci, history, english and usually foreign language.)
I think time should infact be taken away from the 'cores'. They are mostly just repeated year after year and are meaningless to the child. There should be more time spent of the arts, creavite writing, dance, etc....divide classes up and let the invidual choose which subject interests them and let them run with. You can never force someone to be interested in something they simply aren't. That just creates boredom and a disinterest in school. Give them a reason to want to come to school and enjoy what they are being taught.You can't get a child to learn by ramming it down their throats. There needs to be flexibility and the opportunity for the childs voice to be heard. Find a nice balance between the fundamentals and the child's own aspirations.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I think time should infact be taken away from the 'cores'. They are mostly just repeated year after year and are meaningless to the child. There should be more time spent of the arts, creavite writing, dance, etc....divide classes up and let the invidual choose which subject interests them and let them run with. You can never force someone to be interested in something they simply aren't. That just creates boredom and a disinterest in school. Give them a reason to want to come to school and enjoy what they are being taught. You can't get a child to learn by ramming it down their throats. There needs to be flexibility and the opportunity for the childs voice to be heard. Find a nice balance between the fundamentals and the child's own aspirations.
I personally don't like that approach; I learned a lot in the cores. Besides, schools let children choose their creative paths: almost all schools offer after school sports, choir, band, and then of course there are required art classes... though the art classes have too much structure in them. I'd call it a nice compromise if "art" class wasn't such a memory hour of line, color, balance, contrast, etc. Art class should be about actually making some art.
I personally don't like that approach; I learned a lot in the cores. Besides, schools let children choose their creative paths: almost all schools offer after school sports, choir, band, and then of course there are required art classes... though the art classes have too much structure in them. I'd call it a nice compromise if "art" class wasn't such a memory hour of line, color, balance, contrast, etc. Art class should be about actually making some art.
See, that's just the thing. Not all students share your view...they are all different and have different things they excel at.
Schools today offer electives but that take up only one class out of the day. That's not even close to a good balance, imo.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
See, that's just the thing. Not all students share your view...they are all different and have different things they excel at.
Schools today offer electives but that take up only one class out of the day. That's not even close to a good balance, imo.
The state of Colorado requires 1 block for math, 1 each for science, history and english, and the fifth block for foreign language.
The other 3 out of 8 school "blocks" are apportioned for electives of each students choice.
We have a 4-block school day, meaning each student attends blocks 1-4 on every other day, and you go to blocks 5-8 on the day after that. Meaning "Day 1" is devoted to 3 cores and 1 Elective. "Day 2" is devoted to 2 cores and 2 electives of your choice.
What state did you go to school where you were only allowed 2 electives out of 8 classes?
I assumed everyone would understand that I was speaking in terms of parents who are doing the right responsible things and are involved in educating their kids ...from day one. That's what I get for assumming.
I'd like to think that most parently here are doing the right thing, but my post was meant to be more general. We recently had a thread about how little time parents actually spend talking to their kids, and in that thread there was discussion about how few families actually sit down and eat meals together. It is all tied into the same issue.
As far as education goes my approach is 2-fold. The first is to take care of what I can take care of. That's why my focus is on ensuring that my kids get the best education they can receive by being actively involved. The 2nd part is to push for education reform. We attend meetings of the local school board and deal with issues of ciriculum. On the state level we can try to elect secretaries of education who are more concerned with learning than with teaching to standardized tests. And at the federal level we can be frustrated and bang our heads against the wall, because nothing is going to help there. That's why I tend to start locally and move outward with most issues with which I'm dissatisfied, rather than start globally and work down. I can affect change today for things that effect me. I, unfortunately, can't do a thing today or tomorrow for little Timmy in Dirtprairie, Oklahoma. If enough successes are realized at local levels, changes get incorporated at state levels and people in different areas share success stories to be used elsewhere.
My point was not to defend teachers or the education system. My point was not to argue against change in substance or style. My point was simply that if you are dissatisfied right now you have the power and ability to do something about it right now. That's all.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
The state of Colorado requires 1 block for math, 1 each for science, history and english, and the fifth block for foreign language.
The other 3 out of 8 school "blocks" are apportioned for electives of each students choice.
We have a 4-block school day, meaning each student attends blocks 1-4 on every other day, and you go to blocks 5-8 on the day after that. Meaning "Day 1" is devoted to 3 cores and 1 Elective. "Day 2" is devoted to 2 cores and 2 electives of your choice.
What state did you go to school where you were only allowed 2 electives out of 8 classes?
Not a good state...South Carolina. And you could only choose one arts elective
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm not sure why school needs to be "teaching" creativity.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that the arts have soem classes, and probably would be great to have more. But no one needs classes to learn creativity, we just need to stop growing up too fast and remember to have fun.
Not too mention there are usually plenty of after school activities involving the arts...not too many that teach geometry or biology though.
I'm not sure why school needs to be "teaching" creativity.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that the arts have soem classes, and probably would be great to have more. But no one needs classes to learn creativity, we just need to stop growing up too fast and remember to have fun.
Not too mention there are usually plenty of after school activities involving the arts...not too many that teach geometry or biology though.
I think creativity should be greatly focused on. We could use some ingenuity and originality in this country. We need to be having the breakthrough the ideas not buying them elsewhere.
The reason there are no biology or geometery after school programs is because no one is interested in them.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I think creativity should be greatly focused on. We could use some ingenuity and originality in this country. We need to be having the breakthrough the ideas not buying them elsewhere.
The reason there are no biology or geometery after school programs is because no one is interested in them.
How does one teach creativity? Isn't teaching undermining creativity? That's my question.
True about geometry, etc. the only Science most people are interested in after school is Anatomy.
How does one teach creativity? Isn't teaching undermining creativity? That's my question.
True about geometry, etc. the only Science most people are interested in after school is Anatomy.
Encourage creativity is a better way to word it. Let the individual child's talents and natural tendencies be a considerable part of their education. And don't tell them what is possible and what is not. Let them believe in themselves and reach for the stars.
Yes, Anatomy is always going to be a big interest for humans. Buuuut...if they have already been encouraged to be a poet or a writer and have had support in their interests, I'm willing to bet that they'll want to spend even more time after school focusing on their talent and building it up. I believe the void will be filled with purpose where is usually is filled with drugs and sex.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yes, Anatomy is always going to be a big interest for humans. Buuuut...if they have already been encouraged to be a poet or a writer and have had support in their interests, I'm willing to bet that they'll want to spend even more time after school focusing on their talent and building it up. I believe the void will be filled with purpose where is usually is filled with drugs and sex.
Then I certainly can't be on board with your thinking. In fact, I say we remove all creativity from school immediately...at least not permit female participation in creative endeavors in school.
Then I certainly can't be on board with your thinking. In fact, I say we remove all creativity from school immediately...at least not permit female participation in creative endeavors in school.
LOL! I walked right into that one. Forgot who I was talking to for a moment.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
LOL! I walked right into that one. Forgot who I was talking to for a moment.
I've changed my mind. My wife and I have a little girl on the way...I am now back on board...eliminate math and science and only permit creative endeavors for girls. There shall be no more sex and drugs for females for the next 100 years...of course any female currently 18 years old or over is grandfathered (or grandmothered) out of the new policy.
I think schools in the US need to worry more about teaching foreign languages and about foreign cultures than creativity. But both are important. 1 breeds tolerance and better understanding, the other incourages risk taking and out-of-the box thinking that can lead to improvements.
I've changed my mind. My wife and I have a little girl on the way...I am now back on board...eliminate math and science and only permit creative endeavors for girls. There shall be no more sex and drugs for females for the next 100 years...of course any female currently 18 years old or over is grandfathered (or grandmothered) out of the new policy.
There, a compromise. I'm a uniter.
Oh my, congratulations!!!! Pssst....she's gonna be liberal as all get out and it's gonna drive you insane!
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh my, congratulations!!!! Pssst....she's gonna be liberal as all get out and it's gonna drive you insane!
Probably. It'll be very ironic if she is...but I'm not going to tell you why.
Anyhow, thanks. So long as she cares and thinks about her positions/beliefs, that's enough for me really. Though it will drive me a bit nuts. But, didn;t mean to hijack your thread.
I think schools in the US need to worry more about teaching foreign languages and about foreign cultures than creativity. But both are important. 1 breeds tolerance and better understanding, the other incourages risk taking and out-of-the box thinking that can lead to improvements.
They should definitely offer more choices besides French, which I took, and spanish. And at my school they did have the french and spanish clubs...they got to go on some pretty cool trips.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Probably. It'll be very ironic if she is...but I'm not going to tell you why.
Anyhow, thanks. So long as she cares and thinks about her positions/beliefs, that's enough for me really. Though it will drive me a bit nuts. But, didn;t mean to hijack your thread.
You'll make an amazing father. You didn't hijack my thread at all.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
They should definitely offer more choices besides French, which I took, and spanish. And at my school they did have the french and spanish clubs...they got to go on some pretty cool trips.
Mine too...I went to France. But I mean starting much earlier when a kid can truly absorb the language with more ease. And learn multiple languages. Get them started very early learning how to learn differrent languages and understanding and accepting differrent cultures.
Mine too...I went to France. But I mean starting much earlier when a kid can truly absorb the language with more ease. And learn multiple languages. Get them started very early learning how to learn differrent languages and understanding and accepting differrent cultures.
Yes, especially because they are so much more open to that kind of learning when they are very young.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man, you are on fire, today!
Now...that's profound:D:D:D;)
Seriously, that was very well put. It's like you picked that opinion/thought right out of my brain.
One of the main problems facing a lot of the schools, is over-crowding.
There simply are too many kids and not enough schools. Not to mention the budget.
So....oh I don't know. Maybe if the idiots who run this country would stop spending money foolishly on.....oh I don't know.....say......Billions and trillions on phoney wars? Billions and trillions on other needless and useless bullshit....like.....over-paying for simple office furniture and office equipment?
Or ....billions upon trillions on a phoney " Drug War" ?
Just a few examples.
maybe if they stopped wasting tax payer's money on such bullshit, then, we could afford to have more schools and teachers.
I know, that's crazy talk.
If you let most kids and teenagers express themselves creatively, it would involve buttfuck and drugs every day.
Hehe... Thank you!
You're not so bad, yourself.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yes, I know.....crazy talk. We'll have none of that!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't share you bleak look at children. And of course, these changes we are speaking of would ideally happen at an earlier age and hopeful really start showing through by the time they reach the teenage years. There are also other ways of building upon a teenage child's talents and interests without giving him/her complete freedom to just do whatever.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
See, I think elementary through high school and beyond is already doing that. What specifically would you change to let kids develop their talents/creativity without taking away time for the cores? (Cores being math, sci, history, english and usually foreign language.)
Um, just because you encourage and nurture creativity and creative expression; does not mean you allow inappropriate or violent behavior.
Buttfucking in the classroom or on school property should not be permitted.
That should be left to the privacey of one's home or some hotel room in a drunken stuper:D:D
I think time should infact be taken away from the 'cores'. They are mostly just repeated year after year and are meaningless to the child. There should be more time spent of the arts, creavite writing, dance, etc....divide classes up and let the invidual choose which subject interests them and let them run with. You can never force someone to be interested in something they simply aren't. That just creates boredom and a disinterest in school. Give them a reason to want to come to school and enjoy what they are being taught.You can't get a child to learn by ramming it down their throats. There needs to be flexibility and the opportunity for the childs voice to be heard. Find a nice balance between the fundamentals and the child's own aspirations.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I personally don't like that approach; I learned a lot in the cores. Besides, schools let children choose their creative paths: almost all schools offer after school sports, choir, band, and then of course there are required art classes... though the art classes have too much structure in them. I'd call it a nice compromise if "art" class wasn't such a memory hour of line, color, balance, contrast, etc. Art class should be about actually making some art.
See, that's just the thing. Not all students share your view...they are all different and have different things they excel at.
Schools today offer electives but that take up only one class out of the day. That's not even close to a good balance, imo.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The state of Colorado requires 1 block for math, 1 each for science, history and english, and the fifth block for foreign language.
The other 3 out of 8 school "blocks" are apportioned for electives of each students choice.
We have a 4-block school day, meaning each student attends blocks 1-4 on every other day, and you go to blocks 5-8 on the day after that. Meaning "Day 1" is devoted to 3 cores and 1 Elective. "Day 2" is devoted to 2 cores and 2 electives of your choice.
What state did you go to school where you were only allowed 2 electives out of 8 classes?
I'd like to think that most parently here are doing the right thing, but my post was meant to be more general. We recently had a thread about how little time parents actually spend talking to their kids, and in that thread there was discussion about how few families actually sit down and eat meals together. It is all tied into the same issue.
As far as education goes my approach is 2-fold. The first is to take care of what I can take care of. That's why my focus is on ensuring that my kids get the best education they can receive by being actively involved. The 2nd part is to push for education reform. We attend meetings of the local school board and deal with issues of ciriculum. On the state level we can try to elect secretaries of education who are more concerned with learning than with teaching to standardized tests. And at the federal level we can be frustrated and bang our heads against the wall, because nothing is going to help there. That's why I tend to start locally and move outward with most issues with which I'm dissatisfied, rather than start globally and work down. I can affect change today for things that effect me. I, unfortunately, can't do a thing today or tomorrow for little Timmy in Dirtprairie, Oklahoma. If enough successes are realized at local levels, changes get incorporated at state levels and people in different areas share success stories to be used elsewhere.
My point was not to defend teachers or the education system. My point was not to argue against change in substance or style. My point was simply that if you are dissatisfied right now you have the power and ability to do something about it right now. That's all.
Not a good state...South Carolina. And you could only choose one arts elective
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that the arts have soem classes, and probably would be great to have more. But no one needs classes to learn creativity, we just need to stop growing up too fast and remember to have fun.
Not too mention there are usually plenty of after school activities involving the arts...not too many that teach geometry or biology though.
I think creativity should be greatly focused on. We could use some ingenuity and originality in this country. We need to be having the breakthrough the ideas not buying them elsewhere.
The reason there are no biology or geometery after school programs is because no one is interested in them.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
How does one teach creativity? Isn't teaching undermining creativity? That's my question.
True about geometry, etc. the only Science most people are interested in after school is Anatomy.
Encourage creativity is a better way to word it. Let the individual child's talents and natural tendencies be a considerable part of their education. And don't tell them what is possible and what is not. Let them believe in themselves and reach for the stars.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Then I certainly can't be on board with your thinking. In fact, I say we remove all creativity from school immediately...at least not permit female participation in creative endeavors in school.
LOL! I walked right into that one. Forgot who I was talking to for a moment.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I've changed my mind. My wife and I have a little girl on the way...I am now back on board...eliminate math and science and only permit creative endeavors for girls. There shall be no more sex and drugs for females for the next 100 years...of course any female currently 18 years old or over is grandfathered (or grandmothered) out of the new policy.
There, a compromise. I'm a uniter.
I think schools in the US need to worry more about teaching foreign languages and about foreign cultures than creativity. But both are important. 1 breeds tolerance and better understanding, the other incourages risk taking and out-of-the box thinking that can lead to improvements.
Oh my, congratulations!!!! Pssst....she's gonna be liberal as all get out and it's gonna drive you insane!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Probably. It'll be very ironic if she is...but I'm not going to tell you why.
Anyhow, thanks. So long as she cares and thinks about her positions/beliefs, that's enough for me really. Though it will drive me a bit nuts. But, didn;t mean to hijack your thread.
They should definitely offer more choices besides French, which I took, and spanish. And at my school they did have the french and spanish clubs...they got to go on some pretty cool trips.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You'll make an amazing father.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Mine too...I went to France. But I mean starting much earlier when a kid can truly absorb the language with more ease. And learn multiple languages. Get them started very early learning how to learn differrent languages and understanding and accepting differrent cultures.
Yes, especially because they are so much more open to that kind of learning when they are very young.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
BAM! There it is!