note to self: dumbasses arent just a thing in the U.S.
haha, there are a few in australia, just a few.
Sydney 11/02/2003
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
If you ever read Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, you'll see that the British penal system took to shipping the lowest elements of its petty criminal classes out to Virginia. You got a lot of the shit from over here, but unfortunately we've still got some left.
Get out of town... are you serious? I did not know that (if you're serious )
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
the other day some bitch said that i and people like me should be kicked out of the country (britain) as we were not really "british". i said that i was. i have lived here all my lfie. she said i was not "born and bred" to which i replied i was... i was born in london and have lived here all my life...
she then went on to say that immigrants steal all the jobs and take money away from the country..
of course i argued immigrants are actually net contributor to the uk giving back billions not only in taxes but also in consumer power.
she couldnt develop a proper coherant argument as to why i should not be allowed to live in my country...
oh she also tried to suggest that just because in my house my family dont just speak english but also our mother tounge (punjabi) that we were being offensive to britain on not respecting the country...
it just amazes me how much ignorance is around in this day and age, and how much hate.
This song came up on my shuffle today - made me think of your post
Bloc Party - England Lyrics
The kids are restless
They just need something to do
From Ilford to Ladywell
The streets have become cruel
He said
"I will not listen and I won't be told
England is mine, I will take what I want"
He said
"I will not listen and I won't be told
We will roam these satanic mills"
They stood on his fingers
Kicked the back of his head like a ball
They filmed the beating
On their mobile phones
She said
"I will not listen and I won’t be told
England is mine, I will take what I want"
She said
"I will not listen and I won’t be told
We will make up our own rules"
I'm waiting for something cruel
I'm just waiting for something cruel
I'm waiting for something cruel to happen
"We have to change the concept of patriotism to one of “matriotism” — love of humanity that transcends war. A matriarch would never send her own children off to wars that kill other people’s children." Cindy Sheehan --- London, Brixton, 14 July 1993 London, Wembley, 1996 London, Wembley, 18 June 2007 London, O2, 18 August 2009 London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012 Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 06 June 2017
the uk and the us are not the only countries that want to preserve their heritage. for example; the germans still perform rituals their people did hundreds of years ago.
also; it makes sense to speak the language of the country you're in. i'm referring to the spanish speaking in the us. first; it's discrimination. if i have to press 1 for english; 2 for spanish; i should be able to press 3 for polish; my native language. why are the hispanics privileged in the us?
i do think she was wrong. but i also understand a person wanting to preserve their country's heritage. if the us had a white heritage month i'd feel more accepting of immigrants.
the uk and the us are not the only countries that want to preserve their heritage. for example; the germans still perform rituals their people did hundreds of years ago.
also; it makes sense to speak the language of the country you're in. i'm referring to the spanish speaking in the us. first; it's discrimination. if i have to press 1 for english; 2 for spanish; i should be able to press 3 for polish; my native language. why are the hispanics privileged in the us?
i do think she was wrong. but i also understand a person wanting to preserve their country's heritage. if the us had a white heritage month i'd feel more accepting of immigrants.
she then went on to say that immigrants steal all the jobs and take money away from the country..
oh she also tried to suggest that just because in my house my family dont just speak english but also our mother tounge (punjabi) that we were being offensive to britain on not respecting the country...
I think these are just excuses for the xenophobic to make themselves feel better for not liking what is different to them. Another example of someone who has been brainwashed by society. I'm afraid to say, I know a lot of people who say things like that.
i'm proud of my polish heritage and the contributions my family has made to this country (us). there are many white people who have made great contributions to this country and they too should be recognized.
i'm proud of my polish heritage and the contributions my family has made to this country (us). there are many white people who have made great contributions to this country and they too should be recognized.
What are you talking about Allan?
I don't know about the states but in the UK there has been a big influx of polish people over the past few years and growing. However, I've been reading on a racist site about english people's attitudes to the poles (the racist english) and believe me, however long you lived here and whatever you believe you have contributed to the country, it will never be recognised by the racists. They don't even consider the poles "white" like themselves.
"We have to change the concept of patriotism to one of “matriotism” — love of humanity that transcends war. A matriarch would never send her own children off to wars that kill other people’s children." Cindy Sheehan --- London, Brixton, 14 July 1993 London, Wembley, 1996 London, Wembley, 18 June 2007 London, O2, 18 August 2009 London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012 Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 06 June 2017
I don't know about the states but in the UK there has been a big influx of polish people over the past few years and growing. However, I've been reading on a racist site about english people's attitudes to the poles (the racist english) and believe me, however long you lived here and whatever you believe you have contributed to the country, it will never be recognised by the racists. They don't even consider the poles "white" like themselves.
wow; i never knew that. i hope i didn't sound racist. if i did it was the morphine.
what i meant was that the american culture is being lost. with nothing more than a dream and a vision; british people broke from the crown and invited everyone to come and share this new land. they created a new freedom not seen before and wanted everyone to share the wealth. the true story of how we settled westward to the opposite coast is facinating. i say true story because the history books only tell what people of the time wanted to hear. the american history 90% of the people know is fiction.
here in the states we have black history month and hispanic something or other; and on and on. i'm not against that; IF we were recognised.
when people talk about americans; i know they're not talking about all americans. they're talking about 70% of the population. things people say about americans don't apply to the people i'm exposed to. i'm alive because close to 2000 people donated blood when people found out i was dying from internal bleeding. i know that happens other places but it's an example of how a community takes care of eachother. and it's not just here. i drove 6 hours and instantly became part of another community and now i'm moving there.
it's hard to explain. let me give it a think and i'll get back to you.
i don't know why you just don't do what they did here. kill all the natives and take over the land as if it were your birthright.
LOL, I guess that's the difference between us and them then!
"We have to change the concept of patriotism to one of “matriotism” — love of humanity that transcends war. A matriarch would never send her own children off to wars that kill other people’s children." Cindy Sheehan --- London, Brixton, 14 July 1993 London, Wembley, 1996 London, Wembley, 18 June 2007 London, O2, 18 August 2009 London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012 Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 06 June 2017
wow; i never knew that. i hope i didn't sound racist. if i did it was the morphine.
what i meant was that the american culture is being lost. with nothing more than a dream and a vision; british people broke from the crown and invited everyone to come and share this new land. they created a new freedom not seen before and wanted everyone to share the wealth. the true story of how we settled westward to the opposite coast is facinating. i say true story because the history books only tell what people of the time wanted to hear. the american history 90% of the people know is fiction.
here in the states we have black history month and hispanic something or other; and on and on. i'm not against that; IF we were recognised.
when people talk about americans; i know they're not talking about all americans. they're talking about 70% of the population. things people say about americans don't apply to the people i'm exposed to. i'm alive because close to 2000 people donated blood when people found out i was dying from internal bleeding. i know that happens other places but it's an example of how a community takes care of eachother. and it's not just here. i drove 6 hours and instantly became part of another community and now i'm moving there.
it's hard to explain. let me give it a think and i'll get back to you.
That's ok, I know you weren't being racist . I guess everyone likes to be appreciated. I mean we don't have an asian/indian history month but I'm not going to start shouting for it.
We do have black history month which I think is a good thing because otherwise black children don't get to learn their history. After all the schools don't include it in their curriculums, unlike white history. In a way white history is seen as factual and correct (regardless of whether it is) and black history is seen as irrelevant or not important enough, or maybe too contradictory to the white version to be comfortable enough for white teachers to teach to white and non-white kids.
You could say that every month is white history month whereas blacks and hispanics only get a month each or so.
"We have to change the concept of patriotism to one of “matriotism” — love of humanity that transcends war. A matriarch would never send her own children off to wars that kill other people’s children." Cindy Sheehan --- London, Brixton, 14 July 1993 London, Wembley, 1996 London, Wembley, 18 June 2007 London, O2, 18 August 2009 London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012 Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 06 June 2017
That's ok, I know you weren't being racist . I guess everyone likes to be appreciated. I mean we don't have an asian/indian history month but I'm not going to start shouting for it.
We do have black history month which I think is a good thing because otherwise black children don't get to learn their history. After all the schools don't include it in their curriculums, unlike white history. In a way white history is seen as factual and correct (regardless of whether it is) and black history is seen as irrelevant or not important enough, or maybe too contradictory to the white version to be comfortable enough for white teachers to teach to white and non-white kids.
You could say that every month is white history month whereas blacks and hispanics only get a month each or so.
Actually restless I think history has been and is highly subjective regardless. We may have white history as it is told by the victors taught in schools all the time but I have to say I don't think it's even close to the truth a lot of the time. I guess I'm thinking about how I'm sitting here all white and pasty skinned in a sunburnt country knowing that my great grandfather spoke another language entirely to me (gaelic), had a completely different culture and I can't find anyone to teach it to me here because that culture has been "bred" out of me. Actually I'd even go so far as to say that I've been encouraged by the establishment in this country to completely ignore my Irish heritage. I couldn't believe when I was in England and Wales how I was told off by a few people for helping a few Irish lads with some car troubles. Several "english" sounding/looking people actually spoke about the Irish the way that I've heard some people here speak about the Aborigines. Like they were something they'd stepped in! I have friends who are second and third generation greek, italian, indian, german, vietnamese and whole bunch of other nationalities and whilst they still retain some of the things about their heritage and culture, we are all Australian now and they too are beginning to lose that cultural connection with their forefathers. For them, they don't all "fit" the "look" of our white Australia stereotype but they're as Aussie as I am but people would probably be more likely to ask them what their heritage was. Nobody bothers to ask me. Tis just assumed. Anyway, just musing. It's an interesting thing. One thing I do remember growing up in a poorer suburb in Melbourne was how we as "skips" (Aussies) were looked down at as less by the Greek, Italian, Turkish and Lebanese kids I went to school with. I was regularly told, "You are a skip, you are nothing! You have no culture!" I realize that racisim does exist in this world and much of the time it based on "differences" but I do think that it has a lot more to do with socio economics. Anyway just thinking "aloud" I guess.
i'm proud of my polish heritage and the contributions my family has made to this country (us). there are many white people who have made great contributions to this country and they too should be recognized.
if the us had a white heritage month i'd feel more accepting of immigrants.
You think the white people aren't being recognized? Isn't the reason why they have black heritage months or whatever because it has always been about white history, white heritage etc.?
it makes sense to speak the language of the country you're in. i'm referring to the spanish speaking in the us. first; it's discrimination. if i have to press 1 for english; 2 for spanish; i should be able to press 3 for polish; my native language. why are the hispanics privileged in the us?
There are simply more people who speak Spanish in the US. It's a fairly simple concept, do you seriously see it as discrimination? Do you even speak Polish?
English is the de facto national language of the US, not 'de jure'.
Actually restless I think history has been and is highly subjective regardless. We may have white history as it is told by the victors taught in schools all the time but I have to say I don't think it's even close to the truth a lot of the time. I guess I'm thinking about how I'm sitting here all white and pasty skinned in a sunburnt country knowing that my great grandfather spoke another language entirely to me (gaelic), had a completely different culture and I can't find anyone to teach it to me here because that culture has been "bred" out of me. Actually I'd even go so far as to say that I've been encouraged by the establishment in this country to completely ignore my Irish heritage. I couldn't believe when I was in England and Wales how I was told off by a few people for helping a few Irish lads with some car troubles. Several "english" sounding/looking people actually spoke about the Irish the way that I've heard some people here speak about the Aborigines. Like they were something they'd stepped in! I have friends who are second and third generation greek, italian, indian, german, vietnamese and whole bunch of other nationalities and whilst they still retain some of the things about their heritage and culture, we are all Australian now and they too are beginning to lose that cultural connection with their forefathers. For them, they don't all "fit" the "look" of our white Australia stereotype but they're as Aussie as I am but people would probably be more likely to ask them what their heritage was. Nobody bothers to ask me. Tis just assumed. Anyway, just musing. It's an interesting thing. One thing I do remember growing up in a poorer suburb in Melbourne was how we as "skips" (Aussies) were looked down at as less by the Greek, Italian, Turkish and Lebanese kids I went to school with. I was regularly told, "You are a skip, you are nothing! You have no culture!" I realize that racisim does exist in this world and much of the time it based on "differences" but I do think that it has a lot more to do with socio economics. Anyway just thinking "aloud" I guess.
oh totally jeanie. there were no two more discriminated groups in australian history than the indigenous peoples and the irish immigrants(free and transported). they were not even allowed to practice their faith as catholicism was seen as an aberration somehow. even my atheist heart is amused by the fact that the largest chuch in sydney is st mary's catholic catehdral. irish were just ill-mannered, uncouth, drunken, fighting, criminal papist procreating heathens. :rolleyes:
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
the uk and the us are not the only countries that want to preserve their heritage. for example; the germans still perform rituals their people did hundreds of years ago.
also; it makes sense to speak the language of the country you're in. i'm referring to the spanish speaking in the us. first; it's discrimination. if i have to press 1 for english; 2 for spanish; i should be able to press 3 for polish; my native language. why are the hispanics privileged in the us?
i do think she was wrong. but i also understand a person wanting to preserve their country's heritage. if the us had a white heritage month i'd feel more accepting of immigrants.
I completely support the fact people immigrating to a country should do their best to learn the native language (and I can't stand people insisting in hanging out with their 'home' community, especially when it's people that had a choice in moving, not talking about refugees!..the Westerners are just as bad when they go overseas :rolleyes: )
I lived for 20 months in Oz and was doing door to door there.
shocking to me (a non-english native speaker) to see Italians or Greeks who'd been there 20-30 years and could not string a phrase in English!
But I felt in love with the Russians when I bumped into a 60-years-old woman that was going to school everyday to learn English ..most of the Russians there were making the effort, and it's a much harder transition than from Italian!
BUT, what language you speak at home, hell whatever you do in your own home, is your damn fucking business!
If (hopefully when) I get kids, I'll speak French to them, even if English will be the main home language, so they can have another language without even having to learn it (and can communicate easily with my family back home)..hell, if I've got the money for a nanny or someone to help, I'll try to find someone Spanish-speaking so they can learn that too!
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
the other day some bitch said that i and people like me should be kicked out of the country (britain) as we were not really "british". i said that i was. i have lived here all my lfie. she said i was not "born and bred" to which i replied i was... i was born in london and have lived here all my life...
she then went on to say that immigrants steal all the jobs and take money away from the country..
of course i argued immigrants are actually net contributor to the uk giving back billions not only in taxes but also in consumer power.
she couldnt develop a proper coherant argument as to why i should not be allowed to live in my country...
oh she also tried to suggest that just because in my house my family dont just speak english but also our mother tounge (punjabi) that we were being offensive to britain on not respecting the country...
it just amazes me how much ignorance is around in this day and age, and how much hate.
People in America deal with this sort of thing on a daily basis. I'm just sorry its leaked across the "pond".
*edit* After having read the entirety of the thread I've come to the realization that my comment was premature and that "leaked" was the wrong word.
I completely support the fact people immigrating to a country should do their best to learn the native language (and I can't stand people insisting in hanging out with their 'home' community, especially when it's people that had a choice in moving, not talking about refugees!..the Westerners are just as bad when they go overseas :rolleyes: )
I lived for 20 months in Oz and was doing door to door there.
shocking to me (a non-english native speaker) to see Italians or Greeks who'd been there 20-30 years and could not string a phrase in English!
But I felt in love with the Russians when I bumped into a 60-years-old woman that was going to school everyday to learn English ..most of the Russians there were making the effort, and it's a much harder transition than from Italian!
BUT, what language you speak at home, hell whatever you do in your own home, is your damn fucking business!
If (hopefully when) I get kids, I'll speak French to them, even if English will be the main home language, so they can have another language without even having to learn it (and can communicate easily with my family back home)..hell, if I've got the money for a nanny or someone to help, I'll try to find someone Spanish-speaking so they can learn that too!
i agree with you. when i was in politics; i had an occation to deal with arnold; californias governor. (i can't spell his last name.) he told me a story about how when he was a young boy; he dreamed of coming to america. i replied telling him that he did not dream of coming to america; he dreamed of becoming an american. the difference is: those who dream of coming to america; come to take. those who dream of becoming an american; come to give. i don't know what being a governor pays; but i know it's a lot less than the millions arnie would earn making movies.
my great grandfather dreamed of becoming an american. he learned english in poland so he could communicate when he arrived. my family didn't ask for hand outs. we lived dirt poor and worked our way up. although labeled DPs; we made our place here. we learned the american way and took pride in being americans. the american flag flies over all of our houses. we never marched to demand the government change the laws for us; while carrying the flag of another country. when i was young i marched for equal rights but i carried the american flag to say i love this country and america should be about equal rights.
i have great respect for those who immigrate LEGALLY and try to be a part of the american experience. i know how hard it is. but i dispise those who come here illegally and expect the country to change its laws and language just for them.
i live the american dream but only by hard work. i got a lucky break when i won the lottery which allowed me to buy my first house; but it took work to get here and i'm greatful to the country and it's laws which allowed me to become independant and self sufficient. i appreciate the hardships the early settlers endured. people back east think the wild west is long gone but where i live; it's still mostly like the 1880s. we don't have the services like police; fire; emt; or things you take for granted. when we get a bad snowstorm; we're stranded until it melts. you have a snowplow that cleans your roads. when our road gets bad; we have to use our own tractors to fix it. but we don't march on washington because we don't get the services we pay for with our taxes; we endure. i guess that's what bothers me about some of these people. if you're here legally; you deserve to be here. but i have no problem telling illegals to go home.
If the MINISTER for Immigration and Citizenship in Australia wants to stop "African" immigration for a year or so... what can u expect from other people..
You think the white people aren't being recognized? Isn't the reason why they have black heritage months or whatever because it has always been about white history, white heritage etc.?
There are simply more people who speak Spanish in the US. It's a fairly simple concept, do you seriously see it as discrimination? Do you even speak Polish?
English is the de facto national language of the US, not 'de jure'.
yes; i speak some polish. and arizona law says english is the official language of the state. i threatened a lawsuit and within a year it was on the ballot. when i was in school in the early 60's; it was not just about white history. the west was settled mostly due to the black buffalo soldiers. the railroad was built by the chinese immigrants in the west. but how do we honor those killed at the alamo when 2000 mexican soldiers slaughtered 200 american men? what day do we honor the colonists that gave their life during the american revolution so that you can enjoy the freedoms you now have?
if it's always been about white history and white heritage; when it that celebrated?
If the MINISTER for Immigration and Citizenship in Australia wants to stop "African" immigration for a year or so... what can u expect from other people..
ah yes the lovely kevin andrews. but don't forget we live in a democracy, a country run by a representative government which by definition represents the will of the people. :rolleyes:
i know i know i made myself laugh too.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
ah yes the lovely kevin andrews. but don't forget we live in a democracy, a country run by a representative government which by definition represents the will of the people. :rolleyes:
i know i know i made myself laugh too.
i was shocked.. what happened to judging immigration applications based on merit? i guess skin colour is the new black!!! (pun intended!)
i dont wanna hijack this thread but whats the deal with Rudd getting slaughtered about telling McClelland it was insensitive to talk about the death penalty.. im in paris right now and i dont know the major reaction from the public but i feel people are buying it..
the guy says "we oppose the death penalty, but tells McClelland to express these beliefs at a less sensitive time" and he is being slaughtered by the media.. why is it hypocritical? :-|
That's ok, I know you weren't being racist . I guess everyone likes to be appreciated. I mean we don't have an asian/indian history month but I'm not going to start shouting for it.
We do have black history month which I think is a good thing because otherwise black children don't get to learn their history. After all the schools don't include it in their curriculums, unlike white history. In a way white history is seen as factual and correct (regardless of whether it is) and black history is seen as irrelevant or not important enough, or maybe too contradictory to the white version to be comfortable enough for white teachers to teach to white and non-white kids.
You could say that every month is white history month whereas blacks and hispanics only get a month each or so.
although i have ties to the crown; i dispise the way the british have conquered different lands/countries to make them her own. now that we are a civilized society; the crown should make amends. britian made india part of itself and should recognise the culture it took into its arms. i can understand british pride; but the british culture includes the indian culture and should be recognised on a daily basis. i recognise the indian culture for the contributions they have made to civilization and i greatly respect the hindu religion. i think you especially should be honored on a daily basis.
hare krishna
haha, there are a few in australia, just a few.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Get out of town... are you serious? I did not know that (if you're serious
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This song came up on my shuffle today - made me think of your post
Bloc Party - England Lyrics
The kids are restless
They just need something to do
From Ilford to Ladywell
The streets have become cruel
He said
"I will not listen and I won't be told
England is mine, I will take what I want"
He said
"I will not listen and I won't be told
We will roam these satanic mills"
They stood on his fingers
Kicked the back of his head like a ball
They filmed the beating
On their mobile phones
She said
"I will not listen and I won’t be told
England is mine, I will take what I want"
She said
"I will not listen and I won’t be told
We will make up our own rules"
I'm waiting for something cruel
I'm just waiting for something cruel
I'm waiting for something cruel to happen
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
also; it makes sense to speak the language of the country you're in. i'm referring to the spanish speaking in the us. first; it's discrimination. if i have to press 1 for english; 2 for spanish; i should be able to press 3 for polish; my native language. why are the hispanics privileged in the us?
i do think she was wrong. but i also understand a person wanting to preserve their country's heritage. if the us had a white heritage month i'd feel more accepting of immigrants.
Are you serious?
naděje umírá poslední
I think these are just excuses for the xenophobic to make themselves feel better for not liking what is different to them. Another example of someone who has been brainwashed by society. I'm afraid to say, I know a lot of people who say things like that.
i'm proud of my polish heritage and the contributions my family has made to this country (us). there are many white people who have made great contributions to this country and they too should be recognized.
What are you talking about Allan?
I don't know about the states but in the UK there has been a big influx of polish people over the past few years and growing. However, I've been reading on a racist site about english people's attitudes to the poles (the racist english) and believe me, however long you lived here and whatever you believe you have contributed to the country, it will never be recognised by the racists. They don't even consider the poles "white" like themselves.
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
wow; i never knew that. i hope i didn't sound racist. if i did it was the morphine.
what i meant was that the american culture is being lost. with nothing more than a dream and a vision; british people broke from the crown and invited everyone to come and share this new land. they created a new freedom not seen before and wanted everyone to share the wealth. the true story of how we settled westward to the opposite coast is facinating. i say true story because the history books only tell what people of the time wanted to hear. the american history 90% of the people know is fiction.
here in the states we have black history month and hispanic something or other; and on and on. i'm not against that; IF we were recognised.
when people talk about americans; i know they're not talking about all americans. they're talking about 70% of the population. things people say about americans don't apply to the people i'm exposed to. i'm alive because close to 2000 people donated blood when people found out i was dying from internal bleeding. i know that happens other places but it's an example of how a community takes care of eachother. and it's not just here. i drove 6 hours and instantly became part of another community and now i'm moving there.
it's hard to explain. let me give it a think and i'll get back to you.
LOL, I guess that's the difference between us and them then!
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
That's ok, I know you weren't being racist
We do have black history month which I think is a good thing because otherwise black children don't get to learn their history. After all the schools don't include it in their curriculums, unlike white history. In a way white history is seen as factual and correct (regardless of whether it is) and black history is seen as irrelevant or not important enough, or maybe too contradictory to the white version to be comfortable enough for white teachers to teach to white and non-white kids.
You could say that every month is white history month whereas blacks and hispanics only get a month each or so.
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
Actually restless I think history has been and is highly subjective regardless. We may have white history as it is told by the victors taught in schools all the time but I have to say I don't think it's even close to the truth a lot of the time. I guess I'm thinking about how I'm sitting here all white and pasty skinned in a sunburnt country
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You think the white people aren't being recognized? Isn't the reason why they have black heritage months or whatever because it has always been about white history, white heritage etc.?
There are simply more people who speak Spanish in the US. It's a fairly simple concept, do you seriously see it as discrimination? Do you even speak Polish?
English is the de facto national language of the US, not 'de jure'.
naděje umírá poslední
naděje umírá poslední
oh totally jeanie. there were no two more discriminated groups in australian history than the indigenous peoples and the irish immigrants(free and transported). they were not even allowed to practice their faith as catholicism was seen as an aberration somehow. even my atheist heart is amused by the fact that the largest chuch in sydney is st mary's catholic catehdral. irish were just ill-mannered, uncouth, drunken, fighting, criminal papist procreating heathens. :rolleyes:
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I lived for 20 months in Oz and was doing door to door there.
shocking to me (a non-english native speaker) to see Italians or Greeks who'd been there 20-30 years and could not string a phrase in English!
But I felt in love with the Russians when I bumped into a 60-years-old woman that was going to school everyday to learn English
BUT, what language you speak at home, hell whatever you do in your own home, is your damn fucking business!
If (hopefully when) I get kids, I'll speak French to them, even if English will be the main home language, so they can have another language without even having to learn it (and can communicate easily with my family back home)..hell, if I've got the money for a nanny or someone to help, I'll try to find someone Spanish-speaking so they can learn that too!
Students with nothing better to do. I've seen sites like this before. They are beyond lame.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
People in America deal with this sort of thing on a daily basis. I'm just sorry its leaked across the "pond".
*edit* After having read the entirety of the thread I've come to the realization that my comment was premature and that "leaked" was the wrong word.
Still it saddens me.
Peace and Love
But remember... for every one racist person out there, there are lots of normal, decent people...
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
i agree with you. when i was in politics; i had an occation to deal with arnold; californias governor. (i can't spell his last name.) he told me a story about how when he was a young boy; he dreamed of coming to america. i replied telling him that he did not dream of coming to america; he dreamed of becoming an american. the difference is: those who dream of coming to america; come to take. those who dream of becoming an american; come to give. i don't know what being a governor pays; but i know it's a lot less than the millions arnie would earn making movies.
my great grandfather dreamed of becoming an american. he learned english in poland so he could communicate when he arrived. my family didn't ask for hand outs. we lived dirt poor and worked our way up. although labeled DPs; we made our place here. we learned the american way and took pride in being americans. the american flag flies over all of our houses. we never marched to demand the government change the laws for us; while carrying the flag of another country. when i was young i marched for equal rights but i carried the american flag to say i love this country and america should be about equal rights.
i have great respect for those who immigrate LEGALLY and try to be a part of the american experience. i know how hard it is. but i dispise those who come here illegally and expect the country to change its laws and language just for them.
i live the american dream but only by hard work. i got a lucky break when i won the lottery which allowed me to buy my first house; but it took work to get here and i'm greatful to the country and it's laws which allowed me to become independant and self sufficient. i appreciate the hardships the early settlers endured. people back east think the wild west is long gone but where i live; it's still mostly like the 1880s. we don't have the services like police; fire; emt; or things you take for granted. when we get a bad snowstorm; we're stranded until it melts. you have a snowplow that cleans your roads. when our road gets bad; we have to use our own tractors to fix it. but we don't march on washington because we don't get the services we pay for with our taxes; we endure. i guess that's what bothers me about some of these people. if you're here legally; you deserve to be here. but i have no problem telling illegals to go home.
yes; i speak some polish. and arizona law says english is the official language of the state. i threatened a lawsuit and within a year it was on the ballot. when i was in school in the early 60's; it was not just about white history. the west was settled mostly due to the black buffalo soldiers. the railroad was built by the chinese immigrants in the west. but how do we honor those killed at the alamo when 2000 mexican soldiers slaughtered 200 american men? what day do we honor the colonists that gave their life during the american revolution so that you can enjoy the freedoms you now have?
if it's always been about white history and white heritage; when it that celebrated?
ah yes the lovely kevin andrews. but don't forget we live in a democracy, a country run by a representative government which by definition represents the will of the people. :rolleyes:
i know i know i made myself laugh too.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i was shocked.. what happened to judging immigration applications based on merit? i guess skin colour is the new black!!! (pun intended!)
i dont wanna hijack this thread but whats the deal with Rudd getting slaughtered about telling McClelland it was insensitive to talk about the death penalty.. im in paris right now and i dont know the major reaction from the public but i feel people are buying it..
the guy says "we oppose the death penalty, but tells McClelland to express these beliefs at a less sensitive time" and he is being slaughtered by the media.. why is it hypocritical? :-|
what are ur thoughts on the election?
although i have ties to the crown; i dispise the way the british have conquered different lands/countries to make them her own. now that we are a civilized society; the crown should make amends. britian made india part of itself and should recognise the culture it took into its arms. i can understand british pride; but the british culture includes the indian culture and should be recognised on a daily basis. i recognise the indian culture for the contributions they have made to civilization and i greatly respect the hindu religion. i think you especially should be honored on a daily basis.
hare krishna