The other is the Wollemi Pine in NSW. Thought to be extinct they have actually found one in a National Park in NSW. It's a living link to prehistoric times.
Well I'm suffering from lack of photos. But I do love trees. So I figured it would be ok to contribute with links. Glad I haven't messed up your thread. It really is lovely here.
Some beautiful tree pics indeed. I love trees. People underestimate just how loving Ol' Pearler actually is. I see them as other living breathing creatures that have just as much right to be here as any other living breathing creature.
That said, just like some other living breathing creatures, there does come the veeeeeeery odd occassion when the only choice is the chop one down and make it no more.
Well, that's true. I continue to be tempted to chop down the tree in the back of my yard because it makes such a dark mess of the back of the garden. It's taken over...
'Tone, I like your pictures. Is there an animal with spines on the branch in the last one?
thanks, justam.
yes, i believe that there are a couple of iguanas in all of those pictures. well maybe only one showing in the top two. btw.. i am so enjoying all your tree pictures and this thread! please keep posting them. ...~
******************************** "Forgive every being, the bad feelings it's just me"
What a good idea to put this here!
Well I'm suffering from lack of photos. But I do love trees. So I figured it would be ok to contribute with links.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
That said, just like some other living breathing creatures, there does come the veeeeeeery odd occassion when the only choice is the chop one down and make it no more.
I always love color, but if you have black and white ones--put them up!
red tree sprouts
here is a part of a tree i like...~
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
yes.. however, all day little animals still flock to it...~
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
slanted ink blot
simply gorgeous!
here are a few that i took this afternoon...~
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
I took a bunch while I was out yesterday, but I haven't downloaded them yet!
thanks, justam.
yes, i believe that there are a couple of iguanas in all of those pictures. well maybe only one showing in the top two. btw.. i am so enjoying all your tree pictures and this thread! please keep posting them.
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"