Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
You got so much love
You’re drivin’ this man insane
I can’t seem to get enuff
Of your sweet love
Your sweet love
Fits me like a tight velvet glove
You make my motor purr
You make my speech slur,
As I wet your fur
You make my heart stir
When you give me your love
Your body’s heat
Gives me no retreat
No surrender
As you rub your hands
Under my fender
You’re a body, heart, and mind bender
Baby you’re a treat
Baby, you’re sweet
You make me tender
You make me, surrender
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
When you kiss my neck like that
When you tell me you want to swing my bat
When I slowly undress you……..
And you stand there naked, except for your hat
You give chills run up and down my spine
You give me thrills with your space and time
You give me goose bumps
When you move your hips like that
And throw those freaky screw balls, at my bat
You make me wanna jump!
Right into your mound,
Of sweet sweet love
Girl your love juice is runnin’ down my legs
You got so much love
You’re drivin’ this man insane
I can’t seem to get enuff
Of your sweet love
Boy, you're a lover like no other,
my heart skips a beat
and my legs are like rubber,
I melt in your mouth
and in your hands,
'cause your love takes me
from the moon to the sands.
You kiss me so sweetly,
make me your candy
and then you eat me,
I'll never let you go hungry,
I'll never make you bleed,
It's you that stokes my desire,
It's you I want to feed.
Your turn at bat
always hit, never miss,
you're rounding thrid,
n' cummin' home to give me a kiss,
slide on in, sweetie,
cross that home plate,
I'll never leave you waiting,
but for you, I'll always wait.
I melt into you,
into your passion butter,
"Baby, please take me upstairs"
into your ear I utter,
Mmm, I drip like honey,
'cause your sweet love is divine,
I think our space continuum
is totally sublime.
My sweet love juice
runs down your legs,
your fingers run
up mine,
your touch sends
such electric shivers,
up and down my spine,
Boy, your sweet love is more than enough
more than any woman could ask for,
I'd give you my all, my everything,
and then I'd give you more!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Baby, just give me your lips
Just let me have a taste
Of your sweet sweet love
That I just can’t seem
To get enuff of
Baby, just give me one kiss
And I’ll be high
Baby, just give me your neck
And I’ll be busy
Baby, just give me your tongue
And we’ll have some fun
Baby just give me one kiss
And I’ll fly like an eagle in the sky
Baby just give me your perky breasts
And my thirst will be quenched
Just give me your lower belly
And you’ll be drenched
Baby just give me one kiss
And I’ll be in 7th heaven
Baby, just give your inner thighs
And I’ll make you sigh
My kisses and nibbles
Will soar you high
Baby just give me your toes
And your ankles too
And I’ll do all the walking
For you
Baby just give your mound
And I’ll sniff you like a dog hound
And soon we’ll be making,
Sensuous love sounds
As we touch down
And score once twice or thrice
for the Dream Team
or is it Cream Team
or maybe SCREAM Team
or how bout this
Let's score one for the Gipper
and ride the Big Dipper
Baby just give me a kiss
And we’ll be in bliss like this
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
You lay before me,
milk-flesh and bone,
tongued, tied n' true,
smooth, silky smile,
you're just my style, *the things I'd do to you!*,
I couldn't make you sweeter ,
I couldn't make you finer,
but, I'll rub ya in choco-lit,
lick you, my lolly-pup,
clean eat you all up,
nibble you a 'lil bit,
your hands find freedom,
I know what cums next!
there's an upside to down :eek:,
your lips know the place,
you give such good face,
I sing sweet sexsounds,
we're (given) to fly like birds!
to limit's beyond the sky!
beyond space n' time!
swallow all-oh you!
I'll pull your right on through,
with slanty, sexy rhymes. Oooo!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
yeah baby, let’s do it
I’m tongue-tied
To you
As you cover me with something sweet
And give me something
Even better to eat
You lick me like your lolly-up
And I eat you like Reeses Pieces
As I swallow your perky peaches
Savoring every nibble, every bite
While you make me squirm
While gently biting,
My epiderm
Taking me whole
Tall and firm
And like a bird with a worm
You swallow me down
While I grab your thighs, your hips
and take all of you, with my lips
as you spread your wings
and make me fly high in your sky
the only sounds, those that birds sing
Yes we were (given) to fly like the birds
And now we’ve been set free
To enjoy each other’s nectar like bees
Thru time and space
We taste
We face
We race
Towards, the stratosphere
And beyond, into orbit
With each other’s choco-lit-tee
Sweet taste
Yeah baby, let’s fly
Off into each other’s clear blue sunlit sexy sky
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Yeah girl, your white-hot look
Sets my pants afire!
Your lips, drive me higher
Sparking my desire
Wow! When your mouth
Floats from north
And heads south
Leaving lip trails
My skin turns red hot!
Receiving, believing, reveling
In all that you got, to give
Baby, your luvin’, is a joy to live
Your tongue os pure heaven
As I am on my back beggin’
For your soft and warm skin
To take me all in
While my tongue and lips
Yearn to taste your peaches
And then head from your hilly north
To your freshly mowed valley
Below your belly: I nibbledmy way south
Then take your precious fresh taste
Deep into my bungry mouth
head over heels
this is how heaven on earth feels
ecstasy, nirvana, euphoria
oh my heavens, Gloria
and you swallow too? Woooohhoo!!!
I think I’m in love with you
You must be an Angel of love
To fit me so well with your velvet glove
As we smother each other
With candy sweet kisses
In all the sensuous right places
You must’ve been sent
From the Goddess in the sky
*moans, groans, sighs…*
As you, you Angel
Are delivering me
Are driving me
To the edge, to the brink
As you take a drink, of my essence
As I absorb your prescience
And then you Swallow!
Every last drop till I’m hollow
Girl, I think I’ve just experienced hallow ground
As I emit, love sounds….l.ike oooooohhs…and ahhhhs
*moans, groans, sighs…*
Girl, I will follow you
And fiddle your griddle
With my fingers and tongue
And sip on your gushing fountain of love
Then fit tight and deep
Into your velvet glove
And you swallow too? Woooohhoo!!!
Gawd of Mercy on High
I think I’m in love with you
As I shoot my rocket
Deep into your jaw, as you roll and rock it
And I explode into your glorious sky
While I pull you into me
And clutch your thighs
*moans, groans, sighs…*
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Yeah girl, your white-hot look
Sets my pants afire!
Your lips, drive me higher
Sparking my desire
Wow! When your mouth
Floats from north
And heads south
Leaving lip trails
My skin turns red hot!
Receiving, believing, reveling
In all that you got, to give
Baby, your luvin’, is a joy to live
Your tongue os pure heaven
As I am on my back beggin’
For your soft and warm skin
To take me all in
While my tongue and lips
Yearn to taste your peaches
And then head from your hilly north
To your freshly mowed valley
Below your belly: I nibbledmy way south
Then take your precious fresh taste
Deep into my bungry mouth
head over heels
this is how heaven on earth feels
ecstasy, nirvana, euphoria
oh my heavens, Gloria
and you swallow too? Woooohhoo!!!
I think I’m in love with you
You must be an Angel of love
To fit me so well with your velvet glove
As we smother each other
With candy sweet kisses
In all the sensuous right places
You must’ve been sent
From the Goddess in the sky
*moans, groans, sighs…*
As you, you Angel
Are delivering me
Are driving me
To the edge, to the brink
As you take a drink, of my essence
As I absorb your prescience
And then you Swallow!
Every last drop till I’m hollow
Girl, I think I’ve just experienced hallow ground
As I emit, love sounds….l.ike oooooohhs…and ahhhhs
*moans, groans, sighs…*
Girl, I will follow you
And fiddle your griddle
With my fingers and tongue
And sip on your gushing fountain of love
Then fit tight and deep
Into your velvet glove
And you swallow too? Woooohhoo!!!
Gawd of Mercy on High
I think I’m in love with you
As I shoot my rocket
Deep into your jaw, as you roll and rock it
And I explode into your glorious sky
While I pull you into me
And clutch your thighs
*moans, groans, sighs…*
and OH, MY, MY!
You paint my glorious midnight sky,
take me up, a way on high,
with your fingers digging in my thighs,
lips engaged with my sweet surprise,
You are just so full of pleasin’
got the giving, now I’m receiving ,
sighing and moaning, breasts a heaving,
fingers, tongue, beyond believing!
You drink me as if I’m of the divine,
your reply, swallowing of my cherry wine,
savouring, supping all that is mine
as, together, we climb and climb,
Sticky, sweet, hot as I can get,
“Sugar, baby, you make me sweat!”,
I’m just about ready, OOO, yeah, I’m set,
I’m way past damp, I’m soaking wet!
Oh yeah, baby, you make me quake,
make me clench and shake and bake,
never have to pose or fake,
I want you again, for goodness sake!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
You paint my glorious midnight sky,
take me up, a way on high,
with your fingers digging in my thighs,
lips engaged with my sweet surprise,
You are just so full of pleasin’
got the giving, now I’m receiving ,
sighing and moaning, breasts a heaving,
fingers, tongue, beyond believing!
You drink me as if I’m of the divine,
your reply, swallowing of my cherry wine,
savouring, supping all that is mine
as, together, we climb and climb,
Sticky, sweet, hot as I can get,
“Sugar, baby, you make me sweat!”,
I’m just about ready, OOO, yeah, I’m set,
I’m way past damp, I’m soaking wet!
Oh yeah, baby, you make me quake,
make me clench and shake and bake,
never have to pose or fake,
I want you again, for goodness sake!
How does vitual cock feel like on your sister's couch? Same as it used to from our basement? You really should give you head a shake. As your real life unravels, this is the best you can cum up with? Well at least your sister's place is south from where we live. And south is the direction you want to head.
How does vitual cock feel like on your sister's couch? Same as it used to from our basement? You really should give you head a shake. As your real life unravels, this is the best you can cum up with? Well at least your sister's place is south from where we live. And south is the direction you want to head.
Fuck you!!!!
*head's been shaken---ah, clarity!*
I'm not going to say anymore on the board. You can read my response in the other thread.
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
I'm not going to say anymore on the board. You can read my response in the other thread.
Cum on, let's play! Everybody got to read your love for somebody who you know for a month. Now they can read what the "other" party has to say. Makes for riveting reading. And maybe after reading this.....they won't make the same mistake you did. And end up in the same alley. :eek: No pun intended.
Even Flow.......
you're takin' words on a screen
and openin' up a spleen
to what looks like, being mean
these last 29 pages
are creative words
of many cyber lovers
who dared to dream
who dared to SCREAM
who dared to cream
Obviously it got your goat
and didn't strike a tune
or nary a note
while all of us on this thread
shot for the moon, or beyond
and yes, we all became fond
of our erotic writings
of loving, not fighting
But just remember
they are just words on a board
and nothing to throw one's life away, over
as us naughty boys and girls
just came to play, in cyber way
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
just remember tho
it was a flow of art
of rhythm, of rhyme
on a board
for all to see
for many to enjoy
for many to fantasize
for many to dream
for the author to vent, to invent, to release, to please
like music it can fill the soul
especially when
there's an open hole, an open wound
words of love can stop the bleeding
can provide some of missing
wants and needs
can quench a thirst
a hunger
for something other,
for what someone's
heart needs:
Words of love
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
just remember tho
it was a flow of art
of rhythm, of rhyme
on a board
for all to see
for many to enjoy
for many to fantasize
for many to dream
for the author to vent, to invent, to release, to please
like music it can fill the soul
especially when
there's an open hole, an open wound
words of love can stop the bleeding
can provide some of missing
wants and needs
can quench a thirst
a hunger
for something other,
for what someone's
heart needs:
Words of love
Yeah. Thanks. Where is the other half of the problem to back up your statements.
I see nothing wrong with writing anything. I do see something wrong with going on about loving someone who you don't know. And fucking, sucking, licking, etc. It grows stale fast and when your head is too thick to realize that. Well you fall off the face of the Earth. Good news for you though!
Aside from you and her. There isn't one of my friends, even here at work that has read all of about three from each thread that don't see a problem with it. But hey, that is why you two fly together.
I'll see fit to call things the way I will. She had an option and took the wrong road. Oh well. She now lives with the consequences.
nobody gets out without consequences
you should stop, flow
this is the internet, e-fucking someone is masturbating
it's the fantasy football of the heart
you've had your head in here like the rest of us since
this particular board started
and yer girl, or your x, whatever you want to call her today
isn't doing anything different than what she did three years ago
there's more of it, so maybe she needs it more
but everyone not attached to the situation would look at you and ask
where the hell have you been?
there is no happiness in this, for me... as an outside observer. your flippancy hurts... so please spare us "board losers", and stop airing your shit on a stupid pearl jam poetry page
you should stop, flow
this is the internet, e-fucking someone is masturbating
it's the fantasy football of the heart
you've had your head in here like the rest of us since
this particular board started
and yer girl, or your x, whatever you want to call her today
isn't doing anything different than what she did three years ago
there's more of it, so maybe she needs it more
but everyone not attached to the situation would look at you and ask
where the hell have you been?
there is no happiness in this, for me... as an outside observer. your flippancy hurts... so please spare us "board losers", and stop airing your shit on a stupid pearl jam poetry page
all good things come to an end..i guess..or so they say...i miss the light-heartedness of this put a smile on a sad face many a day..twas nice to go straight to this thread...for an instant smile..
...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
I just found this thread
a little to late I see
This Holey Ghost dude
Hes got nothin' for me...
Hes got all the ladies flockin'
hes got their hips rockin'
with his prose of soft kisses in bed
but it bores me to tears
he could blather for years
but it dont move me at all because-
I need a man who can talk filthy
whose wordplay will coax me
and then Ill show him my stuff
softly in his ear, my words will appear
so dirty a sailor would blush
Then give me some pain
baby, intoxicate my brain
till it takes us as high as can be
Ive never needed porn
never could fathom..
cuz it dont come close to things I imagine.
hey fins, why don't you come on down and get a little dirty.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
scroll down to see jeffy in his 65 GTO ~ vroom, vrooommmm!!!
if you'd like to leave a message,
do so after the period.
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
Boy, you're a lover like no other,
my heart skips a beat
and my legs are like rubber,
I melt in your mouth
and in your hands,
'cause your love takes me
from the moon to the sands.
You kiss me so sweetly,
make me your candy
and then you eat me,
I'll never let you go hungry,
I'll never make you bleed,
It's you that stokes my desire,
It's you I want to feed.
Your turn at bat
always hit, never miss,
you're rounding thrid,
n' cummin' home to give me a kiss,
slide on in, sweetie,
cross that home plate,
I'll never leave you waiting,
but for you, I'll always wait.
I melt into you,
into your passion butter,
"Baby, please take me upstairs"
into your ear I utter,
Mmm, I drip like honey,
'cause your sweet love is divine,
I think our space continuum
is totally sublime.
My sweet love juice
runs down your legs,
your fingers run
up mine,
your touch sends
such electric shivers,
up and down my spine,
Boy, your sweet love is more than enough
more than any woman could ask for,
I'd give you my all, my everything,
and then I'd give you more!
And I’ll be in bliss
Baby, just give me your lips
Just let me have a taste
Of your sweet sweet love
That I just can’t seem
To get enuff of
Baby, just give me one kiss
And I’ll be high
Baby, just give me your neck
And I’ll be busy
Baby, just give me your tongue
And we’ll have some fun
Baby just give me one kiss
And I’ll fly like an eagle in the sky
Baby just give me your perky breasts
And my thirst will be quenched
Just give me your lower belly
And you’ll be drenched
Baby just give me one kiss
And I’ll be in 7th heaven
Baby, just give your inner thighs
And I’ll make you sigh
My kisses and nibbles
Will soar you high
Baby just give me your toes
And your ankles too
And I’ll do all the walking
For you
Baby just give your mound
And I’ll sniff you like a dog hound
And soon we’ll be making,
Sensuous love sounds
As we touch down
And score once twice or thrice
for the Dream Team
or is it Cream Team
or maybe SCREAM Team
or how bout this
Let's score one for the Gipper
and ride the Big Dipper
Baby just give me a kiss
And we’ll be in bliss like this
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
milk-flesh and bone,
tongued, tied n' true,
smooth, silky smile,
you're just my style,
*the things I'd do to you!*
I couldn't make you sweeter
I couldn't make you finer,
but, I'll rub ya in choco-lit,
lick you, my lolly-pup,
clean eat you all up,
nibble you a 'lil bit,
your hands find freedom,
I know what cums next!
there's an upside to down :eek:,
your lips know the place,
you give such good face,
I sing sweet sexsounds,
we're (given)
to limit's beyond the sky!
beyond space n' time!
swallow all-oh you!
I'll pull your right on through,
with slanty, sexy rhymes. Oooo!
yeah baby, let’s do it
I’m tongue-tied
To you
As you cover me with something sweet
And give me something
Even better to eat
You lick me like your lolly-up
And I eat you like Reeses Pieces
As I swallow your perky peaches
Savoring every nibble, every bite
While you make me squirm
While gently biting,
My epiderm
Taking me whole
Tall and firm
And like a bird with a worm
You swallow me down
While I grab your thighs, your hips
and take all of you, with my lips
as you spread your wings
and make me fly high in your sky
the only sounds, those that birds sing
Yes we were (given) to fly like the birds
And now we’ve been set free
To enjoy each other’s nectar like bees
Thru time and space
We taste
We face
We race
Towards, the stratosphere
And beyond, into orbit
With each other’s choco-lit-tee
Sweet taste
Yeah baby, let’s fly
Off into each other’s clear blue sunlit sexy sky
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
sets your pants on fire,
with lips to follow,
making you perspire,
I float from the north
and head down south
heat your skin,
take you into my mouth,
tongue so soft
on places hard,
hands that roam,
no holds barred,
you and I only,
all else space,
your nose knows
and your tongue tastes,
hungry, needy kisses
and licks of love,
I take you
as you fit my glove,
head over heels,
ecstacy, pure and true,
*moans, sighs, groans…*
"Oh, I’ll swallow too!" anywhere want, your needs
...................I will feed, my seeds
........................I will plant our secret garden
............Water them...........
............and they'll grow......
............and blossom...........
............and bloom............. our room...........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Sets my pants afire!
Your lips, drive me higher
Sparking my desire
Wow! When your mouth
Floats from north
And heads south
Leaving lip trails
My skin turns red hot!
Receiving, believing, reveling
In all that you got, to give
Baby, your luvin’, is a joy to live
Your tongue os pure heaven
As I am on my back beggin’
For your soft and warm skin
To take me all in
While my tongue and lips
Yearn to taste your peaches
And then head from your hilly north
To your freshly mowed valley
Below your belly: I nibbledmy way south
Then take your precious fresh taste
Deep into my bungry mouth
head over heels
this is how heaven on earth feels
ecstasy, nirvana, euphoria
oh my heavens, Gloria
and you swallow too? Woooohhoo!!!
I think I’m in love with you
You must be an Angel of love
To fit me so well with your velvet glove
As we smother each other
With candy sweet kisses
In all the sensuous right places
You must’ve been sent
From the Goddess in the sky
*moans, groans, sighs…*
As you, you Angel
Are delivering me
Are driving me
To the edge, to the brink
As you take a drink, of my essence
As I absorb your prescience
And then you Swallow!
Every last drop till I’m hollow
Girl, I think I’ve just experienced hallow ground
As I emit, love sounds….l.ike oooooohhs…and ahhhhs
*moans, groans, sighs…*
Girl, I will follow you
And fiddle your griddle
With my fingers and tongue
And sip on your gushing fountain of love
Then fit tight and deep
Into your velvet glove
And you swallow too? Woooohhoo!!!
Gawd of Mercy on High
I think I’m in love with you
As I shoot my rocket
Deep into your jaw, as you roll and rock it
And I explode into your glorious sky
While I pull you into me
And clutch your thighs
*moans, groans, sighs…*
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
who had a peculiar feeling
she laid on her back
and opened her crack
and pissed all over the ceiling! :eek:
I always thought a guy could paint the ceiling...(Hee Hee!)
*gets out the hose out and soaks the secret garden*
and OH, MY, MY!
You paint my glorious midnight sky,
take me up, a way on high,
with your fingers digging in my thighs,
lips engaged with my sweet surprise,
You are just so full of pleasin’
got the giving, now I’m receiving
sighing and moaning, breasts a heaving,
fingers, tongue, beyond believing!
You drink me as if I’m of the divine,
your reply, swallowing of my cherry wine,
savouring, supping all that is mine
as, together, we climb and climb,
Sticky, sweet, hot as I can get,
“Sugar, baby, you make me sweat!”,
I’m just about ready, OOO, yeah, I’m set,
I’m way past damp, I’m soaking wet!
Oh yeah, baby, you make me quake,
make me clench and shake and bake,
never have to pose or fake,
I want you again, for goodness sake!
How does vitual cock feel like on your sister's couch? Same as it used to from our basement? You really should give you head a shake. As your real life unravels, this is the best you can cum up with?
Fuck you!!!!
*head's been shaken---ah, clarity!*
I'm not going to say anymore on the board. You can read my response in the other thread.
Cum on, let's play!
Oh, what a joy
For everybody to read
Even your lover boy :eek:
Nary a disguise
Right infront of my eyes
This is a surprise
Under a guise
A rue that has gone wrong
Like talking another dong
Swinging on it like a vine
Came back to you in due time
Can't wait for the steamy reply
From either you or your new guy
Laugh it up as life falls apart
How is that hollow heart? :eek:
you're takin' words on a screen
and openin' up a spleen
to what looks like, being mean
these last 29 pages
are creative words
of many cyber lovers
who dared to dream
who dared to SCREAM
who dared to cream
Obviously it got your goat
and didn't strike a tune
or nary a note
while all of us on this thread
shot for the moon, or beyond
and yes, we all became fond
of our erotic writings
of loving, not fighting
But just remember
they are just words on a board
and nothing to throw one's life away, over
as us naughty boys and girls
just came to play, in cyber way
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
that's your opinion
cutting open an onion
yet maybe she found passion
and the freedom to express
I''m sure you would not deny
anyone the chance
to freely express, themselves
especially in verse, in rhyme
I seen no harm
in that
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I'll see fit to call things the way I will. She had an option and took the wrong road. Oh well. She now lives with the consequences.
it was a flow of art
of rhythm, of rhyme
on a board
for all to see
for many to enjoy
for many to fantasize
for many to dream
for the author to vent, to invent, to release, to please
like music it can fill the soul
especially when
there's an open hole, an open wound
words of love can stop the bleeding
can provide some of missing
wants and needs
can quench a thirst
a hunger
for something other,
for what someone's
heart needs:
Words of love
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Yeah. Thanks. Where is the other half of the problem to back up your statements.
I see nothing wrong with writing anything. I do see something wrong with going on about loving someone who you don't know. And fucking, sucking, licking, etc. It grows stale fast and when your head is too thick to realize that. Well you fall off the face of the Earth. Good news for you though!
nobody gets out without consequences
you should stop, flow
this is the internet, e-fucking someone is masturbating
it's the fantasy football of the heart
you've had your head in here like the rest of us since
this particular board started
and yer girl, or your x, whatever you want to call her today
isn't doing anything different than what she did three years ago
there's more of it, so maybe she needs it more
but everyone not attached to the situation would look at you and ask
where the hell have you been?
there is no happiness in this, for me... as an outside observer. your flippancy hurts... so please spare us "board losers", and stop airing your shit on a stupid pearl jam poetry page
holey ghost ~ you should shut the fuck up, btw
If they knew I existed?
Sorry Pasta. I've read it for too long now. BOOM!
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
a little to late I see
This Holey Ghost dude
Hes got nothin' for me...
Hes got all the ladies flockin'
hes got their hips rockin'
with his prose of soft kisses in bed
but it bores me to tears
he could blather for years
but it dont move me at all because-
I need a man who can talk filthy
whose wordplay will coax me
and then Ill show him my stuff
softly in his ear, my words will appear
so dirty a sailor would blush
Then give me some pain
baby, intoxicate my brain
till it takes us as high as can be
Ive never needed porn
never could fathom..
cuz it dont come close to things I imagine.