She is not worse than the other politicians. She is at worst just another politician.
I can only conclude she is hated because she is a powerful woman.
nah, that reason is too easy and too cliche. She could be hated b/c of her attitude, her demeanor, her policies, her polarizing ideas...the fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with why a majority of people dislike her strongly. But it's much easier to say that she is disliked b/c she's a woman...that doesn't mean it's close to being right.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
I hate Hillary with a passion, but Bill is a pretty cool guy. I don't know why he stays married to that upity bitch, she's ugly and imagine she's a boring ride. Bill deserves props for this, most normal men would have commited acts of violence, but I guess he regresses a bit after bangin the help. Do I hate her because she is a powerful woman? Hell ya.
I do... I trust Obama. One of the reasons so many from both sides of the political aisle like Obama can be attributed to trust in his character. For the last 16 years I haven't had any trust in the leader of my country and I will not vote for HRC as she is calculative and politically motivated.
but you WORK for Obama
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
that link doesn't give a date. you usually don't tell someone you're going to hit them before you hit them.
i could be wrong. i'm only going by what a nephew told me who supposedly was there.
He lied... it definitely WASN'T hours... I was in Turkey when 9/11 happened and was there for a further week afterwards... I was home at LEAST a week and probably more when Afghanistan was bombed cos we were watching sky news religiously waiting for it to happen.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
nah, that reason is too easy and too cliche. She could be hated b/c of her attitude, her demeanor, her policies, her polarizing ideas...the fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with why a majority of people dislike her strongly. But it's much easier to say that she is disliked b/c she's a woman...that doesn't mean it's close to being right.
I don't know, don't be so quick to label cliche..
talking about attitude, demeanor, policies, polarizing ideas...
well George W Bush comes to mind.. I'd say he is more over the top in these areas than anyone... though there are armies of people that consider him unworthy of his position... There isn't that "hate"...
count me in! i hate her because she doesn't give a straight answer to anything. she'll take 2 positions at the same time; depending on who she's talking to. when cornered; she attacks the other candidates. of her own bloody party yet. what about the stuff she stole from the whitehouse when she left? will she "return it if elected?" her big hillarycare project fizzled in the 90's when she realized it couldn't be done. instead of a straight answer; she'll give you a laugh and call for party unity.
if you'd like more reasons; let me know.
That is exactly why I will not vote for her... under any circumstance. Also when Hillarycare fizzled it was because she was bought off by the insurance industry.
Minneapolis 98, Chicago 00, San Fransisco 00, Fargo 03, Thunder Bay 05, St Paul 06 (night 2), Chicago 08 (EV) both nights
9/11 was in the works in the 90's. gore was suppose to be elected b/c he wouldn't have done anything about it. going through with it on bush's watch was a crap shoot.
bush did what clinton should have after the first WTC attack. we had planes bombing afganistan within hours of the 9/11 attacks. bush knew who was going to attack; just not when or where. congress would never have agreed to a premtive strike. so to please the american people; we waited until we were attacked first. if you want to blame someone; look in the mirror.
So bush was just caught in the crossfire hmm? Didn't have a chance to defend himself at all? What about the arizona fbi memo? What about Bush administration ignoring information that could have been used to stop the attacks, and then being caught lying about saying they had no information. (Article on CBS News.Ex-president adviser Richard Clarke talking about Bush's war on terror, and specifically says that Bush ignored terrorism in the months preluding to 9/11 Dated. '04)
(An actual declassified document dated Aug 6, 2001. Talks about Osama wanting to attack americans on american soil. Also says that Osama is interested in hijacking us aircraft)
(Website article. You may find it biased but it has a lot of good information, including Rice claiming that Bush Administration received nothing to indicate the threat of terrorists when they entered the white house. Website as an actual picture of a document that directly contradicts Rice's statement. Date of document that contradicts Rice's statement is Jan 25, 2001.)
Maybe the information didn't say exactly when they were going to happen. Hell the information doesn't even say the exact date, or time, or the type of weather it was going to happen in. You know why? Cause it can't fucking predict that. The bush administration was given a lot of information that could've prevented this shit but they ignored it. So why don't you look in a mirror since you voted for him, huh? You enabled the terrorist to act out 9/11. Good job.
nah, that reason is too easy and too cliche. She could be hated b/c of her attitude, her demeanor, her policies, her polarizing ideas...the fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with why a majority of people dislike her strongly. But it's much easier to say that she is disliked b/c she's a woman...that doesn't mean it's close to being right.
I just don't see too much difference between her compared to Obama or Edwards, personally. Perhaps the 'hate' comes in because she's just more well known. I would like to think we've progressed as a nation past hating a person just bc she's a woman.
My problem with Hilary, as with the other two I mentioned, is not hating them for any specific reason but with the fact that I have the hardest time finding anything about them to actually love.
Kucinich 08!
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I beleive that people who "hate" Hillary also hate her husband Bill and his time in the White House. They also hate the idea of such a strong, independent WOMAN running for president. She is abnormal in their pea brains as she defies their beliefs in what a woman should and should not do - and in this case, a girl should not be running for president, leave that for the regular white guys.
I say 'Fuck You!' to anyone who hates her. Surely, there are people who disagree with her and for many reasons do not want to vote for her, but to simply HATE Hillary is a sign of deeper social and moral issues and I have no time for such stone-age thinking assholes!
Sadly, I'm also dismayed that a lot of women don't like her either, and I feel that their prejudice against her also stems from their social indoctrination by this paternalistic society in regards to the political roles of women.
All I can say is that I'm glad that more people either love, like or 'tolerate' her enough and will vote for her in Nov. '08.
Talk about "stone-age" thinking and pea brains. Why is it that you relegate those that "hate" hillary as racists, sexists or morolly corupt? I hate ALOT of people in the political world, and Hillary just happens to be one of them.
Never-the-less, nothing would make my heart swell with American pride than to see a woman or another minority win the presidency in this country. I'm hardly any of these things you would acuse me of.
I just see Hillary as not being the one for the job. She is the worst sort of politician in my eyes. I don't have too many problems with her husband. I don't particularly care for him, but I'm not gonna bash him or hold ill will either.
The Clintons simply can't be trusted. I don't think they have much integrity, and most of all they are polarizing policians on the same level as Bush?Cheney.
This is the last thing I think our country needs right now - a president that 49% of the country hates. That is why I hate her, and wish she would not run.
Personally I will really enjoy watching when Hillary gets in the WH and gets rid of the testosterone fueled egos overcrowding the place. With her in office we would never have to worry about a Rumsfeld again!
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
Personally I will really enjoy watching when Hillary gets in the WH and gets rid of the testosterone fueled egos overcrowding the place. With her in office we would never have to worry about a Rumsfeld again!
she's got more testosterone than all of congress put together. she doesn't have a chance at the white house though.
talking about attitude, demeanor, policies, polarizing ideas...
well George W Bush comes to mind.. I'd say he is more over the top in these areas than anyone... though there are armies of people that consider him unworthy of his position... There isn't that "hate"...
What exactly is the difference?
people dont' hate george bush b/c he's a man. You said that the only deduction you could arrive at is that people hate her b/c she's a woman. I counter and say the people that hate her, do so b/c of her personality; gender isn't an issue.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
I just don't see too much difference between her compared to Obama or Edwards, personally. Perhaps the 'hate' comes in because she's just more well known. I would like to think we've progressed as a nation past hating a person just bc she's a woman.
My problem with Hilary, as with the other two I mentioned, is not hating them for any specific reason but with the fact that I have the hardest time finding anything about them to actually love.
Kucinich 08!
i agree her popularity helps people hate her more and really of obama, edwards, and her it all comes down to personality. Obama seems like a nice guy, edwards seems weak, and hillary comes off as cold and annoying.
Paul 08 !
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
Wish I could... There aren't many politicians who set up camp in Alaska seeking support. Our three electoral college votes have never meant shit. Hopefully one day they will as the president is typically announced before our precincts close. All the more reason for a true popular vote to determine the outcome...
As a liberal, I will say I trust two other candidates and take them for their words: Dr. Paul and Mike Huckabee, and maybe Kucinich to make it three. God forbid politicians actually spoke their minds, chose a cause and supported it unabashedly.
Trading magic for fact, no tradebacks... So this is what it's like to be an adult...
I wonder if Clinton would have continued reading a children's book for seven minutes after being told our country is under attack.
I also wonder if he would have known that most of the terrorists were actually Saudis, not Afganis, and if that might have influenced his decision to bomb the shit out of the wrong country.
maybe clinton wasnt dumb enough to roll back into the middle east. you dont walk into a place with some of the worlds most powerful weapons without a way to get out...
Wish I could... There aren't many politicians who set up camp in Alaska seeking support. Our three electoral college votes have never meant shit. Hopefully one day they will as the president is typically announced before our precincts close. All the more reason for a true popular vote to determine the outcome...
As a liberal, I will say I trust two other candidates and take them for their words: Dr. Paul and Mike Huckabee, and maybe Kucinich to make it three. God forbid politicians actually spoke their minds, chose a cause and supported it unabashedly.
I wonder if Helen got you and I confused when she said you worked w/ Obama.
Question though, as a liberal you trust Mike Huckabee
i cant say that i hate her, because ive never met her, but i really hope she doesnt win the presidency, i dont think she would be a good leader, she's too polarizing, i dont think she will even win the nomination because of that..
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Yeah Bill sure was evil. Except......wait a second. Look footage of Rumsfeld shaking Saddam's hand just prior to the first Gulf war. Strange.
maybe the post of the week...
nah, that reason is too easy and too cliche. She could be hated b/c of her attitude, her demeanor, her policies, her polarizing ideas...the fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with why a majority of people dislike her strongly. But it's much easier to say that she is disliked b/c she's a woman...that doesn't mean it's close to being right.
You got to spend it all
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I don't know, don't be so quick to label cliche..
talking about attitude, demeanor, policies, polarizing ideas...
well George W Bush comes to mind.. I'd say he is more over the top in these areas than anyone... though there are armies of people that consider him unworthy of his position... There isn't that "hate"...
What exactly is the difference?
i disagree with that... there is definitely a hate...
That is exactly why I will not vote for her... under any circumstance. Also when Hillarycare fizzled it was because she was bought off by the insurance industry.
Don't it make you smile?
So bush was just caught in the crossfire hmm? Didn't have a chance to defend himself at all? What about the arizona fbi memo? What about Bush administration ignoring information that could have been used to stop the attacks, and then being caught lying about saying they had no information. (Article on CBS News.Ex-president adviser Richard Clarke talking about Bush's war on terror, and specifically says that Bush ignored terrorism in the months preluding to 9/11 Dated. '04)
(An actual declassified document dated Aug 6, 2001. Talks about Osama wanting to attack americans on american soil. Also says that Osama is interested in hijacking us aircraft)
(Website article. You may find it biased but it has a lot of good information, including Rice claiming that Bush Administration received nothing to indicate the threat of terrorists when they entered the white house. Website as an actual picture of a document that directly contradicts Rice's statement. Date of document that contradicts Rice's statement is Jan 25, 2001.)
(another article about the arizona fbi memo)
Maybe the information didn't say exactly when they were going to happen. Hell the information doesn't even say the exact date, or time, or the type of weather it was going to happen in. You know why? Cause it can't fucking predict that. The bush administration was given a lot of information that could've prevented this shit but they ignored it. So why don't you look in a mirror since you voted for him, huh? You enabled the terrorist to act out 9/11. Good job.
I just don't see too much difference between her compared to Obama or Edwards, personally. Perhaps the 'hate' comes in because she's just more well known. I would like to think we've progressed as a nation past hating a person just bc she's a woman.
My problem with Hilary, as with the other two I mentioned, is not hating them for any specific reason but with the fact that I have the hardest time finding anything about them to actually love.
Kucinich 08!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Your wrong...dead wrong....girl freinds get double the 10 minutes allocation for wives.
Talk about "stone-age" thinking and pea brains. Why is it that you relegate those that "hate" hillary as racists, sexists or morolly corupt? I hate ALOT of people in the political world, and Hillary just happens to be one of them.
Never-the-less, nothing would make my heart swell with American pride than to see a woman or another minority win the presidency in this country. I'm hardly any of these things you would acuse me of.
I just see Hillary as not being the one for the job. She is the worst sort of politician in my eyes. I don't have too many problems with her husband. I don't particularly care for him, but I'm not gonna bash him or hold ill will either.
The Clintons simply can't be trusted. I don't think they have much integrity, and most of all they are polarizing policians on the same level as Bush?Cheney.
This is the last thing I think our country needs right now - a president that 49% of the country hates. That is why I hate her, and wish she would not run.
she's got more testosterone than all of congress put together. she doesn't have a chance at the white house though.
people dont' hate george bush b/c he's a man. You said that the only deduction you could arrive at is that people hate her b/c she's a woman. I counter and say the people that hate her, do so b/c of her personality; gender isn't an issue.
i agree her popularity helps people hate her more and really of obama, edwards, and her it all comes down to personality. Obama seems like a nice guy, edwards seems weak, and hillary comes off as cold and annoying.
Paul 08 !
Wish I could...
As a liberal, I will say I trust two other candidates and take them for their words: Dr. Paul and Mike Huckabee, and maybe Kucinich to make it three. God forbid politicians actually spoke their minds, chose a cause and supported it unabashedly.
maybe clinton wasnt dumb enough to roll back into the middle east. you dont walk into a place with some of the worlds most powerful weapons without a way to get out...
I wonder if Helen got you and I confused when she said you worked w/ Obama.
Question though, as a liberal you trust Mike Huckabee
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...