What's in your bookshelf?



  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Ahnimus wrote:
    Seriously, I read ebooks and articles online.

    I do have a few books, but none of them are philosophical. I'm not really a big fan of reading a lot of philosophy.

    The books I have are:
    • A+ Complete Study Guide
    • Best Karate Comprehensive
    • CCNA Study Guide
    • Exam Cram's Core Four Windows 2000
    • Getting Along in German
    • Illustrated History of the Third Reich, The
    • Physics: For Scientists and Engineers
    • Microsoft's MCSE Windows 2000 Study Kit
    • Top 100 Best Selling Albums, The
    • Russ Whitney's Property Tax Valuation

    a tech guy? me too. I have my CCNA, CWNA, and Network +. our shelf looks the same, almost.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118

  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    jlew24asu wrote:

    A man of wealth and taste..........:)
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Just a very small sampling of books scattered among at least five book cases.......my stuff only, which means that none of well-read wife's stuff is included.

    The Future of Life-E.O. Wilson (autographed)
    The Song of the Dodo-Quanmmen (Island bio-geography)
    The Ghost with Trembling Lips-Scott Weidensaul (extinct or endangered birds)
    Watership Down-Richard Adams (source of my signature line)
    The Lorax-Dr. Seuss
    Pursuit-Ludovic Kennedy (the British version of the Battleship Bismarck saga)
    The Destruction of the Bismarck-Bercuson & Herwig
    The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet-Hoff
    Alexander II-Radzinsky (the Russian Tsar/Czar)
    Silent Snow-Marla Cone (the poisoning of the Artic)
    King Leopold's Ghost-Hochschild (the rape of the Congo by the king)
    The People's History of the U.S.-Zinn
    The Burning Tigris-Balakian (the Armenian genocide)
    The Romanovs (the Russian royal family)
    In War's Dark Shadow (Russia in the decades leading up to WWI)
    Passage through Armageddom (Russia during WWI & the Revolution)
    Red Victory (The Russian Civil War)
    The Conquest of a Continent (the history of Siberia)
    Nicholas I (Tsar/Czar of Russia)
    The last six books were all written by W. Bruce Lincoln
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • I'm pretty disappointed in the lack of Ann Coulter on people's bookshelves :(

    in terms of fiction, one of my favorite books of all time is actually master and the margarita, and would never have read it if not for this board.

    The Master and Margarita is a fantastic read.....I generally dislike supernaturality in literature but Bulgakov changed that for me.....H
    What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
  • Tons and tons and tons at home, but here in my dorm I have:

    (Keep in mind, many of these are actually for classes...)

    The Moral Law -- Immanuel Kant
    Utilitarianism & On Liberty -- textbook
    Beyond Good & Evil -- Nietzsche
    Understanding Movies -- textbook
    Introduction to Film Studies Readings -- textbook
    Popular Culture Theory & Methodology -- textbook
    Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels & Stories -- Arthur Conan Doyle
    The Maltese Falcon -- Dashiell Hammett
    Blacklist -- Sara Paretsky
    Murder At the Nightwood Bar -- Katherine Forrest
    Valley of the Dolls -- Jacqueline Susann
    The da Vinci Code -- Dan Brown
    Psychological Science -- textbook
    Sociology In Our Times -- textbook
    Tarzan -- Eric Burroughs
    Positive Match -- Tony Chiu
    Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
    The Shining -- Stephen King
    The Island of Dr. Moreau -- H.G. Well
    Chromosome 6 -- Robin Cook
    From Russia With Love -- Ian Fleming
    Masquerade -- Gayle Lynds
    A&R -- Bill Flanagan
    Digital Fortress -- Dan Brown
    The Devil Wears Prada -- Lauren Weisberger
    Running With Scissors -- Augusten Burroughs
    Slaughterhouse-Five -- Kurt Vonnegut
    2003: Toronto
    2005: Kitchener/Hamilton/Toronto
    2006: Toronto 1 & 2
    2008: Hartford/EV Toronto 1 & 2
    2009: Toronto/Philadelphia 3 & 4
    2010: Buffalo
    2011: Montreal/Toronto 1 & 2/Hamilton
    2013: London/Buffalo/Vancouver/Seattle
    2016: Toronto 1 & 2
    2022: Hamilton/Toronto
    2023: EV Seattle 1&2
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    jlew24asu wrote:
    a tech guy? me too. I have my CCNA, CWNA, and Network +. our shelf looks the same, almost.

    Yea, I've read all of the books, but the only certification I have is A+

    I really didn't care about getting the certifications as much as I cared about the knowledge. I pretty much know the CCNA study guide back-to-back.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Tarzan -- Eric Burroughs
    Cool beans.........I have 23 of the original Tarzan novels, which I forgot to tack onto my list.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • Well too much i have over more then a 150 books.
    I'll try to name afew
    All the books from J.M. Auel
    Dan Brown
    Ik ook van jou - Giphart (dutch writer)
    Les miserable - Victor Hugo
    Tokyo - Mo Hayder
    Birdman - Mo Hayder
    Magician - Raymond E. Feist
    When all your dreams turn to dust, vacuum
    When all else fails, read the instruction
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    Is it time to list the books on the second shelf of a bookcase? :)

    Maybe we can start listing books we have stored in a box in the closet somewhere.

    I would, but I am not planning on feeling like pulling out that box anytime soon. Though I recently had no problem pulling out the box of old Nintendo Power magazines. :D

    Anyway, I just picked up a new book today - Neitzsche, Twilight of the Idols/The Anti-Christ. I've only read The Birth of Tragedy by him (and I've been referring to everything as either dionysian or apollonian ever sense (no not really)) and I found it quite entertaining, so I figured I'd move on to something from his darker years (plus it was only $3.50).
  • seagoat2seagoat2 Posts: 241
    Kenny Olav wrote:
    Maybe we can start listing books we have stored in a box in the closet somewhere.

    Kenny, good point - I have a closet that we built a shelf in just to store all the books we don't have space for in our apt......maybe I should start giving them away????

    I thought I'd have a little library (of sorts) one day, but it hasn't happened yet.....hmmm.

    I guess there's always yard sales.....although, loving books the way I do, it's always hard to decide which ones go & which ones stay....ya know?
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    Is it time to list the books on the second shelf of a bookcase? :)

    indeed it is.

    eye scream - henry rollins
    the first five - henry rollins
    the portable - henry rollins
    black coffee blues - henry rollins
    smile, you're travelling - henry rollins
    roomanitarian - henry rollins
    solipsist - henry rollins
    see a grown man cry - henry rollins
    now watch him die - henry rollins
    do i come here often - henry rollins
    broken summers - henry rollins
    enduring love - ian mcewan
    saturday - ian mcewan
    black dogs - ian mcewan
    amsterdam - ian mcewan
    the child in time - ian mcewan
    atonement - ian mcewan
    henry miller on writing
    under the roofs of paris - henry miller
    the books of my life - henry miller
    air conditioned nightmare - henry miller
    black spring - henry miller
    and the ass saw the angel - nick cave
    nonfiction - chuck palahniuk
    the giving tree - shel silverstein
    lord arthur savile's crime - oscar wilde
    less than zero - bret easton ellis
    glamorama - bret easton ellis
    lunar park - bret easton ellis
    junky - william burroughs
    the outsider - albert camus
    the rebel - albert camus
    de profundis and other writings - oscar wilde
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    there doesn't seem to be much diversity in the book choices here...

    one really good book that I recommend is "culture war?" by Morris Fiorina, an actual political scientist, not a pretend one.

    I also suggest that people read scientific research (Hillygus and Shield 2005) conducted after the 2004 election on the reasons behind the vote that completely dispell the idiotic idea that moral issues mattered.

    Other good reading: David Halberstram. Pretty insightful, for a lib. I really like "the fifties."
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • Kenny Olav wrote:
    Anyway, I just picked up a new book today - Neitzsche, Twilight of the Idols/The Anti-Christ. I've only read The Birth of Tragedy by him (and I've been referring to everything as either dionysian or apollonian ever sense (no not really)) and I found it quite entertaining, so I figured I'd move on to something from his darker years (plus it was only $3.50).

    I just finished reading Zarathustra and found it completely fascinating. To have so many original ideas bubbling out of you head...unreal.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    I am suprised that with the amount of conservatives on this board, a minority but not a small one, we haven't seen more books by Leo Strauss, Allan Bloom, Irving Kristol, David Horowitz, and/or Norman Podhoretz on people's bookshelfs.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • ryan198ryan198 Posts: 1,015
    Here's a handfull of mine it kind of reveals my school background:
    Between Borders - Giroux and McLaren
    Getting Beyond the Facts - Kincheloe
    Reading Sport - Birrell and McDonald
    Modernity - Sturrt Hall et al.
    Cultural Studies - Lawrence Grossberg et al.
    Gender/Body/Knoweledge -Jaggar and Bordo
    Stealing Innocence - Giroux
    Built to Win - Heywood and Dworkin
    The Abandoned Generation - Giroux
    Fugitive Cultures - Giroux
    Kinderculture (1 and 2) - Steinberg and Kincheloe
    White Reign - Kincheloe et al.
    The art of Fieldwork - Wollcott
    Channel Surfing - Giroux
    All the Rage - Walters
    The study of Culture - Williams
    Qualitative Methods in Sport Studies - Andrews, Silk
    Disney and the End of Innocence - Giroux
    Popular Arts - Hall and Whannel
    Hegemony and Socialist Strategy - Laclau and Mouffe
    Bringing it All Back Home - Lawrence Grossberg
    Hatred of Capitalism - A bunch of people
    Distinction - Bourdieu
    History of Sexuality - Foucault
    Discipline and Punish - Foucault
    The Uses of Cultural Studies - McRobbie
    The Ethics of Cultural Studies - Zylinska
    Feminism and Sporting Bodies - M.A. Hall
    The terror of neolibearlism - Giroux
    Caught in the crossfire - Grossberg
    Sport and Postmodern Times - Rail
    Shut out: The History of Race and Baseball in Boston - Bryant
  • On my smallest bookshelf currently are dwelling;

    Phillip Pullman: The Amber Spyglass
    Rembrandt's, Da Vinci's & Picasso's monographs
    Cobain's Diaries
    Clarke: PJ & EV None Too Fragile
    Cave: And The Ass Saw The Angel
    Cave: King Inc I & II
    D.H. Lawrence: The Man Who Died
    E. Hemingway: For Whom The Bell Tools
    Ivo Andrić: Gospođica ( in my free translation ''Miss'' )
    Dostojevski: Crime & Punishment
    H. Hesse: Demian
    H. Hesse: Steppenwolf
    E. A. Poe: Murders In Morgue Street And Other Stories
    --- and for the rest of the shelf I'm not in translating mood ;-))
    En mi vida,
    el oscuro me mantiene
    cuando yo te vi
    en la lluvia me prometiste tu sangre

    Estrella de la mañana
    Samael te persigo a ti
    y si me quedo sin alas
    ademas me muero por ti
  • ryan198ryan198 Posts: 1,015
    mammasan wrote:
    I am suprised that with the amount of conservatives on this board, a minority but not a small one, we haven't seen more books by Leo Strauss, Allan Bloom, Irving Kristol, David Horowitz, and/or Norman Podhoretz on people's bookshelfs.
    I don't think conservatives read books, they just listen to the radio...kidding I just want to roil someone up so that they'll present their definitive conservative list.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    I dont have a shelf... but the piles of books around my house include:

    Down and out in paris and london - George Orwell
    Fathers and sons - Ivan Turgenev (everyone PLEASE read this. my favourite book)
    First Love - Ivan Turgenev
    Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
    Porno - Irvine Welsh
    Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
    Les Mains sales - Jean-Paul Sarte
    Les Fleurs du mal - Charles Baudelaire
    Selected Poems - Paul Verlaine
    On the road - Jack Kerouac
    Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • ryan198ryan198 Posts: 1,015
    thanks for the book ideas i may be surfing on over to amazon in awhile, keep 'em coming. oh yeah...a pertinent one that everyone should get:

    Pink Ribbons Inc. - Samantha King
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    ryan198 wrote:
    I don't think conservatives read books, they just listen to the radio...kidding I just want to roil someone up so that they'll present their definitive conservative list.

    To tell you the truth, I don't read many books written by conservatives like Coulter, O'Riley, etc, and especially from whackos like Horowitz. (seriously, the guy is a characature of himself) I'm not really interested in their books because they don't test any of their theories and all they are doing is espousing their opinion, and I really don't care about their opinions. Same thing goes for Zinn, Chomskey...When I read about politics, I want to see some empirical evidence. anectodal evidence is pretty much a waste of time, no matter who is putting it forth.

    In terms of my favorite authors, I've only glanced through so far, and haven't read all the posts, but wonder if anyone likes Kafka? The trial and the castle are among my favorites.

    And actually, I think On the Road is overrated, although I did like it...if that makes sense.
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • ryan198ryan198 Posts: 1,015
    To tell you the truth, I don't read many books written by conservatives like Coulter, O'Riley, etc, and especially from whackos like Horowitz. (seriously, the guy is a characature of himself) I'm not really interested in their books because they don't test any of their theories and all they are doing is espousing their opinion, and I really don't care about their opinions. Same thing goes for Zinn, Chomskey...When I read about politics, I want to see some empirical evidence. anectodal evidence is pretty much a waste of time, no matter who is putting it forth.

    In terms of my favorite authors, I've only glanced through so far, and haven't read all the posts, but wonder if anyone likes Kafka? The trial and the castle are among my favorites.

    And actually, I think On the Road is overrated, although I did like it...if that makes sense.
    PH what do you mean by empirical evidence? From where I stand all of those authors offer empirical evidence based on "real" things that they observe and feel. As far as Zinn goes I've used his work to demonstrate U.S. dominance over the Dominican Republic, and found it quite useful and explanatory...maybe he's not that way for everything though.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    Is it time to list the books on the second shelf of a bookcase? :)

    I have an entire shelf with nothing but Henry Miller on it.

    Tropic of Cancer
    Tropic of Capricorn
    Black Spring
    Collossos of Maroussi (Original hardback)
    The books in My Life (Original hardback)
    Book of friends
    Dear, Dear Brenda
    A Literate Passion - Letters to Anais Nin, 1987
    The Durrell-Miller Letters 1935-1980, 1988
    My Bike and other friends (Original hardback)
    Big Sur And the Oranges of Heironymous Bosch
    Sunday After the War (Original hardback & New Directions paperback)
    The Smile at the foot of the ladder (signed)
    Henry Miller Biography - Robert Ferguson
    A devil in Paradise
    The world of sex
    The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
    Nights of love and laughter
    Quiet Days in Clichy
    The Time of the Assassins (Original hardback)
    Sexus (Original Grove press edition paperback)
    Plexus (Original Grove press edition paperback)
    Nexus (Original Grove press edition paperback)
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,297
    And actually, I think On the Road is overrated, although I did like it...if that makes sense.
    Boy do I agree with you there! I was reading it my senior year of college, and I thought to myself Why am I reading this? I hang out with people like this. Really, the people I hung around with at that time were irresponsble drug addicts, some nice some not, and it didn't make sense for me to read about what was in front of my eyes.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    Boy do I agree with you there! I was reading it my senior year of college, and I thought to myself Why am I reading this? I hang out with people like this. Really, the people I hung around with at that time were irresponsble drug addicts, some nice some not, and it didn't make sense for me to read about what was in front of my eyes.

    I think 'On the road' is a book that's better the 2nd time around. Many people approach it with high expectations, having heard all the hype. I enjoyed it much more the 2nd time.
  • parel jamparel jam Posts: 7,223
    Too many books to mention...

    - many books about nature, weather, geology and hydrology
    - java2 and c++
    - Lonely Planets of USA, NYC, Dublin, Scandinavia, Florida
    - Books in English (like 100 years of solitude, michael moore, dan brown, huxley (many books), Dostojevski, Twain, Kerouac, Hemingway (many), even Harry Potter 1-5.
    - Dutch books - Giphart, Geert Mak, WF Hermans and more.
    - Books about Bob Dylan, Queen, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Doors
    - Casper and Hobbes
    - Asterix and Obelix
    - dictionaries (Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish)
    - photo albums
    - jazz guitar book, playing solo's on guitar and other guitar books
    - lots of vinyl (like Pink Floyd, Queen, Metallica, Pearl Jam, Rory Gallagher)
    - bottle of good Scottish whisky.


  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Byrnzie wrote:
    I have an entire shelf with nothing but Henry Miller on it.

    Tropic of Cancer
    Tropic of Capricorn
    Black Spring
    Collossos of Maroussi (Original hardback)
    The books in My Life (Original hardback)
    Book of friends
    Dear, Dear Brenda
    A Literate Passion - Letters to Anais Nin, 1987
    The Durrell-Miller Letters 1935-1980, 1988
    My Bike and other friends (Original hardback)
    Big Sur And the Oranges of Heironymous Bosch
    Sunday After the War (Original hardback & New Directions paperback)
    The Smile at the foot of the ladder (signed)
    Henry Miller Biography - Robert Ferguson
    A devil in Paradise
    The world of sex
    The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
    Nights of love and laughter
    Quiet Days in Clichy
    The Time of the Assassins (Original hardback)
    Sexus (Original Grove press edition paperback)
    Plexus (Original Grove press edition paperback)
    Nexus (Original Grove press edition paperback)

    don't see 'under the roofs of paris' there. :(

    and in regards to kerouac's 'on the road'. i think you have to come to it naturally. not have someone say 'hey man you gotta read this.' it's better when you're ready, as with any other book.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • GuinessGuiness Posts: 46
    I actually donated all of my books to the local library when I moved...the only book I kept was my copy of Stephen King's "It"...it is my favorite book of all time...in my books to read pile:

    The Tender Bar
    Confederacy of Dunces
    Lord Foul's Bane
    The collected works of Raymond Chandler

    Just finished The Kite Runner - I highly reccomend this book, it moved me and evoked more emotion than any other book I have read
    I got scratches all over my arms, one for each day since I fell apart.

    Me you wouldn't recall for I'm not my former.

    St. Louis 10/11/00
    West Palm Beach 4/11/03
    Kissimmee 10/8/04
    West Palm Beach 6/12/08
    Tampa 6/13/08
  • Purple HawkPurple Hawk Posts: 1,300
    ryan198 wrote:
    PH what do you mean by empirical evidence? From where I stand all of those authors offer empirical evidence based on "real" things that they observe and feel. As far as Zinn goes I've used his work to demonstrate U.S. dominance over the Dominican Republic, and found it quite useful and explanatory...maybe he's not that way for everything though.

    by empirical evidence, I mean that you put forth a hypothesis, and some alternative hypotheses, and actually test them as opposed to putting forth analytical narratives.
    And you ask me what I want this year
    And I try to make this kind and clear
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
    Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
    And desire and love and empty things
    Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
  • brain of cbrain of c Posts: 5,213
    my bookshelf? new stephen king tomorrow.
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