50 things I as a white male are given upon birth



  • dharma69 wrote:
    Che....quite a few of them are extremely true....even if no one wants to admit it.

    No one is saying that blacks can't or don't or won't succeed; but acting like some of those subtleties and sometimes unconscious nuances in our behavior don't exist is just plain naive.

    I don't know what the point of this thread was, I just know that it offered up some very real, abeit uncomfortable truths.

    thanks at least one person is a stand up poster on this board.
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    ahnimus, please videotape and youtube for us, you going up to a black male or black female and you saying "I as a white male dont get any preferential treatment in society".

    Please youtube it for us.

    I assume the black male and female will be very receptive and accepting and agree with you. I mean, you and the black male and female are equal right.

    I mean, oh course, if I was to walk up to a black male and black female and say , "you two are equal to me, and there is no such thing as white priveldge" I am sure they would smile and say "I agree with you". Then they would buy me a drink and we would be fast friends.

    Yes thats how it would be

    the above quoted post shows that YOU, cheguevera6, are a racist. you are saying that if a white person says he doesn't get any preferential treatment for being white, the black person would be completely incapable of agreeing or being receptive to an openminded discussion on whether or not that were correct. you are also using this as a blanket statement for all black people, as if they would ALL have the same response. grouping an entire race together like that as if they are predisposed to have the same thoughts, responses, actions, etc...that is at the very core of racism.

    what you are trying to do with this thread, probably subconsciously, is make other people feel as guilty as you feel about your own racism. you may feel that you are very openminded, liberal, and colorblind. but the above post shows that you feel otherwise, even if you don't know it or won't admit it.
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    oh go enlist. Your the pro iraq war person.

    They say takes one to know one. Obviously you know racism because you promote it!


    ok...that has nothing to do with the topic at hand...i said that the fact you link racism to katrina illustrates you are someone who uses race to divide people. you never actually understood anything about katrina, it's just easier to play the race card...again, to asuage your guilt...dude, you don't need to be guilty about anything.
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • seanw1010seanw1010 Posts: 1,205
    Ahnimus wrote:
    Yea, I don't know what they put in this Pepsi today but it's really messing with my mind bot.
    must be the same thing that they put in A&W root beer, because the last thing I've had since 10:00!
    they call them fingers, but i never see them fing. oh, there they go
  • hippiemom wrote:
    Plain and simple, che ... fuck off.

    shove it!

  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    shove it!


    dude, i think your head is about to explode :)
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    shove it!

    You're kinda funny when you get all riled up like this :)
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    heres a simple one.

    My mother and father didnt threaten to beat me or strangle me. When I went to school I got a signed form that said the teacher couldnt use corporal punishment. So did all the other kids.

    Yet as a black person thats out of the question.

    Ever wonder why Chris Rock or other black comedians talk about how their mothers said "Chris come here or i will whup your big
    behind" or "I will slap you silly" "I will beat you"

    That type of talk is unacceptable in white circles.

    Why would blacks say these things to their kids. Certainly blacks are just as responsible and caring as whites. Well heres the reason:

    They treat their kids like that because thats what would happen if a black male said something to a cop or said something to a roudy group of violent whites.

    Essentially they are getting them ready for a world where your skin color determines if you get shot on site by police for having a wallet, or whatever

    you've got to be joking...
    So my skin color didnt have anything to do with being accepted to college?

    All you whites need to get over yourselves

    are you white? being black would give you an edge on getting into college, and getting it paid for.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,094
    Listed these in the oprah thread but it deserves it own thread. As a white male, I am given priveledges that are so daily and common I never think of them at all. here they are: 50 things I as a white male are given AUTOMATICALLY!!

    In all seriousness, you need therapy. I am dead serious. Your act is getting very old and repetitive.
  • you dont seem to tolerant of others hippiemom.

    In fact last time you posted you were berating me for suggesting that chuck berry and bo diddley deserve to be called kings of rock and roll and not elvis

    I mean how racist was I for saying that the rightful kings of rock were actually the rightful KINGS of ROCK AND ROLL, black men.

    How racist of me.

    yet you were the one telling me that elvis deserved to be called king of rock

    And yet I am being racist.

  • seanw1010seanw1010 Posts: 1,205
    you dont seem to tolerant of others hippiemom.

    In fact last time you posted you were berating me for suggesting that chuck berry and bo diddley deserve to be called kings of rock and roll and not elvis

    I mean how racist was I for saying that the rightful kings of rock were actually the rightful KINGS of ROCK AND ROLL, black men.

    How racist of me.

    yet you were the one telling me that elvis deserved to be called king of rock

    And yet I am being racist.

    this is the first post I agree with che!
    they call them fingers, but i never see them fing. oh, there they go
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    you dont seem to tolerant of others hippiemom.

    In fact last time you posted you were berating me for suggesting that chuck berry and bo diddley deserve to be called kings of rock and roll and not elvis

    I mean how racist was I for saying that the rightful kings of rock were actually the rightful KINGS of ROCK AND ROLL, black men.

    How racist of me.

    yet you were the one telling me that elvis deserved to be called king of rock

    And yet I am being racist.

    I didn't berate you, you nitwit. A reading comprehension course would serve you well. I disagreed with you ... that is hardly the same thing, except perhaps in your hyper-sensitive universe of one.
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • I guess if anyone wants to write a term paper on if racism is dead, they can just look here.

    I with the exception of a few brave souls, are the only people who have come forth and said that whites are born with priviliedge. It doesnt have to be that they get into yale free. Just basic things. most of the 50 things werent, "given free BMW upon 16th birthday" or "after being stopped by police, and they find out its a white person, the officer apoliogizes and drives off"

    its little things, and thats why I find it so interesting no one is admitting to it.

    I mean, what skin is it off your nose if you admit you enjoy some of those priviledges above?
  • hippiemom wrote:
    I didn't berate you, you nitwit. A reading comprehension course would serve you well. I disagreed with you ... that is hardly the same thing, except perhaps in your hyper-sensitive universe of one.

    Sure you did, I said the true rock and roll kings were the ACTUAL originators of the music. You seemed to say that since Elvis was fond and respectful to blacks that he should be called king of rock

    The true kings of rock are the originators. The black originators. Anyone who says whites invented rock are either racist or a loon.
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    you dont seem to tolerant of others hippiemom.

    In fact last time you posted you were berating me for suggesting that chuck berry and bo diddley deserve to be called kings of rock and roll and not elvis
    Here are my posts in response to you on the Other Music forum. Please point out where I "berated" you.
    hippiemom wrote:
    I disagree. I have all the respect in the world for Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson, Bo Diddley, Little Richard, and so on ... I own albums by all of them and many more blues, jazz and early rock artists. Elvis didn't simply copy them ... he combined what he heard from them with the gospel and country music he'd grown up with, and that combined with his style and charisma (which he certainly didn't steal from anyone) is what made the music take off. I don't think acknowledging that is disrespectful to anyone. Sure, he was phenomenally lucky to be in the right place at the right time with the right talents, but that can be said of most highly successful people.
    hippiemom wrote:
    Rock is part of the larger society, and humans throughout history have tended to be racist. I don't think we can say that it's "rock's" racism, as though other industries are free of it. There are certainly plenty of opportunities for black people in the music world today ... if few of them have chosen to play the sort of music that I enjoy, that's their prerogative.

    I dunno ... I just got done listening to Michael Franti & Spearhead, and Ben Harper is playing now :)
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    Sure you did, I said the true rock and roll kings were the ACTUAL originators of the music. You seemed to say that since Elvis was fond and respectful to blacks that he should be called king of rock

    The true kings of rock are the originators. The black originators. Anyone who says whites invented rock are either racist or a loon.
    Fine, but I never said that. Please see my posts above and show me the berating.
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • and of course hippiemom, I would love to visit your universe, the universe of acceptance and tolerance.

    I mean that is what you did when you posted here. You were very tolerant, and kind to me, you didnt throw unkind words my way.

    No, it was the others that did that.

    Hippiemom lives in a universe where all are excepted

    Except those who say whites arent god and that elvis presley isnt king of rock and roll.

    What a sin. I cant believe I said Chuck Berry is the king of rock and roll. What a horrible thing for me to say.
  • seanw1010seanw1010 Posts: 1,205

    They treat their kids like that because thats what would happen if a black male said something to a cop or said something to a roudy group of violent whites.
    so if a white male went up to a "rowdy group of violent" blacks, and started to mouth off, or if he did so to an officer, he would be fine?
    they call them fingers, but i never see them fing. oh, there they go
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    In all seriousness, you need therapy. I am dead serious. Your act is getting very old and repetitive.

    i'm giving him therapy...free of charge....he is consumed with guilt...guilt for something he has no control over...that is pretty f'ed up.

    if i had some free samples, i'd give him a 10 second head start and arm hippiemom with an elephant gun with 1 liter canasters of tranquilizers.

    you cant get therapy like that these days.
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    please quote for me where I said blacks dont go to yale and all whites are college educated. I never said that.

    Dont EVER misquote me. Get your facts straight if your gonna discuss this stuff.

    I am a hippie myself, but I find it amazingly disappointing when I cant even be quoted accurately. You guys must be using some crazy drugs today.

    To even suggest, I, who am notorious on this board for long winded rants about white youth joining blacks and other races to overthrow the govt and create a world of peace love and unity, to even suggest I am saying that all whites are rich and all blacks are poor or whatever is absurd.

    Put down the drugs and READ


    i cant believe you're graduating college. you have the emotional maturity and argumentative skills of a junior high student.
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    and of course hippiemom, I would love to visit your universe, the universe of acceptance and tolerance.

    I mean that is what you did when you posted here. You were very tolerant, and kind to me, you didnt throw unkind words my way.

    No, it was the others that did that.

    Hippiemom lives in a universe where all are excepted

    Except those who say whites arent god and that elvis presley isnt king of rock and roll.

    What a sin. I cant believe I said Chuck Berry is the king of rock and roll. What a horrible thing for me to say.
    I didn't say that it was a horrible thing to say. Please show me where I said that. I think you could make a very good argument for exactly that, it's simply an opinion I do not share. I don't have any problem at all with people who hold that opinion, and never claimed to.

    And you accuse ME of putting words in YOUR mouth?
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • please see your above posts and tell me how you arent hypocritical by suggesting I was out of line but you arent. I admit i flew off the handle, but its not like you are sitting there passively.

    Who's racist now?

    You implied that blacks dont play rock music!
    Read your post.

    If only blacks were more into playing that godly rock and roll that white rock and roll and not playing that god awful hip hop!

    So you really think the fact that very few black frontmen in rock is due to the fact blacks dont play rock music?

    Thats flat out racist!
  • hodgehodge Posts: 519
    we are all african
    ..and you will come to find that we are all one mind, capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    And are you promoting prejudice by posting complete crap and nonsense and not asking me if I actually believe what you are suggesting I do in fact believe.

    Learn to ask people. Dont assume.

    Please tell me where i said ALL black men are poor.

    If you can do that fine. If not, shut up. Plain and simple, hippiemom. Plain and simple. Shut up

    every example you gave was a rich privileged white man being better off than a poor black man. duh. but hippiemom responded... what about a preppy looking black man and a young white goth kid... who are the cops looking at more? you never answered. cos you know she's right.
  • and racism wouldnt have anything to do with the fact that most of the top rock acts are white right?

    I mean its not the bands fault, its the record labels fault and such.

    Its the people who sign bands fault.

    You dont think the lack of black acts in country music has to do with racism?

    I would never imply blacks only play one type of music, or are only hip hop fans, yet you seemed to do that/

    Again, hippiemom please repeat what you said to a gathering of african americans, and see how they react.

    "oh yeah, I feel blacks arent into rock and dont play it, thats why there are no black frontmen"!!

    What a bunch of poppycock
  • hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    please see your above posts and tell me how you arent hypocritical by suggesting I was out of line but you arent. I admit i flew off the handle, but its not like you are sitting there passively.

    Who's racist now?

    You implied that blacks dont play rock music!
    Read your post.

    If only blacks were more into playing that godly rock and roll that white rock and roll and not playing that god awful hip hop!

    So you really think the fact that very few black frontmen in rock is due to the fact blacks dont play rock music?

    Thats flat out racist!
    Ok, it's pretty clear that you've completely lost touch with reality now, so I'm going to let this go. It's been a hoot :D
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,094
    and of course hippiemom, I would love to visit your universe, the universe of acceptance and tolerance.

    I mean that is what you did when you posted here. You were very tolerant, and kind to me, you didnt throw unkind words my way.

    No, it was the others that did that.

    Hippiemom lives in a universe where all are excepted

    Except those who say whites arent god and that elvis presley isnt king of rock and roll.

    What a sin. I cant believe I said Chuck Berry is the king of rock and roll. What a horrible thing for me to say.

    It is "accepted" and not "excepted." Also, you are white, so very, very, very white. I bet that makes you so sick inside. Whitey! Whitey!

    Warning: There's a whitey on the loose posting on the Pearl Jam message board. Whitey!
  • seanw1010seanw1010 Posts: 1,205
    i cant believe you're graduating college. you have the emotional maturity and argumentative skills of a junior high student.
    that is extremely offensive to me. i am a junior high student, and my, as well as my scholars, emotional maturity and argumentative skills are nothing like his.(we make sense sometimes)
    they call them fingers, but i never see them fing. oh, there they go
  • hodge wrote:
    we are all african

    pretty good point actually

    Thats whats so interesting. Race itself doesnt exist. its a false socially construted concept. it doesnt exist.

    Yet this experiment here shows people are so accepting of the paradigms fed to them by their teachers and parents.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    and of course hippiemom, I would love to visit your universe, the universe of acceptance and tolerance.

    I mean that is what you did when you posted here. You were very tolerant, and kind to me, you didnt throw unkind words my way.

    No, it was the others that did that.

    Hippiemom lives in a universe where all are excepted

    i cannot believe you got ACCEPTED into college. you must be black... they'll take anyone to boost their diversity numbers.
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