The CBC? You call that credible? Haha - thanks. I guess I have been working too much lately.
Aside from making first-hand observations, yes.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Every story I've read about the bees has been focused on the U.S. and Canada. Does anyone know if the same thing being observed with bees on other continents?
I know in Hawaii same deal.. They investigated and said it was definitively mites...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Every story I've read about the bees has been focused on the U.S. and Canada. Does anyone know if the same thing being observed with bees on other continents?
I also found a story about Germany. I wonder if Africa, Asia, Australia and South America are untouched by this, or if it's happening and not being reported? It would seem to me that if global warming is the culprit, it would be happening worldwide.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
It could be different in every country... I know in (North) America it's probably all the aerosol bar-b-q fat from backyard cookouts that can actually now be measured.
Over here even the air is fat...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I believe in global warming, but how the fuck are people linking that to the bees? I'm not saying it isn't the cause, but how the hell does a one degree temperature change over the last hundred years going to kill off bees??? If anything, its going to extend their lives with shorter periods of freezing weather.
I'd find the cell phone theory believable. Global warming is causing things to change like melting ice caps, floods, droughts and I could see how that would effect animals, but where the hell is the evidence that its causing bees to die. I'm pretty sure scientists can explain what other animals are becoming extinct because of climate change, but I think they key words here are "they can't explain why the bees are disappearing".. I think people here are just pulling ideas out of their asses.
I've read some articles and seen a few interviews with German Scientists, and the outcome that i've heard is this. Bee's are dying because of Genetically Modified Foods!! Companies like Monsanto say that they are going to solve the worlds hunger problems by creating fruits and vegetables that grow larger, stay ripper for longer, and taste better. However what they don't tell you is that their methods of achieving this are not flawless. Rsearch has shown that the GM food produces internal toxins which is leading to severe repurcusions.
This is a very young science, and the way these products are being rushed out to the public IS VERY SCARY!!! THe Bush administration last year passed a law saying that Genetically Modified foods DO NOT have to be labelled at the grocery store!!! We don't even know what we are eating anymore.
In Europe there has been alot of public outcry about this problem and most governments have acted on the publics concerns and have made it manditory for grocery stores to label all genetically modified foods. This public awareness has let to an overwhelming supply of organic food. Conciquently most grocery stores now won't even bother buying GM fruits and vegetable because they know they won't be able to sell them.
I ask people who care to really research this. This is so much more important than Global Warming.
What you can to help, if it's within your budget, is buy organic food. The more people that buy it, the cheaper it's gonna get. This is pretty much the only solution!!! Government is once again only doing what is good for big business
Last point, don't listen to Mainstreams theories behind this problem, do your own research, you will be so much more informed!!!!!!!
I also found a story about Germany. I wonder if Africa, Asia, Australia and South America are untouched by this, or if it's happening and not being reported? It would seem to me that if global warming is the culprit, it would be happening worldwide.
Well I know that everythings well in South Africa, infact America is starting to bring in honey from SA, so much so that South Africa is thinking about raising the prices for the US market.
SA honey prices rise on dying US bees
Posted Thu, 03 May 2007
The price of honey is set to rise because bee colonies in the United States are dying off, The Herald Online reported on Wednesday.
Grahamstown bee expert Garth Cambray said producers were redirecting honey to meet a US shortage of about 40 000 tons.
As a result the price of honey in South Africa could be expected to increase by next month.
South Africa imports honey from Argentina, China and Australia, which is being blended with the local product in national brands.
Reports last week said more than a quarter of bee colonies, 600 000 out of 2.4 million colonies, had vanished in the US.
I've read some articles and seen a few interviews with German Scientists, and the outcome that i've heard is this. Bee's are dying because of Genetically Modified Foods!! Companies like Monsanto say that they are going to solve the worlds hunger problems by creating fruits and vegetables that grow larger, stay ripper for longer, and taste better. However what they don't tell you is that their methods of achieving this are not flawless. Rsearch has shown that the GM food produces internal toxins which is leading to severe repurcusions.
This is a very young science, and the way these products are being rushed out to the public IS VERY SCARY!!! THe Bush administration last year passed a law saying that Genetically Modified foods DO NOT have to be labelled at the grocery store!!! We don't even know what we are eating anymore.
In Europe there has been alot of public outcry about this problem and most governments have acted on the publics concerns and have made it manditory for grocery stores to label all genetically modified foods. This public awareness has let to an overwhelming supply of organic food. Conciquently most grocery stores now won't even bother buying GM fruits and vegetable because they know they won't be able to sell them.
I ask people who care to really research this. This is so much more important than Global Warming.
What you can to help, if it's within your budget, is buy organic food. The more people that buy it, the cheaper it's gonna get. This is pretty much the only solution!!! Government is once again only doing what is good for big business
Last point, don't listen to Mainstreams theories behind this problem, do your own research, you will be so much more informed!!!!!!!
That is a very interesting theory. That could make a lot of sense. w/ such a high percentage of bees very well could be because they are trying to pollinate...mutant/unnatural foods in a sense.
“Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
-Big Fish
The beekeepers I have talked to (I just talked with one last Saturday about this), say that they have figured out two of the primariy reasons bees are dying:
1) There is a mite that has attacked kill this mite, they also have to kill the bees, so it is hard to get rid of.
2) Increased chemical use on crops as insecticides also kills off the bees.
Well I have raspberry bushes all over my property and there's bees everywhere...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
They're all over at my place I'm so selfish that way...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
What evidence is there to suggest the trend recently for bears now is to refuse to hibernate, what evidence is there to suggest this is not global warming caused?
How about the fact that the last 7 years or so have been some of the hottest years in the history of western civ. What evidence is there to suggest that this is global warming caused?
The proof is in the pudding.
I love it how humans never believe things, until its too late.
You really want to gamble and say this is non climate change based?
What evidence suggests it ISNT global warming based?
Humans have ruined the world, they have pulluted the air, bulldozed habitats, cut down trees, paved roads on previously lived on land...
and now they have the audacity to continue to deny, deny deny deny
Global warming is real. if people want to act like nimrod Limbaugh and suggest its just liberal propaganda, they are seriously gambling with their own future and their childrens future.
Bees are dying as a result of global warming. Case closed. I have yet to hear a more plausible answer.
There's no proof in my pudding. We all choose to believe what we accept as being the truth. All we hear from the media in the form of debate is a "yes it is/no it isn't" brand of argument. Facts are out there that support many sides of the same argument. See below...
How would you explain the fact that Mars is also getting warmer?
Sometimes cause and effect are not so obvious and I would disagree that the case is closed. Based on the selective statistics used by Al Gore and co., I could make the same argument that solar powered vehicles also have negative impact on atmospheric temperatures, and do in fact cause climate change. How would I draw this conclusion? There have been 2 solar powered rovers on Mars for a few years and since they landed, the average temperature on Mars has risen.
I know that's an extreme exaggeration but I hope you see my point. National Geographic has reported that Mars is getting warmer, as is the earth and all other planets...for one simple reason. THE SUN IS GETTING WARMER. Solar activity is at the highest level it's ever been at, and that is why things are changing.
Things are definitely changing and there's no doubt about that. The globe is warming. I'm just not convinced that it has anything to do with SUV's, burning coal and paving roads.
One last thought in the spirit of the chicken and the egg question...
Do elevated CO2 levels cause global temperatures to rise, or do increasing temperatures due to solar radiation increase CO2 levels in the atmosphere to rise? Maybe they're looking at it backwards to support their theories.
I am not saying you are wrong and at the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist (I hate that prhase), I just don't thing we're being told the whole story.
#==(o )
You are not your job.
You are not how much money you have in the bank.
You are not the car you drive.
You are not the contents of your wallet.
You are not your fucking khakis.
it's GMO! the science is conclusive in countries with the balls to stand up to Monsanto and Syngenta. Mites, global warming, these are natural things the bees can handle. Round-Up Ready crops are the big culprits (also the most ubiquitous GMO crops), hence France banning the use of this Monsanto seed.
our parents kept/raised bees. honey as raw as can be & so golden & just delicious all wiped out by a cropduster. this was back in say the early to mid 80's. the honeybees turned pure white & suffered a terrible death... tens of thousands of them gone in a matter of moments. mom literally went through some pretty deep grief. we were all terribly sad & mad
but yet people still defend corporations because they ...
a) provide jobs b) supposedly feed our people
when will people finally wake up from this scam?
sooner than later hopefully
i was thinking yesterday how crop lands should be hand worked like in the old days. perhaps shrink the size & have summer jobs for a lot of kids or adults alike to hoe weeds. it is rare but some do it this way. or saw screw it & let it grow naturally
but yet people still defend corporations because they ...
a) provide jobs b) supposedly feed our people
when will people finally wake up from this scam?
sooner than later hopefully
i was thinking yesterday how crop lands should be hand worked like in the old days. perhaps shrink the size & have summer jobs for a lot of kids or adults alike to hoe weeds. it is rare but some do it this way. or saw screw it & let it grow naturally
what's really brutal is there are a lot of people that want to grow food that way and people who want to buy food that is grown that way but because companies like Monsanto control the gov't ... they can contaminate those farmers with little consequence and in some instances SUE for having their see land in someone's farm ... that's how much the gov't favours corporations like Monsanto ...
monsanto is just evil as well as companies like them.
like were we can read how the coca cola company fucks around & gets very aggresive with the good people of india who collect rain water. coca cola company as we know bottles water, dasani if im not mistaken.
how about the bush family buying the largest aquifer on the planet down in south america... blue gold the new gold this aquifer rests below argentina, brazil, paraguay, and uruguay & is larger than california & texas put together... privatize the world's drinking water, that's the new thing. thank you bush empire
really no different than monsanto. greed, corrupt bullshit & straight up evil are the way these types live their lives. this only harms, nature, mankind, the planet's wildlife & on & on.
it's all about the agregation of small farms into giant agribusiness. mono-crops (giant fields of wheat, corn, soy) create a feast for insect populations, requiring ever-more pesticides. anybody here have a garden? i do and i dont have to fuck with pesticides because when there is a variety of species grown there is a variety of insects keeping each other in check, not a massive cycle of feed and breed in an insect utopia. give farms back to the people and they will quickly outproduce these "high yeild" GMOs
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,711
it's all about the agregation of small farms into giant agribusiness. mono-crops (giant fields of wheat, corn, soy) create a feast for insect populations, requiring ever-more pesticides. anybody here have a garden? i do and i dont have to fuck with pesticides because when there is a variety of species grown there is a variety of insects keeping each other in check, not a massive cycle of feed and breed in an insect utopia. give farms back to the people and they will quickly outproduce these "high yeild" GMOs
Excellent, rgambs!
Just yesterday I came across this fascinating book called Gaia's Garden, A guide to Home-Scale Permaculture. It covers a lot of the ideas of permaculture that Bill Mollison introduced. It's great to read about the ideas set forth by permaculture advocates- working with nature rather than fighting it, allowing a wider variety of plant and animal species to thrive rather than mono-copping and destroying hosts of species, creating spaces that are beautiful and healthy rather than dreary wasteland. Our soil was mostly ruined by former residents here and the Sierra foothills are not ideal for gardening anyway but I'm hoping to incorporate some of these ideas very small scale this spring and summer.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
good stuff, rgambs all in all a lot of ppl are to lazy for gardening in their own yards it is astounding to me at how many ppl out there that have never grown a flower or vegetable or a fruit if a person is buying a home or already owns the property, they should plant apple trees & other fruit trees & have gardens many rental properties owned by idiot landlords do not allow gardening, clothes-lines or fruit trees or any trees planted for that matter. and these could be very large properties with a lot of gardening potential
Gaia's Garden is great!!! A subscription to Mother Earth News is also absolutely necessary to anyone interested in whole, ethical food. All home gardens have permaculture aspects, people have done hedges and Marigolds for time out of sight, we just gotta get back to common sense living! look into native perrenial edibles. berries are the obvious place to start but there should be plenty of leafy greens and some tubers, here we have Jerusalem Artichoke. that should be pine nut heaven out there isn't it? over time you can "domesticate" them slightly and they should thrive in the local soil
I am green with envy, I have productive soil in Ohio but I don't have the bounty of The Range of Light to provide sustenance to my soul. Speaking about a quaint farm for sale Thoreau says "...and do all those things which had no other motive or excuse but that I might pay for it and be unmolested in my possession of it; for I knew all the while that it would yeild the most abundant crop of the kind I wanted if I could only afford to let it alone." Rejoice in the bounty of the Sierra's! You have such a garden at your doorstep. Muir's playground, the granite capital of the world!!! "I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute." Set forth and rule the land Mr. Lux!! However many mountains you climb in a year it cannot be enough, nor can it ever be too many. Survey the land and own it for the rest of your days!
The CBC? You call that credible? Haha - thanks. I guess I have been working too much lately.
Aside from making first-hand observations, yes.
I know in Hawaii same deal.. They investigated and said it was definitively mites...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
no, but seriously now. SAVE THE BEES!
can't we all start bee farms or something to get the bee population boomin' again?
Over here even the air is fat...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'd find the cell phone theory believable. Global warming is causing things to change like melting ice caps, floods, droughts and I could see how that would effect animals, but where the hell is the evidence that its causing bees to die. I'm pretty sure scientists can explain what other animals are becoming extinct because of climate change, but I think they key words here are "they can't explain why the bees are disappearing".. I think people here are just pulling ideas out of their asses.
This is a very young science, and the way these products are being rushed out to the public IS VERY SCARY!!! THe Bush administration last year passed a law saying that Genetically Modified foods DO NOT have to be labelled at the grocery store!!! We don't even know what we are eating anymore.
In Europe there has been alot of public outcry about this problem and most governments have acted on the publics concerns and have made it manditory for grocery stores to label all genetically modified foods. This public awareness has let to an overwhelming supply of organic food. Conciquently most grocery stores now won't even bother buying GM fruits and vegetable because they know they won't be able to sell them.
I ask people who care to really research this. This is so much more important than Global Warming.
What you can to help, if it's within your budget, is buy organic food. The more people that buy it, the cheaper it's gonna get. This is pretty much the only solution!!! Government is once again only doing what is good for big business
Last point, don't listen to Mainstreams theories behind this problem, do your own research, you will be so much more informed!!!!!!!
Well I know that everythings well in South Africa, infact America is starting to bring in honey from SA, so much so that South Africa is thinking about raising the prices for the US market.
SA honey prices rise on dying US bees
Posted Thu, 03 May 2007
The price of honey is set to rise because bee colonies in the United States are dying off, The Herald Online reported on Wednesday.
Grahamstown bee expert Garth Cambray said producers were redirecting honey to meet a US shortage of about 40 000 tons.
As a result the price of honey in South Africa could be expected to increase by next month.
South Africa imports honey from Argentina, China and Australia, which is being blended with the local product in national brands.
Reports last week said more than a quarter of bee colonies, 600 000 out of 2.4 million colonies, had vanished in the US.
A bee virus maybe(e)? To make the leap that global warming is the cause without any data to back that up is ignorant.
That is a very interesting theory. That could make a lot of sense. w/ such a high percentage of bees very well could be because they are trying to pollinate...mutant/unnatural foods in a sense.
-Big Fish
1) There is a mite that has attacked kill this mite, they also have to kill the bees, so it is hard to get rid of.
2) Increased chemical use on crops as insecticides also kills off the bees.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
They're all over at my place
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
dogs eat them
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
There's no proof in my pudding. We all choose to believe what we accept as being the truth. All we hear from the media in the form of debate is a "yes it is/no it isn't" brand of argument. Facts are out there that support many sides of the same argument. See below...
How would you explain the fact that Mars is also getting warmer?
Sometimes cause and effect are not so obvious and I would disagree that the case is closed. Based on the selective statistics used by Al Gore and co., I could make the same argument that solar powered vehicles also have negative impact on atmospheric temperatures, and do in fact cause climate change. How would I draw this conclusion? There have been 2 solar powered rovers on Mars for a few years and since they landed, the average temperature on Mars has risen.
I know that's an extreme exaggeration but I hope you see my point. National Geographic has reported that Mars is getting warmer, as is the earth and all other planets...for one simple reason. THE SUN IS GETTING WARMER. Solar activity is at the highest level it's ever been at, and that is why things are changing.
Things are definitely changing and there's no doubt about that. The globe is warming. I'm just not convinced that it has anything to do with SUV's, burning coal and paving roads.
One last thought in the spirit of the chicken and the egg question...
Do elevated CO2 levels cause global temperatures to rise, or do increasing temperatures due to solar radiation increase CO2 levels in the atmosphere to rise? Maybe they're looking at it backwards to support their theories.
I am not saying you are wrong and at the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist (I hate that prhase), I just don't thing we're being told the whole story.
You are not your job.
You are not how much money you have in the bank.
You are not the car you drive.
You are not the contents of your wallet.
You are not your fucking khakis.
our parents kept/raised bees. honey as raw as can be & so golden & just delicious all wiped out by a cropduster. this was back in say the early to mid 80's. the honeybees turned pure white & suffered a terrible death... tens of thousands of them gone in a matter of moments. mom literally went through some pretty deep grief. we were all terribly sad & mad
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
a) provide jobs
b) supposedly feed our people
when will people finally wake up from this scam?
i was thinking yesterday how crop lands should be hand worked like in the old days. perhaps shrink the size & have summer jobs for a lot of kids or adults alike to hoe weeds. it is rare but some do it this way. or saw screw it & let it grow naturally
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
like were we can read how the coca cola company fucks around & gets very aggresive with the good people of india who collect rain water. coca cola company as we know bottles water, dasani if im not mistaken.
how about the bush family buying the largest aquifer on the planet down in south america... blue gold the new gold
this aquifer rests below argentina, brazil, paraguay, and uruguay & is larger than california & texas put together... privatize the world's drinking water, that's the new thing. thank you bush empire
really no different than monsanto. greed, corrupt bullshit & straight up evil are the way these types live their lives. this only harms, nature, mankind, the planet's wildlife & on & on.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Just yesterday I came across this fascinating book called Gaia's Garden, A guide to Home-Scale Permaculture. It covers a lot of the ideas of permaculture that Bill Mollison introduced. It's great to read about the ideas set forth by permaculture advocates- working with nature rather than fighting it, allowing a wider variety of plant and animal species to thrive rather than mono-copping and destroying hosts of species, creating spaces that are beautiful and healthy rather than dreary wasteland. Our soil was mostly ruined by former residents here and the Sierra foothills are not ideal for gardening anyway but I'm hoping to incorporate some of these ideas very small scale this spring and summer.
all in all a lot of ppl are to lazy for gardening in their own yards
it is astounding to me at how many ppl out there that have never grown a flower or vegetable or a fruit
if a person is buying a home or already owns the property, they should plant apple trees & other fruit trees & have gardens
many rental properties owned by idiot landlords do not allow gardening, clothes-lines or fruit trees or any trees planted for that matter. and these could be very large properties with a lot of gardening potential
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
look into native perrenial edibles. berries are the obvious place to start but there should be plenty of leafy greens and some tubers, here we have Jerusalem Artichoke. that should be pine nut heaven out there isn't it? over time you can "domesticate" them slightly and they should thrive in the local soil
I am green with envy, I have productive soil in Ohio but I don't have the bounty of The Range of Light to provide sustenance to my soul. Speaking about a quaint farm for sale Thoreau says "...and do all those things which had no other motive or excuse but that I might pay for it and be unmolested in my possession of it; for I knew all the while that it would yeild the most abundant crop of the kind I wanted if I could only afford to let it alone." Rejoice in the bounty of the Sierra's! You have such a garden at your doorstep. Muir's playground, the granite capital of the world!!!
"I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute."
Set forth and rule the land Mr. Lux!! However many mountains you climb in a year it cannot be enough, nor can it ever be too many. Survey the land and own it for the rest of your days!