i was told i was not welcome

the other day some bitch said that i and people like me should be kicked out of the country (britain) as we were not really "british". i said that i was. i have lived here all my lfie. she said i was not "born and bred" to which i replied i was... i was born in london and have lived here all my life...
she then went on to say that immigrants steal all the jobs and take money away from the country..
of course i argued immigrants are actually net contributor to the uk giving back billions not only in taxes but also in consumer power.
she couldnt develop a proper coherant argument as to why i should not be allowed to live in my country...
oh she also tried to suggest that just because in my house my family dont just speak english but also our mother tounge (punjabi) that we were being offensive to britain on not respecting the country...
it just amazes me how much ignorance is around in this day and age, and how much hate.
she then went on to say that immigrants steal all the jobs and take money away from the country..
of course i argued immigrants are actually net contributor to the uk giving back billions not only in taxes but also in consumer power.
she couldnt develop a proper coherant argument as to why i should not be allowed to live in my country...
oh she also tried to suggest that just because in my house my family dont just speak english but also our mother tounge (punjabi) that we were being offensive to britain on not respecting the country...
it just amazes me how much ignorance is around in this day and age, and how much hate.
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That is really a shame. You're right, the ignorance - and in this case unfounded nationalism - is amazing.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
She sounds like she reads the Sun or the daily mail. That sort of ignorant rubbish is in there nearly every day.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Lol we have a fair few chavs over here, they are probably = to the people from the south in America.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I have been with british losers all my life - it's time i enjoyed some ethnic loving ... will you break me from the chains that bind me?
you've spelled Britain wrong twice in that post... i agree with her, get the fuck out
in all seriousness you should have reported her to tha muthahfuckin Police... inbreds like that should be deported from Britain... not sweet PJ fans like you.
you should have told her that if her ancestors hadn't come to your country and murdered thousands of people in order to take imperial control of a country that didn't belong to them for extra gold, she wouldn't have to worry about a few of those natives ending up in hers.
oh man, it has some horrendous racists in this country... ok so they might not live in trailers and have a mother who puts "prostitute" down as her job title... but we have them.
If you ever read Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, you'll see that the British penal system took to shipping the lowest elements of its petty criminal classes out to Virginia. You got a lot of the shit from over here, but unfortunately we've still got some left.
Pretty fucking sad that people like her exist and are allowed to procreate.
blimey. i just saw where you live, and i must say i haven't met her yet.
i haven't experienced negativity towards me, for all i can remember there were less than 5 people who were nasty to me regarding me not being English.
i remember this one time i was at the pub.... full of white middle-aged English men ( and some youngsters like me who came to see the band ) and one unpleasant man said something to me which i couldn't hear cause there was a live music. so he turned around to his buddy and says "oh, look another foreigner who doesn't know how to speak English" hehe, i just laughed. i wasn't even offended, which is a suprising thing cause i always get offended....
I hear ya on the ignorance thing. I sit in an office all day and don't understand anything most of the employees say.
Lol not seen that site in ages.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
It's almost refreshing, isn't it?
My guy and I had the perfect solution. We came home, and watched a brilliant film, Hot Fuzz, all over again. The last 20 minutes are especially cathartic.
Change is inevitable. It's all evolution.
Anatole France
i actually heard that racism is worse in europe than anywhere else. i remember during the last olympics and world cup, a couple of black sports reporters from Around the Horn (JA Adande, Kevin Blackistone) and PTI (Wilbon) talked about how they 'feared for their lives' whenever they had to go abroad and cover sports stories in europe. very surprised to hear that. can any Europeans confirm what the deal is?
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What's worse? These "rednecks" who speak their minds, or the liberals who pretend not to be racists (even though they are the worst kind)? Hey Seattle, oh those of open minds, why don't you build a NASCAR track? Oh yeah, you don't want "those kind of people" coming to your area. That's right, fucking hypocrites. These people don't believe in abortion, love their country, but didn't have the money that these fucking east/west coast liberals have, so they are rednecks. At least they are real.
Darkcrow... I betcha it was the blue streak in your hair that made her say that.. she thought you were an alien probably! Joke apart, comments like that are totally unacceptable, especially towards asians in this country. I work in an environment with LOTS of foreigners, recently arrived immigrants or not and from lots of different countries. Conversations there are quite funny sometimes, because everyone has trouble understanding the other.. but nothing stops the people from having an good natter.
What can you say about people like this person... just plain ignorant. Probably feeling threatened by 'those' people because they fare a lot better than her in this country, due to hard work and determination. She probably doesn't know what hard work means. One can only ignore comments like that, but it's hard and it does hurt.
We love you Darkcrow!!!!
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I would have to go with the rednecks. The liberal elitest from the Northeast are not racist we just believe we are wealthier and smarter which just coincidentally happens to be true.
Ahhh, Barroom's identity is finally coming through.
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this wasn't an exaggeration. wilbon literally said he was praying that nothing happens to adande and bunch of other black reporters that were heading abroad to cover the olympics or world cup. black athletes in europe are not as prominant nor as celebrated as they are here in the states. i agree with you that its regional, certain areas are actually more unsafe than others. where did you live in europe? are you black?
racism exists everywhere and its fairly ignorant to assume it only happens in southern US. i dont know why wilbon and those guys would mention it if they didn't experience threats and animosity in europe that wasnt found in the states or other places. they certainly didn't express their fear abroad to generate ratings for their show.
Hehehe. I just spit out some beer on this one ! They are real, alright...real dumbfucks.
Hey! We got some of your shit too! Actually come to think of it. . . I think I'm descended from that shit, and I'm pretty damn happy to be living in Australia rather than in the shitty cold miserable UK surrounded by poms (no offense). Yay for Britain's transportation policies!
-C Addison