I just found this thread
a little to late I see
This Holey Ghost dude
Hes got nothin' for me...
Hes got all the ladies flockin'
hes got their hips rockin'
with his prose of soft kisses in bed
but it bores me to tears
he could blather for years
but it dont move me at all because-
I need a man who can talk filthy
whose wordplay will coax me
and then Ill show him my stuff
softly in his ear, my words will appear
so dirty a sailor would blush
Then give me some pain
baby, intoxicate my brain
till it takes us as high as can be
Ive never needed porn
never could fathom..
cuz it dont come close to things I imagine.
you didnt think he talked filthy???
...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
Hi Eden
Thanks for your response
And reading this thread
Sorry none of my words
Like soft kisses in bed
Weren’t enuff
For your sexual hunger
To be fed
Guess you didn’t read
About all the licking n’ sucking pussy
And the strokin’ of Pearl Jam cats
Who came to play
And fill their mits, with balls n’ bats
And to swallow loads of erotic joy
While fuckin’ on the moon,
From midnight to noon
And then take trips around the world and all the planets
Like Venous, Mars, and Uranus
With lots of naughty girls n’ boys
Who came to show and express themselves with their toys
And make oooohs n’ aaaahhhhhhs
And lots of other erotic noise
Don’t bore yourself to tears Eden
Don’t bend over or toil
‘less you got a garden to soil
Or waste your time with celibate years
Cuz I not only can whisper
Sweet nothings in a hot woman’s ears
While kissin’ lickin’ n’ suckin’, not just fuckin'
In sensual erotic erogenous places
that only a man like me who likes to please would know
and bury his lips, tongue, mouth and face!
you can call me a manho
While I smile and enjoy every luscious taste
But I can talk as dirty
And be as filthy and flirty
As my partner wants me too
Cuz when I’m makin’ hot love
In a room such as this with view
We’ll make our own porn
Cuz it was with a gift of hot sex
That I was born
And thanks Pearl Jam Necklace
For your support
You rose me from the dead
And resurrected this naughty thread
As I guess
There’s more
Sexual hunger, to be fed
So, No Surrender No Retreat
Cuz Halloween is ‘round the corner
With more tricks n’ treats
H.G Swells
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Girl, you must know I’ll never go limp
Maybe just bit soft for a little bit
While I take rest from your breasts and thighs
After a long ride in the moonlit night
But just give me a few minutes to catch my breath
A couple of huffs and puffs and I’ll be ready
To rock and roll you in the night
Good, hard and steady
I’ll be better than that cuddly bear
That you call Teddy
Yet I won’t be Freddy
And give you scare
After all: how frightening
Can a pair, of lips be
Kissing and licking you
In the essentials; all bare
So, if you think I’ll ever disappear
Just shake your ass and wiggle your rear
And I’ll reappear, right here
And whisper sweet nothings in your ear
I’ll wipe away your tears
And face your fears
I may lay low for a few
But I’ll always rise anew
To make love with you
H.G. Swells
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Hi Eden
Thanks for your response
And reading this thread
Sorry none of my words
Like soft kisses in bed
Weren’t enuff
For your sexual hunger
To be fed
Guess you didn’t read
About all the licking n’ sucking pussy
And the strokin’ of Pearl Jam cats
Who came to play
And fill their mits, with balls n’ bats
And to swallow loads of erotic joy
While fuckin’ on the moon,
From midnight to noon
And then take trips around the world and all the planets
Like Venous, Mars, and Uranus
With lots of naughty girls n’ boys
Who came to show and express themselves with their toys
And make oooohs n’ aaaahhhhhhs
And lots of other erotic noise
Don’t bore yourself to tears Eden
Don’t bend over or toil
‘less you got a garden to soil
Or waste your time with celibate years
Cuz I not only can whisper
Sweet nothings in a hot woman’s ears
While kissin’ lickin’ n’ suckin’, not just fuckin'
In sensual erotic erogenous places
that only a man like me who likes to please would know
and bury his lips, tongue, mouth and face!
you can call me a manho
While I smile and enjoy every luscious taste
But I can talk as dirty
And be as filthy and flirty
As my partner wants me too
Cuz when I’m makin’ hot love
In a room such as this with view
We’ll make our own porn
Cuz it was with a gift of hot sex
That I was born
And thanks Pearl Jam Necklace
For your support
You rose me from the dead
And resurrected this naughty thread
As I guess
There’s more
Sexual hunger, to be fed
So, No Surrender No Retreat
Cuz Halloween is ‘round the corner
With more tricks n’ treats
as you could probably tell, as the first responder, holey and i at least had intelligent and respectful banter, with some lovely innuendo, coupled with wry lightness and dry wit. we also respect that this was purely of an artistic cyber nature and never to be mistaken for something real in emotional attachment, therefore never to invite jealousy, envy or any other kind of sin crap, let alone the realities of std's, pregnancies, dating or marriage politics.. nor of body odor, bad breath, mating scents, head games, periods, headaches, the pain of breaking up, disappointing, or being let down oneself.....
that being said, sure it's boring, i agree.. there is much more to a pairing than the physical.. but sex addicts don't give a shit about that.. or their partners, in reality..
yeah ...okay...not trying to start anything....but i dont think you yawned a bit...i think you felt the heat.too....unless of course....you cannot read...(smile),,,,,youre just toying with him....so he'll get really down and dirty....and hey ...thats good... doesnt get much better than this....lol...hey and ya know...sex is so much better when your mad....lol....cyber grudge...on the horizon ...perhaps??? lukin forward to that...............
...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
And yet
Don’t forget
I’m just a manwhore
And nothing more
I’ll please you and please you
For sure
I’ll love with my heart and soul
And be pure
I’ll endure, I’ll endure
While making sure
That you get all you can take
While we roll, rattle shake n’ quake
I’ll make you quiver
Guaranteed baby, I’ll deliver
But the next day
Someone else may come along to play
And being a manwhore
I’ll sail my ship
And drop my anchor
On every shore
And stay a bit longer
When I’m begged for more
And linger with my lips and fingers
And dip my stick
In every brick
While getting’ in….
All my licks
So, don’t forget
Yes, I’ll make ya sweat, I’ll make ya wet
I’m just a manwhore
And nothing more
H.G. Swells
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
and more thing
tho' we naughty girls and boys....................
we've got,...... some class
and, we want this fun n' joy, to last
and may i add if you can't stand the heat, get out of the (room of choice)..
life is quite different for those comfortable with being as promiscuous as you want to be with complete strangers.. some let ego soar, some let big 'O's roar, some keep counting score, some become a bore.. but let us not forget the underlying art form of erotica, which serves one need only, to titillate and stimulate, for whatever purpose it may be needed..
manwhore ~ should have read virtual manwhore.. i like to think holey is what i'd dig, intellectual, funny and kind of shy actually..
thanks for the compliment CAGirl, after all, it was your 'weak knees' that started this poetic erotic opera
emanho which, spelled backwards, says oh(name)!! that's really brilliant! how do you think of such playing upon words, such sweet and succulent treats for the mind?!
weaknees ~ as weakness -- yet another amazing transition! but the piece de resistance, mon cher, is 'poetic erotic opera' ~ which has all the elements, yearning, excitement, intrigue, jealousy, accusations, defending, challenges, turmoil, preclimax, climax, more climaxes, and..............a lovely return to the beginning of the story again, more worldly, wiser, prouder, and forgiving than ever..
.. and ready to tell another tale of opera erotica..
Yes, Eden
I think you got the point
...there's many talented writers on this thread
I'm not really trying to interest you
cyberly or phyiscally
but poetically, erotically, spiritually
It's a challenge to be good, and naughty
to make sensual time with rhyme
to be sublime
I'm glad you and others
this thread you do enjoy
tho' you won't crawl under the covers
and get down and dirtysweet
it's entertainment, it's talent, it's art
for us girls and boys
to rip off our cyber clothes
and feel the heat, feel the beat
with our cyber fantasies and dreams
that we express with our erotic words of charm
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
a big hellllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo to yallllllllll this evening,,,,going to the dr.s tomorrow...keeping my fingers crossed that they dont commit me ...
...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
Yes, Eden
I think you got the point
...there's many talented writers on this thread
I'm not really trying to interest you
cyberly or phyiscally
but poetically, erotically, spiritually
It's a challenge to be good, and naughty
to make sensual time with rhyme
to be sublime
I'm glad you and others
this thread you do enjoy
tho' you won't crawl under the covers
and get down and dirtysweet
it's entertainment, it's talent, it's art
for us girls and boys
to rip off our cyber clothes
and feel the heat, feel the beat
with our cyber fantasies and dreams
that we express with our erotic words of charm
So do your thing big guy, with my blessing.
Ill read, and take from it what I find useful.
As for me though...
" I will not swell the route
of ladies who wore their fingers out
reaching for a cyber pearl
and the username died before the girl.."
Baby I wanna be your naughty boy
Baby I wanna be your love and joy
I know the difference between sex and love
When we have them both girl
There’s nothin’ better in this whole world
Baby I wanna be your naughty boy
Come here girl, now don’t be coy
Play with me baby, I’ll be your fav’rite toy
I wanna be your pride and joy
Let’s be in love babe
And show the world
It’s much more that gettin’ laid
Baby I wanna be your naughty boy
Baby I wanna be your love and joy
Actually, I was wrong about being an e-manho
on this thread I've been 'round the world
with more than just few
naughty girls, as I was naughty boy
and did enjoy, our erotic toys
But it was more
than bein' naughty,
that I was look for
it was more,
more than just being
a cyber manwhore
Yes, it was love and joy
which is more
just being a boy with toy
playing, erotically
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Actually, I was wrong about being an e-manho
on this thread I've been 'round the world
with more than just few
naughty girls, as I was naughty boy
and did enjoy, our erotic toys
But it was more
than bein' naughty,
that I was look for
it was more,
more than just being
a cyber manwhore
Yes, it was love and joy
which is more
just being a boy with toy
playing, erotically
A whisper and a thrill
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
Hey Ali, you might want to take your CAPS LOCK off
then you won't appear so BOLD
now...how do you know how an erotic Ghost appears
lest you can see him, in the mirror
So, you gave me an eight
I’ll take your bait
And await my fate
As I open the Golden Gate
Not lookin' for dogs in heat
but Sugar Cats, that can keep a beat
or carry a tune
while fucking on the moon
and want do some time
in rhyme
and want to be
Not lookin' to get you in bed
but be forewarned
..anyone who comes on this thread
...better be red...eeee
.....to spread 'em wide
............for a wild ride
And a Trip to the Promised Land
..and a round the world excursion to Paradise
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Hey Ali, you might want to take your CAPS LOCK off
then you won't appear so BOLD
now...how do you know how an erotic Ghost appears
lest you can see him, in the mirror
So, you gave me an eight
I’ll take your bait
And await my fate
As I open the Golden Gate
Not lookin' for dogs in heat
but Sugar Cats, that can keep a beat
or carry a tune
while fucking on the moon
and want do some time
in rhyme
and want to be
Not lookin' to get you in bed
but be forewarned
..anyone who comes on this thread
...better be red...eeee
.....to spread 'em wide
............for a wild ride
And a Trip to the Promised Land
..and a round the world excursion to Paradise
Ok, we "get" that youre a sexual beast and all....now how about showing us another side? Are you familiar with the work of Pearl Jam, what are your political persuasions (Moving Train)
I'm a relative virgin to Pearl Jam
but I jumped in with both feet
and now I'm hooked
I saw Eddie and SK
at the charity for Crohns
..long B4 I started in with moans n' groans
Good musicians they are
with a message
that I received
in it's in them, not politicians, \
that I believe
I think most politicians are crooks
Liars and cheats,
and generally deadbeats
with penchants for power
then after they've srewed us all
they turn around, and hawk their books
I've taken a peak at the Moving Train
and I'll seen all the bickering and bickering
that wracks my brain
I saw that it was locked
when political junkies
were loaded and cocked
right now, I just prefer, to refrain
as I'd rather explore sex and love
than to rain and drain
Good attempt at hijacking this thread
but this is the being naughty and nice
and what it takes,
to explore Paradise
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I'm a relative virgin to Pearl Jam
but I jumped in with both feet
and now I'm hooked
I saw Eddie and SK
at the charity for Crohns
..long B4 I started in with moans n' groans
Good musicians they are
with a message
that I received
in it's in them, not politicians, \
that I believe
I think most politicians are crooks
Liars and cheats,
and generally deadbeats
with penchants for power
then after they've srewed us all
they turn around, and hawk their books
I've taken a peak at the Moving Train
and I'll seen all the bickering and bickering
that wracks my brain
I saw that it was locked
when political junkies
were loaded and cocked
right now, I just prefer, to refrain
as I'd rather explore sex and love
than to rain and drain
Good attempt at hijacking this thread
but this is the being naughty and nice
and what it takes,
to explore Paradise
Now theres a more well rounded picture of you.
Pleasure to meet you Holey Ghost..
Now theres a more well rounded picture of you.
Pleasure to meet you Holey Ghost..
Didnt mean to jack your thread.
jack his thread
oh that's funny
you knew exactly what you were doing
it's what you do eden
and certainly not for the first time
nor the last.
you want the rise you get from the guys
and the superiority you feel over the girls
not one of us is that fool enough
i see you because i am you.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
jack his thread
oh that's funny
you knew exactly what you were doing
it's what you do eden
and certainly not for the first time
nor the last.
you want the rise you get from the guys
and the superiority you feel over the girls
not one of us is that fool enough
i see you because i am you.
Oh and thanks for the insight into my character.
I mean that. The only way any of us grow is by pondering on the not so pretty things people say about us.
Remember though, this is only text. Were all multidimensional human beings behind these one dimensional words that we type.
Oh and thanks for the insight into my character.
I mean that. The only way any of us grow is by pondering on the not so pretty things people say about us.
Remember though, this is only text. Were all multidimensional human beings behind these one dimensional words that we type.
indeed we are all multi dimensional beings. i know that to a greater degree than a lot of other people who don't care to admit it to themselves.
and yes perhaps it is only text but i kinda wonder(probably naively) why people choose not to be themselves or why they choose to 'take on a tone' that is counter to their real self.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
indeed we are all multi dimensional beings. i know that to a greater degree than a lot of other people who don't care to admit it to themselves.
and yes perhaps it is only text but i kinda wonder(probably naively) why people choose not to be themselves or why they choose to 'take on a tone' that is counter to their real self.
When I find out who I am Ill let you know why Im not being myself on here...*laughs*
When I get annoyed here (or in real life) or dont understand someone, I try to remember that the common denominator we share as human beings behind these usernames is that we all just want to feel loved and understood, and thats a very beautiful and peaceful thought to me.
you didnt think he talked filthy???
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
Thanks for your response
And reading this thread
Sorry none of my words
Like soft kisses in bed
Weren’t enuff
For your sexual hunger
To be fed
Guess you didn’t read
About all the licking n’ sucking pussy
And the strokin’ of Pearl Jam cats
Who came to play
And fill their mits, with balls n’ bats
And to swallow loads of erotic joy
While fuckin’ on the moon,
From midnight to noon
And then take trips around the world and all the planets
Like Venous, Mars, and Uranus
With lots of naughty girls n’ boys
Who came to show and express themselves with their toys
And make oooohs n’ aaaahhhhhhs
And lots of other erotic noise
Don’t bore yourself to tears Eden
Don’t bend over or toil
‘less you got a garden to soil
Or waste your time with celibate years
Cuz I not only can whisper
Sweet nothings in a hot woman’s ears
While kissin’ lickin’ n’ suckin’, not just fuckin'
In sensual erotic erogenous places
that only a man like me who likes to please would know
and bury his lips, tongue, mouth and face!
you can call me a manho
While I smile and enjoy every luscious taste
But I can talk as dirty
And be as filthy and flirty
As my partner wants me too
Cuz when I’m makin’ hot love
In a room such as this with view
We’ll make our own porn
Cuz it was with a gift of hot sex
That I was born
And thanks Pearl Jam Necklace
For your support
You rose me from the dead
And resurrected this naughty thread
As I guess
There’s more
Sexual hunger, to be fed
So, No Surrender No Retreat
Cuz Halloween is ‘round the corner
With more tricks n’ treats
H.G Swells
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Maybe just bit soft for a little bit
While I take rest from your breasts and thighs
After a long ride in the moonlit night
But just give me a few minutes to catch my breath
A couple of huffs and puffs and I’ll be ready
To rock and roll you in the night
Good, hard and steady
I’ll be better than that cuddly bear
That you call Teddy
Yet I won’t be Freddy
And give you scare
After all: how frightening
Can a pair, of lips be
Kissing and licking you
In the essentials; all bare
So, if you think I’ll ever disappear
Just shake your ass and wiggle your rear
And I’ll reappear, right here
And whisper sweet nothings in your ear
I’ll wipe away your tears
And face your fears
I may lay low for a few
But I’ll always rise anew
To make love with you
H.G. Swells
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
*Yawns but covers mouth politely*
as you could probably tell, as the first responder, holey and i at least had intelligent and respectful banter, with some lovely innuendo, coupled with wry lightness and dry wit. we also respect that this was purely of an artistic cyber nature and never to be mistaken for something real in emotional attachment, therefore never to invite jealousy, envy or any other kind of sin crap, let alone the realities of std's, pregnancies, dating or marriage politics.. nor of body odor, bad breath, mating scents, head games, periods, headaches, the pain of breaking up, disappointing, or being let down oneself.....
that being said, sure it's boring, i agree.. there is much more to a pairing than the physical.. but sex addicts don't give a shit about that.. or their partners, in reality..
yeah ...okay...not trying to start anything....but i dont think you yawned a bit...i think you felt the heat.too....unless of course....you cannot read...(smile),,,,,youre just toying with him....so he'll get really down and dirty....and hey ...thats good... doesnt get much better than this....lol...hey and ya know...sex is so much better when your mad....lol....cyber grudge...on the horizon ...perhaps??? lukin forward to that...............
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Like I’m real……
And yet
Don’t forget
I’m just a manwhore
And nothing more
I’ll please you and please you
For sure
I’ll love with my heart and soul
And be pure
I’ll endure, I’ll endure
While making sure
That you get all you can take
While we roll, rattle shake n’ quake
I’ll make you quiver
Guaranteed baby, I’ll deliver
But the next day
Someone else may come along to play
And being a manwhore
I’ll sail my ship
And drop my anchor
On every shore
And stay a bit longer
When I’m begged for more
And linger with my lips and fingers
And dip my stick
In every brick
While getting’ in….
All my licks
So, don’t forget
Yes, I’ll make ya sweat, I’ll make ya wet
I’m just a manwhore
And nothing more
H.G. Swells
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
tho' we naughty girls and boys
like to play
with each others' toys
we could get alot more graphic
and make some panic
or maybe go manic
while we play erotic poetic cyber ass
but baby, we've got,...... some class
and, we want this fun n' joy, to last
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
and may i add if you can't stand the heat, get out of the (room of choice)..
life is quite different for those comfortable with being as promiscuous as you want to be with complete strangers.. some let ego soar, some let big 'O's roar, some keep counting score, some become a bore.. but let us not forget the underlying art form of erotica, which serves one need only, to titillate and stimulate, for whatever purpose it may be needed..
manwhore ~ should have read virtual manwhore.. i like to think holey is what i'd dig, intellectual, funny and kind of shy actually..
thanks for the compliment CAGirl, after all, it was your 'weak knees' that started this poetic erotic opera
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
emanho which, spelled backwards, says oh(name)!! that's really brilliant! how do you think of such playing upon words, such sweet and succulent treats for the mind?!
weaknees ~ as weakness -- yet another amazing transition! but the piece de resistance, mon cher, is 'poetic erotic opera' ~ which has all the elements, yearning, excitement, intrigue, jealousy, accusations, defending, challenges, turmoil, preclimax, climax, more climaxes, and..............a lovely return to the beginning of the story again, more worldly, wiser, prouder, and forgiving than ever..
.. and ready to tell another tale of opera erotica..
I like this thread because I think many on here are talented poets.
But Hole dioesnt interest me in the least as a Man, cyber or real - from what Ive seen. He is however a talented writer.
Calgirl, your poetry has blown me away, I hope you are published or at least thinking about it.
I think you got the point
...there's many talented writers on this thread
I'm not really trying to interest you
cyberly or phyiscally
but poetically, erotically, spiritually
It's a challenge to be good, and naughty
to make sensual time with rhyme
to be sublime
I'm glad you and others
this thread you do enjoy
tho' you won't crawl under the covers
and get down and dirtysweet
it's entertainment, it's talent, it's art
for us girls and boys
to rip off our cyber clothes
and feel the heat, feel the beat
with our cyber fantasies and dreams
that we express with our erotic words of charm
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
So do your thing big guy, with my blessing.
Ill read, and take from it what I find useful.
As for me though...
" I will not swell the route
of ladies who wore their fingers out
reaching for a cyber pearl
and the username died before the girl.."
Actually, I was wrong about being an e-manho
on this thread I've been 'round the world
with more than just few
naughty girls, as I was naughty boy
and did enjoy, our erotic toys
But it was more
than bein' naughty,
that I was look for
it was more,
more than just being
a cyber manwhore
Yes, it was love and joy
which is more
just being a boy with toy
playing, erotically
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
then you won't appear so BOLD
now...how do you know how an erotic Ghost appears
lest you can see him, in the mirror
So, you gave me an eight
I’ll take your bait
And await my fate
As I open the Golden Gate
Not lookin' for dogs in heat
but Sugar Cats, that can keep a beat
or carry a tune
while fucking on the moon
and want do some time
in rhyme
and want to be
Not lookin' to get you in bed
but be forewarned
..anyone who comes on this thread
...better be red...eeee
.....to spread 'em wide
............for a wild ride
And a Trip to the Promised Land
..and a round the world excursion to Paradise
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Ok, we "get" that youre a sexual beast and all....now how about showing us another side? Are you familiar with the work of Pearl Jam, what are your political persuasions (Moving Train)
but I jumped in with both feet
and now I'm hooked
I saw Eddie and SK
at the charity for Crohns
..long B4 I started in with moans n' groans
Good musicians they are
with a message
that I received
in it's in them, not politicians, \
that I believe
I think most politicians are crooks
Liars and cheats,
and generally deadbeats
with penchants for power
then after they've srewed us all
they turn around, and hawk their books
I've taken a peak at the Moving Train
and I'll seen all the bickering and bickering
that wracks my brain
I saw that it was locked
when political junkies
were loaded and cocked
right now, I just prefer, to refrain
as I'd rather explore sex and love
than to rain and drain
Good attempt at hijacking this thread
but this is the being naughty and nice
and what it takes,
to explore Paradise
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Now theres a more well rounded picture of you.
Pleasure to meet you Holey Ghost..
Didnt mean to jack your thread.
jack his thread
oh that's funny
you knew exactly what you were doing
it's what you do eden
and certainly not for the first time
nor the last.
you want the rise you get from the guys
and the superiority you feel over the girls
not one of us is that fool enough
i see you because i am you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
yeah but i think it's more the feeling we're after.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Now you have my attention girl
Oh and thanks for the insight into my character.
I mean that. The only way any of us grow is by pondering on the not so pretty things people say about us.
Remember though, this is only text. Were all multidimensional human beings behind these one dimensional words that we type.
indeed we are all multi dimensional beings. i know that to a greater degree than a lot of other people who don't care to admit it to themselves.
and yes perhaps it is only text but i kinda wonder(probably naively) why people choose not to be themselves or why they choose to 'take on a tone' that is counter to their real self.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
to see if they are genuine or not?
to examine from many angles of investigation?
to see what it feels to be something on?
to role-play, pretend, use imagination, hide, protect?
how come you know more than most about being multi?
don't worry, he's reading everything..
When I find out who I am Ill let you know why Im not being myself on here...*laughs*
When I get annoyed here (or in real life) or dont understand someone, I try to remember that the common denominator we share as human beings behind these usernames is that we all just want to feel loved and understood, and thats a very beautiful and peaceful thought to me.