The Fox hosts failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim. One caller, referring to Obama, said, “I think a Muslim would be fine in the presidency, better than Hillary. At least you know what the Muslims are up to.” Anchor Gretchen Carlson responded, “We want to be clear, too, that this isn’t all Muslims, of course, we would only be concerned about the kind that want to blow us up.”
I love America. To say otherwise would be a ridiculous statement. I mean, how can you not love the Grand Canyon, for instance, or the Redwoods, or Pearl Jam, or Mark Twain, or a thousand and one other great things?
On the other hand, i do hate the American government, and a lot of right leaning, insular and bigoted pigs in places of power and influence - those blind bastards in 90% of the American media, those in charge of some of the big corporations, those in the arms trade e.t.c. I think it's a shame that a country like America has been allowed to be sold down the river by a handful of rich and powerful scumbags, and to be made the most hated country in the world.
America is too big and varied a place to be summed up easily. I believe that the man on the street in America is generally good, and that most people there are open-minded and inquistive about the wider world. It is currently a divided country and the last elections showed that.
well technically the Boston thing happened in the US... and then you went on to say what a shit country I live in.
1. i live in scotland... the boston massacre didnt happen there
2. it was 1770 for fucks sake... i had no say in my countries doings back then
3. i dont need a 3 as the first 2 are good enough
Hehe..slow down, hoss. I was just joking around. I don't think you live in a "shit country". I'm just rejecting the ridiculous logic of the original poster.
this places gives me limitless opportunity. and I dontknow about yours but I still have freedom of speech.
1. no it doesnt... its not limitless. If you were a black kid from a shitty area then your chances would be less than someone from the Hamptons or somewhere. It might offer YOU limited opportunity but it doesnt offer everyone
2. if you have freedom of speech then please make a banner right now that calls Bush a murderer and then try and get on a plane carrying the koran and wear a t-shirt that has Bush as the FBI's most wanted
Scotland has a greater Freedom of Speech than America right now... and thats undebateable
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Hehe..slow down, hoss. I was just joking around. I don't think you live in a "shit country". I'm just rejecting the ridiculous logic of the original poster.
and i dont think you live in a shit country, and the original posters thread could have been worded better... i agree
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
2. if you have freedom of speech then please make a banner right now that calls Bush a murderer and then try and get on a plane carrying the koran and wear a t-shirt that has Bush as the FBI's most wanted
Scotland has a greater Freedom of Speech than America right now... and thats undebateable
Thats called going overboard. Can i go to england and wear a shirt that says
" Lets blow up more buses!"...i dont think so.
If i knew anything about Scotland id think of a funny rebutal. But because your country is so insignificant i really cant.
If i knew anything about Scotland id think of a funny rebutal. But because your country is so insignificant i really cant.
you dont know anything about scotland due to the fact you're a thick cunt... as for a funny rebuttal... ever said anything funny? i doubt it! at least I try and learn more about the world we live in.. you only learn about Disneyworld.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
1. no it doesnt... its not limitless. If you were a black kid from a shitty area then your chances would be less than someone from the Hamptons or somewhere. It might offer YOU limited opportunity but it doesnt offer everyone
o really? the chief operating officer at my company makes $660,000 a year. he is a black man who grew up in the ghetto in Queens, NY.
But they have the perception of having limitless opportunity, and that ought to account for something!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
If i knew anything about Scotland id think of a funny rebutal. But because your country is so insignificant i really cant.
No country is insignificant. Although most countries don't suffer from a collective neuroses and a shamless ignorance and arrogance, which forces them to impose themselves on others and adopt bully tactics when they don't get their own way.
America is still a relatively young country and still has a lot of growing up to do.
so you think you would get arrested for wearing this? i dont think so.
try it then
well since you say so. personally, I think your full of shit.
personally i couldnt give a fuck what you think... but obviously the truth hurts.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
this thread is turning into a distraction, focusing on dumb remarks (some are making just because they have time and feel the need to agitate others), instead of focusing on FOX. I think there is much to be said about a network that airs a political show, yet does not bother with accuracy-->
The Fox hosts failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim. One caller, referring to Obama, said, “I think a Muslim would be fine in the presidency, better than Hillary. At least you know what the Muslims are up to.” Anchor Gretchen Carlson responded, “We want to be clear, too, that this isn’t all Muslims, of course, we would only be concerned about the kind that want to blow us up.”
well since you say so. personally, I think your full of shit.
i could walk into my town centre right now and burn a flag... you try it.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I see America as being in the stage of development the equivalent of which is the schoolyard bully who is suffering from a kind of insecurity about himself.
I think that Bush et al being in power right now and dragging America into yet another fight which will prove to be more damaging to itself is actually a good thing, and necessary, in the long run. I think most Americans are beginning to see things for what they are, with the help of these transparent liars and murderers in the White house right now. A lot of people thought that America had aged with it's experience in Vietnam. Not so. The same mistakes are now being repeated for all to see. I think this situation is a lot worse, and that America will be forced, in the near future, to make some radical changes for it's own, and the worlds, survival.
No country is insignificant. Although most countries don't suffer from a collective neuroses and a shamless ignorance and arrogance, which forces them to impose themselves on others and adopt bully tactics when they don't get their own way.
America is still a relatively young country and still has a lot of growing up to do.
And england is an old country; who follow everything a young country tells it to do.
its not about the size of it... its how you use it..
calling scotland tiny wont bother me.. it is tiny... but for such a tiny nation we've made some telling and historical contributions to society, medicine, engineering, education, construction, architecture.... if you guys dont watch it then all you'll be famous for is confrontation... america's past is a violent one and its continuing on that route
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i could walk into my town centre right now and burn a flag... you try it.
Supreme Court rulings have upheld that flag desecration is a form of political speech that should be protected by our Constitution. I'm having a good time ripping you up. keep it coming almighty dorkman
And england is an old country; who follow everything a young country tells it to do.
True. To our shame. We are in a position to influence Bush et al and make a difference in the world. It's to our shame that we have allowed Blair - practically singlehandedly - to let Britain be dragged along on America's coat-tails.
Originally Posted by jlew24asu
o really? the chief operating officer at my company makes $660,000 a year. he is a black man who grew up in the ghetto in Queens, NY.
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Hehe..slow down, hoss. I was just joking around. I don't think you live in a "shit country". I'm just rejecting the ridiculous logic of the original poster.
1. no it doesnt... its not limitless. If you were a black kid from a shitty area then your chances would be less than someone from the Hamptons or somewhere. It might offer YOU limited opportunity but it doesnt offer everyone
2. if you have freedom of speech then please make a banner right now that calls Bush a murderer and then try and get on a plane carrying the koran and wear a t-shirt that has Bush as the FBI's most wanted
Scotland has a greater Freedom of Speech than America right now... and thats undebateable
and i dont think you live in a shit country, and the original posters thread could have been worded better... i agree
Thats called going overboard. Can i go to england and wear a shirt that says
" Lets blow up more buses!"...i dont think so.
If i knew anything about Scotland id think of a funny rebutal. But because your country is so insignificant i really cant.
Either way I think listening to GRIEVANCE might help.
Pull the innocent from a crowd
Raise the sticks then bring em down
Break the innocent when they're proud...
Raise the stakes,... then bring em down...
If they fail to obey
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
did i say you could? It was Jlew who said that he had Freedom of Speech... i'm pointing out he doesnt have pure Freedom of Speech
you dont know anything about scotland due to the fact you're a thick cunt... as for a funny rebuttal... ever said anything funny? i doubt it! at least I try and learn more about the world we live in.. you only learn about Disneyworld.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
If you knew anything about American and world history you would realize what an ignorant statement this is.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I see it all the time in Chicago. people march here weekly this past summer with a banner that said exactly that. I sat next to a muslim with the towel on his head and koran in hand on a flight from philidephia to chicago 2 weeks ago. next. so you think you would get arrested for wearing this? i dont think so.
well since you say so. personally, I think your full of shit.
No country is insignificant. Although most countries don't suffer from a collective neuroses and a shamless ignorance and arrogance, which forces them to impose themselves on others and adopt bully tactics when they don't get their own way.
America is still a relatively young country and still has a lot of growing up to do.
every country has barriers
get him to run for president then... he wont get fucking far!
try it then
personally i couldnt give a fuck what you think... but obviously the truth hurts.
Aussies rule !!!!!
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
i agree
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
this thread is turning into a distraction, focusing on dumb remarks (some are making just because they have time and feel the need to agitate others), instead of focusing on FOX. I think there is much to be said about a network that airs a political show, yet does not bother with accuracy-->
The Fox hosts failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim. One caller, referring to Obama, said, “I think a Muslim would be fine in the presidency, better than Hillary. At least you know what the Muslims are up to.” Anchor Gretchen Carlson responded, “We want to be clear, too, that this isn’t all Muslims, of course, we would only be concerned about the kind that want to blow us up.”
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
American is no less free then your tiny country
i could walk into my town centre right now and burn a flag... you try it.
I think that Bush et al being in power right now and dragging America into yet another fight which will prove to be more damaging to itself is actually a good thing, and necessary, in the long run. I think most Americans are beginning to see things for what they are, with the help of these transparent liars and murderers in the White house right now. A lot of people thought that America had aged with it's experience in Vietnam. Not so. The same mistakes are now being repeated for all to see. I think this situation is a lot worse, and that America will be forced, in the near future, to make some radical changes for it's own, and the worlds, survival.
And england is an old country; who follow everything a young country tells it to do.
he wont get far
its not about the size of it... its how you use it..
calling scotland tiny wont bother me.. it is tiny... but for such a tiny nation we've made some telling and historical contributions to society, medicine, engineering, education, construction, architecture.... if you guys dont watch it then all you'll be famous for is confrontation... america's past is a violent one and its continuing on that route
True. To our shame. We are in a position to influence Bush et al and make a difference in the world. It's to our shame that we have allowed Blair - practically singlehandedly - to let Britain be dragged along on America's coat-tails.
Originally Posted by jlew24asu
o really? the chief operating officer at my company makes $660,000 a year. he is a black man who grew up in the ghetto in Queens, NY.
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are