fire melts steel. 9/11 conspiracy theorists?



  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    If you go out of your way to make something come across so overly simplistic of course it will sound stupid.

    then how is it not simplistic? i can read whatever i want into everything. for example; i could say that you and a few others are part of a subversive group and keep bringing these claims to light in order to cause discontent among americans. i can make a good argument for this by posting several of your posts where your own words can and would confirm this.
    so here we have another conspiracy.
  • then how is it not simplistic? i can read whatever i want into everything. for example; i could say that you and a few others are part of a subversive group and keep bringing these claims to light in order to cause discontent among americans. i can make a good argument for this by posting several of your posts where your own words can and would confirm this.
    so here we have another conspiracy.

    It's not that simplistic because no one knows exactly for sure who or what was involved leading up to the events of that day. The official theory could be broken down into the same oversimplified gloss over...which to me sounds much more idiotic to believe. You can believe what you wish and often I make think it sounds rather stupid...but I'll keep that to myself and argue about the parts I disagree with.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • chopitdown wrote:
    you should hear how it sounds when it's overly complicated ;)

    either or with anything and you'll get the same results.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • SpecificsSpecifics Posts: 417
    if anyone really felt that the government was attacking its own people; they'd be gathering up the arms and ammo. this senario is why we have the second amendment.

    Why? so you can shoot yourself before the A10's arrive or sf slit your throat?

    then we do everything in our power to kill bin laden and his entire organization. does anyone see the stupidity in this?

    Yes i see the stupidity in that. If they wanted to kill Bin Laden they would have put the effort in that stupid people think they did/are, by going into Tora-Bora when they thought he was there, instead of a couple weeks later, or questioning family members instead of letting them fly straight after the event, or letting trained soldiers like the Brits or Israelis go after him instead of the Gung-Ho Nazi's etc etc.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Specifics wrote:
    Why? so you can shoot yourself before the A10's arrive or sf slit your throat?

    many of you live in a plastic world not realizing that the citizens of the us will protect it. about 50 million people willing to be called to protect the constitution and fight against a bad government.
    Specifics wrote:
    Yes i see the stupidity in that. If they wanted to kill Bin Laden they would have put the effort in that stupid people think they did/are, by going into Tora-Bora when they thought he was there, instead of a couple weeks later, or questioning family members instead of letting them fly straight after the event, or letting trained soldiers like the Brits or Israelis go after him instead of the Gung-Ho Nazi's etc etc.

    but they did take out his government and caused him to go into hiding. if he's alive; he's living like an animal. i see that as worse than death. removing his agents from all points around the world also hurts him. we can't change that some would shelter him and not allow us to persue him; but the bounty is on his head and if alive; someone will eventually find him.
  • SpecificsSpecifics Posts: 417
    many of you live in a plastic world not realizing that the citizens of the us will protect it. about 50 million people willing to be called to protect the constitution and fight against a bad government.

    many of you live in a happy little pack, happy to back-slap and take the biscuit offered and go fetch the slippers, not realizing that its those that question and question again that keep them from tearing the constitution into crappy little pieces and mixing it in your feed bowl.

    but they did take out his government and caused him to go into hiding. if he's alive; he's living like an animal. i see that as worse than death. removing his agents from all points around the world also hurts him. we can't change that some would shelter him and not allow us to persue him; but the bounty is on his head and if alive; someone will eventually find him.

    he never had a government and i prefer the way animals live to the way most americans live, Bin Ladens very probably not living like an animal tho. The test was if you could actually come up with the most feasible argument to counter my point, you failed, i'll give you another try to practice your logic. It's "simple".
  • Staceb10Staceb10 Posts: 675
    What's hard for some to understand is that they think we're all trying to bring the 'Evil Bush Empire' down by simply discussing this topic.

    I can see that too. Contrary to what you may think or how it can seem, I'm not against the questions or wanting answers to them. There are always going to be extremes on both ends unfortunately. I'm not as "pro-Bush" as you think ;)
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,107
    Staceb10 wrote:
    I can see that too. Contrary to what you may think or how it can seem, I'm not against the questions or wanting answers to them. There are always going to be extremes on both ends unfortunately. I'm not as "pro-Bush" as you think ;)

    At some point you and a lot of us were (myself included).
  • MakingWavesMakingWaves Posts: 1,293
    What's hard for some to understand is that they think we're all trying to bring the 'Evil Bush Empire' down by simply discussing this topic.

    Just me personally, I get frustruted because I believe there are answers to all the questions brought up but people ignore them if it is not what they want to hear. This bridge collapsing is a perfect example in my opinion. It was brought up numerous times that fire couldn't melt steel or weaken it causing it to collapse while other people said it was very possible and did happen. Well now we see it can happen and people just ignore this and say,"Well this was different."
    I don't mind people asking questions but when there is a logical explanation backed up by science and experts I think that makes a very good answer.
    Seeing visions of falling up somehow.

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  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Just me personally, I get frustruted because I believe there are answers to all the questions brought up but people ignore them if it is not what they want to hear. This bridge collapsing is a perfect example in my opinion. It was brought up numerous times that fire couldn't melt steel or weaken it causing it to collapse while other people said it was very possible and did happen. Well now we see it can happen and people just ignore this and say,"Well this was different."
    I don't mind people asking questions but when there is a logical explanation backed up by science and experts I think that makes a very good answer.

    This is true. I'm still waiting for charger69 to acknowledge that I addressed a question he asked about 20 times. Guess he didn't really want an answer !!!!!!!
    Music is not a competetion.
  • 69charger69charger Posts: 1,045
    This is true. I'm still waiting for charger69 to acknowledge that I addressed a question he asked about 20 times. Guess he didn't really want an answer !!!!!!!

    I wanted an answer from the folks who think there is not rational explanation for "pools of molten steel" deep within the rubble pile other than the use of some sort of explosives.

    I'm glad you understood the physics of it all.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    69charger wrote:
    I wanted an answer from the folks who think there is not rational explanation for "pools of molten steel" deep within the rubble pile other than the use of some sort of explosives.

    I'm glad you understood the physics of it all.

    he is right; isn't he. people also forget about all the cutting torches used to cut beams to find survivors. that's why these pictures we see that surface 6 years later don't mean a thing to me. all these conspiracy theories go against the laws of physics. that's why it's hard for me to believe people get sucked into them.
  • It's funny some people look at the collapses on video and their first impression is that it looks highly unusual. Others look and think everything looks pretty normal.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
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    ( o.O)
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