wait a minute. here's our resident atheist trying to tell us that atheists have morals yet this is the way he talks to a lady?????
Ummm, what does it have to do with talking to ladies? Are you still so deluded that you maintain this stupid paradigm?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
You know, I'm going to agree with this point, onelongsong, in a general sense.
I have seen athiests, over and over, give themselves license to be unethical, crude, offensive, and to otherwise infringe on people, because they believe they are not held to a higher standard. In such cases, it seems such individuals believe they have moved beyond a "false" morality of church/God, and that they are free to do as they choose without consequences.
As you and I both know, onelongsong, unfortunately for those who deny Higher universal standards, those standards exist, nonetheless. And payback happens for those who willingly violate such standards. Maybe the payback is in a classless life, void of value and meaning. When people deny the cause and effect of their actions, and disconnect from natural law, then when they receive the effects of their causes, they throw their hands up and say "why me". They have disconnected themselves from their natural ability to perceive direct cause and effect in their lives. They think they've randomly suffered in life, rather than understanding the exact and perfect universal justice of cause and effect.
There is no natural law. It's simply that the herd of society moves one way and us "Atheists" move a different way. It doesn't make the herd right and it doesn't make us right, it just makes us different. But the herd wants to force it's morals and values on everyone. Those who stray are criminals and such.
Centuries ago, witchcraft was seen as one of the most immoral and heinous acts. Now it's kind of cool, kind of a fad, and certainly not considered immoral or criminal. What you think is moral is not what will be moral centuries from now. Women deserve no 'special' treatment.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
There are causes and effects for each thought, word and deed. Everything in the universe, on all levels, is finely synchronized.
It's simply that the herd of society moves one way and us "Atheists" move a different way. It doesn't make the herd right and it doesn't make us right, it just makes us different.
Regardless of what the Christian worldview sees, or what the athiest worldview sees, there remain consequences for each thought, word and deed that is finely synchronized with the universe. Some choices bring negative consequences, some bring positive consequences.
When an athiest believes they can do what they want, irrespective of the universal cause/effect dictates that surround them, well, they CAN do what they want, but they will live the consequence that poor thoughts, words or deeds bring them. They will also live the consequences that improved thoughts/words/deeds bring them. And likewise, they will live the consequences that healthy, positive thoughts/words/deeds bring to them. The universe reflects back to us, our choices made manifest. The athiest who is disconnected from this concept is blind, misled and lost. And they STILL reap what they sow. The universe does not judge this process. It just is what it is. All experience is valid. Even painful, blind and disconnected experience. When we realize that our causes create our actions, we can choose different causes and the universe will reflect back to us different choices made manifest.
Centuries ago, witchcraft was seen as one of the most immoral and heinous acts. Now it's kind of cool, kind of a fad, and certainly not considered immoral or criminal. What you think is moral is not what will be moral centuries from now. Women deserve no 'special' treatment.
You are talking about the relativism of views. I am talking about the absolute truth that lies beneath and supports such relativism.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You are talking about cause and effect. It's a chaotic system though. There is no way of accurately predicting the outcome 100% of any given choice. If you could, you would be the universe, and you are not. You are professing a knowledge no person can ever possibly obtain. The buddhists have been trying for millenia.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
You are talking about cause and effect. It's a chaotic system though. There is no way of accurately predicting the outcome 100% of any given choice. If you could, you would be the universe, and you are not. You are professing a knowledge no person can ever possibly obtain. The buddhists have been trying for millenia.
You cannot predict accurately objectively speaking in order to come up with an objective universal system to follow.
Yet, from the inside, when we connect with our lives, and get centered and are attuned to and conscious of our choices and what kinds of consequences we get for our choices of thought/word/deed, we can learn to improve. Once we see the magic of conscious improvement and the reflection through the universe of an improved life, we realize that the sky is virtually the limit in terms of earthly potential and personal power. If we don't become conscious of these variables in our lives, we live unconsciously, learning the hard way, feeling unempowered, throwing our hands up and saying "why me". That's why it's poetic justice for the cocky, arrogant athiest who is disrepsectful and irreverent and who believes their ego-vision of superiority over other people, the tribe and to life. The irony follows them wherever they go, with whatever they think, say and do, in terms of reflecting all around them.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You cannot predict accurately objectively speaking in order to come up with an objective universal system to follow.
Yet, from the inside, when we connect with our lives, and get centered and are attuned to and conscious of our choices and what kinds of consequences we get for our choices of thought/word/deed, we can learn to improve. Once we see the magic of conscious improvement and the reflection through the universe of an improved life, we realize that the sky is virtually the limit in terms of earthly potential and personal power. If we don't become conscious of these variables in our lives, we live unconsciously, learning the hard way, feeling unempowered, throwing our hands up and saying "why me". That's why it's poetic justice for the cocky, arrogant athiest who is disrepsectful and irreverent and who believes their ego-vision of superiority over other people, the tribe and to life. The irony follows them wherever they go, with whatever they think, say and do, in terms of reflecting all around them.
Are you posting from your yacht in the Carribean or are you full of shit?
Is this phenomena unique to atheists? I think not.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Is this phenomena unique to atheists? I think not.
Oh, it's definitely not unique to athiests. However some athiests believe they are outside the bounds of universal governance and cause and effects. And this thread is addressing whether athiests are moral or not.
Further, this particular aspect of the conversation was raised by onelongsong, and taken up by myself, regarding a specific example of self-entitlement that you, yourself, took, seeming oblivious to the fact that the universe reflects consequences all around you for all to see. We can see when you are acting petty, small and ignorant when you do so. While you deny it, you deny yourself the chance to also see this and to learn from it.
This is an example, I realize we all do this all the time to different degrees, depending on our own IN-sight and personal sense of empowerment, via universal law.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Oh, it's definitely not unique to athiests. However some athiests believe they are outside the bounds of universal governance and cause and effects. And this thread is addressing whether athiests are moral or not.
Further, this particular aspect of the conversation was raised by onelongsong, and taken up by myself, regarding a specific example of self-entitlement that you, yourself, took, seeming oblivious to the fact that the universe reflects consequences all around you for all to see. We can see when you are acting petty, small and ignorant when you do so. While you deny it, you deny yourself the chance to also see this and to learn from it.
This is an example, I realize we all do this all the time to different degrees, depending on our own IN-sight and personal sense of empowerment, via universal law.
Perhaps you are the ignorant one. Your opinion may grant you immediate gratification, something I care not about. My eyes are on the future. I've come to accept that many people-such as yourself-will persecute those who reason. I'm not out to impress anyone, I'm out to discover and speak truth.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Ummm, what does it have to do with talking to ladies? Are you still so deluded that you maintain this stupid paradigm?
I want to counter this, onelongsong, and publicly commend you for your support of decent treatment for women. I did so privately yesterday. Blessings to you for that.
With false "equality" paradigms that are currently being internalized by some, it's being overlooked that 70% of women are very emotionally sensitive, particularly relative to the majority of men. The majority of women are this way for valid evolutionary purposes. However when this is overlooked by false "sameness" paradigms, and people ignore these important differences, thusly giving themselves license to be demeaning and degrading to anyone, much less sensitive people, and when the result is infringement, that reflects very poorly on the person in question.
I thank you, onelongsong, for addressing this issue. Peace.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Perhaps you are the ignorant one. Your opinion may grant you immediate gratification, something I care not about. My eyes are on the future. I've come to accept that many people-such as yourself-will persecute those who reason. I'm not out to impress anyone, I'm out to discover and speak truth.
When you "justify" poor behaviour by saying your eyes are on the future, at the expense of what IS--reality--you show the faulty premises that create your imbalanced actions at this time.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I want to counter this, onelongsong, and publicly commend you for your support of decent treatment for women. I did so privately yesterday. Blessings to you for that.
With false "equality" paradigms that are currently being internalized by some, it's being overlooked that 70% of women are very emotionally sensitive, particularly relative to the majority of men. The majority of women are this way for valid evolutionary purposes. However when this is overlooked by false "sameness" paradigms, and people ignore these important differences, thusly giving themselves license to be demeaning and degrading to anyone, much less sensitive people, and when the result is infringement, that reflects very poorly on the person in question.
I thank you, onelongsong, for addressing this issue. Peace.
That's fine, but you simultaneously overlook the opposite effect of such claims.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
When you "justify" poor behaviour by saying your eyes are on the future, at the expense of what IS--reality--you show the faulty premises that create your imbalanced actions at this time.
Angelica. You talk so much shit. You are constantly on your soapbox, professing universal knowledge. Then you "project" this onto me. I'm really not interesting in hearing your analysis. Keep it to yourself.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Angelica. You talk so much shit. You are constantly on your soapbox, professing universal knowledge. Then you "project" this onto me. I'm really not interesting in hearing your analysis. Keep it to yourself.
If you can find fault with logic of what is universal, be my guest. You've been trying, and so far have not effectively countered any of this. As I say, the truth stands on it's own, no matter who supports it, or who detracts from it. I make a conscious effort to align with truth of all kinds, universal and subjective. I consciously make an effort to be expansive and inclusive in thought, rather than to be rejective, and to shut out thought. It does align me with truths. Anyone can choose that path. And conversely, one can choose to dealign by closing down, rejecting views of others, and by aligning with their worldview, only. The causes and effects speak to themselves.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
If you can find fault with logic of what is universal, be my guest. You've been trying, and so far have not effectively countered any of this. As I say, the truth stands on it's own, no matter who supports it, or who detracts from it. I make a conscious effort to align with truth of all kinds, universal and subjective. I consciously make an effort to be expansive and inclusive in thought, rather than to be rejective, and to shut out thought. It does align me with truths. Anyone can choose that path. And conversely, one can choose to dealign by closing down, rejecting views of others, and by aligning with their worldview, only. The causes and effects speak to themselves.
Everyone thinks they have the truth and everyone's truths are different. I'm not about to go around trying to disprove all these false claims to truth. When you have "Proven" your truths then we can talk, but all you do is talk, you don't provide any evidence for your claims. You don't even make articulate claims, you just profess to have truth.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Everyone thinks they have the truth and everyone's truths are different. I'm not about to go around trying to disprove all these false claims to truth. When you have "Proven" your truths then we can talk, but all you do is talk, you don't provide any evidence for your claims. You don't even make articulate claims, you just profess to have truth.
Truth stands brilliantly as it IS all around each and every one of us, independent of our ideas about Truth. Those who are seeking to find the truths and who are aligned to truth will see that they are right before our eyes. When we are willing to see, we will.
No amount of presentation will over-ride the blindness of another, because in terms of truths, the personal will is paramount. It cannot be over-ridden. As it should be.
Again, if we choose to shut down, reject, cut the world in right/wrong, what is universal and connected to everything, will reflect our beliefs for us into our lives. And when we seek to be honest, fair, truthful, inclusive, understanding and universally knowledgeable, the universe will reflect that around us.
We reveal our heart's choices all the time, for anyone to see.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Truth stands brilliantly as it IS all around each and every one of us, independent of our ideas about Truth. Those who are seeking to find the truths and who are aligned to truth will see that they are right before our eyes. When we are willing to see, we will.
No amount of presentation will over-ride the blindness of another, because in terms of truths, the personal will is paramount. It cannot be over-ridden. As it should be.
Again, if we choose to shut down, reject, cut the world in right/wrong, what is universal and connected to everything, will reflect our beliefs for us into our lives. And when we seek to be honest, fair, truthful, inclusive, understanding and universally knowledgeable, the universe will reflect that around us.
We reveal our heart's choices all the time, for anyone to see.
Your perseveration always amazes me. You've said the same thing repeatedly and I've disagreed repeatedly. Care to go at it one more time?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Religious people just don't understand what it is like to live with the mentality of a breathing, eating, shitting organism. They want their own fairy tale life to end with a beautiful afterlife, a sense of significance. It also seems to work the other way around. "I can kill cuz in god I trust," as Eddie says it. The question should be asked in return. What keeps YOU from killing someone, if god forgives you for any sin you commit?
The movie ran through me
The glamour subdued me
The tabloid untie me
I'm empty please fill me
Mister anchor assure me
That Baghdad is burning
Your voice it is so soothing
That cunning mantra of killing
I'm concerned with truth. Disagreement is irrelevent to me.
Your inaccuracies are providing a vehicle for such truths to arise.
If you want to put a stop to me, stop being inaccurate.
I'm not being inaccurate.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
wait a minute. here's our resident atheist trying to tell us that atheists have morals yet this is the way he talks to a lady?????
Well I think this is the way he talks to everyone a lot of the time. So I'm not so sure that it's got anything to do with angel being a girl.
I do love that about you. That you speak respectfully to women who speak respectfully to you, actually even to some that don't. And that you don't engage in bullying.
wait a minute. here's our resident atheist trying to tell us that atheists have morals yet this is the way he talks to a lady?????
Not that it excuses Ahnimus in any way...but you've said some fucked up shit to me to me in the 9/11 threads. It has nothing to do with sex...it has everything to do with allowing yourself to disrespect someone you disagree with.
edit...minus the ing
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You know, I'm going to agree with this point, onelongsong, in a general sense.
I have seen athiests, over and over, give themselves license to be unethical, crude, offensive, and to otherwise infringe on people, because they believe they are not held to a higher standard. In such cases, it seems such individuals believe they have moved beyond a "false" morality of church/God, and that they are free to do as they choose without consequences.
As you and I both know, onelongsong, unfortunately for those who deny Higher universal standards, those standards exist, nonetheless. And payback happens for those who willingly violate such standards. Maybe the payback is in a classless life, void of value and meaning. When people deny the cause and effect of their actions, and disconnect from natural law, then when they receive the effects of their causes, they throw their hands up and say "why me". They have disconnected themselves from their natural ability to perceive direct cause and effect in their lives. They think they've randomly suffered in life, rather than understanding the exact and perfect universal justice of cause and effect.
Sorry angel, couple of things gave me pause here.
Firstly are you saying that because people are athiests they behave this way?
Because I would say that all of the behaviours in the first paragraph are just as applicable to the faithful in given circumstances. I think people engage in these behaviours because that is where they are in their lives. I don't think they are always behaving this way, or will always behave this way, they just are at the particular time of the incident. Consequences happen. To athiests, to the faithful, to everyone. Actions cause consequences. And actions are changing all the time. As is intention.
Ok and secondly, people do suffer randomly in life. Life is random. So I think it's perfectly understandable for people to wonder "why me?" Sometimes bad things happen to good people, for no reason at all other than they were in the wrong place at the wrong time or just because. I agree there are things that people have control over and that many times during a life you will not see how your actions can have consequences. But I also believe that random awful things do happen to people not because of anything they've done or not done, just because "shit happens". Never forget the universal law, "shit happens".
Respect is an assumption of good faith and competence in another person or in the whole of oneself. Depth of integrity, trust, complementary moral values, and skill are necessary components.
Ok, well she does have integrity, I do trust her, but her moral values are totally obscure and we don't share the same skills, in-fact I'm not sure what her skills are, except negative arguments, which I have little "respect" for.
I think respect is one of those verbs where, you must also give respect and not just expect to receive it. So I'm curious why my disrespect, if we call it that, is any different from the disrespect I receive.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Ok, well she does have integrity, I do trust her, but her moral values are totally obscure and we don't share the same skills, in-fact I'm not sure what her skills are, except negative arguments, which I have little "respect" for.
I think respect is one of those verbs where, you must also give respect and not just expect to receive it. So I'm curious why my disrespect, if we call it that, is any different from the disrespect I receive.
You act rude and aggressive.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ok, well she does have integrity, I do trust her, but her moral values are totally obscure and we don't share the same skills, in-fact I'm not sure what her skills are, except negative arguments, which I have little "respect" for.
I think respect is one of those verbs where, you must also give respect and not just expect to receive it. So I'm curious why my disrespect, if we call it that, is any different from the disrespect I receive.
Ok, well as far as I can see regardless of respect or disrespect at some point one has to look at their own behaviour and see what it is that they are contributing to the negativity of a situation or conversation. If a person doesn't care about how they are being percieved, or about the feelings and opinions of the other person then they can continue on their merry way with the behaviour they have been employing and see how that works for them.
But there's no point wondering why people "disrespect" you (I mean everyone) or your opinions if you aren't first willing to examine your own behaviour and understand how those behaviours are affecting someone else.
And at some point if you do see the other persons point of view, or you acknowledge that you welcome them into your life, then concessions need to be made, clarification, communication. May be that you still don't agree but that the particular individual is important to you in other ways. That's interaction.
I'm not having a go at you Ahnimus, but I can only speak to my own experience with you. I have found you to be condescending, disinterested, self absorbed, downright mean and hurtful to me during our interactions. Not always, and certainly there have been times when I have agreed with you or even when I haven't that you have been a pleasure to discuss things with. However, because I can never predict how you are going to be, I mostly don't engage you unless I am feeling strong enough to handle the "consequences" of doing so. Now I realize before I submit this that you will probably get angry and have a go at me. I'm not saying that at any point my attempts at discussion with you have been the perfect execution of discussion techniques. I've been rude to you and I've been angry and dismissive. Mostly in response. Not that that excuses it.
Seems to me that you are like an echidna, mostly prickles and nasty sting developed to protect the too soft underbelly. I like echidnas but I rarely, if ever attempt to pick one up, unless it needs to be saved from getting run over on the road, in which case a thick blanket needs to be thrown over it in order to pick it up and move it along, back to its natural habitat.
You'll probably tell me I'm nuts with that analogy, but I've come to expect nothing less from you. Somewhat disappointing but my truth.
Not that it excuses Ahnimus in any way...but you've said some fucked up shit to me to me in the 9/11 threads. It has nothing to do with sex...it has everything to do with allowing yourself to disrespect someone you disagree with.
edit...minus the ing
Hope he fixes that with you somehow abook. That regardless of opposing views that you are both able to communicate more pleasantly with each other in the future.
It's important to me, because you are one of my girlie posse.
It's hilarious that you guys think that way. Recently I was accused of being a sadist and an enabler of child-abuse that surrounds myself by satanism. The furthest-well, maybe not the furthest-from the truth.
Have you seen my youtube videos? Body language and tone make up some 80% of communication.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Ummm, what does it have to do with talking to ladies? Are you still so deluded that you maintain this stupid paradigm?
There is no natural law. It's simply that the herd of society moves one way and us "Atheists" move a different way. It doesn't make the herd right and it doesn't make us right, it just makes us different. But the herd wants to force it's morals and values on everyone. Those who stray are criminals and such.
Centuries ago, witchcraft was seen as one of the most immoral and heinous acts. Now it's kind of cool, kind of a fad, and certainly not considered immoral or criminal. What you think is moral is not what will be moral centuries from now. Women deserve no 'special' treatment.
Regardless of what the Christian worldview sees, or what the athiest worldview sees, there remain consequences for each thought, word and deed that is finely synchronized with the universe. Some choices bring negative consequences, some bring positive consequences.
When an athiest believes they can do what they want, irrespective of the universal cause/effect dictates that surround them, well, they CAN do what they want, but they will live the consequence that poor thoughts, words or deeds bring them. They will also live the consequences that improved thoughts/words/deeds bring them. And likewise, they will live the consequences that healthy, positive thoughts/words/deeds bring to them. The universe reflects back to us, our choices made manifest. The athiest who is disconnected from this concept is blind, misled and lost. And they STILL reap what they sow. The universe does not judge this process. It just is what it is. All experience is valid. Even painful, blind and disconnected experience. When we realize that our causes create our actions, we can choose different causes and the universe will reflect back to us different choices made manifest.
You are talking about the relativism of views. I am talking about the absolute truth that lies beneath and supports such relativism.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yet, from the inside, when we connect with our lives, and get centered and are attuned to and conscious of our choices and what kinds of consequences we get for our choices of thought/word/deed, we can learn to improve. Once we see the magic of conscious improvement and the reflection through the universe of an improved life, we realize that the sky is virtually the limit in terms of earthly potential and personal power. If we don't become conscious of these variables in our lives, we live unconsciously, learning the hard way, feeling unempowered, throwing our hands up and saying "why me". That's why it's poetic justice for the cocky, arrogant athiest who is disrepsectful and irreverent and who believes their ego-vision of superiority over other people, the tribe and to life. The irony follows them wherever they go, with whatever they think, say and do, in terms of reflecting all around them.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Are you posting from your yacht in the Carribean or are you full of shit?
Is this phenomena unique to atheists? I think not.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Further, this particular aspect of the conversation was raised by onelongsong, and taken up by myself, regarding a specific example of self-entitlement that you, yourself, took, seeming oblivious to the fact that the universe reflects consequences all around you for all to see. We can see when you are acting petty, small and ignorant when you do so. While you deny it, you deny yourself the chance to also see this and to learn from it.
This is an example, I realize we all do this all the time to different degrees, depending on our own IN-sight and personal sense of empowerment, via universal law.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Perhaps you are the ignorant one. Your opinion may grant you immediate gratification, something I care not about. My eyes are on the future. I've come to accept that many people-such as yourself-will persecute those who reason. I'm not out to impress anyone, I'm out to discover and speak truth.
With false "equality" paradigms that are currently being internalized by some, it's being overlooked that 70% of women are very emotionally sensitive, particularly relative to the majority of men. The majority of women are this way for valid evolutionary purposes. However when this is overlooked by false "sameness" paradigms, and people ignore these important differences, thusly giving themselves license to be demeaning and degrading to anyone, much less sensitive people, and when the result is infringement, that reflects very poorly on the person in question.
I thank you, onelongsong, for addressing this issue.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
That's fine, but you simultaneously overlook the opposite effect of such claims.
Angelica. You talk so much shit. You are constantly on your soapbox, professing universal knowledge. Then you "project" this onto me. I'm really not interesting in hearing your analysis. Keep it to yourself.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Everyone thinks they have the truth and everyone's truths are different. I'm not about to go around trying to disprove all these false claims to truth. When you have "Proven" your truths then we can talk, but all you do is talk, you don't provide any evidence for your claims. You don't even make articulate claims, you just profess to have truth.
No amount of presentation will over-ride the blindness of another, because in terms of truths, the personal will is paramount. It cannot be over-ridden. As it should be.
Again, if we choose to shut down, reject, cut the world in right/wrong, what is universal and connected to everything, will reflect our beliefs for us into our lives. And when we seek to be honest, fair, truthful, inclusive, understanding and universally knowledgeable, the universe will reflect that around us.
We reveal our heart's choices all the time, for anyone to see.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Your perseveration always amazes me. You've said the same thing repeatedly and I've disagreed repeatedly. Care to go at it one more time?
Your inaccuracies are providing a vehicle for such truths to arise.
If you want to put a stop to me, stop being inaccurate.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
The glamour subdued me
The tabloid untie me
I'm empty please fill me
Mister anchor assure me
That Baghdad is burning
Your voice it is so soothing
That cunning mantra of killing
I'm not being inaccurate.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yes ols, I remember! :rolleyes: Why do you think I've been trying so hard to get a copy of it?
Sheesh!! I ate "raw" buffalo, remember???!!!!
Can't imagine anyone actually being able to ride one! :eek:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well I think this is the way he talks to everyone a lot of the time. So I'm not so sure that it's got anything to do with angel being a girl.
I do love that about you. That you speak respectfully to women who speak respectfully to you, actually even to some that don't. And that you don't engage in bullying.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Not that it excuses Ahnimus in any way...but you've said some fucked up shit to me to me in the 9/11 threads. It has nothing to do with sex...it has everything to do with allowing yourself to disrespect someone you disagree with.
edit...minus the ing
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Sorry angel, couple of things gave me pause here.
Firstly are you saying that because people are athiests they behave this way?
Because I would say that all of the behaviours in the first paragraph are just as applicable to the faithful in given circumstances. I think people engage in these behaviours because that is where they are in their lives. I don't think they are always behaving this way, or will always behave this way, they just are at the particular time of the incident. Consequences happen. To athiests, to the faithful, to everyone. Actions cause consequences. And actions are changing all the time. As is intention.
Ok and secondly, people do suffer randomly in life. Life is random. So I think it's perfectly understandable for people to wonder "why me?" Sometimes bad things happen to good people, for no reason at all other than they were in the wrong place at the wrong time or just because. I agree there are things that people have control over and that many times during a life you will not see how your actions can have consequences. But I also believe that random awful things do happen to people not because of anything they've done or not done, just because "shit happens". Never forget the universal law, "shit happens".
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Ok, well she does have integrity, I do trust her, but her moral values are totally obscure and we don't share the same skills, in-fact I'm not sure what her skills are, except negative arguments, which I have little "respect" for.
I think respect is one of those verbs where, you must also give respect and not just expect to receive it. So I'm curious why my disrespect, if we call it that, is any different from the disrespect I receive.
You act rude and aggressive.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ok, well as far as I can see regardless of respect or disrespect at some point one has to look at their own behaviour and see what it is that they are contributing to the negativity of a situation or conversation. If a person doesn't care about how they are being percieved, or about the feelings and opinions of the other person then they can continue on their merry way with the behaviour they have been employing and see how that works for them.
But there's no point wondering why people "disrespect" you (I mean everyone) or your opinions if you aren't first willing to examine your own behaviour and understand how those behaviours are affecting someone else.
And at some point if you do see the other persons point of view, or you acknowledge that you welcome them into your life, then concessions need to be made, clarification, communication. May be that you still don't agree but that the particular individual is important to you in other ways. That's interaction.
I'm not having a go at you Ahnimus, but I can only speak to my own experience with you. I have found you to be condescending, disinterested, self absorbed, downright mean and hurtful to me during our interactions. Not always, and certainly there have been times when I have agreed with you or even when I haven't that you have been a pleasure to discuss things with. However, because I can never predict how you are going to be, I mostly don't engage you unless I am feeling strong enough to handle the "consequences" of doing so. Now I realize before I submit this that you will probably get angry and have a go at me. I'm not saying that at any point my attempts at discussion with you have been the perfect execution of discussion techniques. I've been rude to you and I've been angry and dismissive. Mostly in response. Not that that excuses it.
Seems to me that you are like an echidna, mostly prickles and nasty sting developed to protect the too soft underbelly. I like echidnas but I rarely, if ever attempt to pick one up, unless it needs to be saved from getting run over on the road, in which case a thick blanket needs to be thrown over it in order to pick it up and move it along, back to its natural habitat.
You'll probably tell me I'm nuts with that analogy, but I've come to expect nothing less from you. Somewhat disappointing but my truth.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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The currents will shift
Hope he fixes that with you somehow abook. That regardless of opposing views that you are both able to communicate more pleasantly with each other in the future.
It's important to me, because you are one of my girlie posse.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Have you seen my youtube videos? Body language and tone make up some 80% of communication.