Obama might run in 2008

WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama acknowledged Sunday he was considering a run for president in 2008, backing off previous statements that he would not do so.
The Illinois Democrat said he could no longer stand by the statements he made after his 2004 election and earlier this year that he would serve a full six-year term in Congress. He said he would not make a decision until after the Nov. 7 elections.
"That was how I was thinking at that time," said Obama, when asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" about his previous statements.
"Given the response I've been getting the last several months, I have thought about the possibility" although not with any seriousness or depth, he said. "My focus is on '06. ... After November 7, I'll sit down and consider it."
Obama was largely unknown outside Illinois when he burst onto the national scene with a widely acclaimed address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
In recent weeks, his political stock has been rising as a potentially viable centrist candidate for president in 2008 after former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner announced earlier this month that he was bowing out of the race.
In a recent issue of Time magazine, Obama's face fills the cover next to the headline, "Why Barack Obama Could Be The Next President." He is currently on a tour promoting his latest book, "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream."
On Sunday, Obama dismissed notions that he might not be ready to run for president because of his limited experience in national politics. He agreed the job requires a "certain soberness and seriousness" and "can't be something you pursue on the basis of vanity and ambition."
"I'm not sure anyone is ready to be president before they're president," Obama said. "I trust the judgment of the American people.
"We have a long and vigorous process. Should I decide to run, if I ever decide to, I'll be confident that I'll be run through the paces pretty well," Obama said.
I am wondering... if he did get the presidential nomination, would the majority of the american public vote for a black guy? i ahve seen clips of him giving speechs and he seems charasmatic and actually quite an exciting politician. i dont know if in britain the british public would vote for a non-white prime minister.... there is considerable talk that gordon brown will not be backed by the public becuase he is scottish.....
The Illinois Democrat said he could no longer stand by the statements he made after his 2004 election and earlier this year that he would serve a full six-year term in Congress. He said he would not make a decision until after the Nov. 7 elections.
"That was how I was thinking at that time," said Obama, when asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" about his previous statements.
"Given the response I've been getting the last several months, I have thought about the possibility" although not with any seriousness or depth, he said. "My focus is on '06. ... After November 7, I'll sit down and consider it."
Obama was largely unknown outside Illinois when he burst onto the national scene with a widely acclaimed address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
In recent weeks, his political stock has been rising as a potentially viable centrist candidate for president in 2008 after former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner announced earlier this month that he was bowing out of the race.
In a recent issue of Time magazine, Obama's face fills the cover next to the headline, "Why Barack Obama Could Be The Next President." He is currently on a tour promoting his latest book, "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream."
On Sunday, Obama dismissed notions that he might not be ready to run for president because of his limited experience in national politics. He agreed the job requires a "certain soberness and seriousness" and "can't be something you pursue on the basis of vanity and ambition."
"I'm not sure anyone is ready to be president before they're president," Obama said. "I trust the judgment of the American people.
"We have a long and vigorous process. Should I decide to run, if I ever decide to, I'll be confident that I'll be run through the paces pretty well," Obama said.
I am wondering... if he did get the presidential nomination, would the majority of the american public vote for a black guy? i ahve seen clips of him giving speechs and he seems charasmatic and actually quite an exciting politician. i dont know if in britain the british public would vote for a non-white prime minister.... there is considerable talk that gordon brown will not be backed by the public becuase he is scottish.....
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I think that some people won't vote for him b/c of of his skin color and that is a shame; I think that number of people is a very small minority of the population, but my guess is they'll also be focused on the most if he happens to run. I think Obama could win if he ran and it would be interesting if you had Obama V Giuliani or something like that b/c they are both more moderate in there views.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
nah I think we're passed that..
They just have to pray that he turns Gay by 08.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
are you trying to say the base of the GOP is racist? Surely, you're not making that big a claim. While there are racists in the GOP (no one will deny that just as there are racists in the dems) to infer their entire base is racist is a huge leap.
I agree!
You also gotta think that the Republicans are working on a strategy and digging up dirt on him already...
There is just something about this guy that I really like.
He just seems like the kinda guy that doesn't fling the bullshit like so many others.
He truly seems genuine.
So far...
agreed. He brings a lot to the table and i like the fact he hasn't been around washington for a long time.
Definitely. He'd have to really, really screw up to lose my vote.
I really want to read his new book
angels share laughter
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
hot damn, doesn't that sound lovely?
angels share laughter
obama's good but 08 might be too soon
What was his view on the war? I know he supported kerry, which I don't think is a good thing considering the fact that Kerry is pretty bad.
But I think he has a really good chance of being president, Infact I think that if he runs, he'll win it.
I don't agree with everything about him, but I agree with enough. I'd vote for him.
The far left wing of the Democratic party doesn't like Hillary, but isn't she closer to them than Obama? Who would have the better chance in the primaries? I don't think Obama is a bad candidate at all, and could deal with him being president. But do you think he could win in the primaries? He's not very liberal.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I'm liking this guy more and more and more!!!
well that's the thing my friend, how much can you trust,believe, support? a person who just backs another person because of some affiliation? with a group, I mean to throw out what you believe, to throw out what is right and support what is wrong just because of a tag? A person like that, I don't think should be a leader.
I know he spoke well at the convention, his speech about his father and farms or whatever it was, it was very touching, but that's not enough for me.
Sure it would be great to see a young non white president, that's just what the country could use, something new, also I would'nt be upset if he won, I don't think he's that bad, but again, is he really the best? is he really that good?
that's true, he does have inexperience about he executive branch, but I think that can work to his favor. At a time when the public is split they are looking for someone who's NOT been around DC for a long time b/c of the extreme skepticism of everyone in politics. He may not have the experience but I like his attitude re: the presidency...from meet the press
"I think there’s a, there’s a certain soberness and seriousness required when you think about that office that is unique. And at some point, the bargain you’re making with the American people is, is that, “You put me in this office and my problems are not relevant. My job is to think about your problems.”
And so anybody, I think, who’s pursuing it, has to, has to understand the gravity of it, and, and make sure that the reason they want to do it is not simply because they want to see their name in the headlines."
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Go look up how much experience Lincoln had when he was elected.
Go look up how much (successful) experience Pres. Bush had!
yeah, i agree with this. i think he's got a better chance than hillary, but not a big enough chance to win it. i've said it a million times before, i might be dead and buried before this country sees a black or female president.
myself, i'll just wait until the actual candidates are chosen before i make up my mind who i'm voting for. no sense getting all charged up about something that isn't a sure thing yet.
~Michael Bolton
I think this is a great idea on the part of the Dems. Too many people do not like Hillary and I think she would get hit pretty hard. I don't care where I am working in 2008, I will quit and get on the Obama train. Now, who would be a perfect VP on a ticket headed by Obama? John Edwards, help get some of the southern vote.
o man I dont think I can handle his nerdy double thumbs up again.
It's much better than W's stupid chuckle