Rape and Chicken Wings

Rape: American soldiers 'took turns'
August 9, 2006
DRUNKEN American soldiers took turns to rape a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, a military tribunal has heard. The men murdered her and her family and celebrated by grilling chicken wings.
The soldiers, from the 101st Airborne Division, were on checkpoint duty when they decided they "wanted to kill some Iraqis", the tribunal in Baghdad was told.
It was the first time that an account had been given publicly of what is alleged to have happened in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, on March 12.
Sergeant Paul Cortez, Specialist James Barker, Private Jesse Spielman and Private Bryan Howard are charged with conspiracy to rape and murder. A fifth man, Sergeant Anthony Yribe, is charged with not reporting the attack. Former private Steven Green faces rape and murder charges in a civilian court.
Special agent Benjamin Bierce recounted the sworn testimony Barker had given him.
After two hours of interrogation, Barker said the men had been playing cards and drinking.
Green is alleged to have raised the idea of killing some Iraqis. The men changed into black clothing and ski masks and told Howard to stand look-out.
The girl, Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi, and her father were standing outside a house. The soldiers allegedly dragged them inside and pushed the man, his wife and younger daughter, 6, into a side room where Green stood guard over them.
Barker's statement said Cortez pushed the girl to the floor and tore off her clothes as Barker held her down. She held her knees together and struggled as Cortez tried to rape her.
A gun shot came from the side room as the men switched places. More shots were heard from the side room and Green emerged with an AK-47. He allegedly said, "They're all dead," before raping the girl and shooting her several times.
Barker said her body was set alight. Green opened the house's propane tank to set it on fire.
They burnt their clothes, threw the gun into a canal and, back at the checkpoint, brought out the chicken wings.
August 9, 2006
DRUNKEN American soldiers took turns to rape a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, a military tribunal has heard. The men murdered her and her family and celebrated by grilling chicken wings.
The soldiers, from the 101st Airborne Division, were on checkpoint duty when they decided they "wanted to kill some Iraqis", the tribunal in Baghdad was told.
It was the first time that an account had been given publicly of what is alleged to have happened in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, on March 12.
Sergeant Paul Cortez, Specialist James Barker, Private Jesse Spielman and Private Bryan Howard are charged with conspiracy to rape and murder. A fifth man, Sergeant Anthony Yribe, is charged with not reporting the attack. Former private Steven Green faces rape and murder charges in a civilian court.
Special agent Benjamin Bierce recounted the sworn testimony Barker had given him.
After two hours of interrogation, Barker said the men had been playing cards and drinking.
Green is alleged to have raised the idea of killing some Iraqis. The men changed into black clothing and ski masks and told Howard to stand look-out.
The girl, Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi, and her father were standing outside a house. The soldiers allegedly dragged them inside and pushed the man, his wife and younger daughter, 6, into a side room where Green stood guard over them.
Barker's statement said Cortez pushed the girl to the floor and tore off her clothes as Barker held her down. She held her knees together and struggled as Cortez tried to rape her.
A gun shot came from the side room as the men switched places. More shots were heard from the side room and Green emerged with an AK-47. He allegedly said, "They're all dead," before raping the girl and shooting her several times.
Barker said her body was set alight. Green opened the house's propane tank to set it on fire.
They burnt their clothes, threw the gun into a canal and, back at the checkpoint, brought out the chicken wings.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Post edited by Unknown User on
When a 14 year old American girl is raped and murdered it's front page news. I suppose in this case they figure the american's purity cleansed her during the raping or some stupid shit.
kill, rape and blow the house the down ITS THE AMERICAN WAY
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
what are WE gonna do about this??
one word
natalie holloway
we pretty much sent an entire task force of fbi agents to a sovereign nation to find one slutty white chick who was by our laws raping an underage boy after providing him with alcohol (she was 18 and that van Der sloot kid was 17...statutory rape in most states and def. providing a minor with drinks)
cunts watch their bodies
Hail, Hail!!!
grill some chicken wings?
That's not much of an age difference. I'd have just let her do it, the kid? probably liked it anyway. What a waste of FBI talent, lol.
Time out.
I really do not want this thread closed. So how ever feels like responding to Robbie, how bout we leave out personal attacks and all that happy shit so the folks who want to discuss this openly have the chance too. Thank you.
Time in.
I will second that and even switch the switch on myself!
Firing squad for these bastards? No problem, my dad taught me how to shoot right in the balls.
I can not imagine what that poor girl went through her final hour of life. What a disgusting act. May hell await those bastards!!!
The parrallels between this war and Vietnam are growing more and more.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I dunno, but don't worry, I'm sure Fox news has this story covered......
(As for Natalie Halloway - the age of consent in most states is 16 and there usually has to be a minimum of a 4 year difference for it to be considered statutory rape - i.e. a 19 year old having sex with a 15 year old)
It makes you wonder just what the hell else is going on over there. And what made these guys decide they could get away with it.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I always wonder that too. Were they violent to begin with or did their whole character change because of what they've witnessed and what they've been trained to do? I don't think anyone with a conscience could ever do something like that and then go eat some wings.
"American boys just doing their duty are unwitting victims in an Iraqi sex plot"
Yeah, that's it... :rolleyes: Stop with the cute bullshit. There is no left or right in this! This is horrific!!!
These monsters that did this deserve the maximum punishment allowed!!!!
"I'm sure the drive by media would have you believe that the american soldiers were the ones doing the raping and killing..."
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
exactly. if you honestly think that someone would be perfectly ok with this because of their party affiliation, it shows your immaturity.
and to the poster that blames this on the people that voted for bush: maybe it's your fault it happened because not enough democrats voted for kerry.
see, i can spin too.
~Michael Bolton
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Humor is the best repellant for the violent depression that all this stuff should be giving us.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
First of all, don't E-V-E-R tell me what to say or not to say. I'll say what I fucking please.
Secondly, I started a thread last year about such transgressions by American soldiers who have been doing similar things for decades around the globe. The interest in it was luke warm at best. So why are Americans and others all of a sudden up in arms ? It's hardly a new phenomenon. And many of these didn't take place in the craziness of war, but in more sedate times and circumstances - so the American GI's had nothing else to blame but themselves. Maybe you should read up on all the good deeds perpetrated by American soldiers over the last 40-50 years in Japan and other places around the world where American soldiers are stationed.. It'll make your skin crawl.
sorry, can't find humor in saying someone with a different party affiliation than yours would defend this type of shit.
~Michael Bolton
A lot of people are growing cold.
Or maybe it was always like that..
if you can't make fun of rush limbaugh and bill o riley's rabid bias then you've lost it.
it wasn't making fun of rape and murder.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"