Politically correct holiday greetings or the old favorites?

Being a liberal myself, I believe in tradition. And while I may have moved further away from organized religion, I still want to celebrate the pagan tradition of Santa Clause and Christmas. In fact, I play Santa Clause for my nieces and nephews on the big day itself.
I also believe that the majority wins. The majority of people celebrate the legal/national holiday called Christmas. I do not think ANYONE, whether they celebrate it or not, should be offended if someone wishes them a Merry Christmas. I personally would be elated if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa. And I do not think the government should try and candy coat the fact that this nation celebrates and recognizes Christmas Day as a holiday.
Being a liberal myself, I believe in tradition. And while I may have moved further away from organized religion, I still want to celebrate the pagan tradition of Santa Clause and Christmas. In fact, I play Santa Clause for my nieces and nephews on the big day itself.
I also believe that the majority wins. The majority of people celebrate the legal/national holiday called Christmas. I do not think ANYONE, whether they celebrate it or not, should be offended if someone wishes them a Merry Christmas. I personally would be elated if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa. And I do not think the government should try and candy coat the fact that this nation celebrates and recognizes Christmas Day as a holiday.
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im pretty sure the sky is falling...
Merry CHRISTmass
I blame Bill O'Reilly for creating an issue where there wasn't one. Of all the things we argue about in this country, this is surely the dumbest.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
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you see the insidious liberal effects of this war??? even the faithful can no longer spell their own holiday properly :(
jesus is weeping in heaven somewhere over the tragic fate of the evergreen trees (the christmas ones, he doesnt care what we do to the rest of the trees of his creation).
To me it has the same significance as December 25th. I actually prefer to work through the holidays and earn overtime. Then take the following weekend off and visit the family. They don't like it because it's not "Christmas".
This Thanksgiving, give a Native American Smallpox for old time's sake.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
I agree with you, but not in regards to Bill O'Reilly. I think he is fighting for people to say Merry Christmas, which i see nothing wrong with.
What O'Reilly did was to create an "issue" out of thin air for his ratings, and it worked because a good number of his viewers are none too bright. Christmas is not an endangered holiday, everyone needs to go drink some egg nog and calm down.
he was using specific examples of schools taking away nativity screens and people not being allowed to say merry xmas.
I cant remember exactly what he used to back up his arugment but it wasnt out of thin air. but he also did hype up some.
Yeah, bit of hype there.
You're right, it wasn;t a war on christmas...
It WAS A JIHAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would argue that more people are offended by "Happy Holidays" (because of this percieved "war on christmas") than Merry Christmas.
The 'War On Christmas' was just another lame diversion from the REAL issue this nation has faced since 2003... the WAR IN IRAQ. It was the Holiday Version of the Election Year's 'Gay Marriage' thing.
There is no 'War on Christmas'... only assholes who believe there is.
Hail, Hail!!!
some schools opted for holiday parties instead of xmas parties. some stores were switching to happy holidays instead of merry xmas. but nowhere was anyone filing suit saying they were outraged at being wished a merry xmas.
I can remember being in the 3rd grade and finding out that this one kid didn't celebrate Christmas. All of us kids just figured he was going to Hell.
But, Hey... we were in the 3rd grade.
Hail, Hail!!!
Isn't it great how society inserts these concepts of heaven in hell into children who's brains aren't capable of deductive reasoning?
I believe it's called brainwashing.
I see a fine line between teaching and brainwashing. One uses proven facts and the other uses beliefs to influence a person's mind. A childs brain hasn't fully developed, the prefrontal cortex we use for logic, concentration and reasoning (our higher consciousness) doesn't develop until adolescence. When it does, these programs are already dominating the thought process.
I say Merry Fucking Christmas!!!
And Happy Festivus!!!
i think you ought to be more worried about christmas being sold out to capitalism. christmas is not being watered down becos there's no xmas tree at your school. it's being cheapened becos every company in the world hijacked it for financial gain.
also, give me one example where anyone anywhere was not allowed to say merry christmas? if you work at a store it doesnt count becos it's a corporate decision... kinda like your employee isnt allowed to tell customers to fuck off.
in any case, it's not really christmas anymore. christmas is dec 25. the madness of the month before it is the holidays... kwanzaa, ramadan, hannukah, christmas, solstice, etc... are all part of it. christmas just has the most bitchin traditions, so most people have adopted them into whatever form of holiday celebration they practice. kinda like the christians adopted whatever cultural practice they had to to convert natives (which is why we have xmas on dec 25 to begin with).
in short, say merry christmas all you damn well please. just dont get your panties in a bunch when the guy at walmart wishes you happy holidays. if that's enough to wreck your holiday your priorities are truly out of whack.
It wasn't instituted by government or ordered by our courts... it was done by MERCHANTS. To get Jewish dollars and Hindu dollars and Muslim dollars and Scientology dollars. And no one really cares... we are all conditioned to the consumerism orgy that takes place between Thanksgiving and Christmas day.
Besides... those people who complain about Wal-Marts 'Holiday Sale' not saying 'Christmas Sale'... it baffles me. Do they want their Lord Savior's name tied to Wal-Mart's orgy of dollars?
There isn't a law stating you MUST call it a 'Holiday Tree'... call it whatever the fuck you want... call it an 'Ass Reaming Pine Tree' for all I care... I don't give a shit. Hang your pagan ritual fertility balls on your Christmas Tree and sing 'Silent Night, Motherfucker' to your heart's content... it isn't a crime and no one ever said it was. Saying 'Merry Christmas' isn't going to land you in Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo. Getting pissed off because the gal at the Wal-Mart sends you off with a 'Happy Holidays, sir'... well, that just makes you an asshole.
So, go out and celebrate it however you want and quit worrying about how the other guy celebrates. Who made you the fucking Christmas Nazi anyway?
Hail, Hail!!!
BULLSHIT!! This is the dumbest issue ever to cross major airwaves.
nobody ever pulled down a nativity scene, and nobody ever told anyone to say anything other than anything they wanted to.
And if anyone had a problem with anything anyone said about anything then it was their first amendment right to do so. even if it was rude there was nothing wrong with it.
It's very simple. If someone says Happy Hannakah to me, I'll probably shrug and say "right back atcha". since I'm not Jewish, it really does'nt mean that much to me. The same way me saying Merry Christmas would have meant nothing to him.
say whatever the fuck you want to anyone, that's your right. But if I were you, I'd leave Merry Christmas for your christian freinds and family. save something more generic for anyone you might not be sure what they celebrate if anything.
It's the only smart thing to do.