Five U.S. troops killed in Iraq

wont be long before Bush surpasses Osama in killing Americans
He is already recognized as a far more prolific killer of non-Americans.
He is already recognized as a far more prolific killer of non-Americans.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Bush didnt kill any Americans. those Americans who died choose to put themselves in harms way. the people osama killed did not. nice try though
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
really they chose it or they were ordered to go?
didn't they just tell a bunch of soliders that were 2 weeks away from going home that their time had been extended another 4 months? did they choose that or were they told?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
but y'know, all in the name of freedom. even if the iraqis dont want the false branded freedom they are being force-fed, we must "stay the course".
the war will never be won. that is becoming more and more evident each day.
top military ppl said these things would happen, maybe not down to the letter but a long drawn out occupation, starting a civil's not that they didn't know, rather they just didn't care
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
they chose to go. they chose when they signed up to be in the military. your argument is so weak.
no, they chose to defend their country, fighting in iraq is not the same thing.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I also want to remind you that it is duty of leaders to make safe their soldiers...
And the 650,000 Iraqi civilians killed didn't choose to put themselves in harms way. So what's your point?
stop using that bullshit number.
True. Although there are many different motivations for joining the armed forces. Poverty is one. Being raised on a diet of Hollywood Gung-ho war movies is another. The search for excitement and adventure is another. Family tradition may be another reason for wanting to join up. I honestly don't believe that ANYBODY joins the armed forces to 'defend their country', because this is just too abstract and meaningless a concept. Firstly, what exactly is a 'country'?
soliders are well aware that they might go to war and be put in harms way.
Yes Sir! :cool:
Please may I be permitted to ask why it's a bullshit number Sir?
how do you know...?
Maybe it was the case in the past, but I'm naive enough to think we can live on without armies, weapons and people like Junior.
I agree on this theory 100%. Bush and company thought this war would take a few weeks. Completely destroy their military in the first week and enjoy the liberators celebration party the second week. I honestly think if we would have just left after the famous "Mission Accomplished" debacle we would all be better off now. Iraq's civil war would probably be winding down by now and we could have been focusing our attention on the other dozens of more important issues facing us. Is this really even a war anymore? It's unlike any war I've ever observed. It's more like a temporary occupation gone horribly wrong. They think we won't leave so they keep killing us. We want to leave but only when they stop killing us. What an endless mess.
oh, i agree, i meant that the REASON of the military is to defend the country. naturally there;s all sorts of reasons...i saw some recruitment ad on some site today w/ some figure of how much they will pay for you to go to college...for lots of ppl it's a job at wal-mart or mcdonalds or the army <and not b/c of education or whatever but their location, transportation, lack of public transit...> the army to go to college or probably no college....
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Exactly. Some people are so damn blind it is pitiful. Slap that decal on their car and pretend everything is OK.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I agree with the poster who said that Bush is a cunt, but probably didn't know how bad things were going to get. Gross negligence. Not some hidden desire to kill Americans. And also, can we stop treating the Iraqis as if they are sunhumans who have no ability to stop killing one another? Cripes. People hate Bush so much that they wind up reducing the whole situation down to him. The Iraqis can take some steps to reduce the killing too. Its not all about the Americans.
common sense
Is oblivious the only alternative to knowing they were going to be invading Iraq and occupying it for 5 years as hundreds of thousands are killed for absolutely no reason?
And sure.. many people maybe could stand up and help correct the horror created in Iraq - at the risk of being killed by any number of possible enemies in that war zone.. hopefully one day that will happen, but not likely while America is still there blowing up whomever they choose. If that lessons the burdon for you - well then yes it is true
You often site hate for Bush... how is it you are obsessed with that thought - when perhaps its hate for all the murder.
I'd like to see when the death toll of American soldiers in Iraq reach 3,000, if it will be a big deal since that's how many people we lost on 9/11.
based on the wars of the past, every solider knows what is possible.
hmm...common sense...perhaps your right..."common sense" would said prior to invading another country, every angle and possible outcome would have been explored..."common sense" would had dictated the need to have body armor and proper equipment...."common sense" would have meant an exit plan would be in place....
yes, yes...apples to oranges....I guess my point is: "common sense" is a rather subjective term that can be interpreted in different ways...
the number of dead soliders has already passed the number of dead from 9/11. where have you been
but its good to know you are waiting for it to happen, just to see if "its a big deal"
no I used common sense to know that soliders are aware of the possibility of going to war and dying.
No, it hasn't, oh "smart one". USA Today reported that it's in the 2,750 mark, and a neighbor of mine has been using his acreage to plant yellow flags for each U.S. soldier that has dies over there. And, he posts the number, changing it as the death toll increases.
The number is up to 2,810.
It doesn't lessen the burden, Iraq is still a bad, bad situation either way. But its a true statement, in sync with reality. The U.S. kicked a hornet's nest and set things off, but it didn't make a bunch of otherwise peaceful hornets ornery. Not trying to dehumanize with this analogy, by the way. Just trying to make the point that sectarian hatred is the fuel that keeps the fire burning, along with an American presence.
And yes, I often site hatred for Bush ... Without trying to argue that this hatred is unjustified. I think you still have me pegged as a Bush supporter. Nope. I just do not wish to simplify the situation too much.