Do they necessarily prioritize different? The rich guy probably has the money for the 3k plasma tv, AND to invest a whole bunch afterwards. But material status symbols are a driving force and has always been. "Conspicous consumption" is what it's all about.
i think his point in the book was delayed gratification. If you spend the 3k on the tv you are out 3k dollars. If you invest the 3k and use the interest/ profit to buy the tv you're being smart about it and you're not really out the 3k.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
categorizing my generation as narcissistic and than discussing on this board as if you have a fucking clue..please...half of you im sure are obese or overweight or unhappy with yourselves and your lives...and this based on the fact your willing to discuss the thoughts of others..
categorizing my generation as narcissistic and than discussing on this board as if you have a fucking clue..please...half of you im sure are obese or overweight or unhappy with yourselves and your lives...and this based on the fact your willing to discuss the thoughts of others..
take a look around at the ''young''
smarter than you ever were
with all due sound like a brat...
I guess the article is true, thanks for making the point...
Sure, society is all about "having more things!" After all, that's one of the staples now of living in America, materialism. But, we've got to look past that, and have more respect for ourselves so we don't succumb to that "keeping up with the Jone's" mentality. I'm sure the materialism is a contributing factor in the ME generation, combined w/ adults' need for more "things", so it just goes back to the parents bringing the kids up right, and to look past the materialism. I have a sign in my kitchen with one of my favorite quotes..."The best things in life are not Things". Things don't make people happy...although many think it does. It just contributes to a shallow society, not to mention many living in serious debt.
stop referencing America or your idea of freedom in these half thought posts...
ya great quote...we are all proud of you... while you talk about a materialist society and your post again...attention
as if there is something wrong...again..with liking yourself...
College students in general look better than at any given point in their lives.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies. that it think about it more..i would expect an older generation to feel threatened by good will and enlightenment.. you probaly never saw it coming...
am I missing something, you seem to be upset that college students have been called narcissistic...
am I wrong...?
ya, but more upset its being discussed..this is students are all I take from this articl he means the younger college students.. but with any group of people...we are not all the same...
but this ME generation is shit...we are supporting you..we are at war..we are confused...we are living at a time where making a trip to walgreens for meds is pushed on us as normal...and its a narcissistic thought that we should continue to serve you..its you...the ''olders'' who are narccissists..the fast food generation...
and its not us in court rooms sueing people...i dont ask for a god damn thing
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Forget about college students, I see this in my son's elementary school.
yeah, it's simply a cutaway of society really. I mean hell, check out MTV.
I love the articles points though, this has come out of the self esteem movement.
Count the number of college kid parents who can't cut the damn cord.
Losing, failing are ok. They build character. We've phased that out.
Apollo 13 was one of Nasa's biggest failures as a mission, but when you consider the crisis management brilliance that occured to get those 3 back home it's rather an amazing achievement.
Our society as a whole lacks critical thinking skills, responsibility, crisis management tactics, budgeting, and the list goes on. Narcissism is a product of being told how great you are from the birth canal and never having to deal with loss, disapointment, failure etc. I guess TV and the seven second attention span can be blamed if we need a copout, but really having ADD means you are a freaking fantastic multitasker and you can learn to focus.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
ya, but more upset its being discussed..this is students are all I take from this articl he means the younger college students.. but with any group of people...we are not all the same...
but this ME generation is shit...we are supporting you..we are at war..we are confused...we are living at a time where making a trip to walgreens for meds is pushed on us as normal...and its a narcissistic thought that we should continue to serve you..its you...the ''olders'' who are narccissists..the fast food generation...
and its not us in court rooms sueing people...i dont ask for a god damn thing
those meds you mentioned must not be working because I can't understand a thing you're talking about...
yeah, it's simply a cutaway of society really. I mean hell, check out MTV.
I love the articles points though, this has come out of the self esteem movement.
Count the number of college kid parents who can't cut the damn cord.
Losing, failing are ok. They build character. We've phased that out.
Apollo 13 was one of Nasa's biggest failures as a mission, but when you consider the crisis management brilliance that occured to get those 3 back home it's rather an amazing achievement.
Our society as a whole lacks critical thinking skills, responsibility, crisis management tactics, budgeting, and the list goes on. Narcissism is a product of being told how great you are from the birth canal and never having to deal with loss, disapointment, failure etc. I guess TV and the seven second attention span can be blamed if we need a copout, but really having ADD means you are a freaking fantastic multitasker and you can learn to focus.
I completely agree with. I try to raise my kids to take their lumps in life. When your knocked down you get back up and keep moving forward. I see other parents and how they shelter their children from any criticism because it may hurt their self-esteem. That's utter bullshit. When my kids make a mistake I want them to know they made it so they can learn from the experience. Earlier this school year my oldest was doing pretty bad at math. When I saw his report card I didn't tell him well you did your best. I told get the grades up or your in deep shit. Next report card he pulled his grade up and the smile on his face lit up the room. He realized that he can do better and his self esteem benefited from it. I think parents now a day want to be their kids best friend at the expence of being the parent. I want my kids to view me as a parent first.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I completely agree with. I try to raise my kids to take their lumps in life. When your knocked down you get back up and keep moving forward. I see other parents and how they shelter their children from any criticism because it may hurt their self-esteem. That's utter bullshit. When my kids make a mistake I want them to know they made it so they can learn from the experience. Earlier this school year my oldest was doing pretty bad at math. When I saw his report card I didn't tell him well you did your best. I told get the grades up or your in deep shit. Next report card he pulled his grade up and the smile on his face lit up the room. He realized that he can do better and his self esteem benefited from it. I think parents now a day want to be their kids best friend at the expence of being the parent. I want my kids to view me as a parent first.
Exactly, by doing so you are putting the impetus on his grades on him, not only is that teaching him responsibility, it's giving him pride in his work and the realization that he can do it. That will take him far on in to the real world and real jobs. I spent several teen years being angry at my parents at times, now that I'm in my late 20's I'm overjoyed to have them as my parents and my friends. Your kids are lucky to have you.
Keep at him on math, other wise he'll end up a communication or english major like the rest of us.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
kids nowadays don't fail, don't lose... aren't last picked..aren't killed....can't multi task...can't do anything for themselves...can't get out of their high school's cafeteria window fast enough before getting shot by another silver spooned kid...can't seem to pull that trigger fast enough....ya
Exactly, by doing so you are putting the impetus on his grades on him, not only is that teaching him responsibility, it's giving him pride in his work and the realization that he can do it. That will take him far on in to the real world and real jobs. I spent several teen years being angry at my parents at times, now that I'm in my late 20's I'm overjoyed to have them as my parents and my friends. Your kids are lucky to have you.
Keep at him on math, other wise he'll end up a communication or english major like the rest of us.
wow.. you reached a breakthrough in your life today..who knew Pacomc79 would be the first to figure out all kids are the same???
kids nowadays don't fail, don't lose... aren't last picked..aren't killed....can't multi task...can't do anything for themselves...can't get out of their high school's cafeteria window fast enough before getting shot by another silver spooned kid...can't seem to pull that trigger fast enough....ya
kids nowadays don't fail, don't lose... aren't last picked..aren't killed....can't multi task...can't do anything for themselves...can't get out of their high school's cafeteria window fast enough before getting shot by another silver spooned kid...can't seem to pull that trigger fast enough....ya
lol..the insanity in this thread continues
Do you realize that there are schools in this country where teachers aren't allowed to use red pens to mark up a students work, because it may have a negative impact on them. There are sport that don't keep score because they don't want kids to have to loose. If we don't allow our kids to taste failure how are they going to build a drive to reach for success. Everytime I failed at something growing up it made me want to succeed at it even more. Not all kids are this way but I think far too many are.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
wow.. you reached a breakthrough in your life today..who knew Pacomc79 would be the first to figure out all kids are the same???
the world has changed forever..thank you
ha ha. had you been around to read my NCLB thread maybe you would know I believe differently.
Good parental involvement in thier childs education means everything to yes "any" child. Especially when they are having a rough time with difficult subject matter.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet. that it think about it more..i would expect an older generation to feel threatened by good will and enlightenment.. you probaly never saw it coming...
i'm willing to go out on a limb and say that every generation feels this way (at some point about the previous generation) and thinks that they are the enlightened ones.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
i'm willing to go out on a limb and say that every generation feels this way (at some point about the previous generation) and thinks that they are the enlightened ones.
When I was in college I thought my generation was going to change the world. Now I've come to realize we have only helped in fucking it up.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Do you realize that there are schools in this country where teachers aren't allowed to use red pens to mark up a students work, because it may have a negative impact on them. There are sport that don't keep score because they don't want kids to have to loose. If we don't allow our kids to taste failure how are they going to build a drive to reach for success. Everytime I failed at something growing up it made me want to succeed at it even more. Not all kids are this way but I think far too many are.
haha..choked up over there??
you know along with failure and shame...humiliation is an underated quality in a childs life....makes them stronger...i have to agree wtih you there..
maybe its time you start being a little narcissistic and worry about your own family for a change...they probaly miss your mind.
i think his point in the book was delayed gratification. If you spend the 3k on the tv you are out 3k dollars. If you invest the 3k and use the interest/ profit to buy the tv you're being smart about it and you're not really out the 3k.
what, too close to home....?
take a look around at the ''young''
smarter than you ever were
with all due sound like a brat...
I guess the article is true, thanks for making the point...
stop referencing America or your idea of freedom in these half thought posts...
ya great quote...we are all proud of you... while you talk about a materialist society and your post again...attention
as if there is something wrong...again..with liking yourself...
you are diseased
what point??? who are you talking to...??
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
am I missing something, you seem to be upset that college students have been called narcissistic...
am I wrong...?
ya, but more upset its being discussed..this is students are all I take from this articl he means the younger college students.. but with any group of people...we are not all the same...
but this ME generation is shit...we are supporting you..we are at war..we are confused...we are living at a time where making a trip to walgreens for meds is pushed on us as normal...and its a narcissistic thought that we should continue to serve you..its you...the ''olders'' who are narccissists..the fast food generation...
and its not us in court rooms sueing people...i dont ask for a god damn thing
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
be careful... those days of brute force might come back to stay silent in those 7-11 lines and keep your head down
the narcissists are watching..
yeah, it's simply a cutaway of society really. I mean hell, check out MTV.
I love the articles points though, this has come out of the self esteem movement.
Count the number of college kid parents who can't cut the damn cord.
Losing, failing are ok. They build character. We've phased that out.
Apollo 13 was one of Nasa's biggest failures as a mission, but when you consider the crisis management brilliance that occured to get those 3 back home it's rather an amazing achievement.
Our society as a whole lacks critical thinking skills, responsibility, crisis management tactics, budgeting, and the list goes on. Narcissism is a product of being told how great you are from the birth canal and never having to deal with loss, disapointment, failure etc. I guess TV and the seven second attention span can be blamed if we need a copout, but really having ADD means you are a freaking fantastic multitasker and you can learn to focus.
those meds you mentioned must not be working because I can't understand a thing you're talking about...
i wouldn't expect you to
good reply though.
I completely agree with. I try to raise my kids to take their lumps in life. When your knocked down you get back up and keep moving forward. I see other parents and how they shelter their children from any criticism because it may hurt their self-esteem. That's utter bullshit. When my kids make a mistake I want them to know they made it so they can learn from the experience. Earlier this school year my oldest was doing pretty bad at math. When I saw his report card I didn't tell him well you did your best. I told get the grades up or your in deep shit. Next report card he pulled his grade up and the smile on his face lit up the room. He realized that he can do better and his self esteem benefited from it. I think parents now a day want to be their kids best friend at the expence of being the parent. I want my kids to view me as a parent first.
Exactly, by doing so you are putting the impetus on his grades on him, not only is that teaching him responsibility, it's giving him pride in his work and the realization that he can do it. That will take him far on in to the real world and real jobs. I spent several teen years being angry at my parents at times, now that I'm in my late 20's I'm overjoyed to have them as my parents and my friends. Your kids are lucky to have you.
Keep at him on math, other wise he'll end up a communication or english major like the rest of us.
kids nowadays don't fail, don't lose... aren't last picked..aren't killed....can't multi task...can't do anything for themselves...can't get out of their high school's cafeteria window fast enough before getting shot by another silver spooned kid...can't seem to pull that trigger fast enough....ya
lol..the insanity in this thread continues
wow.. you reached a breakthrough in your life today..who knew Pacomc79 would be the first to figure out all kids are the same???
the world has changed forever..thank you
thanks for keeping it going...
Do you realize that there are schools in this country where teachers aren't allowed to use red pens to mark up a students work, because it may have a negative impact on them. There are sport that don't keep score because they don't want kids to have to loose. If we don't allow our kids to taste failure how are they going to build a drive to reach for success. Everytime I failed at something growing up it made me want to succeed at it even more. Not all kids are this way but I think far too many are.
ha ha. had you been around to read my NCLB thread maybe you would know I believe differently.
Good parental involvement in thier childs education means everything to yes "any" child. Especially when they are having a rough time with difficult subject matter.
you're ridiculous
i'm willing to go out on a limb and say that every generation feels this way (at some point about the previous generation) and thinks that they are the enlightened ones.
When I was in college I thought my generation was going to change the world. Now I've come to realize we have only helped in fucking it up.
you're sweet....:o
haha..choked up over there??
you know along with failure and shame...humiliation is an underated quality in a childs life....makes them stronger...i have to agree wtih you there..
maybe its time you start being a little narcissistic and worry about your own family for a change...they probaly miss your mind.
this is outrageous!!!!
thats a shame... why not just pull the trigger now?
sorry to be mean..but you feel that worthless?