Fox News



  • In terms of legality and due process?

    I am not a fan of the fence idea, but I am not a fan of people making seriously exaggerated claims about motives, either.

    I partly jest. Truth be told, I'm kind of a fan of rules being adhered to. Why make rules if you don't apply them ? The problem in the U.S., where they have 10 X Canada's population but 100 X the number of illegal immigrants, is that the U.S. gov't doesn't always enforce the existing rules. So these people ahve effectively become pseudo legals. The gov't sometimes looks the other way, lest the economy crumbles in certain geographic areas or certain economic sectors. The U.S. gov't needs to shit or get off the pot - and this applies to any gov't in the same situation.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    jlew24asu wrote:
    this fox news stuff is getting quite boring. fox news channel is a very respected news source for millions of americans whether you like it not.
    I'm not knocking FOX's entertainment value. They do things amazingly well... The NFL, Major League Baseball, The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc... But, pretending their Op/Ed television is journalism is just wrong. News is news... placing a side (one side or the other) in Op/Ed.
    Believing you are getting news, not opinions from FOX News... well, it's the same thing as the guy who thinks the Daily Show or S.N.L.'s Weekend Update is journalism. All of them are entertainment. The Americans that use FOX News as their "Source For News" and find their truth on that station are closer to the Arabs that believe everything al Jazzera says is the truth... except they are mirror views of each other.
    So, if you are using FOX News as your news source... then, you shouldn't be knocking the Arab dude that gets his world opinions from Al Jazzera. You share the same mental capacities.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    jlew24asu wrote:
    I can appreciate your very strong views on alot of things. you stand up for what you believe in, thats good. thats american.

    but the america you and I love is great becuase of our diversity and the fact that people have choices.

    Abortion is a touchy issue and people will never be agreed. I have very mixed feelings about it so I'll leave that one alone.

    If you dont like homosexuality, thats fine. but you cant throw people in jail for being gay. its a human choice to be able to love whoever you want. not sure if you have kids but what if your daughter was gay? would you turn her in and send her to jail? I hope not.

    you cant put people in jail who dont speak english. I agree they should come here legally but america's diversity is another reason why this country is great.

    while this thread is about faux news...I have to say this is great post...well done...!
  • inmytree wrote:
    while this thread is about faux news...I have to say this is great post...well done...!

    I think Jlew cut and pasted that from someone else's post !!!
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    I think Jlew cut and pasted that from someone else's post !!!

    I cant get credit for anything around here
  • Dino283 wrote:
    Hey.America is fine the way it is, exept for a couple a thing's:
    Abortion=should be illegal in all case's.killing innocent baby's is wrong.
    Homosexuell's=I dont know enough about it (I'm straight)but this is ungodly, un natural and quite frankly it's GROSS. it should be outlaw'd.
    Immmigrant's=if ya do'nt speak English, GET THE HELL OUT. other then that, America is fine. It's a great place to live.The greatest country in the world.

    Abortion- Banned even in cases of rape? Explain that please.

    Homosexuals- You can't ban personality types. No matter how bad you want to, you can't get rid of homosexuals. Get over it. I think your way of thinking is GROSS but I don't expect you to be outlawed.

    Immigrants- You better hope like hell it's not a written test otherwise you'd be getting kicked the hell out too, bro.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    Abortion- Banned even in cases of rape? Explain that please.

    Homosexuals- You can't ban personality types. No matter how bad you want to, you can't get rid of homosexuals. Get over it. I think your way of thinking is GROSS but I don't expect you to be outlawed.

    Immigrants- You better hope like hell it's not a written test otherwise you'd be getting kicked the hell out too, bro.

    I can explain #1 from my point of view....since abortion is murder (in my mind) even in a terrible case like rape, the punishment should not be carried out on the baby conceived. That is a very sensitive issue and I do understand your viewpoint.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • I can explain #1 from my point of view....since abortion is murder (in my mind) even in a terrible case like rape, the punishment should not be carried out on the baby conceived. That is a very sensitive issue and I do understand your viewpoint.

    I can understand that.
  • Add Dick Morris to the list of scandal ridden Fox News contributors. What wa shis deal? prostitutes if I remember correctly? Funny thing is, he is treated like gold by Fox, Hannity especially. If Dick wasn't so bitter about being fired by the Clinton's, and was on Air america espousing liberal views, Hannity the Hypocrite would be all over this guy for his past. But since he now hates the Clinton's, Hannity waxes over him. If you agree with hannity, you are a Great American. If you disagree, you love terrorists and hate America
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    Well, what's really sad is that Americans don't seem to realize how badly they were fucked over by these "news" people. They were led down the garden path in terms of being informed. The American press/broadcasters were largely on the bandwagon, remiss in their duties to question and find the truth.

    First off Hatemonger, I think you assume too many people who do watch FOX news think they speak only gospel truth. I wouldnt be surprised if the largest percentage of FOX's viewers were hatemongers like you who watch it all day just to have something to rant about on a message board.

    Kinda like Howard sterns listeners who listened the longest were those who HATED Stern.

    :) Have a nice day
    Why go home
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    Cnn is worse than fox in my opinion. Ted Turner runs the station who was once married to hanoi jane..probaly the biggest traitor to america since benedict arnold.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    miller8966 wrote:
    Cnn is worse than fox in my opinion. Ted Turner runs the station who was once married to hanoi jane..probaly the biggest traitor to america since benedict arnold.

    CNN has not been found to actually report news that was definately false, as FOX news has been found to do on a regular basis. Just look at the whole Foley story, as they "accidentally" labeled as a democrat. What a load of BS.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    There was an old-time newspaper guy in Canada named Norman Spector(sp?). He said the true test for a newspaper, any newspaper, was how well you informed your readers for the next day. The more a reader was surpised the next day, the shittier the job said newspaper was doing to inform its readers. Now imagine the surprised masses who were listening to Rush or Fox when they learned that Iraq really had no WMD, or that it had nothing to do with 9/11. And imagine their surprise, however protracted, when Iraq turned out to be the nightmare that many on the left said it would be.

    I'm just sayin'..........

    This applies to NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN as well.
  • This applies to NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN as well.

    It would, I suppose, apply to any news outfit - be it print, broadcast, web or what have you. The point I was trying to make is that the patrons of some news orgn's were FAR MORE surprised than others when the shoe dropped about Iraq. I can tell you without hesitation, and as a "furriner", that people in places like Canada, UK, rest of Europe etc. were hardly surprised about the upshot of it all. They were warned. It was (and still is) the American press that dropped the ball big-time. There's a reason why orgn's like CNN, NYTIMES etc.. later apologized for their coverage of the war, which they admitted was shoddy and sychophantic. A patriotic colouring of things can almost be expected to a point, but when you let it blind you to the facts about stuff then you're not doing anyone any favours.

    Judith Miller, Scooter Libby et al concocted a pile of horseshit, the American media peddled it, and the U.S., in the main, sucked it up like there was no tomorrow.
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    Dino283 wrote:
    Immmigrant's=if ya do'nt speak English, GET THE HELL OUT. other then that, America is fine. It's a great place to live.The greatest country in the world.

    Should they be able to write English too? And how many countries have you lived in?

    As for news sources, why stick with one source?

    naděje umírá poslední
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Dino283 wrote:
    Its not about beleivin in wmd's is about KNOWING about were that piece of shit Sadam hid them. He used them on Kuwait in the ninetie's.Beside's, who gives a shit about what the european's think.if we did then we'd be being governd by German's!

    I can smell your ignorance. It isn't a crime to be ignorant, but when you write stuff like this, it opens yourself up to be questioned and mocked; The two things you are hypersensitve to. Im begininng to see how weak you people are so terrified of being wrong that you run from basic confrontations and you place fetish worship in military might and violence. So weak and turn to bombing people as the first resort and you preach against what you hate the most......yourselves. Go Haggard, Go Delay, Go Stewart, Go Dobson, Go Limbaugh,........

    You politicize EVERYTHING>...nothing is off the table. And you call us weak because we dont organize and follow directions from someone that is interested in their poliltical life and nothing else. YOur prgoress involves the welfare of the US and nothing else. I'll bet anything that you couldnt care less how many iraqi citizens have just isnt in your scope. When the reports came out that the civilian war deaths in Iraq; including those that have starved, been bombed, been displaced and become gravely ill, died from otherwise absent water-borne disease; hit an estimated 655,000, the right's reaction was: "no, I dont like the way they compiled the data." Two things......evil denial of human suffering and ignorance at the greatest and most dangerous level. That test was the standard that the US Army developled and uses throughout the world and the mere fact that yu want to deny EVERy death just shows my point to all of this....see below.

    stupid liberals blah an egg. You have not listened to a single piece of advice we have given, and, because you are in absolute control of how this country acts, you have gotten us stuck in Iraq. Kerry was ABSOLUTELY correct.....if you cared to weigh the risks and be even slightly curious about how your actions MIGHT turn out, you wouldnt have taken a risk and invaded a country that could never harm us: you saw how quickly we obliterated their army.....

    It is sooooo funny. You can only come back with OH....Blame America First!!!! NOPE....that is another stupid thing to say. It may appear that way to you, but realize from our side, you blame America for absolutely NOTHING. Pure innocence. That is Fox's stance,and that is why it is more pernicious than state run media. It is a microphone for a government and it is masked as a news outlet, so people --the most ignorant of the country --dont question what they are seeing and I cannot blame them. Again, ignorance is not a crime, but exploiting the weakest amongst is....but I thought that was what Jesus said, so dont take it from me.
  • ^^^^There's alot here to address, and I have no intention of doing so save for one thing: it was this notion of state media being worthless operations, as deemed by those on the right. Firstly, I have seen Fox News be more sychophantic than any state run media. Conversely, I have seen the CBC or BBC just absolutely destroy whatever gov't happened to be in place at the time. This idea that state medias can't be impartial or criticize their respective govt's is unadulterated bullshit. They absolutely kick the shit outta "news" orgn's like Fox, who claim to be "fair and balanced". If Fox was so balanced they'd be dissecting Bush's myriad mistakes, instead of pretending they never happened.

    Secondly, state run news orgn's (TV) are present in just about every major western country or democracy, EXCEPT THE U.S... Far from being a pariah, or fodder for ridicule, they provide a valuable service.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    ^^^^There's alot here to address, and I have no intention of doing so save for one thing: it was this notion of state media being worthless operations, as deemed by those on the right. Firstly, I have seen Fox News be more sychophantic than any state run media. Conversely, I have seen the CBC or BBC just absolutely destroy whatever gov't happened to be in place at the time. This idea that state medias can't be impartial or criticize their respective govt's is unadulterated bullshit. They absolutely kick the shit outta "news" orgn's like Fox, who claim to be "fair and balanced". If Fox was so balanced they'd be dissecting Bush's myriad mistakes, instead of pretending they never happened.

    Secondly, state run news orgn's (TV) are present in just about every major western country or democracy, EXCEPT THE U.S... Far from being a pariah, or fodder for ridicule, they provide a valuable service.

    Well... the BBC and the Canadian Broadcast Company are indeed state sponsered but they are totally different to the corporate owned fox. Fox has a vested interest in the health of its subsididaries; companies that profit from defense spending.....I am not an expert, but nearly every major news company in america is an arm of a larger corporation....for example, NBC owns Disney and owns (or is owned by....) GE. GE and it subsididaries are one of, if not the most, extensive benefactors to the defense spending we do. So...there is a conflict of interest.

    Back to your point. The role of media is recognized by Britain and Canada in a capacity that we dont see or acknowledge. Even our greatest founders wanted a free press as a check on executive, legislative and judicial powers. By NATURE....because it reports on the movement and actions of those in power....BY NATURE it is a liberal, power-checking endevour. One that the UK, Canada, Europe and higher thinking americans, including our founding fathers, saw as a neccessity to the health of democracy. Our government is angered when the press uncovers its illegal actions, but the body of our nation blames the press and not the actors because the media has been demonized. The leaders have done a wonderful job of turning the public against the press. It is their most impressive victory. It allows them to act first and explain later, if at all.

    When will we learn that money and power is like Cocaine.....too much is never enough. (Richard Prior said that, I think)

    I know that I am intrigued and confused by access to more power and money...we just let people at the highest levels of PUBLIC SERVICE get away with stealing and slipping out of accountability. I think everyone has a right to ask questions...but that is a threat to republicans......and that is why the liberal media has been cast is a threat to their interests......

    I wish there was a state sponsered media....NOT A STATE RUN MEDIA>... a media that was not interested in profit, but in reporting on the actions of its civilian leaders. YEs...the BBC is pressured by the government, but not at any capacity to which you infered. The public is engaged, so the government cannot use the BBC as a mouth piece. We have no strains on what we call news...and you wonder why all the top administration goes straight to fox the second a scandal breaks. They wont be questioned and they can get there message out without having to justify their frame of mind...let alone their actions.

    Hope that clears up my meanings....
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,957
    Ailes is out.

    Kelly is making claims and Fox is waiving NDAs from past accusations.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,149
    edited July 2016
    Whatever happened to this dino283 character? I kind of wish he or she were still around - it would really shake things up, lol.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • OffSheGoes35OffSheGoes35 Posts: 3,516
    edited July 2016
    PJ_Soul said:

    Whatever happened to this dino283 character? I kind of wish he or she were still around - it would really shake things up, lol.

    :lol: I was just thinking about how I would shit myself if some of these people were still around. Cutthroat era.

    Edit: On second thought, after reading more replies, I realize there were quite a few posters who were being civil.
    Post edited by OffSheGoes35 on
  • OffSheGoes35OffSheGoes35 Posts: 3,516
    Thank you for posting about this Cliffy. Glad you brought attention to this story. I'm going to read more about it before I say anything else.

  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    goodnight roger ailes you old rotten bastard, yes/no?
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • OffSheGoes35OffSheGoes35 Posts: 3,516
    ^^^ Yes, that pretty much sums it up rather nicely!
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    disgusting old shithead
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,957
    chadwick said:

    goodnight roger ailes you old rotten bastard, yes/no?

    Hell yes
  • OffSheGoes35OffSheGoes35 Posts: 3,516
    Rusty turd burglar
  • OffSheGoes35OffSheGoes35 Posts: 3,516
    Do you know what would be my worst nightmare at this particular moment in time? If the original poster came back today and edited the title to read:" Fox News, HELL YES!!!" or "Fox News, diehard fans only!". Just right up there next to my way too distinctive avatar.
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    that roger ailes sure is one nasty old turd. maybe he'll drive off a cliff somewhere ... hell yeah! i think hell yeah is a band ... hell yes!

    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • DegeneratefkDegeneratefk Posts: 3,123
    Any chance Megan Kelly gets fired in the next 3 months?
    will myself to find a home, a home within myself
    we will find a way, we will find our place
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