New Terrorist Threat, political or real?

With the November elections around the corner, I have heard a lot of people say in jest that its just a matter of time until the terror threat level is raised so that the Bush/Blair propaganda machine can remind people why the world is the way it is now (Iraq, Patriot Act, Oil prices etc..).
And here we are in the mists of another "thwarted" attack. In my opinion, its so easy to declare victory over an invisible enemy and I am not buying it.
The phraseology that Chertoff and others are throwing around is wild:
"Unprecedented loss of life"
"not on the planes yet, but..."
The plot was "intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale,"
Passengers "were not yet sitting on an airplane," but were very close to traveling, a senior U.S. counterterrorism official told The Associated Press
"can't assume the threat is over..."
plotters planned loss of life on "an unprecedented scale."
The plan was reminiscent of a plot by 9/11 coordinator Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who in 1999 had envisioned detonating bombs on 11 airlines possibly traveling over the Pacific Ocean.
The plot was "as sophisticated as any we have seen in recent years as far as terrorism is concerned," Chertoff said
So is this the real thing or another spin of the propaganda machine? Or both?
And here we are in the mists of another "thwarted" attack. In my opinion, its so easy to declare victory over an invisible enemy and I am not buying it.
The phraseology that Chertoff and others are throwing around is wild:
"Unprecedented loss of life"
"not on the planes yet, but..."
The plot was "intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale,"
Passengers "were not yet sitting on an airplane," but were very close to traveling, a senior U.S. counterterrorism official told The Associated Press
"can't assume the threat is over..."
plotters planned loss of life on "an unprecedented scale."
The plan was reminiscent of a plot by 9/11 coordinator Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who in 1999 had envisioned detonating bombs on 11 airlines possibly traveling over the Pacific Ocean.
The plot was "as sophisticated as any we have seen in recent years as far as terrorism is concerned," Chertoff said
So is this the real thing or another spin of the propaganda machine? Or both?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I've never seen a more conspiracy theory, paranoid group in all my life. Is that all some of you do is sit around and dream this shit up? Every event that happens in life is a grand conspiracy and it's never what it seems. Are some of you that incredibly paranoid? I know it's useless to debate about this, but I just get sick of it.
I know, I know, ww2 was one grand conspiracy by the U.S. govt. for a new world order. That went real well ddin't it?
Look, im a real fuckin' shakespeare me.
Why is "conspiracy nut" the only thing you people ever throw? Do you either a) follow blindly everything your Government says, or b) don't?
Do you stil believe Iraq had WMDs?
Because it's the only polite thing i can call you without getting banned!
there is no such thing as is a fictional place made up by karl rove. the war is all a fake so that we can send our troops off to train for the upcoming invasion of canada.
Hence, you cover your lack of ability to hold a reasoned, supported debate, so you resort to insults.
Under the word nullified, in the dictionary, it says, see binauralsounds...
Ladies and Gentleman, we have a believer !!
Don't worry, the worlds largest military machine had only had 3 years to find any....
i thought conspiracy nut was acceptable nomenclature...and you can't really debate a conspiracy nut.
no, your style of thinking is that of Pavlov's dog... drooling as soon as the bell rings... well trained, in line, ready for your orders... while others such as myself realize the bullshit, read through the lines, and question anything these fuckers tell us
dont you remember the 2004 election with those damn alerts going up... havent seen that since the election until now have you?
now, i am not saying it is impossible for a couple of crazies to plan this or even pull it off, and i would certainly rather be safe then sorry...BUT, the bush/blair administrations havent exactly been the most truthfull (to say the least) and the public (or some of us) have to question anything they say because they have "cried wolf" far too many times in an effort to scare the general public
Its not a "conspiracy theory", its a matter of embellishment, and spin.
Look at the "plot" they "thwarted" in July, involving the NYC/NJ transit system. It turned out these were a bunch of kids who had never met (and had never been to the US, and didn't have explosives etc...), discussing a plot to bomb the US through an internet chat room. Was shutting down that chat room worth a world wide press conference?,2933,202518,00.html
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
asian-american please
These 2 Governments have been spouting this shit since 911, and for what?
How many convictions?
Where is the evidence, is all we ask. Let justice, let a jury of their peers deal with them, and lets presume innocence before guilt, hey? Or is that not patriotic enough for you?
Or should we brand all Muslims as deadly terrorists? And say fuck you to the law, to a right to trial..oh sorry, your Idol has already done that, against the Supreme Court's order no less...
I wonder whose trying to limit whos freedoms here...
What did the secret services say about 911, about weapons of MD in Iraq?
Are secret service agents the pillar of light and reason in the world now?
i never said so and thoose terrorist aren´t muslims for me really bec. mostley muslims are friendly and really nice persons like anybody else ....and every relegion have their black sheeps ....
President Bush will make a statement on the airline terror plot at about 11:50 a.m. ET, the White House says. Watch live coverage on CNN Pipeline.
How many times do you think he'll use the words "Iran", "Syria", "Extremism," "Justice," or "Values," ?
If Iran and Syria are used, its WAR BABY HELL YEAH !!!
Should sexually satisfy the Fucking sheep in the country.
Grow up dude..... you are a sheep.
Great point.
In future, when I refer to Bush, I refer to the Cheney/Rummy/Daddy / Carlyle cabal behind him.
Bush is the figurehead, and four letters is much easier to type than all of that above.
Do missiles, guns, bullets, and "shock and awe" turn you on?
Is war your porno?
Are men in uniforms your thing?
Yes, but they will be gone as well. What then?
LOL, is posting rediculous shit your thing?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
The terror plot arrests in London are a “stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists,” President Bush says
Read: we are faced with our own Hezbollah, so don't bitch about Iraq, Oil prices etc...