I like you bare
I like you sticky n' wet
I like give you all that I've got
and blast my fuzzy balls
into your net
you like bare back ridin'
cuz baby, I'm drivin'
in first gear, as I slide in
your velvet glove,
and release the brake
and head up your highway of love
and head straight for youir lake
POP the clutch,
ease up on the brake,
put the peddle
to the metal,
make me quiver
and quake,
lube, oil n' filter,
I'll get under your hood,
you leak your fluids
and I make you all good
Baby when I pop the clutch
And put our bodies into the next gear
Don’t fear
But my tongue and fingertips
With melt you with my touch
I’ll press on the accelerator
And you can push back on my throttle
As my fuel lines and pump
Push my hot liquefied gas
Deep into your carburetor
My sparks will ignite our hot mixture
As my pumping and gyrating pistons
Pump their hot metal allow
Into your tightened cylinder
As our precious fuel ignites and explodes
It propels our bodies into space
And further on down the road
Deep into your tunnel of love
While my steering wheel hugs your face
You wanted to try for yourself
What’s under my hood
And ride all my horses
For all the hay their worth
And find out, if my body
Was just all steel, or part wood
As our engines roars
And our fire painted bodies soar
Up and down your roads
From the mountain peaks
To the forested valley below
My one ton of steel
Rides and glides
down your assfault pave
While my hot engines burn
All the hot liquid gas
That your hot body craves
Baby our engines will always burn clean
Cuz we run on hydrogen cells of fuel
And your rubbed-out body
Will always have that glisten and sheen
But tho’ you and I are just a bit naughty
No should underestimate our power
To go from 0-60 at lightning speed
As we burn our fuel and feed our needs
Then cruise on overdrive
As our gears slip n’slide
In our grease as we release
And blow past anyone
Who thinks we’re done
Cuz we're just a nughty boy and girl
who wanna have fun
Yes, I do a wanna lay you
on the moon, in the sun, in the sky
on ground, in in the clouds
near n' nigh
our love will soar us high
so jump in my star cruiser
our astro car of love
and let climb into, your sweet glove (compartment)
and you can loosen my screws
and tighten yer bolts
'round my chahhh....ass...ey
and I'll burn rubber
on yer road.....
with this horny toad
who's gotta Motherload
...of fuel, fill yer gahhh----ass tank
We fly down the skyway
my mouth on your
shifting ya into 3rd
then I hop into
the driver's seat
and take ya
for a riiiiide
got yer hands
all over my headlights
grinding your gears
in my
glove-BOX (compartment)
I'm a regular
lube, oil and filter job
all ova yo knob
"as we ride down
this tunnel of love"
I drive
and you
right on up!
fill my cup,
the tank is
I'm gassed
and ready to
You got your mouth on my stick
And you’re throttling
All of it, as you shift
me into third
And make me a dirty sweet bird
My hands are all over your headlights
While my tongue
Is checking out your rear-end
And makin’ sure your screws are tight
Adjusting our engines' rhythm and purrr
till our timing is just right
While my fingers are checking yer oil
And adjusting the timing
And your firing, and recoil
As we toil away, in the garage today
While our gears are grinding
As we wind and grind thru all your gears
From your curvy front end
And when you bend
….over and I ramrod you like Rover
Over n’ over till you g---ass tank is full
to the brim
n' running over
yer tires and rims
Then I'll be lubin’ your transmission
While we’re tryin’ ev’ry position
From doggy style to missionary
We ride down the tunnel of love
Even use the spare tire in the dickey
To satisfy your box compartment, er glove
We do the lickey-lickey
We do the sticky-sticky
Ramroddin’ down the road
Ramroddin’ down the road
Cuz we’re got our engines
In purrrrrrrrrrfect timin’
And in sync., with lips n’ hips
On the brink, on the edge
with our slides n’ slips
My fingertips tightenin' your timin' belt
Rubbin' my wood on your patch of felt
And blowing air into your tires
Givin' you you chills, givin' you thrills
As we roar down the highway love
and fulfill our dreams of desires
While my massaging hands
adjust your headlights
And our motors scream at full torque
My hot oil and boiling water
Blows the cork and bursts the radiator
And fills your upholstered insides
With my gooey greasy goo
As I make glorious love to you
You cum, I cum
I cum, You cum
We both cum, we both cum
At the same time, so fine
so sublime, so sublime
What a mess! Oh yes!
May the Goddess of Love bless!
Grease and water all over the place
But I just want a kiss
And a touch of your face
As my engine is blown,
Yet I got a smile on my face
As I'm gratified
And your interior is etheiral
As you're thoroughly satisfied
And we’re both.........
In pure ramroddin’ bliss
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Balls of fire,
quench my desire,
lift me up
and take me higher
I'll make you rise,
just touch my thighs,
dive on in
to my tasty surprise
I'll take you in the car,
drive you real far,
backseat, frontseat,
make you hard
I'll take you in the park,
in the dark,
grass stained,
ruffled and stark
I'll take you on the beach,
you're a real peach,
sweet juices,
within the moon's reach
I'll take you in the shower,
gimme the power,
dripping, sopping,
we'll be in there for hours
I'll take you on the kitchen floor,
begging for more,
all you got
in your candy store
I'll take you in the stairwell,
if just for a spell,
animalistic, hungry,
suck you to full swell
I'll take you to bed again,
make love to your brain,
work you over,
drive you insane
I'll be the water
that makes you hotter,
drink me down,
this girl, you got her
I'll quench your fire,
ignite your desire,
lift you up
and take you higher
Mmmm….baby , baby
you’ve got
my balls of fire
burning with desire
as you take me higher
You’ve made me rise
when you touched my thighs
and given me an oh so sweet surprise
then I dove in head first
and quenched my thirst
with your delicious delights
You took me in the car
and drove me ohhhhh so far
you made me harrrrrrrrrd than a rock or steel
your softness ohhhh my gawd!...the feel so real
in the frontseat, then in the backseat
as I burrrrrrrrned, from your heat
You took me the beach
as I partook of your peach
and all your luscious fruit I could reach
and peeled them, real sweet
as your natural juices
ran down my cheeks
You took me in the shower
and I gave you the power
to do with me
what you wanna, your desire
while I soaped and rinsed
our drippin’ soppin’ bodies
for hours n’ hours
your adrenalin your energy
gave me stayin' power
You took me on the kitchen floor
and I begged n’ begged for more
more of your sweet sweet candy
more of your luscious lips
more of your grinding hips
more of your fingertips
as I gave you mine
You took me to bed again
where we becum n became
best of friends
and screamed
then whispered,
each other's names
Then you blew my mind
while I blew
your behind
your balls of fire made me crazy
your desires drove me nearly insane
as you drained my body and my brain
as I SCREAMED your name
and you did the same
You be the water and sand
and I’ll take the palm of your hand
I’ll be the boulders n’ rocks
You be my slippers n’ socks
as our bodies ride each wave of emotion
and nove to the motion of of the ocean
the push and pull of the moon
and we beat a rhythmic tune
I’ll drink you down
and make you moan sweet sex sounds
as I take you in the air
and strip your body bare
and take you to higher ground
as I devour your mound
and sip your fountain of love
till you've gushed enuff
Baby, you’ve quenched my fire
ignited my desire
risin’ me up,
and taken me down, then higher
and higher, strokin' my burnin' fire
as you’ve teased, then pleased
then quenched, and drenched
my balls of fire kiss
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Balls of fire,
quench my desire,
lift me up
and take me higher
I'll make you rise,
just touch my thighs,
dive on in
to my tasty surprise
I'll take you in the car,
drive you real far,
backseat, frontseat,
make you hard
I'll take you in the park,
in the dark,
grass stained,
ruffled and stark
I'll take you on the beach,
you're a real peach,
sweet juices,
within the moon's reach
I'll take you in the shower,
gimme the power,
dripping, sopping,
we'll be in there for hours
I'll take you on the kitchen floor,
begging for more,
all you got
in your candy store
I'll take you in the stairwell,
if just for a spell,
animalistic, hungry,
suck you to full swell
I'll take you to bed again,
make love to your brain,
work you over,
drive you insane
I'll be the water
that makes you hotter,
drink me down,
this girl, you got her
I'll quench your fire,
ignite your desire,
lift you up
and take you higher
Mmmm….baby , baby
you’ve got
my balls of fire
burning with desire
as you take me higher
You’ve made me rise
when you touched my thighs
and I yours
then you gave me an oh so sweet surprise
when I dove in head first
and quenched my thirst,
with your delicious delights
You took me in the car
and drove me ohhhhh so far
you made me harrrrrrrrrder than any rock or steel
your softness ohhhh my gawd!...the feel so real
in the frontseat, then in the backseat
as I burrrrrrrrned, from your heat
and our sparks lit the streets of desire,
our balls of fire
You took me on the beach
as I partook of your peaches
and all your luscious fruit I could reach
and peeled them, real sweet
as your natural juices
ran down my cheeks
You took me in the shower
and I gave you the power
to do with me
what you wanna, your desire
while I soaped and rinsed
our drippin’ soppin’ bodies
for hours n’ hours
your adrenalin your energy
gave me stayin' power
You took me on the kitchen floor
and I begged n’ begged for more
more of your sweet sweet candy
more of your luscious lips
more of your grinding hips
more of your fingertips
as I gave you mine
You took me to bed again
where we becum n became
best of friends
and screamed
then whispered,
each others' names
Then you blew my mind
while I blew
your behind
your balls of fire made me crazy
your desires drove me nearly insane
as you drained my body and my brain
as I SCREAMED your name
and you did the same
You be the water and sand
and I’ll take the palm of your hand
I’ll be the boulders n’ rocks
You be my slippers n’ socks
as our bodies ride each wave of emotion
and move to the rocking n/ rollin'
motion of of the ocean
rockin' hack n' forth
with the push and pull of the moon
as our bodies beat a rhythmic tune
I’ll drink you down
and make you moan sweet sex sounds
as I take you in the air
and strip your body bare
and take you to higher ground
as I devour your mound
and sip your fountain of love
till you've gushed enuff
Baby, you’ve quenched my fire
ignited my desire
risin’ me up,
and taken me down, then higher
and higher, strokin' my burnin' fire
as you’ve teased, then pleased
then quenched, and drenched
my balls of fire kiss
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
“Hay there, cowboy!
I was just a wonderin’
if you was goin’ to the ho-down,
an’ would ya mind
showin’ me around?
I’m kinda new
to this town.
I saw ya ‘rasslin’,
an’ I wanted to
lasso your sweet ass, so,
I came over
to see
if you were free,
an’ if you’d
mind showing me
how to ride
a bucking bronco?”
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
I've never read so much shite as on this thread, but I have to conceed, it's entertaining shite.
FPC....I think all the fun-luvin' participants that have partaken in the creative erotic joy will join me in welcuming voyeurs like yourself that we've managed to entertain with our shite, our balls of fire, our velvet gloves, and our exotic love. Enjoy!
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
“Hay there, cowboy!
I was just a wonderin’
if you was goin’ to the ho-down,
an’ would ya mind
showin’ me around?
I’m kinda new
to this town.
I saw ya ‘rasslin’,
an’ I wanted to
lasso your sweet ass, so,
I came over
to see
if you were free,
an’ if you’d
mind showing me
how to ride
a bucking bronco?”
“Hey there cowgirl!
Eeeehaw! Goin’ to ho-down
Sure, I’ll show ya ‘round
you got on yer ridin’ chaps
and ready to do some country laps
‘round the country farm
and show me, your country charm
you got on your hip high boots cowgirl
as you lasso my bucking bronco ass
I’ll show you the country world
as we get all the way down
to just our boots and spurs
and for a gallop ort two or three
since you showed me rodeo tricks
and lassoed me
Now I may be as thick as a brick
but my country body is lean
and only one part thick
my heart is kind
and never mean
and I do enjoy
teachin’ a cowgirl
how to ride
a bucking bronco
so hop up on my saddle cowgirl
and wrap your legs
‘round my behind
and we will go
a country ride
or two"
Ride me Cowgirl!
Lasso me
Rope me
Grope me
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
“Hey there cowgirl!
Eeeehaw! Goin’ to ho-down
Sure, I’ll show ya ‘round
you got on yer ridin’ chaps
and ready to do some country laps
‘round the country farm
and show me, your country charm
you got on your hip high boots cowgirl
as you lasso my bucking bronco ass
I’ll show you the country world
as we get all the way down
to just our boots and spurs
and for a gallop ort two or three
since you showed me rodeo tricks
and lassoed me
Now I may be as thick as a brick
but my country body is lean
and only one part thick
my heart is kind
and never mean
and I do enjoy
teachin’ a cowgirl
how to ride
a bucking bronco
so hop up on my saddle cowgirl
and wrap your legs
‘round my behind
and we will go
a country ride
or two"
Ride me Cowgirl!
Lasso me
Rope me
Grope me
Whooo, baby,
I'll saddle up,
wrap my velvet legs
'round yer country hips
get my spurs in ya,
and hang tight
as we buck in the night,
I'd ride ya,
I'd rope ya,
and grope ya,
but, baby, baby, baby,
I don't want you
down to just
your boots,
would you please
leave your hat on too?
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
I’m a cowboy girl
Wanted! Dead of Alive!
Will you ride me
in the dead of night
Wrap those velvet legs
and saddle up
take hold of the reigns
and arch your legs up high
in the stirrups
and give me your best
spur in the ribs
as I kiss your lips
yeah! I’ll leave my hat on
as you rope me
lasso me
grope me
ride me
like a bucking bronco
till you can’t take it any more
and let go
I be paw, and you be maw
as we make our rawhide raw
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
So give me a hug girl
Give me squeeze
Feel my skin
As we begin
To make love
On a Friday night
So turn out the light
And get, skin to skin
I gotta hit the road in few
But before I go
I wanna
Make sweet love to you
I’ll be goin’ to ho’down
Where my dancin’ shoes
Will tear up the ground
But before I go
Let’s make some love sounds
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
Let’s let the midnight burn
As our bodies yearn
Our juices flow
Let’s go
Let’s make sweet love
‘till long after midnight
And show each other
What fire and desire we’re made of
And set our spirits free
In the midnight sun
And have some fun
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Question mark this land as your own.
Plant the seeds where no one can see.
You work the clockwork clone
and how well you work that clone
but there’s no time for that
its time to feed.
That self-loathing quadriplegic left me siphoned!
Who was I to attend the wrong and righteous?
Part the lips we know,
something tells me they hold the answer.
An impulse shocks the kiss,
another wave jumpstarts the cancer.
I never meant to hurt you, mi diablo, mi amigo, but I've built up so much character I have an alter ego. I have to make a clean break & I have to do it quick because the pain you give me babe would make Cal Ripken call in sick!!!
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
So give me a hug girl
Give me squeeze
Feel my skin
As we begin
To make love
On a Friday night
So turn out the light
And get, skin to skin
I gotta hit the road in few
But before I go
I wanna
Make sweet love to you
I’ll be goin’ to ho’down
Where my dancin’ shoes
Will tear up the ground
But before I go
Let’s make some love sounds
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
Let’s let the midnight burn
As our bodies yearn
Our juices flow
Let’s go
Let’s make sweet love
‘till long after midnight
And show each other
What fire and desire we’re made of
And set our spirits free
In the midnight sun
And have some fun
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
It's Sunday afternoon,
we're long past
Friday's midnight moon,
but never was there
a moment wasted,
(a drop wasted),
Friday night,
a slow and easy slide,
a slippery ride,
my watery seas
lapping at your
rocky shores,
then sailing you
off into the night,
to wake,
in a new day,
in a new place,
breath quickened,
the feel of my form
still sizzling
your white-hot skin,
each blink
a picture
of ginger,
and porcelain,
full lips
dripping honey,
your hands feel my echo,
your fingers tingle
with the feel of my flesh,
my scent
still upon them...
I wake,
where your moonlight desires
have taken you,
my breath steady,
I smile,
putting my hands
to my face,
to breathe you in,
you're still on
my skin, *electric*,
I let my middle fingers
run across
my freshly licked lips,
close my eyes,
taste you,
where my moonlight desires
will be taking me.
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
And I. this Sunday afternoon
Feel your waves
Your push and pull
Emanating from the moon
I feel your waves
Lap back at my rocks
as they lay there on the shore
begging, yearning, for more
as I taste your sweet honey
upon my lips
my tips
my fingertips
as they savor
your taste, of Friday night
I feel your harmonic waves of light
As they set my soul aflight
Your scent from our midnight desires
Taking me higher
As I long
To take you in the night
You breath upon my skin
Your precious smile upon your face
*electric* *harmonic* *sonic*
As I recall our close encounters
Our bodies giving each other shelter
From the lightning and thunder
That showers us with rain
As we meet each other
Skin to skin
Wave to boulder
On the sandy beach
And as the day turns into night
Moonlight desires, once again
Take over, two lovers
More than just friends
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
And I. this Sunday afternoon
Feel your waves
Your push and pull
Emanating from the moon
I feel your waves
Lap back at my rocks
as they lay there on the shore
begging, yearning, for more
as I taste your sweet honey
upon my lips
my tips
my fingertips
as they savor
your taste, of Friday night
I feel your harmonic waves of light
As they set my soul aflight
Your scent from our midnight desires
Taking me higher
As I long
To take you in the night
You breath upon my skin
Your precious smile upon your face
*electric* *harmonic* *sonic*
As I recall our close encounters
Our bodies giving each other shelter
From the lightning and thunder
That showers us with rain
As we meet each other
Skin to skin
Wave to boulder
On the sandy beach
And as the day turns into night
Moonlight desires, once again
Take over, two lovers
More than just friends
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
You got so much love
You’re drivin’ this man insane
I can’t seem to get enuff
Of your sweet love
Your sweet love
Fits me like a tight velvet glove
You make my motor purr
You make my speech slur,
As I wet your fur
You make my heart stir
When you give me your love
Your body’s heat
Gives me no retreat
No surrender
As you rub your hands
Under my fender
You’re a body, heart, and mind bender
Baby you’re a treat
Baby, you’re sweet
You make me tender
You make me, surrender
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
When you kiss my neck like that
When you tell me you want to swing my bat
When I slowly undress you……..
And you stand there naked, except for your hat
You give chills run up and down my spine
You give me thrills with your space and time
You give me goose bumps
When you move your hips like that
And throw those freaky screw balls, at my bat
You make me wanna jump!
Right into your mound,
Of sweet sweet love
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
You got so much love
You’re drivin’ this man insane
I can’t seem to get enuff
Of your sweet love
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Comments I like you bare
I like you sticky n' wet
I like give you all that I've got
and blast my fuzzy balls
into your net
you like bare back ridin'
cuz baby, I'm drivin'
in first gear, as I slide in
your velvet glove,
and release the brake
and head up your highway of love
and head straight for youir lake
POP the clutch,
ease up on the brake,
put the peddle
to the metal,
make me quiver
and quake,
lube, oil n' filter,
I'll get under your hood,
you leak your fluids
and I make you all good
Baby when I pop the clutch
And put our bodies into the next gear
Don’t fear
But my tongue and fingertips
With melt you with my touch
I’ll press on the accelerator
And you can push back on my throttle
As my fuel lines and pump
Push my hot liquefied gas
Deep into your carburetor
My sparks will ignite our hot mixture
As my pumping and gyrating pistons
Pump their hot metal allow
Into your tightened cylinder
As our precious fuel ignites and explodes
It propels our bodies into space
And further on down the road
Deep into your tunnel of love
While my steering wheel hugs your face
You wanted to try for yourself
What’s under my hood
And ride all my horses
For all the hay their worth
And find out, if my body
Was just all steel, or part wood
As our engines roars
And our fire painted bodies soar
Up and down your roads
From the mountain peaks
To the forested valley below
My one ton of steel
Rides and glides
down your assfault pave
While my hot engines burn
All the hot liquid gas
That your hot body craves
Baby our engines will always burn clean
Cuz we run on hydrogen cells of fuel
And your rubbed-out body
Will always have that glisten and sheen
But tho’ you and I are just a bit naughty
No should underestimate our power
To go from 0-60 at lightning speed
As we burn our fuel and feed our needs
Then cruise on overdrive
As our gears slip n’slide
In our grease as we release
And blow past anyone
Who thinks we’re done
Cuz we're just a nughty boy and girl
who wanna have fun
Yes, I do a wanna lay you
on the moon, in the sun, in the sky
on ground, in in the clouds
near n' nigh
our love will soar us high
so jump in my star cruiser
our astro car of love
and let climb into, your sweet glove (compartment)
and you can loosen my screws
and tighten yer bolts
'round my chahhh....ass...ey
and I'll burn rubber
on yer road.....
with this horny toad
who's gotta Motherload
...of fuel, fill yer gahhh----ass tank
We fly down the skyway
my mouth on your
shifting ya into 3rd
then I hop into
the driver's seat
and take ya
for a riiiiide
got yer hands
all over my
grinding your gears
in my
glove-BOX (compartment)
I'm a regular
lube, oil and filter job
all ova yo knob
"as we ride down
this tunnel of love"
I drive
and you
right on up!
fill my cup,
the tank is
I'm gassed
and ready to
You got your mouth on my stick
And you’re throttling
All of it, as you shift
me into third
And make me a dirty sweet bird
My hands are all over your headlights
While my tongue
Is checking out your rear-end
And makin’ sure your screws are tight
Adjusting our engines' rhythm and purrr
till our timing is just right
While my fingers are checking yer oil
And adjusting the timing
And your firing, and recoil
As we toil away, in the garage today
While our gears are grinding
As we wind and grind thru all your gears
From your curvy front end
And when you bend
….over and I ramrod you like Rover
Over n’ over till you g---ass tank is full
to the brim
n' running over
yer tires and rims
Then I'll be lubin’ your transmission
While we’re tryin’ ev’ry position
From doggy style to missionary
We ride down the tunnel of love
Even use the spare tire in the dickey
To satisfy your box compartment, er glove
We do the lickey-lickey
We do the sticky-sticky
Ramroddin’ down the road
Ramroddin’ down the road
Cuz we’re got our engines
In purrrrrrrrrrfect timin’
And in sync., with lips n’ hips
On the brink, on the edge
with our slides n’ slips
My fingertips tightenin' your timin' belt
Rubbin' my wood on your patch of felt
And blowing air into your tires
Givin' you you chills, givin' you thrills
As we roar down the highway love
and fulfill our dreams of desires
While my massaging hands
adjust your headlights
And our motors scream at full torque
My hot oil and boiling water
Blows the cork and bursts the radiator
And fills your upholstered insides
With my gooey greasy goo
As I make glorious love to you
You cum, I cum
I cum, You cum
We both cum, we both cum
At the same time, so fine
so sublime, so sublime
What a mess! Oh yes!
May the Goddess of Love bless!
Grease and water all over the place
But I just want a kiss
And a touch of your face
As my engine is blown,
Yet I got a smile on my face
As I'm gratified
And your interior is etheiral
As you're thoroughly satisfied
And we’re both.........
In pure ramroddin’ bliss
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
One whom loved me
but with he I shouldn't have let be
I pushed him away
now wishing that I let him stay
he is forever in my heart
Probably until I die
Promise to try
to allow the next guy
that falls in love with me.....
"Every time I go to the doctors I get a jacket, a straight one. It makes me feel special because I get to hug myself."
I am myself like you somehow.
I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me.
How I've opened up. Release me.
:( Awww, hellbent1!!
quench my desire,
lift me up
and take me higher
I'll make you rise,
just touch my thighs,
dive on in
to my tasty surprise
I'll take you in the car,
drive you real far,
backseat, frontseat,
make you hard
I'll take you in the park,
in the dark,
grass stained,
ruffled and stark
I'll take you on the beach,
you're a real peach,
sweet juices,
within the moon's reach
I'll take you in the shower,
gimme the power,
dripping, sopping,
we'll be in there for hours
I'll take you on the kitchen floor,
begging for more,
all you got
in your candy store
I'll take you in the stairwell,
if just for a spell,
animalistic, hungry,
suck you to full swell
I'll take you to bed again,
make love to your brain,
work you over,
drive you insane
I'll be the water
that makes you hotter,
drink me down,
this girl, you got her
I'll quench your fire,
ignite your desire,
lift you up
and take you higher
...cuz Great Balls of Fire
......are 'bout to explode! ....with desire
.........and go higher n' bigher into the midnight sky
............possibly erupting with more FireWorks
.................than the Big Bang
.........................shahhbang shahhbang
............................the Dark Side of the Moon may just be lit 2nite
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Mmmm….baby , baby
you’ve got
my balls of fire
burning with desire
as you take me higher
You’ve made me rise
when you touched my thighs
and given me an oh so sweet surprise
then I dove in head first
and quenched my thirst
with your delicious delights
You took me in the car
and drove me ohhhhh so far
you made me harrrrrrrrrd than a rock or steel
your softness ohhhh my gawd!...the feel so real
in the frontseat, then in the backseat
as I burrrrrrrrned, from your heat
You took me the beach
as I partook of your peach
and all your luscious fruit I could reach
and peeled them, real sweet
as your natural juices
ran down my cheeks
You took me in the shower
and I gave you the power
to do with me
what you wanna, your desire
while I soaped and rinsed
our drippin’ soppin’ bodies
for hours n’ hours
your adrenalin your energy
gave me stayin' power
You took me on the kitchen floor
and I begged n’ begged for more
more of your sweet sweet candy
more of your luscious lips
more of your grinding hips
more of your fingertips
as I gave you mine
You took me to bed again
where we becum n became
best of friends
and screamed
then whispered,
each other's names
Then you blew my mind
while I blew
your behind
your balls of fire made me crazy
your desires drove me nearly insane
as you drained my body and my brain
as I SCREAMED your name
and you did the same
You be the water and sand
and I’ll take the palm of your hand
I’ll be the boulders n’ rocks
You be my slippers n’ socks
as our bodies ride each wave of emotion
and nove to the motion of of the ocean
the push and pull of the moon
and we beat a rhythmic tune
I’ll drink you down
and make you moan sweet sex sounds
as I take you in the air
and strip your body bare
and take you to higher ground
as I devour your mound
and sip your fountain of love
till you've gushed enuff
Baby, you’ve quenched my fire
ignited my desire
risin’ me up,
and taken me down, then higher
and higher, strokin' my burnin' fire
as you’ve teased, then pleased
then quenched, and drenched
my balls of fire kiss
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
"Every time I go to the doctors I get a jacket, a straight one. It makes me feel special because I get to hug myself."
I am myself like you somehow.
I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me.
How I've opened up. Release me.
Mmmm….baby , baby
you’ve got
my balls of fire
burning with desire
as you take me higher
You’ve made me rise
when you touched my thighs
and I yours
then you gave me an oh so sweet surprise
when I dove in head first
and quenched my thirst,
with your delicious delights
You took me in the car
and drove me ohhhhh so far
you made me harrrrrrrrrder than any rock or steel
your softness ohhhh my gawd!...the feel so real
in the frontseat, then in the backseat
as I burrrrrrrrned, from your heat
and our sparks lit the streets of desire,
our balls of fire
You took me on the beach
as I partook of your peaches
and all your luscious fruit I could reach
and peeled them, real sweet
as your natural juices
ran down my cheeks
You took me in the shower
and I gave you the power
to do with me
what you wanna, your desire
while I soaped and rinsed
our drippin’ soppin’ bodies
for hours n’ hours
your adrenalin your energy
gave me stayin' power
You took me on the kitchen floor
and I begged n’ begged for more
more of your sweet sweet candy
more of your luscious lips
more of your grinding hips
more of your fingertips
as I gave you mine
You took me to bed again
where we becum n became
best of friends
and screamed
then whispered,
each others' names
Then you blew my mind
while I blew
your behind
your balls of fire made me crazy
your desires drove me nearly insane
as you drained my body and my brain
as I SCREAMED your name
and you did the same
You be the water and sand
and I’ll take the palm of your hand
I’ll be the boulders n’ rocks
You be my slippers n’ socks
as our bodies ride each wave of emotion
and move to the rocking n/ rollin'
motion of of the ocean
rockin' hack n' forth
with the push and pull of the moon
as our bodies beat a rhythmic tune
I’ll drink you down
and make you moan sweet sex sounds
as I take you in the air
and strip your body bare
and take you to higher ground
as I devour your mound
and sip your fountain of love
till you've gushed enuff
Baby, you’ve quenched my fire
ignited my desire
risin’ me up,
and taken me down, then higher
and higher, strokin' my burnin' fire
as you’ve teased, then pleased
then quenched, and drenched
my balls of fire kiss
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Love is a burning thing
and it makes a firery ring
bound by wild desire
I fell in to a ring of fire...
I fell in to a burning ring of fire
I went down,down,down
and the flames went higher.
And it burns,burns,burns
the ring of fire
the ring of fire.
The taste of love is sweet
when hearts like our's meet
I fell for you like a child
oh, but the fire went wild..
I fell in to a burning ring of fire.....
“Hay there, cowboy!
I was just a wonderin’
if you was goin’ to the ho-down,
an’ would ya mind
showin’ me around?
I’m kinda new
to this town.
I saw ya ‘rasslin’,
an’ I wanted to
lasso your sweet ass, so,
I came over
to see
if you were free,
an’ if you’d
mind showing me
how to ride
a bucking bronco?”
I did of course, mean concede, but I couldn't resist the play on "seed". LOL
And you should have spelled it- conseed.
con seed?
LMFAO! Look above! LOL! I won't say great minds think alike 'cause I don't know if you'd consider what comes outta my mind to be so great!
I was thinking of the Italian word "con" which means "with", were you?
I was thinking of what builds up and is expelled from "great balls of fire", which is seed.
FPC....I think all the fun-luvin' participants that have partaken in the creative erotic joy will join me in welcuming voyeurs like yourself that we've managed to entertain with our shite, our balls of fire, our velvet gloves, and our exotic love. Enjoy!
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
“Hey there cowgirl!
Eeeehaw! Goin’ to ho-down
Sure, I’ll show ya ‘round
you got on yer ridin’ chaps
and ready to do some country laps
‘round the country farm
and show me, your country charm
you got on your hip high boots cowgirl
as you lasso my bucking bronco ass
I’ll show you the country world
as we get all the way down
to just our boots and spurs
and for a gallop ort two or three
since you showed me rodeo tricks
and lassoed me
Now I may be as thick as a brick
but my country body is lean
and only one part thick
my heart is kind
and never mean
and I do enjoy
teachin’ a cowgirl
how to ride
a bucking bronco
so hop up on my saddle cowgirl
and wrap your legs
‘round my behind
and we will go
a country ride
or two"
Ride me Cowgirl!
Lasso me
Rope me
Grope me
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Whooo, baby,
I'll saddle up,
wrap my velvet legs
'round yer country hips
get my spurs in ya,
and hang tight
as we buck in the night,
I'd ride ya,
I'd rope ya,
and grope ya,
but, baby, baby, baby,
I don't want you
down to just
your boots,
would you please
leave your hat on too?
Wanted! Dead of Alive!
Will you ride me
in the dead of night
Wrap those velvet legs
and saddle up
take hold of the reigns
and arch your legs up high
in the stirrups
and give me your best
spur in the ribs
as I kiss your lips
yeah! I’ll leave my hat on
as you rope me
lasso me
grope me
ride me
like a bucking bronco
till you can’t take it any more
and let go
I be paw, and you be maw
as we make our rawhide raw
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
So give me a hug girl
Give me squeeze
Feel my skin
As we begin
To make love
On a Friday night
So turn out the light
And get, skin to skin
I gotta hit the road in few
But before I go
I wanna
Make sweet love to you
I’ll be goin’ to ho’down
Where my dancin’ shoes
Will tear up the ground
But before I go
Let’s make some love sounds
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
Let’s let the midnight burn
As our bodies yearn
Our juices flow
Let’s go
Let’s make sweet love
‘till long after midnight
And show each other
What fire and desire we’re made of
And set our spirits free
In the midnight sun
And have some fun
It’s Friday night
And I feel like makin’ love….
To you at midnight
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Plant the seeds where no one can see.
You work the clockwork clone
and how well you work that clone
but there’s no time for that
its time to feed.
That self-loathing quadriplegic left me siphoned!
Who was I to attend the wrong and righteous?
Part the lips we know,
something tells me they hold the answer.
An impulse shocks the kiss,
another wave jumpstarts the cancer.
"Every time I go to the doctors I get a jacket, a straight one. It makes me feel special because I get to hug myself."
I am myself like you somehow.
I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me.
How I've opened up. Release me.
It's Sunday afternoon,
we're long past
Friday's midnight moon,
but never was there
a moment wasted,
(a drop wasted),
Friday night,
a slow and easy slide,
a slippery ride,
my watery seas
lapping at your
rocky shores,
then sailing you
off into the night,
to wake,
in a new day,
in a new place,
breath quickened,
the feel of my form
still sizzling
your white-hot skin,
each blink
a picture
of ginger,
and porcelain,
full lips
dripping honey,
your hands feel my echo,
your fingers tingle
with the feel of my flesh,
my scent
still upon them...
I wake,
where your moonlight desires
have taken you,
my breath steady,
I smile,
putting my hands
to my face,
to breathe you in,
you're still on
my skin,
I let my middle fingers
run across
my freshly licked lips,
close my eyes,
taste you,
where my moonlight desires
will be taking me.
Feel your waves
Your push and pull
Emanating from the moon
I feel your waves
Lap back at my rocks
as they lay there on the shore
begging, yearning, for more
as I taste your sweet honey
upon my lips
my tips
my fingertips
as they savor
your taste, of Friday night
I feel your harmonic waves of light
As they set my soul aflight
Your scent from our midnight desires
Taking me higher
As I long
To take you in the night
You breath upon my skin
Your precious smile upon your face
*electric* *harmonic* *sonic*
As I recall our close encounters
Our bodies giving each other shelter
From the lightning and thunder
That showers us with rain
As we meet each other
Skin to skin
Wave to boulder
On the sandy beach
And as the day turns into night
Moonlight desires, once again
Take over, two lovers
More than just friends
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
This is really beautiful, Holey.
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
You got so much love
You’re drivin’ this man insane
I can’t seem to get enuff
Of your sweet love
Your sweet love
Fits me like a tight velvet glove
You make my motor purr
You make my speech slur,
As I wet your fur
You make my heart stir
When you give me your love
Your body’s heat
Gives me no retreat
No surrender
As you rub your hands
Under my fender
You’re a body, heart, and mind bender
Baby you’re a treat
Baby, you’re sweet
You make me tender
You make me, surrender
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
When you kiss my neck like that
When you tell me you want to swing my bat
When I slowly undress you……..
And you stand there naked, except for your hat
You give chills run up and down my spine
You give me thrills with your space and time
You give me goose bumps
When you move your hips like that
And throw those freaky screw balls, at my bat
You make me wanna jump!
Right into your mound,
Of sweet sweet love
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
You got so much love
You’re drivin’ this man insane
I can’t seem to get enuff
Of your sweet love
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads