McCain busts a nut for child molesters

John McCain either is a child molester or really fucking loves child molesters. if you have seen the ad on tv criticizing Obama for "teaching sex ed to our kindergartners" well, intelligent people will recall that the legislation Obama is being attacked for was teaching young children how to avoid child molesters. now, why would john McCain spend that much money to attack Obama for protecting children against child molesters? afraid some kid is gonna tell about your "bad touch" McCain? maybe Palin is afraid her incest lovin', child molesting, daughter knockin' up (twice), husband is gonna be offended if McCain does not stand up for the Palin Family Way.
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I dont care if this gets me banned but you are one fucked up sick person.
I heard the other day someone tell me that they were worried about Obama because he's Muslim.
You have to realize there are lots of morons out there who buy this stuff hook, line and sinker.
It's disgusting that Uncle Fester's handlers would even have him go after Obama on that issue, when they surely know what that legislation was all about.
But I'll bet most not know. Neither will they care to look into it. The Repub lemmings will just beat their collective chests, pump their fists and boo whenever they hear Obama's name. Simply because that commerical said so.
The Repubs are probably betting on that.
Hell, I'm not even an Obama supporter.
I'm getting a weird feeling that the Repubs are actually throwing this election. Could be wrong. But it's starting to feel that way.
The wheels are starting to come off. They've had their two week bounce, now people will start to see they have no policies other than the same old policies.
They've really screwed up this week.
You keep saying this as if repeating it will make it so. Since you don't believe in polls, what evidence can you present to back up your assertion? I just don't see it.
bullshit I am sick... IM NOT THE FUCKING PERVERT that spent millions of dollars to attack someone for making it harder to molest children. with all of the issues in this country, with everything that is riding on this election, McCain thinks the most important issue to be upset about is Obama trying to help little kids NOT be molested. you only have so much time in a commercial, and you only have so much money to make so many commercials, so your ideals and your most important issues have to be filtered out to the MOST IMPORTANT to appear in an ad... Given these facts, McCain degraded MANY important issues and chose to run on bashing Obama... making fun of Obama, for taking the side of children against child molesters. you tell me smart ass, WHY WOULD HE DO THAT? why is he so infatuated, so determined, so inspired by protecting child molesters and hindering a child's ability to protect themselves from child molesters? how is it possible the republican candidate is running on a pro child molester platform? I still think the redneck daughter raping snowboard champ Alaska segregationist had a say in this movement.
This has fucking SEALED my vote going to Obama. I don't care if he actually IS the anti-christ.
gg earth.
not everyone feels sexual education is appropriate for 5 year olds.
opposing sexual education for 5 year olds doesnt make someone bust a nut for child molesters.
like I said, you are human scum for making such comments.
You must really be getting desperate. I don't see anywhere where McCain has made a mistake this week.
It's not sex education it's teaching children to understand and report innappropriate behavior.
And you blindly back anything the McCain camp says. That bill was NOT sex education for 5 year olds. It was teaching them to avoid situations with strangers, molesters, etc... McCain is a piece of shit and he's made that clear ever since the pick of Palin and the convention. What a douche.
I agree, he's going over the top with some of those statements though.
I agree with this. It's interesting what you are allowed to post about conservatives on this board but you (and now maybe I) will be banned for recognizing the sickness.
I'm not for or against this bill. honestly, I dont know enough about it. I'm just commenting on the OP's comments that mccain loves child molesters etc etc.
I'm not blindly following mccain although I do believe that sexual education should be limited to 5 year olds. if any.
and teaching kids "to avoid situations with strangers, molesters" is fantastic but doing so involves sexual education.
IMO this is a job for parents, not the public school system.
It's obvious they've choosen to play victim this week and resorted to smear campaigning.
They're back on their heels which tells me they don't believe their issues well enough to advertise them.
They're dying a quick death this week, they just wish they could play that race card publically.
Truly pathetic.
Naw, it's the Dems that are good at that.
Not defending the ad at all...disagree with the op's rant a ridiculous statements.
This wins most ignorant post of 2008.
Most child molestors are family members or relatives
Also it's optional counseling that's school based involving parents.
Well there ya go, a very interesting point.
Well just because the OP went way over the top with his statements, it doesn't make the ad any less of a problem. And I think the ad is something more imperative to discuss.
SB99 - Illinois 2003
K-12 Comprehensive Sex Education Bill
(1) Factual information presented in course material and instruction shall be medically accurate and objective.
(2) All course material and instruction in classes that teach sex education and discuss sexual activity or behavior shall be age and developmentally appropriate.
(3) Course material and instruction shall include a discussion of sexual abstinence as a method to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
(4) Course material and instruction shall present the latest medically factual information regarding both the possible side effects and health benefits of all forms of contraception, including the success and failure
rates for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
(5) Course material and instruction shall stress that sexually transmitted infections are serious possible hazards of sexual activity or behavior. Pupils shall be provided with statistics based on the latest medical information citing the failure and success rates of all contraceptive methods in preventing unintended pregnancy and HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
(6) Course material and instruction shall advise pupils that it is unlawful for males or females of any age to engage in sexual conduct or have sexual relations with a minor as specified in Article 12 of the Criminal Code of 1961.
(7) Course material and instruction shall discuss and provide for the development of positive communication skills to maintain healthy relationships and avoid unwanted sexual activity.
(8) Course material and instruction shall emphasize that the pupil has the power to control personal behavior. Pupils shall be encouraged to base their actions on reasoning, self-discipline, sense of responsibility, self-control, and ethical considerations, such as respect for oneself and others.
(9) Course material and instruction shall teach pupils to not make unwanted physical and verbal sexual advances and how to say no to unwanted sexual advances and shall include information about verbal, physical, and
visual sexual harassment, including without limitation nonconsensual sexual advances, non consensual physical sexual contact, and rape by an acquaintance. The course material and instruction shall contain methods of preventing sexual assault by an acquaintance, including exercising good judgment and avoiding behavior that impairs one’s judgment. The course material and instruction shall emphasize personal accountability and respect for others and shall also encourage youth to resist negative peer pressure. The course material and instruction shall inform pupils of the potential legal consequences of sexual assault by an acquaintance. Specifically, pupils shall be advised that it is unlawful to touch an intimate part of another person, as specified in the Criminal Code of 1961.
(10) Course material and instruction shall teach male pupils about male accountability for sexual violence and shall teach female students about reducing vulnerability for sexual violence.
(11) Course material and instruction shall teach pupils about counseling, medical, and legal resources available to survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault, including resources for escaping violent relationships.
(12) Course material and instruction in classes that discuss sexual activity or behavior shall teach pupils that it is wrong to take advantage of or to exploit another person.
(13) Course material and instruction shall be free of racial, ethnic, gender, religious, and sexual orientation biases.
And sadly there are too do you think bush got elected...twice.
Sex ed. Right there. Saying it was purely about sexual harassment/assault is a major distortion. But I've come to expect that from Obama supporters. McCain's ad was specifically about teaching young children too much about sex at such an age, not that the bill itself was wrong.
Huh? What part of "age and developmentally appropriate" do you and McCain not understand?
How can either of you claim that Obama or this bill intended to teach "young children too much about sex at such an age" when the bill doesn't even say what to teach at what age, but only says NOT to teach anything age-inappropriate?
As a matter of fact, I don't even believe the bill says sex ed must be taught to anyone at all - it only stipulates criteria (such as "medically accurate" and "age and developmentally appropriate") for classes that DO teach sex ed.
nail on the fucking head. schools need to stick to prepping kids for college and a career. let the parents worry about telling their kids to not get into a strangers car, even if they're offering candy or a puppy.
Haha! I love that book!
this is my point right here from the OP... I wasn't stating anything other than the fact that the bill was not designed for that. Also, can you tell me what is age appropriate for a 5 year old?
Also the jab out Palins husband knocking up his daughter twice was a nice from the OP.