you gotta have shame, humiliation and failure growing up to contend with narcissism thats going on in this innocent kid doesnt have a prayer amongst you animals
you know along with failure and shame...humiliation is an underated quality in a childs life....makes them stronger...i have to agree wtih you there..
maybe its time you start being a little narcissistic and worry about your own family for a change...they probaly miss your mind.
this is outrageous!!!!
One think I have to say is that your words here today have proven this study right. A self centered egotictical child who can't take an ounce of criticism thrown in his direction. A child who resorts to insults when he doesn't get his way.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
you gotta have shame, humiliation and failure growing up to contend with narcissism thats going on in this innocent kid doesnt have a prayer amongst you animals
all of these things are part of life, no one likes to lose, encouragement after loss leads to greater acheivements later on. It's better to try and fail and try again than to never try at all and live in some sort of vanilla pablum society. That's all anyone is saying. I don't think anyone here is really dumping on the youth of society. Most people are doing thier best to do a good job in thier own lives and for thier children. I am contending that coddling children and trying to shield them from the world is detrimental to thier health and overall well being as well as thier education.
My original point was that this study may have been on the 18-22 range of people but it's really just a microcosm of our entire society.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
you gotta have shame, humiliation and failure growing up to contend with narcissism thats going on in this innocent kid doesnt have a prayer amongst you animals
One think I have to say is that your words here today have proven this study right. A self centered egotictical child who can't take an ounce of criticism thrown in his direction. A child who resorts to insults when he doesn't get his way.
i may be all those things but i tell ya what..i take care of my family and the people i love..and my kids...well i would never teach my kid failure...but i would be the first one there to pick them up..and show them how to not let it happen again..rather than beath them down with it
hmmmm problem child...... ever seen the kid that cries for attention but only when your watching him or he can see you.... but stops when your not seen.... then will follow you and find you and start crying again....this thread gives me that feeling...
all of these things are part of life, no one likes to lose, encouragement after loss leads to greater acheivements later on. It's better to try and fail and try again than to never try at all and live in some sort of vanilla pablum society. That's all anyone is saying. I don't think anyone here is really dumping on the youth of society. Most people are doing thier best to do a good job in thier own lives and for thier children. I am contending that coddling children and trying to shield them from the world is detrimental to thier health.
My original point was that this study may have been on the 18-22 range of people but it's really just a microcosm of our entire society.
I would say that the majority of our children are growing up in ahealth environment, but the minority that isn't is far to large. I'm going by my experiences with my kids in school and I see way to many kids growing up in an environment where they are never given the opportunity to fail at anything. Obviously as a parent I don't like to see my kids fail, but I know that it is a part of life that they have to experience. When they fail I offer support and encouragement and when they succeed praise.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
When I was in college I thought my generation was going to change the world. Now I've come to realize we have only helped in fucking it up.
i know what you mean, everyone comes out ready to change the world and says THIS time we'll make a difference...We get stuck in a routine and don't want to put the effort into really making a huge difference b/c life (family, job, responsibility) gets in the way.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
i may be all those things but i tell ya what..i take care of my family and the people i love..and my kids...well i would never teach my kid failure...but i would be the first one there to pick them up..and show them how to not let it happen again..rather than beath them down with it
Please tell me who here stated that they would beat them down with it. What people here are stating is that too many parents will not even let their kids taste failure. Failure is a part of life that we all have to learn to deal with and if as a child your parents are constantly shielding you from it you will not learn to deal with it when you go out in the real world. No decent parent wants their child to fail but a decent parent will realize that it is an inevitable fact of life that people will fail at certain things through out their life. So why not prepare your child for that by allowing them to fail and ten teaching them how to deal with it.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
So what deal with it. It's part of life. People are always going to give their opinion and your not always going to like.
i love how you come back with these little ''lessons'' as if your actually writing to someone else and not to me...are you seeking approval from someone..maybe your parents
mac not trying to piss you off.... but i thought the me generation was the 70's i think they call this generation y..... as in y the hell dont some people shut up.... but i could be wrong...
categorizing my generation as narcissistic and than discussing on this board as if you have a fucking clue..please...half of you im sure are obese or overweight or unhappy with yourselves and your lives...and this based on the fact your willing to discuss the thoughts of others..
take a look around at the ''young''
smarter than you ever were
im of your generation. quit whining. we're not changing anything.
ya its tough being the lone defender of generation ''ME''
obviously everyone here knows that this isnt' the case for everyone, the study even says that about 2/3 of college students are that way (high NPI score) and 1/3 don't have high NPI scores. I'm pretty sure almost everyone here take that to mean that not everyone is narcissistic. But to not notice the trend, esp in a study of 16K students, is putting your head in the sand.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
One think I have to say is that your words here today have proven this study right. A self centered egotictical child who can't take an ounce of criticism thrown in his direction. A child who resorts to insults when he doesn't get his way.
bingo. one word of criticism and the little guy's crying like a girl with a skinned knee about how unfair we're being. there's nothing at all wrong with what's going on today it's all perfect and all of these kids are SPECIAL dontcha know?
ya its tough being the lone defender of generation ''ME''
Here is a little example of what we are talking about. Last year my oldest son was upset because he didn't win an award on his football team. When we got home from the ceremony he was crying because he said he was better than the biy who did win the Best Offensive Lineman award. What should I have done. Gone to the coach and complained because my son was upset and demand that everyone receive an award, they already give general trophy to all the kids that play. Or should I have told him that he didn't win it this year and that's OK and that I would help him and teach him some better techniques so that he can mature and improve as a player and hopefully win next year.
What I did was tell him that just because he didn't win doesn't mean he is a bad player. that it was only his first year and he is still learning. I helped him during the off season and encouraging him. the rewsult was that he won Most Improved Player this season and he learned that if you want something in life you have to work for it. Had I taken the other route all he would have learned is that he deserves everything he wants in life which is not the case.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
bingo. one word of criticism and the little guy's crying like a girl with a skinned knee about how unfair we're being. there's nothing at all wrong with what's going on today it's all perfect and all of these kids are SPECIAL dontcha know?
dammit...i didn't get the memo saying we're putting new cover sheets on all of our TPS reports before they go out...and i didn't get the memo about the kids being special???? this sucks.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
Here is a little example of what we are talking about. Last year my oldest son was upset because he didn't win an award on his football team. When we got home from the ceremony he was crying because he said he was better than the biy who did win the Best Offensive Lineman award. What should I have done. Gone to the coach and complained because my son was upset and demand that everyone receive an award, they already give general trophy to all the kids that play. Or should I have told him that he didn't win it this year and that's OK and that I would help him and teach him some better techniques so that he can mature and improve as a player and hopefully win next year.
What I did was tell him that just because he didn't win doesn't mean he is a bad player. that it was only his first year and he is still learning. I helped him during the off season and encouraging him. the rewsult was that he won Most Improved Player this season and he learned that if you want something in life you have to work for it. Had I taken the other route all he would have learned is that he deserves everything he wants in life which is not the case.
right on, mama!!! good job for you and your son...
bingo. one word of criticism and the little guy's crying like a girl with a skinned knee about how unfair we're being. there's nothing at all wrong with what's going on today it's all perfect and all of these kids are SPECIAL dontcha know?
i love how you come back with these little ''lessons'' as if your actually writing to someone else and not to me...are you seeking approval from someone..maybe your parents
No I was writing to you that's why I quoted your post. Again with the little snide remarks. The slightest bit of criticism and you can't handle it.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
i may be all those things but i tell ya what..i take care of my family and the people i love..and my kids...well i would never teach my kid failure...but i would be the first one there to pick them up..and show them how to not let it happen again..rather than beath them down with it
that's what we're all saying parents should do. but a lot of parents let their kids lay there on the ground and tell them they're ok there and that's where they want to be and they did their best and nobody can tell them there's anything wrong with laying on the ground. that's how you build a kid who's never overcome a challenge in his or her life. and there are too many of them.
One think I have to say is that your words here today have proven this study right. A self centered egotictical child who can't take an ounce of criticism thrown in his direction. A child who resorts to insults when he doesn't get his way.
No I don't but thank you for your concern.
all of these things are part of life, no one likes to lose, encouragement after loss leads to greater acheivements later on. It's better to try and fail and try again than to never try at all and live in some sort of vanilla pablum society. That's all anyone is saying. I don't think anyone here is really dumping on the youth of society. Most people are doing thier best to do a good job in thier own lives and for thier children. I am contending that coddling children and trying to shield them from the world is detrimental to thier health and overall well being as well as thier education.
My original point was that this study may have been on the 18-22 range of people but it's really just a microcosm of our entire society.
question: why are you taking this personally...?
i may be all those things but i tell ya what..i take care of my family and the people i love..and my kids...well i would never teach my kid failure...but i would be the first one there to pick them up..and show them how to not let it happen again..rather than beath them down with it
i am in college and your thinking of whats best for people and how things should be...should be kept t yourself... its wrong
I would say that the majority of our children are growing up in ahealth environment, but the minority that isn't is far to large. I'm going by my experiences with my kids in school and I see way to many kids growing up in an environment where they are never given the opportunity to fail at anything. Obviously as a parent I don't like to see my kids fail, but I know that it is a part of life that they have to experience. When they fail I offer support and encouragement and when they succeed praise.
i know what you mean, everyone comes out ready to change the world and says THIS time we'll make a difference...We get stuck in a routine and don't want to put the effort into really making a huge difference b/c life (family, job, responsibility) gets in the way.
Please tell me who here stated that they would beat them down with it. What people here are stating is that too many parents will not even let their kids taste failure. Failure is a part of life that we all have to learn to deal with and if as a child your parents are constantly shielding you from it you will not learn to deal with it when you go out in the real world. No decent parent wants their child to fail but a decent parent will realize that it is an inevitable fact of life that people will fail at certain things through out their life. So why not prepare your child for that by allowing them to fail and ten teaching them how to deal with it.
sweet jesus, relax...
go break something if it will make you feel better...
I'd hate to be your boss, my goodness, I couldn't imagine having to discuss something with you...
it's interesting how you've taken this thread as a personal attack...truth be told, everything is not about you...
So what deal with it. It's part of life. People are always going to give their opinion and your not always going to like.
ya its tough being the lone defender of generation ''ME''
i love how you come back with these little ''lessons'' as if your actually writing to someone else and not to me...are you seeking approval from someone..maybe your parents
im of your generation. quit whining. we're not changing anything.
great post??
obviously everyone here knows that this isnt' the case for everyone, the study even says that about 2/3 of college students are that way (high NPI score) and 1/3 don't have high NPI scores. I'm pretty sure almost everyone here take that to mean that not everyone is narcissistic. But to not notice the trend, esp in a study of 16K students, is putting your head in the sand.
I gotta thank you, mac .... you've provided me with a lot of laughs this morning!
bingo. one word of criticism and the little guy's crying like a girl with a skinned knee about how unfair we're being. there's nothing at all wrong with what's going on today it's all perfect and all of these kids are SPECIAL dontcha know?
Here is a little example of what we are talking about. Last year my oldest son was upset because he didn't win an award on his football team. When we got home from the ceremony he was crying because he said he was better than the biy who did win the Best Offensive Lineman award. What should I have done. Gone to the coach and complained because my son was upset and demand that everyone receive an award, they already give general trophy to all the kids that play. Or should I have told him that he didn't win it this year and that's OK and that I would help him and teach him some better techniques so that he can mature and improve as a player and hopefully win next year.
What I did was tell him that just because he didn't win doesn't mean he is a bad player. that it was only his first year and he is still learning. I helped him during the off season and encouraging him. the rewsult was that he won Most Improved Player this season and he learned that if you want something in life you have to work for it. Had I taken the other route all he would have learned is that he deserves everything he wants in life which is not the case.
dammit...i didn't get the memo saying we're putting new cover sheets on all of our TPS reports before they go out...and i didn't get the memo about the kids being special???? this sucks.
right on, mama!!! good job for you and your son...
War On Kids
No I was writing to you that's why I quoted your post. Again with the little snide remarks. The slightest bit of criticism and you can't handle it.
that's what we're all saying parents should do. but a lot of parents let their kids lay there on the ground and tell them they're ok there and that's where they want to be and they did their best and nobody can tell them there's anything wrong with laying on the ground. that's how you build a kid who's never overcome a challenge in his or her life. and there are too many of them.
the kids arent against help em out fuckers! they are young and they cant see past today!
i miss lsd...