Obamania Officially Kicks Off Tomorrow

...and I'll be there in the front section thanks to a State Senator. Your pal ledvedderman is in talks with the AFL-CIO to be on their Obama team. It just feels like this could be something really special happening in America...
Dear Hillary, John, and Joe -- please do the country a favor and bow out now
Dear Hillary, John, and Joe -- please do the country a favor and bow out now
Post edited by Unknown User on
The reps probably won't, but they'd be voting for a Republican Christian Honky anyway.
republican christian honky.....
you got that right.........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Hey, I can use that word right? Honky? I mean I am a honky!
Republican and Christian might be a little too vulgar though. My apologies!
I'm a registered republican and he's got my vote (unless Ron Paul is on the ballot). You've just stated exactly why he will receive my vote, he's not part of the machine yet. He's a commoner who has made his way to Washington on the shoulders of other commoners. I don't want another career politician in office, I don't want a president who has been in the pockets of lobbyists for 20 years, I don't want a president who owes "favors" to his friends and rivals.
absolutely! and his "experience" doesn't just include being a US senator (exactly what "experience" does one need?). but i'm about 3/4 through audacity of hope and it's just so inspiring. i highly recommend reading it. he's just something else. something we don't see often in politics and that is only one reason he has my vote.
for those who don't know where he stands, it's really not hard to find out. are you waiting for him to show up at your doorstep to tell you? read something--read his book, his speeches, his website, how he voted on issues (hey, his book covers all these things in one!). and the campaigns are really just getting started. i'm sure those who have an aversion to reading will see him on tv before the elections.
it's so disheartening to hear people say he can't win for various reasons (race, experience, etc.) and just dismiss him. that kind of attitude is so defeating. and for what? so we can just keep voting in the same assholes every election? get to know him, and then dismiss him if you must.
cross the river to the eastside
Bush was the first president to have multiple African American high ranking cabinet members.
Crazy ass liberal!
Hey, I'm no liberal, I vote for CRAP... I mean CAP! CAP I mean!
Now they are questioning if a smoker can be elected. I think it was on Paula Zahn's show--apparently they are questioning that and Omaba is trying to quit smoking.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
in the time it took you to post that, you could have found out yourself. how lazy. i'll give you a tip, though i'm not even sure that's worthwhile. try googling "iraq war de-escalation act".
cross the river to the eastside
I'll second all that.
To me, it seems like the people who cite his "lack of experience" and complain that "he hasn't told the people what he stands for" are being a little disingenuous. It's called the fucking internet! Make use of it. You can do a little research and find out how he voted in the Illinois Senate and in the US Senate. You can find all this stuff on non-partisan sites. It's not difficult at all, but it's just a little harder than choosing to say, "pfft... he hasn't taken a stand on anything yet."
Do some research, form YOUR OWN idea of what he's about, then make your own judgment. Don't wait for some loudmouth assmilk on a cable news station to tell you what to think about him.
His speeches speak for themselves (is that an oxymoron?) and the man's grass roots raising of himself into politics speaks for itself and why, oh why, can't any of you shake the "black man for president?" attitude and simply educate yourselves, FOR FREE, ON THE INTERNET, like I have?
Obama 2008.
Peace, Bu
i wonder if it speaks to his awesomeness that the complaints so far are 'experience', 'don't know where he stands', and OMFG HE SMOKES! (Bartlet!). and i wonder how recent of a phenomenon this complaint of lack of knowing where candidates stand is. there are so many ways of getting information these days, how can one not know how to do research when one clearly has internet access? is the amount of possibilities of information gathering too overwhelming? do people want information magically transmitted to their brains? do they just want to be told what to think by 'assmilks' on cable news stations?
i just don't understand.
cross the river to the eastside
It all starts at home, folks. That's one of Obama's messages.
Start with your own home town. Find people who believe in what YOU believe in. Find a local charity that you know and trust, and give them all the things you would otherwise leave for the garbage. Find people in your town who are fed up with politics as they are today, and find ways to push for the person you believe would make the next great leader. Get out of your house on a weekend and organize a local clean-up of your area. Etc. etc. etc.
Grass roots. I'm all for grass. I'm all for roots. I'm all for making things happen at home. I'm all for making things happen that can change the world.
It's that easy.
Too cool, Bu2.
And I too am all for grass.
well, i would hope that people wouldn't base it entirely on race or gender. but it is an interesting thing to talk about because historically we haven't faced these choices so much. so i do wonder how much that is a part of people's decisions. but in hillary's defense, she is a smart and accomplished person who does good policy work and gets some things done. but yeah, i think she is more 'political' and plays that role moreso than barack (the interests, machine, etc.). and i would totally understand when people would not choose her based on her voting record. but that's up for individuals to decide.
no. just remember the classic oxymoron-- jumbo shrimp
cross the river to the eastside
if it makes you feel better, when i was reading audacity of hope on the subway yesterday, someone got on and came over and said 'isn't that such a great book?' and he was all excited. and then i got all excited and said it was so amazing to be reading these things and have a candidate to be excited about for once. and he wanted to keep talking about it and it was just something i haven't experienced with jaded new yorkers and it was lovely
it's building.
cross the river to the eastside
i don't understand it, either. i suppose that people who already have their minds made up probably would be perplexed by bothersome "facts" that don't support their opinions... grrr. stupid "facts".
don't forget, he was raised in madrassa in qumar by mohammed himself. fox news told me so.
one problem i have with him, is that he doesn't come across as very articulate.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I'd like to see George Bush squint his way through reading this speech, without stumbling and fumbling and misreading at least ONE line, thank you very much.
who's on first?
and by the way...so is saying someone is articulate a compliment or not...i'm REALLY confused. someone said osama obama (Kennedy 2006) was articulate and everyone was offended. now you say he's inarticulate, and that's not good either?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
yeah, we know that....so is it a compliment or not? i do not want to offend osama obama (kennedy 2006) so i want to know whether i should call him articulate or inarticulate.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I'm also reading Audacity of Hope. I know where he stands and I know that I disagree with him on several issues. The problem is that after dealing with 16 years of Clinton and Bush, character is taking a front seat for me next election over issues. I've had it with these politicians. Obama brings truthiness to the office, a commoner's perspective.