and before you claim atheism does that, stop. cos it doesn't. they're not unified and they don't have a dogma that offers a comprehensive ballot program. or if they do their numbers are so small they have about the same elcetoral weight as david koresh and his kooks did.
You should meet some of my co-workers. There is a well respected physician that is considered a 'religious nut' where I work, simply because he likes pray or meditate before he starts his day. To hear them talk you would think he was sacrificing chickens or something. Trust me, scientists can be just as dogmatic about the non-existence of God. That's not to say all are, of course.
btw, I know a great lawyer joke!
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
You should meet some of my co-workers. There is a well respected physician that is considered a 'religious nut' where I work, simply because he likes pray or meditate before he starts his day. To hear them talk you would think he was sacrificing chickens or something. Trust me, scientists can be just as dogmatic about the non-existence of God. That's not to say all are, of course.
btw, I know a great lawyer joke!
but do any of them go door to door trying to "save" people from religion?
hit me with it! i dont know all that many surprisingly.
no, becos those stereotypes are funny and harmless and id never take them personally. there is also a large element of truth to them... there are a lot of lawyers out there doing just that and i accept that they give the profession a bad name sometimes. i take no offense when people talk about drunken irishmen, pampered white suburban kids, or fucked up guilty/sex issues catholic people. becos the stereotypes arise for a reason... there's some truth to them. some will take it and believe it as a blanket prejudice, but such people are too stupid for me to change their mind anyway. others are just venting and ranting and that's cool with me too. others are just having fun and if you cannot laugh at yourself then you take yourself too seriously.
and no, the non-religious do not get a pass. i just dont really know any place where atheists walk around saying "have you rejected the concept of god yet?" if i lived in such a place, id be pissed at them, just as id be pissed at muslims in iran, etc etc. now, have you got any other annoying assumptions about my single-minded hatred of religion that i can relive you of? ive specifically said i will strongly defend faith and its reasonableness (i have faith myself)... only when it becomes a basis for political programming do i have problems. and i have problems anywhere that happens. and before you claim atheism does that, stop. cos it doesn't. they're not unified and they don't have a dogma that offers a comprehensive ballot program. or if they do their numbers are so small they have about the same elcetoral weight as david koresh and his kooks did.
O.k. i can see a point. People who come here and make blanket indictments, stereotypes, and prejudices about Christians and Christianity in and of itself (before you say it doesn't happen, stop. You know damn well it does. Noone gets it harder on this board than Christians), are just way to stupid for me to change their mind. i'll accept that.
As far as the rest, is concerned, you still seem unwilling to drop the hypocrisy concerning people of faith and their voting habits. EVRYTHING is a basis for political programming and the Christian (or nonChristian for that matter, because i assure you there are plenty) who votes, for example, against legal abortion is no more guilty of "forcing their beliefs" than the person who votes in favor of it. Its the same damn thing! As far as raw numbers, that is absolutely no argument. Just as you said earlier about me, a Christian, accepting my status as a poster in a forum that is largely hostile to Christianity (i think you used the words "liberal territory" (which still makes no sense)), ours is a democratic republic, and if, again for example, the anti gay-marriage crowd outnumbers the marriage for homosexuals crowd, thats just the way the cliched cookie crumbles. Right? As i've said before, i have a problem with the way the "religious right" prioritizes at the ballot box. But if i hold a position that the vast majority of people in the country disagree with, i am forced to accept it.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Oh, I forgot he was a lawyer, too! I'm from the south, so soulsinging and last exodus can rip on that. he he
With Last Exodus' comments about the drunken Eskimos in Canada, I guess he's a little bit of fair game for the moment, especially when he can't come out here and defend himself! hehehehe!!!!!!!!!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
As i've said before, i have a problem with the way the "religious right" prioritizes at the ballot box.
once again, there is no hypocrisy in what im saying about christian vote casting, becos all i am saying is precisely what you say right here. and there is a difference between casting a vote based on your christian values and beliefs, and voting only becos your pastor said you had to vote x way or becos some politician payed lip service to your values (as in "vote for me, i go to your church") to blind you to the fact that they are doing precisely the opposite of your values. im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate. it just seems like christians are having the wool pulled over their eyes more than most. when was the last time bush talked about abortion or gay marriage? let alone actually tried to DO something about it? yet he won a lot of votes becos of those empty promises.
once again, there is no hypocrisy in what im saying about christian vote casting, becos all i am saying is precisely what you say right here. and there is a difference between casting a vote based on your christian values and beliefs, and voting only becos your pastor said you had to vote x way or becos some politician payed lip service to your values (as in "vote for me, i go to your church") to blind you to the fact that they are doing precisely the opposite of your values. im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate. it just seems like christians are having the wool pulled over their eyes more than most. when was the last time bush talked about abortion or gay marriage? let alone actually tried to DO something about it? yet he won a lot of votes becos of those empty promises.
You still insist on saying "Christians" as though we are all in the same political boat, when, in fact Christianity is not a political affiliation and there exists a wide range of Christians on the right, the left, and all points in between. The bigger problem i have with your rhetoric is that Christians, wherever they fall in the political spectrum, are not the only voters guilty of "having the wool pulled over their eyes" and tehy are certainly not the only ones pandered to by politicians making "empty promises". Every single demographic in these United States is pandered to. Every single one. And if it isn't their pastor planting either overt or subliminal messages as far as how to vote, it is someone else. You think Bush only pandered to the religious right with false promises regarding abortion and gay marriage!? Where's the fucking electrical or water or whatever the fuck powered automobiles promised to the environmentalist crowd. Yeah there's an idea that has really gotten off the ground. :rollseyes: i'm no fan of Bush. i can't stand him, but, are you implying he's the only president who has made empty promises?! What about Clinton's universal healthcare? You talk about how fair you are in your criticisms, but, quite frankly, i don't see it. i'm not calling you out because i firmly believe that no one is without their own prejudices or hypocrisies to varying degrees. i think you are a little blind to yours because of your very palpable disdain for Christians, but, hey, aren't we all.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
You still insist on saying "Christians" as though we are all in the same political boat, when, in fact Christianity is not a political affiliation and there exists a wide range of Christians on the right, the left, and all points in between. The bigger problem i have with your rhetoric is that Christians, wherever they fall in the political spectrum, are not the only voters guilty of "having the wool pulled over their eyes" and tehy are certainly not the only ones pandered to by politicians making "empty promises". Every single demographic in these United States is pandered to. Every single one. And if it isn't their pastor planting either overt or subliminal messages as far as how to vote, it is someone else. You think Bush only pandered to the religious right with false promises regarding abortion and gay marriage!? Where's the fucking electrical or water or whatever the fuck powered automobiles promised to the environmentalist crowd. Yeah there's an idea that has really gotten off the ground. :rollseyes: i'm no fan of Bush. i can't stand him, but, are you implying he's the only president who has made empty promises?! What about Clinton's universal healthcare? You talk about how fair you are in your criticisms, but, quite frankly, i don't see it. i'm not calling you out because i firmly believe that no one is without their own prejudices or hypocrisies to varying degrees. i think you are a little blind to yours because of your very palpable disdain for Christians, but, hey, aren't we all.
you are trying so hard to convince yourself i hate christians. read my post again. one more time. where in my post do i say anything different from what you just sayidhere? nowhere did i say christians were the only ones. in fact i specifically said:
"im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate."
here, ill do it again, since you seem very adept at ignoring my actual words when they get in the way of you being able to rant about how horribly oppressed you are and how horribly prejudiced and hateful i am:
"im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate."
as to my "labelling" christians... what doyu propose i call them? how pc do you want me to be? are we not allowed to talk about trends in christian, african-american, or environmentalist voting? how many times would you like me to say it? once again, ill paste it. maybe this time you will actually read it:
"in fact i have specifically said that not all or even most christians are like this"
oh, and this one:
"never have i said every christian in the entire world is like this."
now, are there any other questions? would you like some help removing that chip from your shoulder?
you are trying so hard to convince yourself i hate christians. read my post again. one more time. where in my post do i say anything different from what you just sayidhere? nowhere did i say christians were the only ones. in fact i specifically said:
"im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate."
here, ill do it again, since you seem very adept at ignoring my actual words when they get in the way of you being able to rant about how horribly oppressed you are and how horribly prejudiced and hateful i am:
"im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate."
as to my "labelling" christians... what doyu propose i call them? how pc do you want me to be? are we not allowed to talk about trends in christian, african-american, or environmentalist voting? how many times would you like me to say it? once again, ill paste it. maybe this time you will actually read it:
"in fact i have specifically said that not all or even most christians are like this"
oh, and this one:
"never have i said every christian in the entire world is like this."
now, are there any other questions? would you like some help removing that chip from your shoulder?
Come on soulsinging, you can't avoid the chat two weekends in a row!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
So I was at work last night (I manage a grocery store) and one of my guys in produce came up to me and said some lady came up to him and commented on his pierced ears, and told him that only women should get their ears pierced and that he's going to hell and whoever pierced his ears owns him for the rest of his life. He said she started reciting passages from the bible to him, and then told him that his earings were ugly! She asked if he went to church and if he wore his earing during the service.
Now I don't know what I am, I'm at a very confusing stage in my life as far as religion goes, and I definatley don't consider myself a christian because I refuse to live my life a certain way to please anyone. But this made me realize how hipocritical most christians can be, just because they live there lives a certain way, why do they think everyone else has to?
Instances like that is one of the reasons I am not religious..friggin freaks..
So I was at work last night (I manage a grocery store) and one of my guys in produce came up to me and said some lady came up to him and commented on his pierced ears, and told him that only women should get their ears pierced and that he's going to hell and whoever pierced his ears owns him for the rest of his life. He said she started reciting passages from the bible to him, and then told him that his earings were ugly! She asked if he went to church and if he wore his earing during the service.
Now I don't know what I am, I'm at a very confusing stage in my life as far as religion goes, and I definatley don't consider myself a christian because I refuse to live my life a certain way to please anyone. But this made me realize how hipocritical most christians can be, just because they live there lives a certain way, why do they think everyone else has to?
Did your employee not just tell her to go and shove it up her arse??? And as an employER would you have a problem with him telling her to do so? I think you should bar her from your shop... or maybe read her a passage where Jesus said (cos I'm sure he said it once or twice) that you should not cast judgement on others or you'll rot in hell.
And don't say that MOST christians are like that, cos they're actually not. This woman is just a bitter old hag of a battleaxe and you don't want her as a customer in there abusing your staff anyway so just teach her a lesson
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I wouldn't say that most Christians are hipocritical. Every religion is going to have hipocritical or pushy zealots as followers but I wouldn't judge millions of believers on the actions of a few.
exactly... there is nothing christian about that womans behaviour. People like that are actually NOT following what they've been taught. And to see her as an example of how a christian behaves is being just as bigoted as she is unfortunately...
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
You should meet some of my co-workers. There is a well respected physician that is considered a 'religious nut' where I work, simply because he likes pray or meditate before he starts his day. To hear them talk you would think he was sacrificing chickens or something. Trust me, scientists can be just as dogmatic about the non-existence of God. That's not to say all are, of course.
btw, I know a great lawyer joke!
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
but do any of them go door to door trying to "save" people from religion?
hit me with it! i dont know all that many surprisingly.
O.k. i can see a point. People who come here and make blanket indictments, stereotypes, and prejudices about Christians and Christianity in and of itself (before you say it doesn't happen, stop. You know damn well it does. Noone gets it harder on this board than Christians), are just way to stupid for me to change their mind. i'll accept that.
As far as the rest, is concerned, you still seem unwilling to drop the hypocrisy concerning people of faith and their voting habits. EVRYTHING is a basis for political programming and the Christian (or nonChristian for that matter, because i assure you there are plenty) who votes, for example, against legal abortion is no more guilty of "forcing their beliefs" than the person who votes in favor of it. Its the same damn thing! As far as raw numbers, that is absolutely no argument. Just as you said earlier about me, a Christian, accepting my status as a poster in a forum that is largely hostile to Christianity (i think you used the words "liberal territory" (which still makes no sense)), ours is a democratic republic, and if, again for example, the anti gay-marriage crowd outnumbers the marriage for homosexuals crowd, thats just the way the cliched cookie crumbles. Right? As i've said before, i have a problem with the way the "religious right" prioritizes at the ballot box. But if i hold a position that the vast majority of people in the country disagree with, i am forced to accept it.
No, but each one is coming from a different perspective. For the atheist, there is nothing to be 'saved' from, so it is a moot point.
A guy opened a bill from his lawyer and after seeing the total shouted "All lawyers are assholes!"
A man passing on the street stopped and said, "Hey, I'm offended!"
The guy said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you a lawyer?"
The man said "No, I'm an asshole"
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Oh, I forgot he was a lawyer, too! I'm from the south, so soulsinging and last exodus can rip on that.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
once again, there is no hypocrisy in what im saying about christian vote casting, becos all i am saying is precisely what you say right here. and there is a difference between casting a vote based on your christian values and beliefs, and voting only becos your pastor said you had to vote x way or becos some politician payed lip service to your values (as in "vote for me, i go to your church") to blind you to the fact that they are doing precisely the opposite of your values. im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate. it just seems like christians are having the wool pulled over their eyes more than most. when was the last time bush talked about abortion or gay marriage? let alone actually tried to DO something about it? yet he won a lot of votes becos of those empty promises.
nah, i feel bad about that... it's too easy, like kicking a puppy.
i like the joke though... the only one i know is the one about what dyou call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea?
a good start.
You still insist on saying "Christians" as though we are all in the same political boat, when, in fact Christianity is not a political affiliation and there exists a wide range of Christians on the right, the left, and all points in between. The bigger problem i have with your rhetoric is that Christians, wherever they fall in the political spectrum, are not the only voters guilty of "having the wool pulled over their eyes" and tehy are certainly not the only ones pandered to by politicians making "empty promises". Every single demographic in these United States is pandered to. Every single one. And if it isn't their pastor planting either overt or subliminal messages as far as how to vote, it is someone else. You think Bush only pandered to the religious right with false promises regarding abortion and gay marriage!? Where's the fucking electrical or water or whatever the fuck powered automobiles promised to the environmentalist crowd. Yeah there's an idea that has really gotten off the ground. :rollseyes: i'm no fan of Bush. i can't stand him, but, are you implying he's the only president who has made empty promises?! What about Clinton's universal healthcare? You talk about how fair you are in your criticisms, but, quite frankly, i don't see it. i'm not calling you out because i firmly believe that no one is without their own prejudices or hypocrisies to varying degrees. i think you are a little blind to yours because of your very palpable disdain for Christians, but, hey, aren't we all.
you are trying so hard to convince yourself i hate christians. read my post again. one more time. where in my post do i say anything different from what you just sayidhere? nowhere did i say christians were the only ones. in fact i specifically said:
"im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate."
here, ill do it again, since you seem very adept at ignoring my actual words when they get in the way of you being able to rant about how horribly oppressed you are and how horribly prejudiced and hateful i am:
"im opposed to uninformed voting in general... be it becos he's the "christian" candidate, or the union candidate, or the black candidate."
as to my "labelling" christians... what doyu propose i call them? how pc do you want me to be? are we not allowed to talk about trends in christian, african-american, or environmentalist voting? how many times would you like me to say it? once again, ill paste it. maybe this time you will actually read it:
"in fact i have specifically said that not all or even most christians are like this"
oh, and this one:
"never have i said every christian in the entire world is like this."
now, are there any other questions? would you like some help removing that chip from your shoulder?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i dont know what you're talking about. chat?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Instances like that is one of the reasons I am not religious..friggin freaks..
And don't say that MOST christians are like that, cos they're actually not. This woman is just a bitter old hag of a battleaxe and you don't want her as a customer in there abusing your staff anyway so just teach her a lesson
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you