How can this be defended?



  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    what exactly happened?

    another thread is calling it the msg abortion

    I want details!

    There were a lot of timeouts and "page can't be displayed" ... but not even close to what happened during the EV solo tour.

    Some of you people don't realize this was probably the most high-high demand thing on the PJ calendar this year. IT'S GOING TO BE HARD TO GET TICKETS.

    If you live in SC, or Virginia, or Florida, the ticket-buying experience was a snap. Like buying a book off So I don't know how you blame the 10C. Every so often, there is more demand than they can logically handle.

    Maybe they should have sold the two msg shows on different dates, in retrospect, but that's about all I can come up with.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    I havent read the bullshit responses to the original post, because I know most of the morons here at good ol' synergy cant get it thru their thick heads that the ten club is one of the most piss poorly run thing we've ever seen

    Im guessing at least 50 of you idiots are about to label me "ungreatful" to those assholes.

    quick, somebody tell me all about what the 10C does for us, other than dick us around and treat us like crap.

    thats right, 20 bucks a year for the last 10 years for not afucking thing other than the opportunity to get crashed out of their website for MSG tix, really the only thing this assanine "Fan club" is even remotely needed for

    oh but i WILL get some bullshit newsletter with a 5 sentance message from jeff about skateboarding and well, thats about it. how nice

    as far as Im concerned, the entire ten club can kiss my ass. they are the most useless bunch in the world.

    all of you jackasses are about to get one step closer at the next round of shows, cause in august when its time for me to renew, i just wont. Ill go to ticketmaster for my tickets. they may charge crazy fees, but they are professionals who know how to handle ticket sales.


    we're gonna miss ya... ;)
    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • coachchriscoachchris Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Posts: 749
    Let me first off say that I don't know jack about computers or how a server works but I keep hearing about the server taking a shit on people trying to get tickets and why doesn't PJ upgrade their servers etc etc. I also never tried to get tickets for this little tour although those damn Florida dates are driving me crazy with temptation!!

    I know people are already unhappy about having to pay $20/yr and getting shut out and even more are simply asking for some sort of response from the 10c concerning the situation. The whole scenario is beyond unfortunate

    I don't know how much it would cost to upgrade or get new servers but I would certainly be willing to spend an extra $5 to ensure ticket purchases actually went through for those trying for tickets. Let's say there's only 100 000 actual members that's still $500k towards new servers, surely it can't cost that much to get something to run properly and effectively does it?

    I'm not sure what other alternatives there are but something needs to be done and communication needs to take place to keep this place afloat!

    I'm thinking there's far more than 100 000 current fanclub members which in turn means more then 500k towards new servers, programs and whatever else they deem necessary to make things run smoothly. Hell that would even cover a full time IT persons salary to be fully responsible for when tour time arrives.

    I just can't stand the thought of trying for tickets for two seperate shows in my hometown, getting tickets to my CC info and then bam, sorry there's no page to display! That's just saddening

    10c needs to find someway of resolving this or like I said previously atleast communicate the issue to its paying customers.

    I totally understand that the demand far surpassed the supply however, as stated by many, if you have tickets in your cart and then go to enter your CC information, those tickets should be yours. If you get shut out because they are sold out, well then too bad, that sucks, move on But when you get that far in the process and sitting in your cart you should be good to go and not worry about the system crashing on you.

    Don't even bring up the Big, Bold and Free thingy! :)
    Adolescence in essence is all about trust.
    Leaving is for the answering machine.
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    how many of you know of websites that can take lats say 10000 immediate and simultaneous hits with half those people opening mutliple windows of the site?

    I can see a site like ticketbastard being okay as that is their buisness, but the bands site was never designed with this mass amount of traffic all at once. They have updates to try and alleviate the issue and obvously they still have work to do. The only difference is it'd have been gone in 5 minutes versus the 15 it took today.

    They can only offer so many tickets someties you get blessed somtimes you do not.

    there are still lots of opportunities to get tix just be patient things always work out....well almost always.

    HOw do people expect say 1000 seats to ever go around for demands of 5000(ficticious numbers)?

    MSG is huge and will have seats one of the two shows if you keep looking
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    the servers are not in seattle ,,thats a fact i know

    as i stated in a previous thread,the band doesn't give enough money to the operations of the 10c

    they have limited resourses,its hard to believe but true

    pj is very tight w/ the club
  • jrdjrd Posts: 3,060
    Not as a complaint or a whine but as a suggestion (so no yelling at me)....perhaps when there are sales for multiple shows in the same location (ie- Eddie twice in Los Angeles, PJ twice in NYC) 10C members should only be able to purchase tickets to one of the shows. Figure that then we'd have a lot more happy people (twice the amount, in fact).....yet it'd be awfully hard to complain about ONLY getting incredible seats to one show.

    Again, I'm not whining at all, and I understand the supply/demand thing, but you have to admit it's kind of a drag that some folks got two shows while others got none.

    I don't know....worth a thought.

    jeez, a sensible post...!
    no, i'm not being sarcastic, it sounds like a good idea to me.
    Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
  • I didn't get online today. I wanted to save the bandwith for somebody that wanted tickets. I have one question though, would you say it was as bad or worse than the EV solo ticket fiasco? Because that was a nightmare...
    Not as bad as EV solo tickets. The MSG shows must have had a lot more tickets available to sell. The EV shows are at much smaller venues.
    can't escape from the common rule
    if you hate something, don't you do it too...
  • thecorythecory Posts: 290
    got tix.. but ill tell you go to the show even via ticket master before you complain and quit. there have been many times where rocking out to pj makes up for a crappy day so i think a kick ass show will make up for 40 stressful minutes of timing out p.s. wasnt trying to be this korny
  • Actualy, i totally remember the mail in system, and i also remember people complaining that they got their mailer late, or 1 day before the post mark due date or whatever ... so don't try to tell me it didn't have it's problems as well ...

    Also, you obviously don't understand that the Tenclub has LIMITED access to tickets these days. So it does not matter HOW the fuck they set it up, for SOME shows SOMEONE is getting fucked ... so, sorry to the people who live near NYC and have THE MOST POPULAR FUCKING SHOW IN THE WORLD ... tough shit, pick another fucking show.

    So it's not "as long as it was before the cutoff date you were in" anymore,
    it's going to be "SOMEONE GETS FUCKED" ...

    got it?
    before you get in a huff, the tone of your response was just BEGGING for this type of repost.

    tidy up your pm box, driftin' :)
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • coachchriscoachchris Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Posts: 749
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    the servers are not in seattle ,,thats a fact i know

    as i stated in a previous thread,the band doesn't give enough money to the operations of the 10c

    they have limited resourses,its hard to believe but true

    pj is very tight w/ the club

    I do recall reading your thread about the servers previously, and it's unfortunate if indeed the band is tight with the 10c. I guess that goes back to my previous post. Let's all agree to let them bump our membership fee's up $5 and get appropriate servers that can accomodate the inmates of the asylum ;)
    Adolescence in essence is all about trust.
    Leaving is for the answering machine.
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    When did it change that when you joined 10C you were guaranteed tickets? I must have missed the part when it changed from "we'll try to give you tickets" to "your owed tickets to whatever show you want to go to."

    And if I remember right, in the old days you were only given the option of 10c seats for 1 show. a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • coachchriscoachchris Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Posts: 749
    When did it change that when you joined 10C you were guaranteed tickets? I must have missed the part when it changed from "we'll try to give you tickets" to "your owed tickets to whatever show you want to go to."

    And if I remember right, in the old days you were only given the option of 10c seats for 1 show.

    Nobody is asking for guaranteed tickets, however if they are in your cart and you've entered your CC info and click submit, it's reasonable to think you are getting tickets and not a webpage saying there's server problems, please refresh.
    Adolescence in essence is all about trust.
    Leaving is for the answering machine.
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    coachchris wrote:
    I do recall reading your thread about the servers previously, and it's unfortunate if indeed the band is tight with the 10c. I guess that goes back to my previous post. Let's all agree to let them bump our membership fee's up $5 and get appropriate servers that can accomodate the inmates of the asylum ;)

    it sucks and its crazy

    i dont understand how people blame the 10c


  • Rory1223Rory1223 Posts: 46
    coachchris wrote:
    I totally understand that the demand far surpassed the supply however, as stated by many, if you have tickets in your cart and then go to enter your CC information, those tickets should be yours. If you get shut out because they are sold out, well then too bad, that sucks, move on But when you get that far in the process and sitting in your cart you should be good to go and not worry about the system crashing on you.

    Yup...that's what happened to me but whaddya gonna do? Shit happens,
    servers crash, wish it had worked but there's not much I can do about it.
    Just gonna try TM and hope for the best :-)
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    coachchris wrote:
    Nobody is asking for guaranteed tickets, however if they are in your cart and you've entered your CC info and click submit, it's reasonable to think you are getting tickets and not a webpage saying there's server problems, please refresh.

    Yeah- if this happens, I feel for you and that sucks. I meant more for everyone who thought they should have 20,000 seats reserved for each MSG show justfor the fan club. There are some pretty big PJ fans that their only chance to see them is ticket master and eBay. a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • mornglory wrote:
    This system is bullshit. It's a crapshoot. It doesn't have to be. The old system of sending in your form and your check for your tickets at least guaranteed you got tix. Now it's all based on factors out of your control - bandwitdth, tenclub server capacity, etc. If the fanclub can't figure out how to sell tix online fairly then go back to snail mail. How is this helping fans. I've paid my dues and hung in there for years and love the band but I can't cancel meetings and sit at work hitting reload for an hour! It's unproductive and very frustrating. We deserve better than this. Member 179752 aka Dawn
    I don’t think snail mail would be required to accomplish what you are suggesting. They could still use an online system, but have it be an ordering system not a sale system. 10C members could designate the shows they would like tickets for and provide a credit card number to pay for the total cost. If some shows are over subscribed (more buyers than tickets) a method could be used to allocate the available tickets. Your entire order might not be filled, but it would be an easier system for 10C members to use. However, this might add a level of complexity and cost compared to the current system. I agree that something easier would be nice.
    can't escape from the common rule
    if you hate something, don't you do it too...
  • MINDWIREUK wrote:
    I can't believe the whinging that goes on this board! Unfortunately this is what happens when demand out strips supply as in the case with these shows.

    Seriously. I'm really floored by all the negative comments and anger.
    It's an art to live with pain...mix the light into grey..

    9.28.96, 9.8.98, 8.24.00, 8.27.00, 8.29.00, 7.2.03, 7.3.03, 7.9.03, 7.11.03, 9.28.04, 5.1.06, 5.13.06, 5.31.06, 6.1.06, 6.3.06, 6.24.08, 6.25.08, 6.27.08, 6.28.08, 6.30.08
  • HaijayHaijay Posts: 416
    Yes. Ripping tickets out of spite! That'll show 'em! While you're at it, why don't you shit your pants in front of MSG on the nights of the shows. That will teach Pearl Jam a lesson they'll never forget! You need to get laid! The 10 club should start selling Pearl Jam diapers and pacifiers for all the fucking babies that are in their fan base.
    i love you
  • Rory1223Rory1223 Posts: 46
    Well some people need to vent, nothing wrong with that.
    Some are more upset than others, I can understand the
    frustration etc...For those who got tickets, that's
    awesome, but ya gotta let those who didn't at least
    express themselves if they need to. Just pass on by those posts.
    For myself, I'm not angry, it just didn't work out,
    that's life. It's happened to me before with shows,
    servers crashing etc.
    Just hope it doesn't happen with the public sale lol!
  • fsu2626fsu2626 Posts: 382
    how about doing the ticket sales like DMB. There is a request period, and everyone can enter their request for 5 or 6 days. Then they let you know before the ticketmaster on sale date if they can meet all the requests.
  • Rory1223 wrote:
    Well some people need to vent, nothing wrong with that.

    Couldn't agree more, but there's some spiteful slinging going on...
    It's an art to live with pain...mix the light into grey..

    9.28.96, 9.8.98, 8.24.00, 8.27.00, 8.29.00, 7.2.03, 7.3.03, 7.9.03, 7.11.03, 9.28.04, 5.1.06, 5.13.06, 5.31.06, 6.1.06, 6.3.06, 6.24.08, 6.25.08, 6.27.08, 6.28.08, 6.30.08
  • Rory1223Rory1223 Posts: 46
    Couldn't agree more, but there's some spiteful slinging going on...

    Oh yeah...but I just try to pass on by, I don't want to go down that road lol!
    Look away, it's hideous!!!
  • Rory1223 wrote:
    Oh yeah...but I just try to pass on by, I don't want to go down that road lol!
    Look away, it's hideous!!!

    It's an art to live with pain...mix the light into grey..

    9.28.96, 9.8.98, 8.24.00, 8.27.00, 8.29.00, 7.2.03, 7.3.03, 7.9.03, 7.11.03, 9.28.04, 5.1.06, 5.13.06, 5.31.06, 6.1.06, 6.3.06, 6.24.08, 6.25.08, 6.27.08, 6.28.08, 6.30.08
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    If you don't like it/the way it is working, don't join/renew.

    if you need to vent don't take your frustration out on those who got lucky

    for the 100 time today just fucking be patient things have a way of working themsleves out with PJ, this isn;t like the VIC where theere are just a few seats, it is fucking MSG and you'll get tickets if you really want some, you just have to wait it out a little and see what comes up. I know that is not real reassuring, but here is an example:

    I had Toledo tickets...yes Fucking Toledo was the closest place to Chicago in the 96 mini tour, many of us did not get tickets(the mail in system by the way) but they put me /us on a priority list and next time the tour came around to a show we chose we were the first in line. I had front row center seats for Alpine Valley. I am not saying they are gonna do or should do this for the MSG snafu, I am merely trying to illustrate they will try to make up for it somewhere down the line.

    Tickets have always been first come first serve, even in the mail in days

    here is a jpg from two feet thick (thanks JR) of the old form you could only order tickets for 2 shows!

    this way for the record SUCKED BALLS
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    PapaJam wrote:
    Why are so many Fans defending what has happened today? This is a big time band who makes millions touring. They have a fan club so fans have a voice. Unfortunately now most fans are at the mercy of ticket rapping brokers.
    I am sorry but I can no longer defend The Ten Club. I was one of the lucky fans to get Philly and New York...I should walk up to the window at show time and then rip them in spite.

    And please Do not compare them to what other bands do..I frankly dont care

    im sorry, im not going to fight this one, but the whole idea that a band like PJ makes "millions" touring is laughable now days. they dont make anywhere near the amount you might think.

    i know exactley what the Foo Fighters made on their last tour after everything they had to pay for to go on tour. and its not nearly as much as you would think.

    yes they make money, and it is their carrer, but its no where near as much as we would all like to think.

    i used the FOO because they toured more then PJ does even when PJ goes on a BIG tour, and they charge more for EVERYTHING, tix, shirts , posters and such.

    it nonsense. trust me. the industry is against these guys, and we should be happy they choose to tour at all.
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • Rory1223Rory1223 Posts: 46
    hrd2imgn wrote:
    here is a jpg from two feet thick (thanks JR) of the old form you could only order tickets for 2 shows!

    Heeheehee...reminds me of the old Paul McCartney Funclub!
    Ahhh...those were the days lol! The rules you had to follow
    to get your 2 fanclub tickets to ONE show! And heaven forbid
    you didn't send back that exact order form lol!

    Btw, I don't think anyone was taking out their frustration on those
    who were lucky to get tickets. Now, I could be wrong but I havent
    really noticed, maybe it seemed that way? At least I
    know I haven't. :-)
  • that form is the reason I did not go to Randalls, it frightened me for some reason

    hrd2imgn wrote:
    If you don't like it/the way it is working, don't join/renew.

    if you need to vent don't take your frustration out on those who got lucky

    for the 100 time today just fucking be patient things have a way of working themsleves out with PJ, this isn;t like the VIC where theere are just a few seats, it is fucking MSG and you'll get tickets if you really want some, you just have to wait it out a little and see what comes up. I know that is not real reassuring, but here is an example:

    I had Toledo tickets...yes Fucking Toledo was the closest place to Chicago in the 96 mini tour, many of us did not get tickets(the mail in system by the way) but they put me /us on a priority list and next time the tour came around to a show we chose we were the first in line. I had front row center seats for Alpine Valley. I am not saying they are gonna do or should do this for the MSG snafu, I am merely trying to illustrate they will try to make up for it somewhere down the line.

    Tickets have always been first come first serve, even in the mail in days

    here is a jpg from two feet thick (thanks JR) of the old form you could only order tickets for 2 shows!

    this way for the record SUCKED BALLS
  • PapaJam wrote:
    Why are so many Fans defending what has happened today? This is a big time band who makes millions touring. They have a fan club so fans have a voice. Unfortunately now most fans are at the mercy of ticket rapping brokers.
    I am sorry but I can no longer defend The Ten Club. I was one of the lucky fans to get Philly and New York...I should walk up to the window at show time and then rip them in spite.

    And please Do not compare them to what other bands do..I frankly dont care

    its no differant than waiting in line waiting for tix, sometimes you win and sometimes you dont

    it says no guarantee.
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • PapaJam wrote:
    Why are so many Fans defending what has happened today? I am sorry but I can no longer defend The Ten Club. I was one of the lucky fans to get Philly and New York...I should walk up to the window at show time and then rip them in spite.

    you got tickets but you're pissed? grow up and..............go fuck yourself!!!!
    Mahalo Mike..3/1/91, 5/25/91, 8/29/91, 1/3/92, 1/17/92, 7/22/92, 9/20/92, 10/25/93, 12/7-9/93, 2/5-6/95, 6/24/95, 11/4/95, 11/6-7/95, 10/20/96, 7/10-11/98, 7/13-14/98, 10/22/00, 10/24-25/00, 10/28/00, 6/2-3/03, 6/5-6/03, 7/6-7/06, 7/9-10/06, 7/12-13/06, 7/16/06, 7/22/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06.
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    that form is the reason I did not go to Randalls, it frightened me for some reason
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
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