No, I'll tell you what's disgraceful ... 3,055 dead coalition soldiers. 44,779 wounded American soldiers. Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis. All in a war that didn't have to happen, and with no end in sight.
great. how bout we stay on topic. im sure you can post till here till your fingers hurt about what you find disgraceful.
Could he had worded what he said better? Without a doubt. Was Senator calling the soldiers of our country dumbasses? No.
If you really think a man who: his party is trying to win the Congress next week, has many voters in his state who are military/former military, and wants to run for President again would really say and believe what you claim he is saying, than you don't have a clue how it works...
Could he had worded what he said better? Without a doubt. Was Senator calling the soldiers of our country dumbasses? No.
If you really think a man who: his party is trying to win the Congress next week, has many voters in his state who are military/former military, and wants to run for President again would really say and believe what you claim he is saying, than you don't have a clue how it works...
its ok for democrats to play the political game but not republicans.
point...your grandfather knew how to become successful...he knew what it took...and he more than likely had a stable family when he grew up....not what many minorities in the US face..sooo...the reason for this post...they turn to the military...get it??
do you read what you're writing? my grandfather was orphaned in WWI. he was seperated from his family at the start of WWII to work in a mine in poland. look how many europeans AND americans lost parents in WWII. i guess you were born after that era. oh, wait; we had the korean and vietnam wars that took a lot of parents too.
Yeah, I don't think what he said is all that bad or wrong at all. I do think this is a spin from the GOP side in the face of losing big time in the up coming elections.....they have been just foaming at the mouth at something to try and attack the Dems with.....and this is all they came up with.
Check out Kerry's response to the uproar from the GOP:
Kerry, who is not up for re-election this year, fired back at the White House and GOP, saying he was not disparaging U.S. soldiers.
"If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy," he said. "No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan and a stand-still-and-lose strategy in Iraq."
He then said: "You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.
"If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
But Kerry refused to relent, calling the criticism part of the "classic GOP playbook."
"I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed-suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium, or doughy Rush Limbaugh, who no doubt today will take a break from belittling Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's disease to start lying about me just as they have lied about Iraq."
He further expressed disgust with "Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country."
Kerry added that President Bush and Vice President Cheney "owe our troops an apology" because they "misled America into war."
Bush and Cheney "have given us a Katrina foreign policy that has betrayed our ideals, killed and maimed our soldiers, and widened the terrorist threat instead of defeating it," the senator said.
it speaks volumes. if a person born dirt poor can work his way up to ceo of a corporation; lose everything because of a surgery (1986) and return to own one of the biggest food corporations in the country and retire at age 40; (ok; not retire but stop working); it should be able to be done by anyone.
and I quote " study hard, do your homework, make an effort to be smart, you can do well. if you dont, you will get stuck in Iraq.
so mr kerry, all soliders who go and fight are uneducated dumbasses. well said.
The truth hurts sometimes.....but yes, most people with a college degree do not serve in the military.
If you surveyed all the folks in all branches in the military, I suspect it would prove that point.
Are there exceptions to the rule; of course. Does that mean the rule is not valid; nope.
You could say the same thing about many, many, many jobs. Classify them between those with more formal education and those without. Don't try to make that sound like a bad thing to suite the needs of the GOP.
it speaks volumes. if a person born dirt poor can work his way up to ceo of a corporation; lose everything because of a surgery (1986) and return to own one of the biggest food corporations in the country and retire at age 40; (ok; not retire but stop working); it should be able to be done by anyone.
Some people climb Everest, some people can run 100 meters in 9.77 sec.
No, I'll tell you what's disgraceful ... 3,055 dead coalition soldiers. 44,779 wounded American soldiers. Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis. All in a war that didn't have to happen, and with no end in sight.
ONCE AGAIN you have no idea what your talking about. at least 3 times a day I get a laugh from your ignorance
When the putting words in others mouths don't work in filling your agenda, that's when the personal insults start. There is quite a pattern to your work.
What is so disgraceful? I'm just curious? As far as I am concerned, if you are brave enough to actually go fight in a war, if you are lucky enough to come home from that war you should be allowed to say whatever the hell you want.
I just wonder how many of these people who call Kerry a traitor support the President and Vice President and their "military" service...
what he said was study and become successful or you'll end up in iraq. translated that means if you're stupid and /or can't afford an education; you'll end up in the military.
he must have been stupid too b/c he was in the military.
i don't think anyone supports the war; they support those fighting because they believe they are protecting their fellow countrymen from another attack on native soil. i respect them for that.
your just as disgraceful as his comments. well done
And you suck air and pretend to have actual relevant thoughts. Well done, not!
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
what he said was study and become successful or you'll end up in iraq. translated that means if you're stupid and /or can't afford an education; you'll end up in the military.
he must have been stupid too b/c he was in the military.
i don't think anyone supports the war; they support those fighting because they believe they are protecting their fellow countrymen from another attack on native soil. i respect them for that.
I'm just curious as to how you got into Senator Kerrys head and was able to translate what he said to what he MUST have been thinking. Please tell me, because I would love to climb up in the Presidents and find out really what the hell he is talking about.
Not to be the party pooper here but maybe we should tone down with the personal insults. We are not all going to agree on the topics discussed here, but I'm asuming we are all adults so let's try to act like adults.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
When the putting words in others mouths don't work in filling your agenda, that's when the personal insults start. There is quite a pattern to your work.
personal insults? I havent heard anything but from that guy. spare me your bullshit
are the remarks of a traitor worth repeating? i'm going to a vietnam vetrens party saturday and they still feel the effects of kerry's actions before congress in the early '70's. men like tillman gave up million dollar contracts to stand for what they believe in; then this asshole comes along and belittles them; AND everyone else who died for their beliefs; and their country. fewer sholdiers have died in iraq since the beginning of the war than died in the WTC attack in minutes. these men died so we wouldn't have another attack of this magnatude on american soil.
whether you support the war or not; at least respect those who believe they are risking their lives for YOU.
Tell me something, who was more qualified to protest the Vietnam war?
--the so called hippies
--the so called draft dodgers
--the so called kids that were protected because of their class status?
or a person who actually was over there?
By all accounts Vietnam was worst than our perception of Hell. If there had been no TV, the American public would have still known that it was Hell because the nightmare was in the eyes of the men who made it back from that war. So what if Kerry spoke out about what he saw or experienced. He went there as a uniformed military person under a draft.
It wasn't Kerry's remarks that made the American public treat vietnam vets so god awful, that honor goes to Nixon and Kissinger. Tell your buddies at your party to think about what's happening in Iraq look at the comparisons because it's the Kissinger plan all over again. He's the lead advisor to Cheney and Rumsfeld, both non-military people running the war in Iraq like they're talking at a board of director's meeting. They're not listening to the general or men in the field, you know that, you've seen that. It's the same f---up stuff spoken about back then.
Who's paying the cost for these CEO style meetings, the coalition troops, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the American public, and a world on the brink. For what, so that we can control the Iraq oil and Israel can gain land. By time this conflict ends Iraq and parts of Lebannon will be divided up into military zones like Berlin.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Yeah, I don't think what he said is all that bad or wrong at all. I do think this is a spin from the GOP side in the face of losing big time in the up coming elections.....they have been just foaming at the mouth at something to try and attack the Dems with.....and this is all they came up with.
Check out Kerry's response to the uproar from the GOP:
Kerry, who is not up for re-election this year, fired back at the White House and GOP, saying he was not disparaging U.S. soldiers.
"If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy," he said. "No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan and a stand-still-and-lose strategy in Iraq."
He then said: "You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.
"If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
But Kerry refused to relent, calling the criticism part of the "classic GOP playbook."
"I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed-suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium, or doughy Rush Limbaugh, who no doubt today will take a break from belittling Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's disease to start lying about me just as they have lied about Iraq."
He further expressed disgust with "Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country."
Kerry added that President Bush and Vice President Cheney "owe our troops an apology" because they "misled America into war."
Bush and Cheney "have given us a Katrina foreign policy that has betrayed our ideals, killed and maimed our soldiers, and widened the terrorist threat instead of defeating it," the senator said.
the family members and others i know that have enlisted did so after college to further their education.
I'm just curious as to how you got into Senator Kerrys head and was able to translate what he said to what he MUST have been thinking. Please tell me, because I would love to climb up in the Presidents and find out really what the hell he is talking about.
must be the same way michael moore knew what everyone in washington was thinking at the time of the WTC attack.
no, wait; i remember: I LIVED THROUGH IT. I KNEW SOMEONE HE TRIED TO PAY TO SHOOT HIM IN THE LEG AND MAKE IT A FLESH WOUND. 3 injuries and you're out. i know someone who reinlisted twice and was never once wounded. kerry got wounded 3 times in 4 months. what does that tell you about his capabilities?
i'm translating the way it was taken by many people. personally; i don't think the coward can think.
Someday a Democrat candidate and a Republican candidate will say exactly the same stupid thing at exactly the same time. And some of your heads will explode from not knowing how to react.
Tell me something, who was more qualified to protest the Vietnam war?
--the so called hippies
--the so called draft dodgers
--the so called kids that were protected because of their class status?
or a person who actually was over there?
By all accounts Vietnam was worst than our perception of Hell. If there had been no TV, the American public would have still known that it was Hell because the nightmare was in the eyes of the men who made it back from that war. So what if Kerry spoke out about what he saw or experienced. He went there as a uniformed military person under a draft.
It wasn't Kerry's remarks that made the American public treat vietnam vets so god awful, that honor goes to Nixon and Kissinger. Tell your buddies at your party to think about what's happening in Iraq look at the comparisons because it's the Kissinger plan all over again. He's the lead advisor to Cheney and Rumsfeld, both non-military people running the war in Iraq like they're talking at a board of director's meeting. They're not listening to the general or men in the field, you know that, you've seen that. It's the same f---up stuff spoken about back then.
Who's paying the cost for these CEO style meetings, the coalition troops, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the American public, and a world on the brink. For what, so that we can control the Iraq oil and Israel can gain land. By time this conflict ends Iraq and parts of Lebannon will be divided up into military zones like Berlin.
just as in WWII; one or more nations asked for our help to preserve their freedom.
next; kerry told the nation that he was there and our soldiers were killing babies. HE WAS THERE 4 FRICKEN MONTHS. what the hell could he see in 4 months. someone mentioned "contacts" go get reserve or completely out of the vietnam draft. um; what was kerry's fathers occupation at the time? i heard he had some washington contacts.
btw; if he witnessed it he was there and a part of it.
Someday a Democrat candidate and a Republican candidate will say exactly the same stupid thing at exactly the same time. And some of your heads will explode from not knowing how to react.
another funny comment today. thanks for bringing a little light to the bunch
must be the same way michael moore knew what everyone in washington was thinking at the time of the WTC attack.
no, wait; i remember: I LIVED THROUGH IT. I KNEW SOMEONE HE TRIED TO PAY TO SHOOT HIM IN THE LEG AND MAKE IT A FLESH WOUND. 3 injuries and you're out. i know someone who reinlisted twice and was never once wounded. kerry got wounded 3 times in 4 months. what does that tell you about his capabilities?
i'm translating the way it was taken by many people. personally; i don't think the coward can think.
Michael Moore knew what everyone was thinking at the time of the WTC attack? That's news to me. Good for him.
Kerry getting wounded 3 times in 4 months tells me that he was actually over seas fighting, not MIA like others who shall remain nameless...
If you and jlew24 had actually understood the meaning of my reply to his remark in the context of his post, this little remark of yours would have been unnecessary. Now I understand why the Kerry remark seems disgraceful.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
great. how bout we stay on topic. im sure you can post till here till your fingers hurt about what you find disgraceful.
If you really think a man who: his party is trying to win the Congress next week, has many voters in his state who are military/former military, and wants to run for President again would really say and believe what you claim he is saying, than you don't have a clue how it works...
its ok for democrats to play the political game but not republicans.
do you read what you're writing? my grandfather was orphaned in WWI. he was seperated from his family at the start of WWII to work in a mine in poland. look how many europeans AND americans lost parents in WWII. i guess you were born after that era. oh, wait; we had the korean and vietnam wars that took a lot of parents too.
Check out Kerry's response to the uproar from the GOP:
Kerry, who is not up for re-election this year, fired back at the White House and GOP, saying he was not disparaging U.S. soldiers.
"If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy," he said. "No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan and a stand-still-and-lose strategy in Iraq."
He then said: "You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.
"If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
But Kerry refused to relent, calling the criticism part of the "classic GOP playbook."
"I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed-suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium, or doughy Rush Limbaugh, who no doubt today will take a break from belittling Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's disease to start lying about me just as they have lied about Iraq."
He further expressed disgust with "Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country."
Kerry added that President Bush and Vice President Cheney "owe our troops an apology" because they "misled America into war."
Bush and Cheney "have given us a Katrina foreign policy that has betrayed our ideals, killed and maimed our soldiers, and widened the terrorist threat instead of defeating it," the senator said.
Who was playing the "political game"
it speaks volumes. if a person born dirt poor can work his way up to ceo of a corporation; lose everything because of a surgery (1986) and return to own one of the biggest food corporations in the country and retire at age 40; (ok; not retire but stop working); it should be able to be done by anyone.
If you surveyed all the folks in all branches in the military, I suspect it would prove that point.
Are there exceptions to the rule; of course. Does that mean the rule is not valid; nope.
You could say the same thing about many, many, many jobs. Classify them between those with more formal education and those without. Don't try to make that sound like a bad thing to suite the needs of the GOP.
Some people climb Everest, some people can run 100 meters in 9.77 sec.
naděje umírá poslední
ONCE AGAIN you have no idea what your talking about. at least 3 times a day I get a laugh from your ignorance
When the putting words in others mouths don't work in filling your agenda, that's when the personal insults start. There is quite a pattern to your work.
what he said was study and become successful or you'll end up in iraq. translated that means if you're stupid and /or can't afford an education; you'll end up in the military.
he must have been stupid too b/c he was in the military.
i don't think anyone supports the war; they support those fighting because they believe they are protecting their fellow countrymen from another attack on native soil. i respect them for that.
And you suck air and pretend to have actual relevant thoughts. Well done, not!
I'm just curious as to how you got into Senator Kerrys head and was able to translate what he said to what he MUST have been thinking. Please tell me, because I would love to climb up in the Presidents and find out really what the hell he is talking about.
This thread is deteriorating quickly.
personal insults? I havent heard anything but from that guy. spare me your bullshit
Tell me something, who was more qualified to protest the Vietnam war?
--the so called hippies
--the so called draft dodgers
--the so called kids that were protected because of their class status?
or a person who actually was over there?
By all accounts Vietnam was worst than our perception of Hell. If there had been no TV, the American public would have still known that it was Hell because the nightmare was in the eyes of the men who made it back from that war. So what if Kerry spoke out about what he saw or experienced. He went there as a uniformed military person under a draft.
It wasn't Kerry's remarks that made the American public treat vietnam vets so god awful, that honor goes to Nixon and Kissinger. Tell your buddies at your party to think about what's happening in Iraq look at the comparisons because it's the Kissinger plan all over again. He's the lead advisor to Cheney and Rumsfeld, both non-military people running the war in Iraq like they're talking at a board of director's meeting. They're not listening to the general or men in the field, you know that, you've seen that. It's the same f---up stuff spoken about back then.
Who's paying the cost for these CEO style meetings, the coalition troops, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the American public, and a world on the brink. For what, so that we can control the Iraq oil and Israel can gain land. By time this conflict ends Iraq and parts of Lebannon will be divided up into military zones like Berlin.
the family members and others i know that have enlisted did so after college to further their education.
must be the same way michael moore knew what everyone in washington was thinking at the time of the WTC attack.
no, wait; i remember: I LIVED THROUGH IT. I KNEW SOMEONE HE TRIED TO PAY TO SHOOT HIM IN THE LEG AND MAKE IT A FLESH WOUND. 3 injuries and you're out. i know someone who reinlisted twice and was never once wounded. kerry got wounded 3 times in 4 months. what does that tell you about his capabilities?
i'm translating the way it was taken by many people. personally; i don't think the coward can think.
just as in WWII; one or more nations asked for our help to preserve their freedom.
next; kerry told the nation that he was there and our soldiers were killing babies. HE WAS THERE 4 FRICKEN MONTHS. what the hell could he see in 4 months. someone mentioned "contacts" go get reserve or completely out of the vietnam draft. um; what was kerry's fathers occupation at the time? i heard he had some washington contacts.
btw; if he witnessed it he was there and a part of it.
another funny comment today.
Michael Moore knew what everyone was thinking at the time of the WTC attack? That's news to me. Good for him.
Kerry getting wounded 3 times in 4 months tells me that he was actually over seas fighting, not MIA like others who shall remain nameless...
If you and jlew24 had actually understood the meaning of my reply to his remark in the context of his post, this little remark of yours would have been unnecessary. Now I understand why the Kerry remark seems disgraceful.
100,000 plus came home in body bags and kerry gets 3 flesh wounds in 4 months. think about it.