Study: College students more narcissistic

inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
edited March 2007 in A Moving Train
this sounds about right...;_ylt=Ak9hjW3pmGHXMagyfeYF7YbMWM0F

Study: College students more narcissistic

By DAVID CRARY, AP National WriterTue Feb 27, 12:32 AM ET

Today's college students are more narcissistic and self-centered than their predecessors, according to a comprehensive new study by five psychologists who worry that the trend could be harmful to personal relationships and American society.

"We need to stop endlessly repeating 'You're special' and having children repeat that back," said the study's lead author, Professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. "Kids are self-centered enough already."

Twenge and her colleagues, in findings to be presented at a workshop Tuesday in San Diego on the generation gap, examined the responses of 16,475 college students nationwide who completed an evaluation called the Narcissistic Personality Inventory between 1982 and 2006.

The standardized inventory, known as the NPI, asks for responses to such statements as "If I ruled the world, it would be a better place," "I think I am a special person" and "I can live my life any way I want to."

The researchers describe their study as the largest ever of its type and say students' NPI scores have risen steadily since the current test was introduced in 1982. By 2006, they said, two-thirds of the students had above-average scores, 30 percent more than in 1982.

Narcissism can have benefits, said study co-author W. Keith Campbell of the University of Georgia, suggesting it could be useful in meeting new people "or auditioning on 'American Idol.'"

"Unfortunately, narcissism can also have very negative consequences for society, including the breakdown of close relationships with others," he said.

The study asserts that narcissists "are more likely to have romantic relationships that are short-lived, at risk for infidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, and over-controlling and violent behaviors."

Twenge, the author of "Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled — and More Miserable Than Ever Before," said narcissists tend to lack empathy, react aggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others.

The researchers traced the phenomenon back to what they called the "self-esteem movement" that emerged in the 1980s, asserting that the effort to build self-confidence had gone too far.

As an example, Twenge cited a song commonly sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques" in preschool: "I am special, I am special. Look at me."

"Current technology fuels the increase in narcissism," Twenge said. "By its very name, MySpace encourages attention-seeking, as does YouTube."

Some analysts have commended today's young people for increased commitment to volunteer work. But Twenge viewed even this phenomenon skeptically, noting that many high schools require community service and many youths feel pressure to list such endeavors on college applications.

Campbell said the narcissism upsurge seemed so pronounced that he was unsure if there were obvious remedies.

"Permissiveness seems to be a component," he said. "A potential antidote would be more authoritative parenting. Less indulgence might be called for."

The new report follows a study released by UCLA last month which found that nearly three-quarters of the freshmen it surveyed thought it was important to be "very well-off financially." That compared with 62.5 percent who said the same in 1980 and 42 percent in 1966.

Yet students, while acknowledging some legitimacy to such findings, don't necessarily accept negative generalizations about their generation.

Hanady Kader, a University of Washington senior, said she worked unpaid last summer helping resettle refugees and considers many of her peers to be civic-minded. But she is dismayed by the competitiveness of some students who seem prematurely focused on career status.

"We're encouraged a lot to be individuals and go out there and do what you want, and nobody should stand in your way," Kader said. "I can see goals and ambitions getting in the way of other things like relationships."

Kari Dalane, a University of Vermont sophomore, says most of her contemporaries are politically active and not overly self-centered.

"People are worried about themselves — but in the sense of where are they're going to find a place in the world," she said. "People want to look their best, have a good time, but it doesn't mean they're not concerned about the rest of the world."

Besides, some of the responses on the narcissism test might not be worrisome, Dalane said. "It would be more depressing if people answered, 'No, I'm not special.'"
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • i see alot of younger people, generation y, thinking they deserve this or that... that is what makes me mad... you or i dont deserve or should be simply given anything... i am the tail end of generation x and i think like one... my youngest sibling i can tell is the next generation the start of generation y.....
  • Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    Good. I know my time on the "Narcissism Now!" campaign was not spent in vein.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    this doesn't surprise me in the least, sadly.
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    Sounds like some students need a visit from Tyler Durden.
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    wonder if our generation good fathom a program like ''social security''

    lol...the kids are alright
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    damn those kids for feeling good about themselves..hahaha

    is this a joke study??
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    do any of you all leave your house??

    hahaha what a waste of ink!
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    this doesn't surprise me in the least, sadly.

    what doesnt surprise you?
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    i see alot of younger people, generation y, thinking they deserve this or that... that is what makes me mad... you or i dont deserve or should be simply given anything... i am the tail end of generation x and i think like one... my youngest sibling i can tell is the next generation the start of generation y.....

    you don't see anything if your eyes are closed.

    ''younger people''

    you mean younger than your pathetic ass... every generation has bad seeds..

    lol...your post screams of narcissism...go look in the fucking mirror before talking about my peers who are fighting ''the olders'' narcissistic Hummer 2 war..
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    i still can't comprehend the point of this story...what is he getting at??
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    dang, micky, methinks thou doth protest too much...
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    macgyver06 wrote:
    what doesnt surprise you?

    that we are all pampered narcissists. kids are not dumb and bombarding them with that "you are special" bullshit is ridiculous. kids know not everyone is created equal. there are still in-crowds, the rich, the smart, the popular, the athletic. it's no surprise they shut it off and become anti-social. for the haves, it makes them arrogant, for the have-nots it makes them angry at being lied to. this self-esteem stuff we're doing is pointless and counter-productive. reinforce their esteem, yes. but this bogus feel-good crap is a waste of time.
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    Everyone's a narcissist. I think Kari Dalane makes some good points, though. And so does RainDog.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    These are the people who whine and cry when they don't get handed a great job out of college w/ a salary of at least $30,000. Kids today really don't know what work ethic is; they expect everything handed to them.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    case in point, here is a post on the local craigslist in the rant and raves section:

    What's in a degree? Nothing
    Reply to:
    Date: 2007-02-27, 1:39PM EST

    Can someone please tell me why I spent so much time and money to go to school and get an education and I cant seem to find a job that pays more than minimum wage. I am worth so much more and dont understand why I have been looking with no light at the end of the tunnel, it seems, every day for a job for a month now. I have sent so many copies of my resume, I've been to temp agencies, which by the way are worthless. I am really starting to doubt my self worth and all I want to do is be happy and find a job! I've tried to keep a positive attitude because no one wants a debbie downer, but damn I just feel like crying. Thanks for letting me vent, I'm just feeling a little depressed right now.

    * Location: loserville
    * it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • THCTHC Posts: 525
    RainDog wrote:
    Sounds like some students need a visit from Tyler Durden.

    NICE! and yes....not surprising either! just watch "my sweet 16" on mtv.
    “Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
    -Big Fish
  • your cool mac... call me an ass.... name calling is mature...
    alot of people dont have that go and get...
    it just doesnt fall in your lap... and i was saying i am seeing that more and more..... the expected job to fall from the sky or the i deserve it because attitude...
  • PJ_SalukiPJ_Saluki Posts: 1,006
    These young kids nowadays...blah, blah, blah! I'm an Xer and I can only speak for myself but I don't think this is simply a generational thing. I would say it's more of a maturity issue, which is something I still battle. I do think this "You're special. You're great," parenting thing is B.S. I never paid too much attention to it. Of course, I'm a bitter 32-year-old asshole.
    "Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    PJ_Saluki wrote:
    These young kids nowadays...blah, blah, blah! I'm an Xer and I can only speak for myself but I don't think this is simply a generational thing. I would say it's more of a maturity issue, which is something I still battle. I do think this "You're special. You're great," parenting thing is B.S. I never paid too much attention to it. Of course, I'm a bitter 32-year-old asshole.

    that's kinda implicit in the argument here. this generation is extraordinarily immature.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    that's kinda implicit in the argument here. this generation is extraordinarily immature.

    And part of the problem is their parents. How do you expect your kids to be responsible and decent adults when they're raised being convinced that the world revolves around them?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Jeanwah wrote:
    And part of the problem is their parents. How do you expect your kids to be responsible and decent adults when they're raised being convinced that the world revolves around them?

    well, there's a whole host of problems there. the parents are narcissistic too... divorcing as soon as they find a hotter piece of ass elsewhere, caring less for their families than for getting promoted at work, etc. they learn as much from the examples their parents set as by being bought off... these kids aren't taught the world revolves around them, they're being paid off to stop making demands on their parents' precious time and fun.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    well, there's a whole host of problems there. the parents are narcissistic too... divorcing as soon as they find a hotter piece of ass elsewhere, caring less for their families than for getting promoted at work, etc. they learn as much from the examples their parents set as by being bought off... these kids aren't taught the world revolves around them, they're being paid off to stop making demands on their parents' precious time and fun.
    In some situations, I'm sure that's true. But there are others, where kids are just plain spoiled to the point of not knowing anything other than how to manipulate others into getting what they want rather than being raised to do things for themselves, which teaches responsibility, work ethic, etc. I hate to use this as an example, but just watch Wife Swap. There's no direction or discipline from parents to children, it seems, anymore.

    It's driven me to the point, after watching my neice and nephews become spoiled shits, that I was going to raise my daughter right.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Jeanwah wrote:
    In some situations, I'm sure that's true. But there are others, where kids are just plain spoiled to the point of not knowing anything other than how to manipulate others into getting what they want rather than being raised to do things for themselves, which teaches responsibility, work ethic, etc. I hate to use this as an example, but just watch Wife Swap. There's no direction or discipline from parents to children, it seems, anymore.

    becos these are people willing to swap wives... ie more concerned about their own narcissistic pleasure than their kids' well-being. i dont doubt kids are spoiled, btu that only explains the narcissism of the kids who grew up privileged and the problem vastly exceeds the privileged kids.
  • This is sooooo true !! I went through undergrad and noticed how people seemed so self-absorbed about their lives, and what they wanted out of this world. By the time i got to law school it was nauseating....I saw people who were constitutionally incapable of thinking beyond their own precious little world, and what they HAD to have. The sense of entitlement was sickening.

    I served at Legal Aid in my 3rd year, a position to help the poor with legal issues, and one which counted toward my degree. Out of 150 3rd yr. students, they had trouble getting 10 seats filled at Legal Aid, and most students I talked to thought that having that experience on their resume actually JEOPARDIZED their future law careers. Holy Fuck !!!!!
  • "A potential antidote would be more authoritative parenting."

    Thank you liberalism. Thank you for your relentless attempt at feminizing every single last American child. Generation Y wasn't born that way, you molded them that way.

    Somewhere, someone must be pretty happy about this.
    "Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"

    "What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."

    Camden 5-28-06
    Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    "A potential antidote would be more authoritative parenting."

    Thank you liberalism. Thank you for your relentless attempt at feminizing every single last American child. Generation Y wasn't born that way, you molded them that way.

    Somewhere, someone must be pretty happy about this.

    so you think liberalism is to blame...interesting...

    I would think the me, me, me attitude comes more from those with the proverbial silver spoon....the "let me buy it for you sweetheart" type of parent...the "you shouldn't care about anyone else but you and your cellphone" type of parent...

    I fail to see that as being "liberal"...
  • WTF does the issue of gender have to do with this ?! I think its much more about entitlement.
  • inmytree wrote:
    so you think liberalism is to blame...interesting...

    I would think the me, me, me attitude comes more from those with the proverbial silver spoon....the "let me buy it for you sweetheart" type of parent...the "you shouldn't care about anyone else but you and your cellphone" type of parent...

    I fail to see that as being "liberal"...

    So a majority of children in America are silver spooners? That's what the numbers would suggest looking at it that way.
    "Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"

    "What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."

    Camden 5-28-06
    Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    WTF does the issue of gender have to do with this ?! I think its much more about entitlement.

    you brought up gender when you said the problem was "feminizing" our kids.
  • you brought up gender when you said the problem was "feminizing" our kids.

    The term "feminizing" had no bearing on gender in the context inwhich it was used. Rather a characteristic.
    "Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"

    "What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."

    Camden 5-28-06
    Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
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