I love to learn from others too. I agree about loving thoughts and energy. It allows me that buffer so that I keep my own environment and thought/space harmonious and peaceful. Yeah, I get the negativity too, and use it as a way to practice cleansing the conflict in my world.
"But with an atheist, what stops them from killing another person?Or stealing? They don't have morals. Why would they?"
One of the most ridiculous, ignorant, and unfounded comments I've had the unfortunate luck to be around and hear.
Has any other atheist around here had their morals questioned with this argument? Why do people come up with this shit? And how can they really believe that?
Yes. I have. And I adopt the shamozzle and confuse technique.
I know I have morals, and I know that I'm a good person. And most likely,so is the person standing in front of me making the statements I don't agree with. But I'm secure enough in who I am not to care. So I usually just smile, make a joke, change the subject and move on. I figure they are possibly tired, unaware of how hurtful or judgemental their comments are and probably have something else entirely going on in their lives. Let's face it why else would they even have considered this shit let alone actually level it at someone? So I guess vedderlution, my only suggestion is, decide if you value the opinion of the person making these statements to you, and if you do then ask them to stop and then just move on. If you don't care about the person or their opinion then just move on, clearly they are misguided.
Ok! Deal!!
But we can watch Dances with Wolves too, right?
I mean, you're the only other person I want to watch it with........well besides................;)
just do not distract me from the perving i'll be doing.
That WILL be so much fun!! *starts meditating to the powers of the universe for airfare*
:( ( I LOVE Dances With Wolves too! )
Well funnily enough angel, I just happen to have it here!!!
Went hunting all over the country for it a few weeks ago and discovered it on a shelf at my grans!
Ironic given how much searching I did!!!
It's been a long standing date for me and cate to watch it together and I also have a date to watch it with OLS when I'm closer to your side of the world girl. So I figure you can join me to watch it here or you can join me to watch it there! Either way, you are most welcome to watch it with me!
Well funnily enough angel, I just happen to have it here!!!
Went hunting all over the country for it a few weeks ago and discovered it on a shelf at my grans!
Ironic given how much searching I did!!!
It's been a long standing date for me and cate to watch it together and I also have a date to watch it with OLS when I'm closer to your side of the world girl. So I figure you can join me to watch it here or you can join me to watch it there! Either way, you are most welcome to watch it with me!
OH! And hurry up with the meditating!!!
Wow, that's cool synchronicity that you were looking so much for it, and it turned up at your gran's!
I was so annoyed to find that my video stores don't have it. I so loved Kevin Costner's Academy Award winner's speech as director of the movie--when he mentioned all the people in high school who said he'd never amount to anything. It's an awesome movie. (I used to very much love Kevin Costner...due to that movie and Field of Dreams)
*still meditating...*
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Wow, that's cool synchronicity that you were looking so much for it, and it turned up at your gran's!
I was so annoyed to find that my video stores don't have it. I so loved Kevin Costner's Academy Award winner's speech as director of the movie--when he mentioned all the people in high school who said he'd never amount to anything. It's an awesome movie. (I used to very much love Kevin Costner...due to that movie and Field of Dreams)
*still meditating...*
hehe!! Actually it was pretty bloody funny to be honest!!
I'd been asking at all the video stores and my brother and sister in law too and I'd just got back from a fruitless expedition and I plonked down on Nan's couch and said jokingly,"Don't s'pose you've got Dances With Wolves?" and Nan, quick as a whip (which is hysterical given her appalling memory sometimes, a trait she's passed on to me and one we are always kidding each other about) says,"yes! now hang on while I find it!" and then pulls it from the shelf and hands it over!! My brother, S-I-L and I still have a giggle about it! Not to mention me and Nan!! It's the buffaloes I'm after of course!
Although we can add Field of Dreams to the viewing list for our slumber party!! I love that movie!! "If you build it they will come."
hehe!! Actually it was pretty bloody funny to be honest!!
I'd been asking at all the video stores and my brother and sister in law too and I'd just got back from a fruitless expedition and I plonked down on Nan's couch and said jokingly,"Don't s'pose you've got Dances With Wolves?" and Nan, quick as a whip (which is hysterical given her appalling memory sometimes, a trait she's passed on to me and one we are always kidding each other about) says,"yes! now hang on while I find it!" and then pulls it from the shelf and hands it over!! My brother, S-I-L and I still have a giggle about it! Not to mention me and Nan!! It's the buffaloes I'm after of course!
Although we can add Field of Dreams to the viewing list for our slumber party!! I love that movie!! "If you build it they will come."
now get your mind back on the meditating!
The buffalo! Right! I was wondering what the OLS connection was!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
at the end of dances with wolves when wind in his hair is standing atop that cliff yelling out as dunbar and stands with a fist are leaving. that scene makes me a little teary.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
at the end of dances with wolves when wind in his hair is standing atop that cliff yelling out as dunbar and stands with a fist are leaving. that scene makes me a little teary.
To be honest it's been so long since I've seen it, that I only remember sobbing like a baby at the end of it, but can't recall why!!!
at the end of dances with wolves when wind in his hair is standing atop that cliff yelling out as dunbar and stands with a fist are leaving. that scene makes me a little teary.
It is a moving scene.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
"But with an atheist, what stops them from killing another person?Or stealing? They don't have morals. Why would they?"
One of the most ridiculous, ignorant, and unfounded comments I've had the unfortunate luck to be around and hear.
Has any other atheist around here had their morals questioned with this argument? Why do people come up with this shit? And how can they really believe that?
Yes, I've been confronted with something like that. My response is, "So you mean to say that if you weren't afraid of going to hell, you'd be killing and stealing? Why on earth would you want to steal from people and kill them?"
If the other person is clever, (S)he will say, "I'm not afraid of going to hell. I am only inspired by the love of god."
i think that is because of its depiction of the love one man has for another. these two men that seemed so oppositional at the beginning could grow to become so respectful of each other. and to have that respect morph into love.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i think that is because of its depiction of the love one man has for another. these two men that seemed so oppositional at the beginning could grow to become so respectful of each other. and to have that respect morph into love.
now wouldn't that be a marvelous thing if you could bottle it?
opposites learning to grow and be respectful of each other?
actually learning to love one another?
and how interesting that the thread has finally come back to this?
would be so much better for vedderlution and everyone, if we could learn to understand our differences and embrace them and be respectful of each other regardless.
i think that is because of its depiction of the love one man has for another. these two men that seemed so oppositional at the beginning could grow to become so respectful of each other. and to have that respect morph into love.
Yes, I agree with your characterization. (I LOVE that movie! *tear* )
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
hehe!! Actually it was pretty bloody funny to be honest!!
I'd been asking at all the video stores and my brother and sister in law too and I'd just got back from a fruitless expedition and I plonked down on Nan's couch and said jokingly,"Don't s'pose you've got Dances With Wolves?" and Nan, quick as a whip (which is hysterical given her appalling memory sometimes, a trait she's passed on to me and one we are always kidding each other about) says,"yes! now hang on while I find it!" and then pulls it from the shelf and hands it over!! My brother, S-I-L and I still have a giggle about it! Not to mention me and Nan!! It's the buffaloes I'm after of course!
Although we can add Field of Dreams to the viewing list for our slumber party!! I love that movie!! "If you build it they will come."
now get your mind back on the meditating!
my buffalo were in the movie. except the bull that ran at the kid. he's owned by a bloke in Mn that takes him around the country and even rides him.
Yea, that's right, go back to meditating Angelica. You are learning a lot more from it than I am from reading. I've just wasted my time reading all this research and stuff other people have wasted their lives on. You have all the fucking answers from a few hundred hours of meditation.
wait a minute. here's our resident atheist trying to tell us that atheists have morals yet this is the way he talks to a lady?????
wait a minute. here's our resident atheist trying to tell us that atheists have morals yet this is the way he talks to a lady?????
You know, I'm going to agree with this point, onelongsong, in a general sense.
I have seen athiests, over and over, give themselves license to be unethical, crude, offensive, and to otherwise infringe on people, because they believe they are not held to a higher standard. In such cases, it seems such individuals believe they have moved beyond a "false" morality of church/God, and that they are free to do as they choose without consequences.
As you and I both know, onelongsong, unfortunately for those who deny Higher universal standards, those standards exist, nonetheless. And payback happens for those who willingly violate such standards. Maybe the payback is in a classless life, void of value and meaning. When people deny the cause and effect of their actions, and disconnect from natural law, then when they receive the effects of their causes, they throw their hands up and say "why me". They have disconnected themselves from their natural ability to perceive direct cause and effect in their lives. They think they've randomly suffered in life, rather than understanding the exact and perfect universal justice of cause and effect.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You still humming???
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
If you think so, but ironically, ditto love!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
actually it's more like belting it out now. she came in through the bathroom window.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You rock girl!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yes. I have. And I adopt the shamozzle and confuse technique.
I know I have morals, and I know that I'm a good person. And most likely,so is the person standing in front of me making the statements I don't agree with. But I'm secure enough in who I am not to care. So I usually just smile, make a joke, change the subject and move on. I figure they are possibly tired, unaware of how hurtful or judgemental their comments are and probably have something else entirely going on in their lives. Let's face it why else would they even have considered this shit let alone actually level it at someone? So I guess vedderlution, my only suggestion is, decide if you value the opinion of the person making these statements to you, and if you do then ask them to stop and then just move on. If you don't care about the person or their opinion then just move on, clearly they are misguided.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Awesome!!! Bit of singing is VERY good for the immune system!!
Releases endorphins!
Would you believe I'm listening to/watching Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero??
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
you jeanie? listening to some crap song from the 80s? no i'd never believe that of you. :rolleyes:
ps. i saw footloose at the cinema 12 times.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Would you believe I've never seen Footloose?
I've seen bits of it, maybe an hour tops. But never the whole film.
Guess if things don't interest me, I just turn off. Bit like moralizers, don't agree with me about God and morals?......eh.....oh well!! :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
OMG!!! thats it jeanie
next time i'm in gotham, you me footloose and popcorn.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Ok! Deal!!
But we can watch Dances with Wolves too, right?
I mean, you're the only other person I want to watch it with........well besides................;)
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Best you be joining us on the couch then angel!!
Shift up a little cate, let angel squeeze in.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
just do not distract me from the perving i'll be doing.
you are invited. you'll have to pay your own airfare though.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
:( ( I LOVE Dances With Wolves too! )
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Oh I won't!! Figure watching it with you is the only time I'll actually be paying attention to it!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well funnily enough angel, I just happen to have it here!!!
Went hunting all over the country for it a few weeks ago and discovered it on a shelf at my grans!
Ironic given how much searching I did!!!
It's been a long standing date for me and cate to watch it together and I also have a date to watch it with OLS when I'm closer to your side of the world girl. So I figure you can join me to watch it here or you can join me to watch it there! Either way, you are most welcome to watch it with me!
OH! And hurry up with the meditating!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I was so annoyed to find that my video stores don't have it. I so loved Kevin Costner's Academy Award winner's speech as director of the movie--when he mentioned all the people in high school who said he'd never amount to anything.
*still meditating...*
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
hehe!! Actually it was pretty bloody funny to be honest!!
I'd been asking at all the video stores and my brother and sister in law too and I'd just got back from a fruitless expedition and I plonked down on Nan's couch and said jokingly,"Don't s'pose you've got Dances With Wolves?" and Nan, quick as a whip (which is hysterical given her appalling memory sometimes, a trait she's passed on to me and one we are always kidding each other about) says,"yes! now hang on while I find it!" and then pulls it from the shelf and hands it over!! My brother, S-I-L and I still have a giggle about it! Not to mention me and Nan!! It's the buffaloes I'm after of course!
Although we can add Field of Dreams to the viewing list for our slumber party!!
now get your mind back on the meditating!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Good grief girl!! How could you miss that???
aah very nice......whatever thoughts break your focus, just acknowledge them and then return to the breath.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
To be honest it's been so long since I've seen it, that I only remember sobbing like a baby at the end of it, but can't recall why!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yes, I've been confronted with something like that. My response is, "So you mean to say that if you weren't afraid of going to hell, you'd be killing and stealing? Why on earth would you want to steal from people and kill them?"
If the other person is clever, (S)he will say, "I'm not afraid of going to hell. I am only inspired by the love of god."
My response is, "You don't fear god's wrath?"
i think that is because of its depiction of the love one man has for another. these two men that seemed so oppositional at the beginning could grow to become so respectful of each other. and to have that respect morph into love.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
now wouldn't that be a marvelous thing if you could bottle it?
opposites learning to grow and be respectful of each other?
actually learning to love one another?
and how interesting that the thread has finally come back to this?
would be so much better for vedderlution and everyone, if we could learn to understand our differences and embrace them and be respectful of each other regardless.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
my buffalo were in the movie. except the bull that ran at the kid. he's owned by a bloke in Mn that takes him around the country and even rides him.
wait a minute. here's our resident atheist trying to tell us that atheists have morals yet this is the way he talks to a lady?????
I have seen athiests, over and over, give themselves license to be unethical, crude, offensive, and to otherwise infringe on people, because they believe they are not held to a higher standard. In such cases, it seems such individuals believe they have moved beyond a "false" morality of church/God, and that they are free to do as they choose without consequences.
As you and I both know, onelongsong, unfortunately for those who deny Higher universal standards, those standards exist, nonetheless. And payback happens for those who willingly violate such standards. Maybe the payback is in a classless life, void of value and meaning. When people deny the cause and effect of their actions, and disconnect from natural law, then when they receive the effects of their causes, they throw their hands up and say "why me". They have disconnected themselves from their natural ability to perceive direct cause and effect in their lives. They think they've randomly suffered in life, rather than understanding the exact and perfect universal justice of cause and effect.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!