What's up with Fox news?



  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    El_Kabong wrote:
    anyway, if you have directv they have or used to have a channel called newsworld international that had news programs from a few other countries, it was really different than typical american op/ed aggressive type of 'news' shows

    That's gone. It was replaced with Al Gore's let's try to be hip, direct it toward the kiddies channel "Current".
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118

    and, fer christsakes, labeling suicide bombers "homicide bombers" is just pandering to their mouth-breathing audience. it's akin to calling french fries "freedom fries". i can't believe i had to explain that to you.

    if this is a waste of time to you, by all means feel free to not respond.

    its a big waste of time but work is slow this morning.

    your going to have to give a better explaination then that. pandering to me? how when someone straps a bomb to themselves and intentionally blows themselves up in front off woman and children with the absolute goal of committing homicide, how is that not homicide?

    sorry I dont sympathize with their cause as much as you
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Jeanwah wrote:
    You're wrong. The network deliberately led viewers to believe that the Iraq War was validated by the work of those on 9/11. You must be a big fan of the fake news to be defending them like you are.
    prove it. it wasnt fox who mislead viewers it was bush.

    Jeanwah wrote:
    Keep thinking that. The Bush administration continues to threaten journalists to censor their stories or they will be faced w/ possible termination. One example is the scientist from NASA that wouldn't censor his article on global warming and went public about it. This administration continues to monitor mainstream media to report what they want us to hear. There is nothing that will get by without their approval. In other words, CONTROL.
    alex jones is that you?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    oh, jlew. you are so awesome. you are my hero. i love it when you put words in my mouth. now i sympathize with suicide bombers. i learn something new about myself every day from you.

    erect me if i'm a dong, but faux is the only channel that calls them "homicide bombers". now, doesn't that tell you something? is there not a reason that they do it? or maybe i'm missing the point...maybe faux news is the beacon of hope and truth in our crazy world. they're fighting the good fight.

    man, i'm thirsty. got any kool-aid?

    whenever you want to tell me how that characterization is wrong, let me know. sorry for the big word. look it up
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118

    I have heard others call them that. you know, what they really are. I guess I'm not surprised that you see a problem with it
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    so you're saying that they are not suicide bombers?
    to me they are homicide bombers. im not concerned they that took their own life in order to kill others. again, I dont sympathize with their cause like you
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    nice dodge.
    what did I dodge? I have several networks including cnn and msnbc label them as homicide bombers
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    links, sources would be nice. forgive me if i don't take what you say as the gospel, but you have been known to be full of shit.
    sorry I'm not digging up transcripts of programs I have seen. I could give a fuck whether you believe me or not
  • Keep thinking that. The Bush administration continues to threaten journalists to censor their stories or they will be faced w/ possible termination. One example is the scientist from NASA that wouldn't censor his article on global warming and went public about it. This administration continues to monitor mainstream media to report what they want us to hear. There is nothing that will get by without their approval. In other words, CONTROL.

    Um, I work in the media, and I can say unequivocally that this is total bs. The government does not control what the media reports. Read the NY Times, the Washington Post, etc etc ... and tell me the messages and information they report about the war reflects what the Bush administration wants you to hear.

    You gave an example of the government censoring a NASA official. A NASA official is not a journalist. A NASA official is a government employee. If you want to write an article stating your boss or your company is completely ignorant, it would probably get censored too.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    jlew24asu wrote:
    it wasnt fox who mislead viewers it was bush.
    HA Ha. Hello...The Fox network is Bush-biased...whatever Bush says, Fox agrees with.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Jeanwah wrote:
    HA Ha. Hello...The Fox network is Bush-biased...whatever Bush says, Fox agrees with.

    I'm done arguing with you, you have already been owed by slightofjeff.

    as for this comment, fox did nothing more then the rest of the networks........ report what bush was saying at the time.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Um, I work in the media, and I can say unequivocally that this is total bs. The government does not control what the media reports. Read the NY Times, the Washington Post, etc etc ... and tell me the messages and information they report about the war reflects what the Bush administration wants you to hear.

    You gave an example of the government censoring a NASA official. A NASA official is not a journalist. A NASA official is a government employee. If you want to write an article stating your boss or your company is completely ignorant, it would probably get censored too.

    Then why aren't soldiers flag-draped coffins not allowed in the media? Why aren't personal soldier stories released to the public so as to educate and develop empathy with them? (I have to go to PBS to find these!) Perhaps we'd get a little too close to the realities of war and that would make even more Americans wary of the Iraq war. Why doesn't the media report more about the war? I'm not talking about stats of how many were killed today, I'm talking details. The journalists from the Vietnam era were there, cameramen were there. The realities of War were there. The U.S. gov't does not allow the media to report the realities so as to keep us in the dark, and allows Bush to move on with his agenda. It is a fact that no one in the military is allowed to talk to a reporter without serious reprimand. WHY? What do they have to hide? Oh, that's right. The TRUTH.

    If the media is not controlled by the gov't, they'd be able to report freely, like in the past. But they don't. Journalists aren't what they used to be; digging deep to uncover the real story or expose scandal in gov't. Since Judith Miller wouldn't expose her source in the Plame case, and was jailed for it, it's just the beginning of the gov't's control over the media.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Then why aren't soldiers flag-draped coffins not allowed in the media? Why aren't personal soldier stories released to the public soas to educate and develop empathy with them?
    to protect the families of those who lost loved ones. they dont need keith olberman showing the bodies of dead soldiers to get his agenda across that this war is bad.
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Perhaps we'd get a little too close to the realities of war and that would make even more Americans wary of the Iraq war.
    everyone is fully aware of the realities of war.
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Why doesn't the media report more about the war? I'm not talking about stats of how many were killed today, I'm talking details.
    I see details all the time.
    Jeanwah wrote:
    The journalists from the Vietnam era were there, cameramen were there. The realities of War were there.
    embedded journalists is something was happens with almost every team of soldiers that goes out.
    Jeanwah wrote:
    The U.S. gov't does not allow the media to report the realities so as to keep us in the dark, and allows Bush to move on with his agenda.
    the media seems to be doing a piss poor job then. I see plenty of anti war anti bush commonetary DAILY. no wait, HOURLY. and thats a good thing.
    Jeanwah wrote:
    It is a fact that no one in the military is allowed to talk to a reporter without serious reprimand.
    no its not
  • qwerty1qwerty1 Posts: 142
    jlew24asu wrote:
    its a big waste of time but work is slow this morning.

    your going to have to give a better explaination then that. pandering to me? how when someone straps a bomb to themselves and intentionally blows themselves up in front off woman and children with the absolute goal of committing homicide, how is that not homicide?

    sorry I dont sympathize with their cause as much as you

    Every bombing that kills someone is a homicide bombing. Not all bombings are suicide bombings. There is a difference. Calling a suicide bombing a "homicide bombing" muddies the waters of reality.

    Do you work for FOX?
    This sidewalk is for regular walking, not for fancy walking!
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    jlew24asu wrote:
    to protect the families of those who lost loved ones. they dont need keith olberman showing the bodies of dead soldiers to get his agenda across that this war is bad....
    Showing the draped coffins is a show of respect. And it is not allowed in the media
    everyone is fully aware of the realities of war.
    And how so? The only details we get are numbers. Everyone's a number. Doesn't say anything realistic.
    I see details all the time.
    Name one.

    embedded journalists is something was happens with almost every team of soldiers that goes out.[/quote]
    Yet, we get no real news from them.
    the media seems to be doing a piss poor job then. I see plenty of anti war anti bush commonetary DAILY. no wait, HOURLY. and thats a good thing.
    Yet, you don't see it ALL. There's much more going on that you hear about.
    no its not
    YES, it is. Ask anyone in the military. You don't know what you're talking about.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    qwerty wrote:
    Every bombing that kills someone is a homicide bombing.
    ok cool
    qwerty wrote:
    Not all bombings are suicide bombings.
    but his/her intention is the same. if it wasnt could they just have put a gun to their head? why should he get a free pass because he failed at killing people?
    qwerty wrote:
    There is a difference. Calling a suicide bombing a "homicide bombing" muddies the waters of reality.
    no there is no difference. the only difference between you and me and the way we see this is I (and fox) emphasizes the effect of the attacks rather than using the term “suicide” which emphasizes the sacrifice of the bombers
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Showing the draped coffins is a show of respect. And it is not allowed in the media

    And how so? The only details we get are numbers. Everyone's a number. Doesn't say anything realistic.

    Name one.

    embedded journalists is something was happens with almost every team of soldiers that goes out
    Yet, we get no real news from them.

    Yet, you don't see it ALL. There's much more going on that you hear about.

    YES, it is. Ask anyone in the military. You don't know what you're talking about.

    already dude we obviously dont watch the same news. I flip back from fox, cnn, msbnc and browse multiple websites for news stories. I have no clue what you watch. nor do I care.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,094

    and, fer christsakes, labeling suicide bombers "homicide bombers" is just pandering to their mouth-breathing audience. it's akin to calling french fries "freedom fries". i can't believe i had to explain that to you.

    if this is a waste of time to you, by all means feel free to not respond.

    Well, I think you should look at the bomber's intentions when you describe him as either a "homicide" or "suicide" bomber. His intentions are not to kill himself. He wouldn't just stand in an open field with nobody around him and kill himself. He is blowing up the bomb first to bring about mass casualties, which is why he is a "homicide" bomber. His 2nd intention is then get 10,000 virgins on planet Melmac with Alf or whatever.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Well, I think you should look at the bomber's intentions when you describe him as either a "homicide" or "suicide" bomber. His intentions are not to kill himself. He wouldn't just stand in an open field with nobody around him and kill himself. He is blowing up the bomb first to bring about mass casualties, which is why he is a "homicide" bomber. His 2nd intention is then get 10,000 virgins on planet Melmac with Alf or whatever.

    amazing that this needs to be explained to several people on this board.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,094
    Jeanwah wrote:
    HA Ha. Hello...The Fox network is Bush-biased...whatever Bush says, Fox agrees with.

    O'Reilly disagrees with the Bush administration all of the time.

    I enjoy the liberals use of fear to scare the public. The Republicans will cheat and steal elections (didn't happen in 2006), the media only reports what Bush wants (CNN, NY Times, Colbert/Stewart, MSNBC, etc.....), the Patriot Act will take away your freedoms (I'm doing okay), etc....
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    I caught a bit of that show last night as I was surfing throught the channels. It was pretty pathetic. Conservatives need to steer clear of comedy, just as Liberals need to steer clear of military strategies. The laugh tracks were worse than the canned laughter from the 'Dick Van Dyke Show'... and they had to explain their jokes (being a FOX News audience, I can understand why). And the worst part... it was really a "Making fun of me? Oh yeah... well, I can make fun of you..." kind of whimsical, schoolyard rebuttal.
    FOX News needs to leave the fake news to pros at Comedy Central and continue with their comedic 'O'Rielly Factor' and 'Hannity and Combs' shows... that's comedy.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • TrauTrau Posts: 188
    Of course FoxNews is biased. Many of the things their anchors, not just their commentators, say are just ridiculous and unprofessional.

    Keith Olbermann, while I do often watch him, is also quite biased, however. I have never seen him interview anyone with whom he disagrees.
    In the shadow of the light from a black sun
    Frigid statue standing icy blue and numb
    Where are the frost giants Ive begged for protection?
    I'm freezing

    Are you afraid, afraid to die
    Don't be afraid, afraid to try
  • That was a dreadful show, I lean left and see no problem with this type of show, in fact it could be funny. I stress "could". Where is Colin Quinn or some other right leaning talent? The satire was awful and void of any irony, just attacks.

    Fox news is not the corp to try this. Forget the fact it was sans any original idea, forget t he fact it was obvious...... Just be funny. Colin Quinns Comedy Central show was guilty of both of those things, but they, as comics, had some funny debate and good jokes ocassionaly.

    I always try to be sympathetic to Fox, I defend O'reilly because he, unlike Hannity, had the guts to say Iraq is a mess and he was wrong.... I like Shepherd Smith... but this network is so out of touch it cannot be defended. I think I often defend this network just to be different, everyone bashes it, I should be devil's advocate and all that crap.... Can't do it anymore. I have been watching Olberman lately, and I like it. He's funny. BTW, his bit about the "1-2 hour news hour" (retarded, did not HBO have a 1-2 hour comedy hour...pathetic they just robbed that idea) was what funny is. Showing a laugh track over George Bush's rhetoric. Perfect lampoon of Fox's attempt at satire.
  • FOX tells the other side of the story that the liberals don't want us to hear. IT's fair and balanced in that they balance out the other 90% of the liberal new programs. Go FOX!
    I am a loser with high self esteem......
  • i'm suprised fox couldn't get that turncoat motherfucker dennis miller to do this so called 1/2 hour comedy show.
  • You don't think they tried? Even Dennis Miller isn't that desperate.
  • Holy shit, how happy is Fox about the whole Anna Nicole ordeal? Now they can fill almost all of their shows with 35 minutes of Anna, 15 minutes on Britney, and maybe a minute or 2 on that whole war thing
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    Holy shit, how happy is Fox about the whole Anna Nicole ordeal? Now they can fill almost all of their shows with 35 minutes of Anna, 15 minutes on Britney, and maybe a minute or 2 on that whole war thing

    they play cnn in the breakroom at work and it seems like at every break since it's happened it's been 99.9% annaa
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    i'm suprised fox couldn't get that turncoat motherfucker dennis miller to do this so called 1/2 hour comedy show.

    actually they probably thought he would be too balanced. i hated his monologues but his show on cnbc or whatever was actually pretty good, he had good guests and didn't cut them off, would let them finish their point before he started talking again
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_Kabong wrote:
    they play cnn in the breakroom at work and it seems like at every break since it's happened it's been 99.9% annaa

    Yeah, enough of this shit.
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